The beacon of youth

Chapter 827: Old Habits of Infantry

Boom, there was a puff of black smoke and a booming explosion less than 100 meters away from the guard company's position, and the plane that couldn't pull up crashed into the mountain.

Surprisingly, the pilot of this plane was really a master, and successfully parachuted under impossible circumstances, but because the altitude was too low, the parachute fell to the ground just after opening the parachute, and the pilot under the parachute did not know whether he was dead or alive.

At this point, the three US fighter-bombers that broke through the air defense firepower net were all in the hands of the guard company, and the performance of the chief guard force was almost perfect.

The results of the infantry also made the soldiers of the two anti-aircraft artillery companies on the top of the mountain dumbfounded. Is this also called infantry?These infantrymen are too ruthless!A few anti-aircraft artillerymen muttered in private, damn, these infantrymen are more powerful than my anti-aircraft artillery.

A complete flying wing was defeated by five planes in a row in the fierce ground-air confrontation for more than half an hour. This was the first time in the history of the US Far East Air Force. The huge loss also made the air commander lose The courage to continue, coupled with the lack of fuel, had to give up the mission of ground bombing and return.

The planes in the sky no longer swooped down (top-point) to straf and bomb the novel, but formed a team at high altitude, flew around twice and then slipped away.

Victory, the menacing enemy plane ran away with its tail between its legs. A ground-to-air battle ended with the victory of the Volunteer Army and the People's Army. The whole position was jubilant. The soldiers shouted, cursed and hugged each other, all venting their excitement. Controlling their own emotions, even the quiet female soldiers of the People's Army crowded together to fight and cheer each other.

For a period of time, the rampant U.S. Far East Air Force has been a nightmare existence of the ground forces of China and North Korea.I couldn't hit it, I couldn't run it, and all the cars and heavy artillery were basically blown up.More than half of the materials and food were blown up, and the roads and bridges that were finally repaired were blown to pieces in a few minutes. What's more, sometimes the pilots of the US military even chased a car at a very low altitude. Donkey carts that are of little value to them are just to experience the excitement. They regard North Korea, which has no anti-aircraft weapons and capabilities, as a hunting ground and playground, and everything on the ground as prey.Today, everyone finally let out a sigh of relief.

There are only more than 400 people in charge of air combat, and there are many villagers and local guards digging holes.However, Li Yong didn't let them participate in the battle, and they couldn't participate either, so they also ran out from the hiding place at this time.They happened to see a wonderful ground-to-air duel.The villagers were overjoyed, and the soldiers who held the volunteer army kept talking in half-baked Chinese, "I hate the United States (the American plane) and fight well. I hate the United States and fight well."

Jin Yingzi, the guide of the guard company, was also among the jubilant crowd. This stubborn female soldier of the People's Army once again saw the magic of the young commander of the Volunteer Army. This young commander is really powerful.He insisted on making a mess of the American planes in the sky, and kept the hidden spots that he had worked so hard to create.

Deputy company commander He Cuihua was also jumping and shouting in the crowd.Share the joy of victory with others everywhere.

The battle just now had nothing to do with her. The shooters of the Czech and Maxim were all veterans drawn from the brigade with rich combat experience. As the deputy company commander, she had no chance to perform well. However, He Cuihua was not just a spectator People, that would not be He Cuihua.

Without anyone knowing, He Cuihua sneaked out to join the battle. She used a submachine gun if she didn't have a machine gun. Anyway, she had to participate in such a battle. The Tom submachine gun in her hand emptied several magazines. She might be The only soldier in the entire company who used a submachine gun to shoot the plane, she didn't care what she could hit or not. The plane flew so close, why didn't she fire?What's wrong with Tang Mushi?Do the same thing, and if you get closer, the old lady will throw a grenade.

He Cuihua's character made the people nearby very speechless. It is unimaginable not to let her fight a ready-made battle. Even if she threw a grenade out to blow up the plane, no one would think it was strange. Everyone would say, hey, people Is it Deputy Company Commander He? Of course he would do that.

The battle is won, is everyone happy?No, there are also unhappy guys. The second son Ning, the third platoon leader of the security company, is not happy.

The third platoon of guards was adapted from the first platoon of the reconnaissance battalion. The scouts had weak firepower in their hands. The platoon becomes a spectator.

The battle is over, and it is a good thing to win the battle, but more than 100 soldiers in the third row coughed and sighed together.

The first and second platoons are from the brigade's security platoons, and each platoon has some wealth. Although they don't have heavy machine guns, they are equipped with light machine guns, which are just in use today. You can see that the first row is long and the second row is small. The crowd cheered and gesticulated and shouted how they shot down the plane, and they also said that good steel should be used on the blade. What is this called, is our third row good steel?It seems that they brought the victory back. What's the matter, isn't it because they have a little Czech style at hand.

In fact, the third platoon is not without any credit. At least one and a half prisoners were captured, which is not in vain. In the words of the soldiers in the first and second platoons, our third platoon is also useful! ! !Without hard work, there is hard work, and without hard work, isn’t there still fatigue? Didn’t they catch the captives? ? ?hey-hey.

Isn't this intentional to irritate people? Of the five enemy planes that were shot down, only two pilots successfully parachuted, and one of them was seriously injured because the parachute opening altitude was too low, which counted as half.

A large platoon of more than 100 people has caught up with the size of a company of the brother army. The result of a battle is to capture one and a half prisoners. Is this also called fighting?They are all useless, but the platoon leader Ning Erzi really has no choice, who will make the guys in their hands useless.

Seeing others cheering for victory, the second son of Ning was about to go crazy. This kid was so angry that he took out his shell gun, held it against the forehead of the captured American pilot, and kept moving the engine back and forth with his thumbs. The sound of the nose locking back and forth scared the American pilot so much that he almost peed his pants. His legs softened and he knelt on the ground, murmuring a series of birdsong that Erzi Ning couldn't understand.

Although the second son Ning couldn't understand "Niaoyu", he could guess the same thing, but it was just a matter of life, there was an eighty-year-old mother, and there was a wife and children who were still young.

Li Yuming, the company commander, saw the actions of the second son of Ning. Li Yuming began to curse people when he was still far away: "Second son, you son of a bitch, be honest with me, we only took two prisoners in total, and one was thrown. Half dead, how can we go back and explain to the brigade commander if this is killed again? Are you in debt?"

The second son Ning was scolded and put the pistol back, and explained to Li Yuming: "Company commander, our platoon is too useless, the palms and backs of the hands are all flesh, you can't be too partial."

Li Yuming was so angry that he wanted to laugh. He knew what Ning Erzi and the soldiers in the third platoon were thinking. It must be a meritorious service to knock down several enemy planes. It's about the first and second platoons and the heavy machine gun squad, and they can only stare blankly in the third platoon, which makes the proud soldiers in the third platoon feel uncomfortable.

"If you want to fight, you can go to the brigade commander. It's useless to find me."

Li Yuming gave Ning Erzi a scolding and left, leaving behind the third platoon leader and his soldiers.

When the second son of Chang Ning in the third platoon was fighting fiercely with the soldiers in their platoon, Li Yong was not dazzled by the victory. He asked Li Jia, the instructor in charge of communications, to report the battle situation in detail to Deputy Commander Hong Xuezhi, the logistics minister of the Volunteer Army. Reported, and once again asked the superiors to increase the strength of the anti-aircraft artillery.

Li Yong understands that the Americans have a serious revenge mentality. They are not willing to give up the victory to the volunteers like this. They are used to being the boss.

As the saying goes, only by knowing yourself and the enemy can you fight a hundred battles. Li Yong knows what the enemy thinks in his heart. While reporting to his superiors, he ordered the troops to prepare for battle again, and used the short battle time to repair weapons, strengthen fortifications, and stock up on ammunition. Lee fights again.

Of course the enemy is unwilling to fail, and the revenge will be even more cruel, but this is how war is, the enemy changes and we also change.

The anti-aircraft artillery position on the top of the mountain is in the clear, and there is no possibility of any major changes. The position with the most variable is the position of the guard company.

Li Yong asked the soldiers to seize all the time to build new fortifications. All the launch points must be moved away. What are the old fortifications used for?Of course it works, the American planes will definitely come to retaliate, and the position of the guard company will definitely become a key bombing target. Vice Minister Li's solution is to let them go to the old position to bomb, and I will not be here to serve.

So far, the first time the Independent Brigade went abroad to fight after becoming an army ended in victory. This was also the first time that the Independent Brigade fought against a foreign race, and it was also a real foreign war.

Fighting a foreign race is of course different from fighting a civil war in China, and the mood of the soldiers has also changed unconsciously. What Li Yong didn't expect was that it was the Air Force who fought against the enemy for the first time.

Infantry flying?It’s really enough for outsiders to think about it, but it’s okay to think about it the other way around. There are many strange and classic battles in the history of the PLA’s war. The air force fights bayonets, and the navy fights grenades when fighting sea battles. My jaw dropped in shock. In fact, this kind of tactical thinking comes from the habits of the old army troops-killing the enemy in close combat, and daring to meet the opponent's bayonet. (To be continued..)

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