According to Deputy Commander Hong's proposal, Li Yong went to the Ninth Corps to investigate and understand the situation in order to accumulate more experience and facilitate future work.

Accompanying him throughout the journey was Tao Yong, the deputy commander of the Ninth Corps. He was also a great general. He was the ax for Commander Chen Yi to open up a new area. He was famous for his daring to fight tough battles. The Ninth Corps is like a tiger with wings added.

Deputy Commander Tao Yong took Li Yong to visit each army, division, regiment, and even the most basic company of the Ninth Corps to understand the combat situation at that time and ask the troops what difficulties they had now. As the visit gradually deepened, a pair of The scene of cruel and heroic battles appeared in front of my eyes.

Deputy Commander Tao Yong slowly introduced: "Our corps has spent most of its time fighting in the south. It has no combat experience in cold regions and no mental preparation. Many soldiers saw snow for the first time in their lives. Because of the emergency, the troops' Cotton clothes were not distributed in time, each shift only had one or two quilts, and other cold-proof equipment was blank, so the troops had to put the quilts on the snow during rest, and everyone sat on them shivering, and there was no talk at all. Without any means of keeping warm, more than 700 of us were frostbitten on the first day of marching. The U.S. Army’s “Top <Point” novel had control of the air during the day, and the few cars in our corps were blown up. The enemy was blocked, and the troops advanced lightly, and all the heavy equipment was left behind. Before the battle started, some troops hadn't had a bite of hot food for nine days, and they had to drink ice and snow to quench their thirst while shivering from the cold."

"So, before the battle started, our non-combat attrition had already occurred in large numbers?" Li Yong asked.

"Vice Minister Li is right. Before the battle started, the troops suffered a lot of frostbite, the most serious one was the 58nd Regiment of the 20th Division. After the battle, only more than 59 people survived. Frozen to death in the position, after the charge horn sounded, no one on the attack position who was given hope launched a charge, because they had long since died in the severe cold, and our 60th regiment of the 60th division, they There was a battalion that repelled eight US attacks in a row. In the end, only more than [-] soldiers survived in this battalion. These more than [-] soldiers were froze on the ground after killing all the ammunition. After the battle, the medical staff pried open the ice They memorized them. And ours…………………………… In many companies, only one or two correspondents survived, and all sacrificed, including the company commander and instructor. The most famous fighting hero in our three fields, Yang Gen Si also died, and only two seriously wounded survived from his company."

The introduction of Deputy Commander Tao Yong caused Li Yong and He Cuihua and others who came with him to fight a cold war.The losses suffered by their brother troops made them empathize.They are also soldiers of the People's Liberation Army. They fully understand why Commander Song Shilun is sad. The old comrades who have fought together for many years will be lost in the next battle. They can't even find their bodies. How can they not be sad? Damn logistical capabilities, Let the troops suffer a lot.

In the following visits, Li Yong also came into contact with a large number of grassroots commanders and fighters. The general impression of the soldiers is that.The weapons and equipment of the Americans are so good that sometimes they surround the enemy with several times their strength.But it just can’t be taken down, because the U.S. military uses tanks to form a circle to form a strong fortress position, coupled with the support of the air force and long-range artillery fire, forming a three-dimensional firepower network, and our army lacks effective means of attack, and there is no artillery fire , There is no covering firepower, no anti-tank weapons, and even the limited mortar shells cannot be fired because the barrel shrinks in the cold. After the battle, grenades have become the most extravagant weapons.

A teenage soldier told Li Yong that he was the only surviving member of his company, because he thought that the instructor wrapped the only quilt in the whole company on him, the youngest soldier, so that he would not be frozen by the severe cold. Death, the little soldier said in a choked voice: "When the American army passed in front of their company's position, including him, everyone in the company was frozen, unable to move their hands and feet, and could only watch the enemy run away. "

Commander Tao Yong has actually listened to the introductions of the soldiers countless times, but he still couldn't help but let out a long sigh: "Vice Minister Li, we have run out of food and ammunition. We have been fighting continuously for more than 20 days. Standing on our feet in the severe cold of minus 40 degrees, we used engineering shovels to fight against the enemy, and fell under the cover of the enemy's ground air fire net, even if our equipment reached half of the enemy's, no, even if our equipment had the enemy's One-third of them, we can wipe them out completely and cleanly, and this is the first time I, Tao Yong, have encountered such useless battles."

When Commander Tao Yong said this, the atmosphere was a bit dull, because it goes without saying that the equipment has reached half or one-third of the enemy. Now after the battle, the most basic cotton coats for the troops have not yet been distributed, and the Ninth Corps has quite a lot. Some soldiers were still wearing unlined clothing. With such a logistical supply efficiency, it was no wonder that Commander Song Shilun lost his temper.

Li Yong felt uncomfortable in his chest. He was the deputy head of the Volunteer Army in charge of logistics. The front-line troops couldn't even wear cotton clothes. What's the use of him as a deputy head?Although he is new here, he is also duty-bound.

"The Ninth Corps is doing well. Our soldiers are all heroes, all of them. Under such difficult conditions, you defeated the first U.S. ace Marine Division and the U.S. Seventh Division who came to reinforce them, and drove the enemy away. After leaving the Wonsan area, I assure you that our logistics conditions will definitely improve in the future." These words were spoken by Li Yong when he visited the wounded of the Ninth Corps.

Li Yong, who returned to the headquarters of the Volunteer Army, wrote an investigation report overnight and handed it over to Boss Peng and Deputy Commander Hong Xuezhi respectively, and put forward his own opinions or opinions, which roughly include the following points:

10,000. The campaign organization of the Ninth Corps is very good. A large corps of [-]+ people can covertly reach the designated location before the campaign starts and is not discovered by the enemy. It is remarkable. You must know that they are doing it during the enemy's non-stop ground and air searches around the clock up to this point.

Second, the troops lacked the ability to sustain combat, lacked food and ammunition, basically had no cold-proof equipment, lacked effective means of attack, and lacked all necessary material support conditions.

Third, the firepower of the U.S. military is very fierce. The firepower of an ordinary U.S. infantry regiment is also stronger than that of an army of tens of thousands of us.

Fourth, the mechanization capability of the U.S. military is outstanding, and when they are defeated by our army, they can escape very quickly. The soldiers' legs cannot catch up with the enemy's car wheels, so that they cannot expand the results of the battle.

In fact, this is also a common problem encountered by all levels of the volunteer army. It is a common problem. Boss Peng and the heads of the headquarters are also aware of it, but there is still no solution to it. Li Yong has his own reasons for raising the problem again. a little thought.

According to the trend of history, the three battles on the Korean battlefield are about to start. In the three battles, the problems and difficulties encountered by the Volunteers in the first two battles have not been resolved, and the third battle has not been effectively resolved. No matter how big the reason is, it is reckless, so it is best not to fight.

However, this is just Li Yong's personal opinion. He also knows that his vice-minister of logistics has limited or no influence on the battle situation. He raised the problems and difficulties again just to let the head of the headquarters know more. Increase your vigilance.

After the report was handed in, it was none of his business what the chief thought. Li Yong devoted all his thoughts and energy to improving the logistics capabilities of the troops, which was also the most tedious task.

The newly established logistics department of the Volunteer Army is in urgent need of manpower, but at the critical moment before the launch of the campaign, Boss Peng and several leaders can no longer transfer personnel from the combat troops, and it is too late to transfer personnel from the country. For this reason, Li Yong used Own identity, request the Korean People's Army to cooperate.

The two victories after the Volunteers entered the DPRK gave the Korean People's Army a respite. Before the launch of the three campaigns, the People's Army organized three corps (the first, second, and fifth corps) with a total strength of more than 7.

The three corps of the Korean People's Army will also participate in three battles. Li Yong's request for cooperation is not the main battle force of the People's Army, but the second-line garrison force, which is similar to the troops of the guide Kim Young-ja.

In any case, Li Yong's identity is still useful. The deputy logistics director of the Volunteer Army Headquarters came forward, and the People's Army also paid enough attention to it, promising the full cooperation of the garrison troops in various places.

With the cooperation of the local military and civilians, Li Yong's work went much smoother. According to the previous design, starting from the Yalu River port, a large hidden point was established every [-] kilometers on average, and five to ten hidden points were set up between every two large hidden points depending on the situation. It is a small hidden point, and mobile and fixed air defense observation posts are set up at the commanding heights nearby. If there is a situation, you can shoot immediately to warn.

It is easy for someone to do things. The terrain of North Korea is very suitable for digging hidden places. Li Yong requested that a large hidden point should be able to store at least dozens of vehicles and supplies, and a small hidden point should be able to store ten vehicles. It allows fleets to transport large quantities at night and small quantities during the day.

While excavating hidden points, anti-aircraft artillery units must be mobilized for air defense. It is impossible to hide the enemy's secret agents when digging countless large and small air defense projects at the same time. If there is no accident, it will definitely attract enemy aerial bombing.

Li Yong had long been mentally prepared for the U.S. air bombing. Digging large and small air defense coverts in the rear communication lines was a conspiracy, and Yangmou was invincible.

Under Li Yong's mobilization, several anti-aircraft artillery and anti-aircraft machine gun units of the Volunteer Army and the People's Army were deployed near the line of communication. Li Yong told these air defense units not to be afraid of wasting ammunition. The communication line was not bombed, and the ammunition was sufficient.

The old bus has caught a cold in recent days, and he has no energy to write novels, so he had to take it easy. I still want to thank the old guys for their support. The following chapters should have a climax. (to be continued..)

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