The beacon of youth

Chapter 820 Level of Deputy Minister

Seeing the eldest sister coming, everyone was very excited. This is the second acquaintance in the entire volunteer army besides Boss Peng.

Everyone rushed to make room for the eldest sister, and found bowls and chopsticks. He Cuihua slammed the meat into the bowl, muttering: "Elder sister, eat more, I know it, our volunteer army The headquarters is so poor, whether to eat or not, to drink or not, it’s the same as before.”

Sister Li Zhen laughed loudly: "Girl, as long as you are capable, I have heard that a deputy company commander dared to express a very brilliant opinion in front of the head of the headquarters, right?"

Regardless of He Cuihua's boldness, she blushed when she was told by Sister Li Zhen: "Sister, I'm not a good idea. I was forced to say nonsense by the chiefs, and I was wrong. It's not wise at all."

Everyone's curiosity arose. It turned out that He Cuihua not only went to have a meal with the bosses, but also expressed some opinions. This is really bold enough, um, bigger than a pumpkin.

"Deputy company commander He is still brilliant, we are all inferior, don't be dumbfounded, let's have dinner together." Company commander Li Yuming said teasingly.

The staple food was delivered by the guards at the headquarters, steamed buns and steamed buns, and a pot of pickled vegetable strips as a non-staple food, but the people in the independent brigade can’t just eat these two, it’s not called eating, it’s begging, meat frozen in two large mines Some of them are just now being used for stewing.

Everyone in the steaming room had a great time eating, and Sanniu even bragged while eating: "Sister, we came all the way from Shigatse. There are a lot of wild game there, and you can have as much as you want. You don't even know how to hide when you see people." , Sometimes you don’t even need a gun, just stab it with a bayonet.”

that is.That is, everyone echoed, and Xiao Cheng, the former company commander of the engineering company, also said: "Sister, I really don't know how difficult it is for us here, or we would bring more game over here, anyway, now It’s winter, so it won’t be bad.”

Sister Li Zhen ate a few mouthfuls and said: "There is no way. North Korea is different from us in China. The American planes are too powerful, and all our transportation lines have been bombed. The convoy was destroyed as soon as it came out of China. Most of the ammunition and supplies were lost on the way, and the secret agents made trouble. The tension of the logistics force was no different from that of the front line. The sacrifice was not small. "

"Sister, you will come to us for dinner every day from now on, and we will take care of your food." He Cuihua said carelessly.

Sister Li Zhen laughed cheerfully again, cough, it feels good to go back to her natal family, familiar and warm, Li Yong, the younger brother of her natal family, has just arrived for a day, and she, the deputy head of the organization department, has been taken care of for food.Really nice.

"It's okay to come to your place to eat, but the food of our boss Peng and the heads of the headquarters is not very good. I can't bear to eat well with you."

"What's the matter, we also take care of the food for Boss Peng and the heads of the headquarters, isn't that the way to go?" Everyone suggested to the elder sister in a hurry.

"I know that the supplies you brought here are sufficient, but it's not enough to sit and eat. The days to come will be long. You haven't seen the American bombing, especially a kind of incendiary bomb, which can even set stones on fire. A few days ago, the headquarters was taken over by an enemy plane, and the loss was huge. Even our Boss Peng is very dangerous. You must pay attention to it in the future, and you must not be careless."

Li Yong understands that the incendiary bomb that the elder sister mentioned is the napalm bomb of the U.S. Air Force. No matter it works, rolling on the ground will not work. A few drops of kerosene falling on the bare skin can take away a life. The best way is to bury it with soil or take off the burning clothes in time.

A large amount of napalm burning can also take away the oxygen in the air. Even if it does not burn to death, it can suffocate the people nearby. It was troublesome, because there were leggings, and the clothes were not taken off in time, causing a large number of casualties. Later, after learning the lesson, the front-line combat troops no longer required leggings.

In fact, the Korean War changed the armies of both China and the United States. Just like the US military mixed whites and blacks, the Squadron also canceled the habit of wearing leggings.

Sister Li Zhen was very concerned about these soldiers who came from her natal family. In order to remind them, she said a little more about her experience in air defense. Finally, she thought about it and told them a very surprising news.

"There is one thing to remind you. The enemy is not free, nor is it made of mud. We must be mentally prepared for a long-term battle. The bombing a few days ago caused us a lot of losses. To tell you the truth, among the comrades who died One person is very important, and he is the eldest son of our ** Comrade Mao Anying, hey, what a pity."

The news revealed by Sister Li Zhen was like a thunderbolt from the blue sky, which stunned everyone in the room, what, what, our son died?This - how is this possible.

"This was originally a high-level secret of our volunteer army. Only a few heads of the headquarters knew his identity. However, it is no longer a secret now. Comrade Mao Anying is just 28 years old. He is the Russian translator of our Boss Peng."

Mao Anying, the eldest son of Chairman Mao, was born in Changsha, Hunan Province in 28. When he was young, he followed his mother Yang Kaihui in the Kuomintang prison. Later, he was rescued by the Communist underground organization. A double graduate of the Eastern Language Institute of the Soviet Union, he joined the Soviet Red Army during the Great Patriotic War and served as a tank lieutenant. He followed the Soviet Red Army from Moscow to Berlin. After the outbreak of the Korean War, he was Mr. Peng's secretary and Russian translator. He was only [-] years old when he died, and he was newly married.

No one could care about eating, because the news was so shocking, how could such a thing happen, Sister Li Zhen continued: "You may have seen that Boss Peng is not in a high mood, and the same with Comrade Anying Sacrifice has a lot to do with it."

The atmosphere in the room was a bit dull for a while, and Sister Li Zhen clapped her hands: "Everyone, don't be sad. We ** said that if we fight, there will be sacrifices. So many of our ** died, are we afraid? No, Today I have some good news to announce to you, do you want to hear it?"

Of course everyone wants to hear good news, and the eldest sister has mobilized everyone's emotions again.

"Your brigade commander has become an official." The eldest sister said slowly.

"Hey, what good news is this, our brigade commander has been an official for a long time." Sitting next to the elder sister, Ning Erzi muttered while eating.

Sister Li Zhen turned around and slapped Ning Erzi on the head: "What do you know, I mean your brigade commander has become a high-ranking official, isn't that good news?"

It must be good news to be a high official. Everyone looked at the eldest sister with good eyes, waiting to hear the following. After Li Yong came back, he was in a hurry to work and did not tell others. He Cuihua, who knew the inside story, felt useless. What's so good about the minister, he's still a deputy.

"Your brigade commander has been appointed by Boss Peng as the Deputy Head of Logistics of the Volunteer Army Headquarters. I heard it clearly. He is the Deputy Head of Logistics of the Headquarters. Welcome."

Everyone in the room looked at each other, what kind of deputy minister is in charge of logistics?Or a high official?What kind of high-ranking official is this, isn't he just like He Cuihua, similar to the trainer of our independent brigade and heavy camp?

The soldiers were all bumpkins, so they didn't know how high-ranking the deputy director of the logistics department was, so they didn't think it was interesting anyway.

To be honest, besides Li Yong, there is another Li Jia. Li Jia used to be a captain in the Kuomintang army, and she is a cultural person who has read a lot of books. Under the corps is the army, and under the army is the division. According to this understanding, the level of the volunteer army should be similar to that of the major field armies in the country, and the deputy head of the logistics department of the field army is quite large, which is higher than the level of the independent brigade commander. Much taller, indeed a promotion.

Sister Li Zhen was so angry that she slapped these bumpkins on the head next to each other: "What do you know, what do you know, the deputy logistics director of the Volunteer Army Headquarters is at least at the army level, and your brigade commander has been promoted to two ranks, which is not good news ?"

As big as the commander?This is indeed good news, but no matter how uncomfortable it sounds to be in charge of logistics, it is better to be the commander of the army directly. However, it is good news anyway. The whole room is scrambling to congratulate Deputy Minister Li, and only He Cuihua is there Silently on the side, He Cuihua felt that, not to mention the deputy logistics minister at the commander level, even the commander level is useless, and those who can't win battles are useless.

Sister Li Zhen snatched He Cuihua over: "You girl, what can I say about you, a girl's family, why do you always think about how to go to war, I know you used to be the big steward of your brigade, today you want to Congratulations, if there is any wine, let's drink some."

The elder sister spoke, why not? He Cuihua got a bottle of wine from outside and came back in a short while. Counting Li Yong and the eldest sister, there were eight people in the room. Everyone shared a bottle of wine together, which was nothing more than Each person has a little more than one or two, and there is no possibility of drinking too much.

After drinking some wine during the meal, the mood is different. Ms. Li Zhen told everyone, don’t underestimate the logistics work. Our volunteer army suffers in many places, and the disadvantage is in the logistics. Your brigade commander will be the deputy logistics minister of the whole volunteer army in the future. , You can't just stare at the food of more than 200 people like you, but also find a way to solve the food problem of hundreds of thousands of troops. This is great skill and great wisdom. (to be continued..)

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