At the end of December [-], the howling wind and the snowflakes as big as goose feathers turned the banks of the Linjin River into a pure white ice and snow world. The world of fairy tales. ↗,

However, this is just a beautiful fantasy in the hearts of people who love peace. At this moment, murderous threats are everywhere on both sides of the river. There are 80 to [-] soldiers from more than a dozen countries belonging to the non-moving camp. One's weapons are confronting each other, just waiting for the moment of explosion to come.

On the south bank, the United Nations Army deployed five lines of defense in an area more than 60 kilometers deep. They were two fixed lines of reinforced concrete and three mobile lines of defense with tanks and cars as vehicles. Three 10,000+ troops were ready to attack.

In the early morning, Matthew Ridgway, the commander of the U.S. Eighth Army who had just assumed office, patrolled around his territory with a few confidential and staff officers, and his warm leather combat boots creaked in the snow.

This general, who has been in the flames of war for many years, is anxious. He needs to familiarize himself with the situation of every trench, every bunker, and every company under his command as soon as possible, because there are various signs that the communist army on the opposite side is about to launch a large-scale war. attack.

As far as Li Qiwei knows, the enemy he has to face is nothing more than a group of armed peasants. The Chinese volunteer army and the regular Chinese army are nothing more than a group of peasants who have fought guerrillas. How powerful are the peasant armed forces? ?Can it withstand the powerful three-dimensional attack of the US military?But the undeniable status quo is that it is the Chinese who are about to launch an attack, and the U.S. Army commanded by him, which was invincible in World War II, is organizing defenses in panic.By the way, there are also those Koreans who are about to be scared out of their wits.

Does the powerful U.S. military still need defense?This is not in line with Li Qiwei's habits.It is also not in line with the habits of Americans, in the eyes of him, the deputy chief of staff of the US Army.No country's military has ever made the U.S. military so embarrassing.

After the two major battles against the Chinese (the first battle and the second battle), his old principal MacArthur had a deep sense of fear when he talked about the Chinese and the squadron, and this fear was expressed The form is the hysterical roar when meeting him, the arm shaking constantly in front of his eyes, and the corncob pipe that never leaves his body.

Is the old headmaster old or confused?What is proposed to bring the Kuomintang troops in Taiwan to war?Want to use atomic bombs on mainland China?

This is simply an unimaginable and incomprehensible suggestion. Not only the allies will not agree, but the president will not agree. According to reliable intelligence analysis, stimulated by the US military dropping atomic bombs in Japan, the Soviet Union stepped up the research and development of atomic weapons.The hateful Soviets, they have mastered all the manufacturing processes of the atomic bomb.

The atomic bomb-the devil in a box is not just the United States.

Use atomic bombs on mainland China?That would trigger a new round of world war. The Second World War had just ended a few years ago, and people all over the world were resting their lives. No one would be willing to be exposed to bullets again. The old principal MacArthur’s proposal It's a bit like General Marshall who worked in China in the early years. Later, the joking Chinese called all plans that failed to succeed the Marshall Plan, the damn Marshall Plan.

Li Qiwei's proposal to MacArthur could only be a quiet smile.Those who are familiar with him know that this is just a professional smile that Matthew often puts on his face, and it is a manifestation of his good orthodox education rather than agreeing with the other party's point of view.

When will the Chinese attack?Can't the five strong lines of defense stop the Chinese squad?The words of General Collins, an old classmate and Army Chief of Staff, often linger in Ridgway's ears: "Matthew, we need a victory too much. Even if it is a small victory, this is my opinion, and it is also the opinion of the President. .”

Li Qiwei understood.The day of the presidential election is not far away, America -- and the USAF.All need a victory on the Far East battlefield, however.Can he achieve it?

After leaving the headquarters of the 39th Army, Li Yong returned to the division command post with his detachment and Wang Yang, the commander of the [-]th Division. In the division headquarters of the [-]th Division, Wang Yang introduced a person to Li Yong. Feng, because according to the pre-war plan of the [-]th Division, the deputy division commander Zhang Feng would go down to the [-]th Regiment to give specific command before the battle.

Before the war, it is also an old habit of the People's Liberation Army to send deputies to key units to command operations. Li Yong understands the approach of the [-]th Division very well, because the position of the [-]th Regiment is too important, and this sharp knife cannot be inserted. The Sixth Division could not break through the Linjin River smoothly.

Time waits for no one, Li Yong briefly introduced to the deputy division commander Zhang Feng, and then rushed to the forefront of the [-]th Regiment, because the time for the attack was coming soon.

The launch time of the three campaigns was specifically set at the end of December, that is, December 31 in [-]. It is the Gregorian calendar. In fact, it is not the habit of the Chinese to use the Gregorian calendar to calculate days, nor is it the Chinese* Chinese people are accustomed to using the lunar calendar, but a famous remark by Deputy Commander Han Xianchu, the former commander-in-chief of the Volunteer Army, changed everything.

Why use the Gregorian calendar?Deputy Commander Han, who was half-life in the army, explained: "Fucking American imperialism is not a good thing, but God should not be a bad person. Let's choose to give imperialism a big gift during the Gregorian New Year!"

Li Yong brought all the staff and Zhang Feng, the deputy commander of the [-]th Division, to the command post of the [-]th Regiment. At this moment, the [-]th Regiment is holding a meeting of cadres above the company level of the whole regiment. This is already before the war. The last preparatory meeting.

This is a large cave-type hideout, only a few hundred meters away from the frontier Linjin River. The top of the hideout is supported by several layers of intersecting logs, covered with a thick layer of permafrost, because of the weather , On the top of the soil layer is snow as thick as half a foot. In this way, let alone the plane in the sky, if you don't know the inside story, you can't see anything even if you stand nearby.

Such a design is not only concealed but also able to defend against the direct bombardment of heavy artillery. It is the experience honed by the People's Army over decades of confrontation with powerful enemies.

The command post filled with dozens of troops was in full swing, and the company commanders, instructors, battalion commanders and instructors of the [-]rd, [-]th and [-]th regiments were all scrambling to send the letter of challenge to the regiment leader Wu Baoguang.

All the nearby tunnels and attack launch points are connected by various traffic trenches. Li Yong and his team of more than 200 people followed into a maze as soon as they entered the underground tunnels. So, I can't even find North at all.

Li Yong was secretly admiring as he walked. The volunteer army's soil work has reached the point of perfection. It's amazing that hundreds of thousands of people are like nothing under the eyes of the enemy.

With such a large amount of engineering, hundreds of thousands of troops, and several days of hard work, the United Nations Army on the other side couldn't notice it. This kind of tactics can only be achieved by the squadron, not to mention how far the battle can be fought. This pre-war concealment ability alone should enter the annals of history.

The guards of the [-]th Regiment quickly rushed into the regiment command post and reported to regiment leader Wu Baoguang: "Report to regiment commander, Deputy Commander Zhang is here."

Deputy Commander Zhang Feng led Li Yong and a few people into the hidden department of the [-]th Regiment, and saw dozens of people submitting letters of invitation to the regiment leader. The scene was lively and violent.

The deputy commander came, and everyone applauded under the leadership of head Wu Baoguang to express their welcome, but unlike usual, deputy division commander Zhang did not deliver any impassioned speech, but turned his body to the side, letting a person Standing in front of everyone, he introduced that this is the superior chief from the headquarters.

The cadres from the [-]th and [-]th regiments who came to the meeting were all confused. Deputy division commander Zhang should be the head of the superior. Why did a head of the headquarters pop up again? As for the head of the headquarters, should he come to a regiment-level command post? The conductor shouldn't be like this, right?Besides, the person introduced by Deputy Teacher Zhang is too young. Is there such a young chief?

It was still the fault of age, Li Yong was too young no matter what, but no matter what, he was introduced by the deputy teacher, so it must be.

There were four people who came to the command post of the [-]th Regiment with Li Yong. In addition to Deputy Minister Li Da, there were several commanders of the squadron, namely company commander Li Yuming, instructor Li Jia, and deputy company commander He Cuihua.

It was the first time for Li Yuming and the others to enter such a tunnel, and they were somewhat curious, but company commander Li Yuming and instructor Li Jia could still hold their breath, and deputy company commander He Cuihua couldn't. This girl was so excited that she used her hands while walking. They fumbled around and asked people around, but the soldiers they met along the way all looked at these people with strange expressions, and no one answered He Cuihua's question. The company commander was very depressed, and the careful Li Jia had to quietly pull He Cuihua, reminding her in a low voice, we are wearing the enemy's military uniforms, it's no wonder the soldiers like to talk to you.

Like Li Yong, these people are all dressed in the uniform of the Korean army. The strange thing is that there are two women among them. How can this not make the members of the [-]th regiment feel weird.

There are women in the Volunteer Army, but they are all in the health and communication systems. I have never heard that there are women in the front-line combat troops. Everyone finds it strange to see this.

Deputy Commander Zhang's introduction is also very simple: "Comrades, let me introduce to you. This is the head of our Volunteer Army Headquarters. He is performing a special task. The specific content is kept secret. After the attack is launched, he will act with our regiment. Welcome, everyone." (To be continued...)


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