He Cuihua proudly told Boss Peng that she had demoted herself two levels in order to come to North Korea, from a battalion instructor to a deputy company commander.

In fact, this is what He Cuihua said. A heavy battalion with more than 3000 people is no different from a regiment. He Cuihua's position in other troops is the political commissar of the logistics supplementary regiment. When he became the deputy company commander in the guard company, he was demoted four times in a row. The fifth level, that is, the cadres of the People's Liberation Army in that era, didn't pay much attention to the level, so this kind of thing happened.

Well, it looks good now, not only the big chiefs in the headquarters, but even the guards and soldiers who watched the excitement nearby were dumbfounded.

First, it has been a few months since I entered the court, and I have never seen Boss Peng laughing so happily.Second, who would dare to talk in Boss Peng's ear?Who dares?

Boss Peng's eyes are full of doting, He Cuihua is a girl of the younger generation in his eyes, a little soldier who is treated like a daughter, unexpectedly came to North Korea to fight, it is indeed a bit unexpected.

"Really, and brought me a lot of delicious food? Well, I must try it, but how about your handiwork, girl? Don't come to fool me!"

"Don't worry, boss, my craftsmanship is very good, just let go and eat, the insurance will support you." He Cuihua looked nonchalant.Boss Peng is known throughout the army for his rigorous work, and no one dares to joke with him.I have seen it today, and it turns out that the boss can do the same.

Deng Hua, Han Xianchu, Xie Fang, Du Ping, and Hong Xuezhi looked at each other, and it was the deputy commander Han Xianchu who spoke:

"Hehe. Do you see, everyone, this is Boss Peng's direct descendant, he is the confidant team, let's go, let's leave it alone, let the boss have a good chat with them. The boss's nerves are too tense recently, and he should relax It's over."

Several chiefs left, leaving Boss Peng to chat with the soldiers.

Although the two major battles were victorious.But the hard-won victory is the result of the heroic struggle of all the commanders and fighters of the Volunteer Army. Among them, Boss Peng's exquisite command tactics are an indispensable key.

In order to defeat the United Nations Army at an extremely disadvantaged situation, Boss Peng worked hard.It's been a long time since I had a good rest.Coupled with the heavy losses suffered by the Ninth Corps in the second battle and several headaches that happened recently, everyone knows that the boss is not in a good mood, but there is no good way to let him relax. The arrival gave the heads of the headquarters hope. "Boss. Boss, why don't you transfer our whole brigade here. That way we can still fight together, how wonderful." He Cuihua said with a sigh.

"You girl, why do you keep talking nonsense all day long, transferring your entire brigade from the Southwest to North Korea? It's too wasteful for people to eat horse chews. I'm not so confused. In addition, I have to tell you You, the Korean battlefield is very difficult, and the Americans are difficult to deal with, especially the air force, which poses a great threat to us."

When Boss Peng said this, he pointed to the charred and apparently bombed-out wooden houses nearby: "Did you see those houses? They were all destroyed by enemy planes not long ago. Even my The commander-in-chief was almost killed by the enemy, and you should not take it lightly."

Boss Peng pointed to a piece of scorched black soil, and Li Yong judged from the information in his head that it was probably the result of the US napalm bombing.

After the Volunteer Army entered the DPRK, the South Korean agents were all-pervasive. Soon after the Volunteer Army Headquarters moved to Dayudong, their location was found out, and then there was an air strike guided by the ground. Several napalm bombs brought some losses to the Volunteer Army Headquarters. .

He Cuihua heard that the headquarters of the Volunteer Army was bombed, and asked hurriedly, "Boss, are you not injured? A lot of words."

Boss Peng sighed and said slowly: "I'm fine, but my Russian translation was sacrificed. Hey, I'm still too careless."

He Cuihua didn't have any idea about Mr. Peng's sigh. The Korean battlefield was a major battle, and the casualties must have been high. Both the United Nations and the Chinese army had suffered tens of thousands of casualties. Walker, the commander of the US Eighth Army, was killed in battle. Let alone ordinary soldiers on both sides, it is not a big deal for the Volunteer Army headquarters to sacrifice one or two translators.

But Li Yong didn't think much about it, and Brigadier Li Da's heart turned upside down: "Boss, how many Russian translators do you have?"

Boss Peng sighed again: "There are still a few more, I only have one Russian translator, and I just entered the court with me, but it's a pity that I died within a few days, hey."

Understood, Li Yong basically knew who the Russian translator Mr. Peng was talking about. The trend of history is still the same as before. There is no big change. What should happen still happened.

Mr. Peng is always a person who has experienced countless big scenes, and has also experienced countless life and death. To be honest, sacrifice and death in battle are very important to him. He doesn't take himself very seriously, but sacrifice A Russian translation is very important, because the identity of this person is so important that it can already affect the direction of Chinese history.

Boss Peng didn't say who the Russian translator who died was, and Li Yong didn't ask either.

He Cuihua couldn't understand the meaning of Boss Peng's words, she gritted her teeth and said: "Boss, it's all because of those dog spies, it's their fault, we ran into them when they came here, and we cleaned them up , two were killed, and several prisoners were captured, and they were all kept behind, I will go and kill them now."

I heard that Boss Peng is very dangerous, and He Cuihua is so angry that she wants to destroy the spies of the wild wolf team who have been captured. Of course, Boss Peng can't let her mess around, pointing at He Cuihua and saying:

"You girl, don't mess around, just hand over the prisoner to the security department for interrogation."

Seeing that it was noon, and it was time for dinner, Boss Peng cheerfully told the soldiers of the guard company that I will take care of your brigade commander's food, but I can only take care of one person, and others can't take care of it. I am the commander-in-chief There is not so much food to eat, let's have a meal with the staff at the headquarters.

The company commander of the guard came to take the soldiers to dinner. At this time, Li Yong specifically mentioned Jin Yingzi to Boss Peng, saying that it was thanks to the girl from the People's Army who led the way and killed two enemies.

Jin Yingzi has been watching from a place not too far away from the guard company. This girl who can speak fluent Chinese finally understood that the small team brought by her has an unusual relationship with the commander-in-chief of the Volunteer Army. A very, very close old subordinate.

According to Boss Peng's instructions, the platoon leader of the Sinuiju garrison will stay here temporarily to work with the squad, because it is not easy to find a guide and interpreter like Jin Yingzi.

Li Yong followed Boss Peng and walked towards a large wooden house. Did the boss say that he can only eat alone, and he really wanted to know what good food the heads of the headquarters can eat.

He Cuihua really didn't want to at this time, the girl ran over in a hurry, and said with a face of reluctance: "Boss, I also want to go to dinner with you, I won't go to the guard company."...

Boss Peng didn't know whether to laugh or cry, so he had no choice but to agree: "Okay, okay, okay, you also go with us, I will take care of the two of you today."

Under the envious eyes of the staff at the headquarters, Boss Peng took Li Yong and He Cuihua to have lunch, and the commander-in-chief took him to dinner. Let alone what to eat, this honor is very great. What is the status of Boss Peng? ?I have never seen him be so affectionate to people before, and everyone opened their eyes today.

Li Yong and He Cuihua didn't think there was anything wrong. Food was very difficult in the Northwest. Every grain of food in the Northwest Field Army was hard-won. Boss Peng was as hungry as ordinary soldiers. He Cuihua was the captain of the local guerrillas. Procuring food for the troops is also one of her tasks, and she has had dinner with the boss long ago, so she thinks all this is normal.

It was still the red charcoal stove, with a circle of brackets made of iron wires on the top of the stove. On the brackets were a few baked brown steamed buns. On the side were two white enamel jars whose bottoms had been blackened by smoke. The water was bubbling and bubbling.

Boss Peng arranged for Li Yong and He Cuihua to sit down, and then took out a plate of pickled vegetables and put it in front of the two of them: "Look, this is my lunch for the commander-in-chief, but today, the three of us want to eat together."

Seeing Li Yong and He Cuihua staring at each other, Boss Peng also felt a little embarrassed, because the food was a little too simple, so he turned around and shouted a few words: "Xiao Wang, Xiao Wang, you kid, run away!" Where did you go? Get out quickly, I have a guest today, go and get something delicious."

A young soldier came over and muttered as he walked: "Where is there any good food? Huh, the commander-in-chief eats like this. It's not as good as the front-line troops. I feel ashamed and can't lift my head when I say it. "

The young soldier Xiao Wang is Boss Peng's bodyguard. He has had a problem with his chief for a long time. He eats pickles and drinks boiled water all day long. Party members are the biggest dereliction of duty.

Boss Peng waved his hand in annoyance: "Okay, Xiao Wang, I won't listen to your complaints, let's just forget if there is no delicious food, can you bring some of my peppers?"

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