The beacon of youth

Chapter 838 Sugar-coated Cannonballs

The food at her natal family was very good. The elder sister laughed and said a piece of news: "Good news? There is indeed good news. Your Vice Minister Li showed a big face at the meeting today, and made big brother and North Koreans both Shocked. ¢,"

The people in the room looked at each other, wondering what the eldest sister was talking about, why did our brigade commander show his face again just after returning?Isn't it time to fight?

Li Yong just told the team members that he was going to a meeting, and the specific meeting content must of course be kept secret.

According to modern diplomatic methods, Li Yong's method of dealing with friendly forces was a bit extreme, but those veteran generals who had survived the war at that time thought Li Yong's approach was very enjoyable, and they should do it like that, including Boss Peng who did not express his opinion.

Sister Li Zhen is a member of the old Northwest Field Army, and she is extremely disgusted with some people who want to deprive Boss Peng of his command. Taking the opportunity of having dinner together, the eldest sister told everyone about the parts of the meeting that did not involve confidentiality. He also told everyone about Li Yong's performance.

This time I was almost going to fry the pan, who are the people in the team?Even including Li Yong, they are all Boss Peng's admirers. It can be said that they are Boss Peng's direct subordinates. Everyone can't see that they respect Boss Peng the most and are wronged. He Cuihua was the first to jump up and shout:

"Just relying on them? They want to be the supreme commander with their small number of troops! It's easy to scold them. It's because our brigade commander has a good temper. If I go to a meeting, I will scold their heads in their crotch and use them as eggs."

The eldest sister laughed angrily, and slapped He Cuihua on the shoulder: "You girl, why are you talking all kinds of things? Be careful that you won't get married in the future."

He Cuihua groaned twice and remained silent. The thought in her heart was: this is a time of war, and everyone keeps their heads tucked in their waistbands all day long.Maybe one day it will be glorious, why do you want to marry or not.

The second son of Changning in the third row gulped down a mouthful of soup.Mouth was vague: "Sister, it's not that I look down on them. The comrades in North Korea are also very good. You can see that Comrade Jin Yingzi who led us is very good, but their strength is too small. Jin Yingzi has the same job as me. , is a platoon leader of the People's Army, but as far as I know, there are only a dozen of them in a platoon, and several of them are female soldiers. With such a little strength, they can only cooperate with us in fighting. Let their people It’s kind of a joke to be in command.”

Several years of scouting career has trained Ning Erzi differently than before. Now Ning Erzi speaks in a clear way and can explain certain truths.

"The second son is right. Even in our field, when we fight a big battle, we must pay attention to the issue of coordination. The highest commander of a large corps with several columns must be the most capable and most prestigious, just like We have a corps, and the supreme commander must be our Commander Wang." The speaker was Li Yuming, the company commander of the guard company.

The leader of the first row, Sanniu, and the leader of the second row, Xiaocheng, are old partners. They always sit together, and the two boys did not speak at first.But the last sentence almost made Li Yong laugh angrily:

"It's fucking stupid, even if the chiefs of our headquarters don't want to be the supreme commander, it's not their turn. It's better to let our brigade commander do it. Our brigade commander must be much better than that prime minister."

Eating and eating is a lively activity.There is no scruples about being together, and Sister Li Zhen feels much better when she speaks out, so she also booed with everyone:

"Yes. I think what Xiaocheng and Sanniu said is right, your brigade commander is good. I will tell the boss when I have a chance, and when our boss doesn't like to be the commander-in-chief, let your brigade commander go. Hahahaha. "

Even if Li Yong's face was thick enough, he was a little red at this time, Li Yong responded with a smirk: "Elder sister, don't make fun of me, I'm already burnt out as the deputy minister."

The eldest sister who returned to her natal family seemed to have a good reason at this time: "Hmph, what's wrong, someone who was born as a guerrilla captain dared to compete with our Boss Peng for the position of commander-in-chief. Why can't you, your independent brigade is no match Is their guerrilla much stronger?"

After dinner, everyone discussed that the big battle was about to start, and the three battles were about to start. This was already an undisclosed secret. Not to mention his own people, even the United Nations Army on the opposite side was aware of it. Everyone talked about it, and told the squad to be ready for battle at any time. He didn't want to be a spectator in such a big battle.

As the night fell, everyone left. Of course, He Cuihua, who lived in the same room with Deputy Minister Li, would definitely not leave. This girl was still cleaning up inside and out, and Li Yong couldn't control too much. , took off his clothes and got into bed and fell asleep.

During the war, there was a blackout and insufficient supplies. Even a candle became a good thing. Isn’t that right? She became cruel, and went to bed after blowing out the candle, but this girl was not in her own bed.

At ten o'clock in the middle of the night, Li Yong, who was a little thirsty, woke up, and felt that there was a soft and warm **** in his bed.

Who, Li Yong is not a fool, there can only be one person in the whole squad who dares to do this, or this girl is the only girl in the whole brigade who dares to do this.

The movement of Li Yong turning over woke up He Cuihua too. In the dark room, she couldn't see her fingers. This also made He Cuihua more courageous. She stretched out her two arms and hugged Li Yong from behind, her heart beating loudly. The number of times soared to more than 120.

Li Yong's breath became a lot thicker, being hugged by a girl like this, if he didn't respond, he would be a waste, not to mention that our Deputy Minister Li is still at a young age.

There is no extra nonsense, Li Yong turned over and pressed He Cuihua under his body, all the girls got under the covers, if you don't say anything, it means you are a eunuch, Li Yong doesn't want He Cuihua to say that you are a eunuch.

The few clothes they were wearing were thrown out as quickly as possible, and when they met each other, He Cuihua felt that she was the happiest person in the world.

Holding the tender breasts in his arms, Li Yong whispered in He Cuihua's ear: "You are a sugar-coated cannonball, and it will explode today."

He Cuihua didn't understand what sugar-coated cannonballs meant. All that was left in her heart was trembling tension, anticipation, and happiness.

The rapid collision is from top to bottom, from slow to fast. The young Li Yong has a lot of power to squander and display. He Cuihua opened his heart and used his body to meet his sweetheart. This is the second time that Li Yong and He Cuihua have been intimate. The difference is that the first contact happened when Li Yong was drunk, but this time it was completed in a fully sober state.

He Cuihua has been looking forward to this day for a long time. She doesn't care whether Li Yong has a wife or not. Anyway, she just likes it. That's enough. The so-called opportunity is also painstakingly created by herself. Work hard and have fun.

The day was short, when Li Yong woke up from his sleep the next morning, He Cuihua had already filled up the washing water.

With a shy smile on her red and tender face, she looks like a domineering deputy company commander of the security company, and she is clearly a young daughter-in-law who is being nourished.

The meals were placed on the table, not only porridge and pickles, but also a peeled egg.

Eggs are a very common home-cooked dish, but on the Korean battlefield where transportation was difficult, very common eggs have long since become luxury goods.

"Where did you get it?" Li Yong couldn't help asking.

"You don't have to worry about it, since you worked so hard last night, why don't people reward you specially?" He Cuihua's coquettish words almost made Li Yong stand at attention and salute again.

Not saying anything, this is called life, Li Yong temporarily forgot his wife-to-be Hu Xiaolian who was in Shigatse in the sky, and had breakfast with He Cuihua's waist with his arms around her.

The team meeting was held on time the next morning. Although everyone was tired and no one complained, because everyone knew that a big battle was imminent, the content of the meeting was still the same as before, discussing how to maximize the protection of the frontline troops supply and replenishment.

He Cuihua, who is usually very active in the meeting, surprisingly didn't say a word today, just sitting quietly in a corner, meditating, or in a daze, with a happy expression on her face.

This was just a small detail in the meeting. Of course, the rough-tempered men didn't find anything unusual, but the careful instructor Li Jia looked in He Cuihua's direction from time to time, and finally Li Jia's frown became deeper and deeper.

Li Jia is a very smart girl, and she is a few years older, so she can calm down more in some things, but today she feels that He Cuihua's expression is wrong, is this still that hot-tempered wild girl? A happy little daughter-in-law, what does this mean?Explain that what will happen to Dayong when the team returned to the headquarters yesterday?Li Jia really didn't dare to think about it.

The atmosphere at the headquarters is dignified. In this campaign, the volunteer army gathered six armies and three 10,000+ people, plus more than 7 people from the People's Army. The total strength of the Chinese and North Korean coalition forces reached about 40. The troop strength also exceeded 30, which means that the total troop strength of both sides in the third battle on the Korean battlefield reached a record-breaking 70.

The Korean peninsula is a long and narrow peninsula-shaped landform. The gathering of more than 70 troops and a large number of technical equipment has made the density of troops on both sides of the attack and defense unprecedentedly high.

The first-line attacking troops of the Volunteer Army gathered forward day and night. Artillery, infantry, a small number of armored troops, and a front team at the rear crowded the few roads airtight. Everyone was working overtime.

At the headquarters of the Volunteer Army, Li Yong, who had completed the first stage of work, once again asked several heads of the headquarters for instructions. According to him, it is rare to catch up with such a big battle. If you don’t participate in it yourself, you will regret it for the rest of your life. . (To be continued..)

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