The beacon of youth

Chapter 846 Bravery Is Always Article 1

The third battle, which had been brewing for a long time, finally began. The volunteers took out all the shells accumulated in the recent period and bombarded the enemy's position on the other side of the Linjin River. ,

Hundreds of large-caliber heavy artillery fired at the same time, and the whole sky turned red in less than a minute. The rumbling sound from the shelling made people's eardrums buzz.

On the UN-army position, everyone is defending against artillery, looking for dead spots for artillery attacks, for fear that they will be killed by artillery shells falling from the sky in the next second. The fierce shelling of the volunteers will blow up those who think they have superior firepower. Dead bodies are everywhere.

This is the first time that the Volunteer Army has used artillery on a large scale since it entered the DPRK, so the UN-Army as the opponent is very uncomfortable. Some of the soldiers whose brains have been bombed are running around, yelling and screaming. , as if a cannonball was about to fall on his head in the next moment, and then exploded with a bang, blowing everything to pieces.

In such an environment, Zhang Caishu, a veteran of the [-]th Regiment, rushed out of the tunnel with his demining team and plunged into the minefield.

This is the deadliest job, demining?It's easy to talk but hard to do. If you accidentally say something about clearing mines, even your own life will be involved.

The demining soldier is a unit that cannot be lacking in skill and courage. It requires a high degree of concentration, but the battlefield environment is deteriorating. Self-sacrifice is a small matter, delaying the mission of the regiment is a big matter, so the soldiers who can enter the demining team are the best fighters of the [-]rd, [-]th and [-]th regiments, and they are also the soldiers with the most stable psychological quality.They were all selected by Zhang Caishu and the regiment leader Wu Baoguang from thousands of fighters.

With the help of the flashes from the shell explosion, Zhang Caishu and the soldiers of the demining team crawled forward in the minefield.While crawling forward, use the probe in your hand to open the way bit by bit.They wanted to open up a path for the whole regiment in a limited time. Zhang Caishu knew that all the cadres and soldiers of the whole regiment were looking at him, and thousands of pairs of eyes were looking at the soldiers of the demining team.

Including a special unit from the headquarters, all the officers and soldiers of the [-]th Regiment were watching Zhang Caishu and his demining team nervously. The distance was not too far. Their figures appear and disappear from time to time.

What is time?Time is life, and the demining team of the [-]th Regiment once again explained this truth on the battlefield. Zhang Caishu is very confident in the mines he wants to clear.He has joined the army for ten years, and Zhang Caishu has never seen what kind of landmines!The landmines produced in China, the United States, Germany, and Japan have not all been eliminated by Lao Tzu. This minefield was hastily arranged by the enemy when they were retreating. big.

Before liberation, China's national defense industry was weak, and a considerable part of the weapons and equipment in the entire War of Resistance Against Japan and the War of Liberation were foreign goods because of the urgent needs of the war.It also made the national government at that time hungry and hungry, as long as it was a weapon, and as long as it could fight a war, it would buy it, which caused confusion and disorder in imports.As a result, there are all kinds of weapons in the army, and the types of calibers are also messy, but.This also has an advantage. The People's Liberation Army, which is famous for being poor, also opened its eyes after seizing all kinds of weapons and equipment.Take a veteran like Zhang Caishu as an example. After ten years of fighting, he has seen almost all infantry light weapons and equipment in the world.mines?In the words of Zhang Caishu, I have seen all the landmines in the world. Technology is not a problem for Zhang Caishu. The most critical problem is time, because he only has 10 minutes.

Fast forward, and even faster, Zhang Caishu removed the fuses of the landmines one by one, and then put them aside casually.

Five meters, ten meters, 20 meters, under the watchful eyes of thousands of eyes, Zhang Caishu led his demining team to move forward continuously, advancing tens of meters continuously under the cover of our powerful artillery fire.

As expected of a battle-tested veteran, Zhang Caishu and his military skills are proficient, and landmines can be seen everywhere. Li Yongren, who was watching the battle from the rear, was secretly frightened. The density of landmines is too high, just a distance of tens of meters , Demining teams have destroyed countless landmines.

The squad, like the soldiers from the [-]th Regiment, lay down in the tunnel to watch the actions of the demining team, and looked at the black mines that had been thrown out. Li Yuming and others whispered in Li Yong's ears, what the hell? If it is not ruled out, the loss of rushing troops will be too great.

Thanks to veteran fighters like Zhang Caishu in the [-]th and [-]th Regiment, Li Yong's proposals could be implemented, otherwise even with good tactics, they would not be able to implement them. Again, there are tens of millions of strategies and tactics, and bravery will last forever. is the first one.

We have advanced dozens of meters, and everything has been going well so far. If we continue to work at this speed, it should not be a big problem to break through the 10-meter minefield in 100 minutes. Clean up the minefields, and the troops will reduce a lot of casualties when they attack, otherwise they will have to wade through with their flesh and blood. The soldiers understand the reason.

But this is just a good wish of the soldiers. How could there be so many successes on the battlefield? It's impossible.

Suddenly, a shiny thin iron wire appeared only ten feet away from Zhang Caishu. This is a very thin iron wire. Iron wire is not an appropriate description. It should be steel wire, yes, it is steel wire .

If it wasn't for the bright light from the shell explosion that made the iron wire flash for a while, it might have been ignored. Zhang Caishu followed the trend of the iron wire to observe carefully. A thin steel wire appeared out of thin air on the battlefield?There must be something wrong.

Sure enough, after a distance of more than ten meters, there are twisted mines. These mines connected by iron wires are twisted together on the left and right. There are dozens of mines connected together by steel wires. There is a huge amount of energy in his body.

This is a special anti-infantry stirring mine. As long as one of the charging infantry triggers it, a chain explosion will occur. It poses a great threat to the assault troops. Because the time for laying mines is tight, the retreating United Nations-army deployed all these mines on the ground. on the surface.

It is obviously impossible to deal with such landmines one by one, because the number is too large, and Zhang Caishu does not have that much time to squander.

Is there a way?Of course, Zhang Caishu turned his head and shouted to a soldier not far behind him: "It's thunder, get ready."

Years of cooperation made the soldiers behind him understand, and quickly handed over a long wooden pole prepared in advance.

The wooden pole was more than ten feet long, and a strong iron hook was tied to the top. Zhang Caishu slowly stretched out the wooden pole, and used the iron hook to firmly hook the lead wire of the thunder.

This is an extremely dangerous action, everyone can see clearly, he is going to use the wooden pole in his hand to detonate the stirring mine.

Detonation is a good way to quickly eliminate landmines. Just twist it hard, and dozens of stirring mines will be reimbursed at once, which is fast and efficient. However, this distance is too short, and the farthest group of stirring mines It is only a dozen meters away from Zhang Caishu.

With only a distance of more than ten meters, dozens of landmines exploded at the same time. Can the people nearby survive?

Zhang Caishu, who has been in the army for many years, of course knows the danger, but he doesn't have time to think about so many reasons. He only has one thought in his mind, that is, to clear the landmines and make way for the troops to attack. As for whether he can survive...... .

There is no solution at all. There is a delay reaction process of several seconds from the twisting of the fuse to the explosion of the mine. There is a small crater two or three meters away from Zhang Caishu. The depth of the crater is just enough to accommodate him. A veteran fighter who has fought countless times on the battlefield can make full use of terrain and features to avoid risks. Zhang Caishu is such a fighter.

Keeping an eye on the bomb crater around him, Zhang Caishu made a gesture to get the soldiers behind him to back down, then twisted the long wooden pole in his hand violently, and rolled over into the bomb crater at the moment of twisting.

Boom boom boom, the continuous explosion seemed to be ringing in Zhang Caishu's ears, his belly was shaking in the bomb crater, his head was dizzy, gold and silver stars were popping up in front of his eyes, Zhang Caishu felt a wave of explosions in his stomach. He tossed and retched a few times but didn't vomit anything.

According to modern medicine, Zhang Caishu was concussed because he was too close to the bombing point, so he felt nausea, vomiting and dizziness.

But Zhang Caishu not only didn't feel sick and vomiting, but felt very happy, because feeling it proved that he survived, he didn't die, he didn't die in the explosion just now, that's good, he can still On to the mission, as for the concussion?What is that.

As if the explosion just now hadn't happened, Zhang Caishu crawled out of the crater and waved his hands back.

Zhang Caishu waving back had two meanings. One was to let the soldiers of the demining team go up with him, and the other was to tell the chief and comrades who were watching nervously behind him that Zhang Caishu was still alive.

Zhang Caishu's actions shocked thousands of soldiers from the [-]th and [-]th regiments into a cold sweat. Captain Wu Baoguang, who was observing nervously, wiped the sweat from his head with his hands, and shouted cursingly, "Damn it, Zhang Caishu! The guy is really going to scare me to death, let's see how I deal with him."

None of the people in the regiment's command post responded to Commander Wu Baoguang, because everyone knew that Commander Wu was just talking nonsense, cleaning up Zhang Caishu?Zhang Caishu is the pimple in his eyes, and he has been an old comrade in arms for many years, how could he be willing to clean up.

The continuous explosions cleared a large part of the road in front of the demining team. Although it is dangerous to detonate and stir mines with wooden poles, it is also very efficient. (To be continued..)

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