The beacon of youth

Chapter 853 The living cannot be suffocated by urine

The soldiers who blew up the bunker not only did not retreat, but rushed up again, using gunpowder smoke as cover to rush into the blown up bunker. Commander Wu Baoguang and Li Yong both understood that this was only done by the most experienced veterans. tactical action.

The bunker was very strong, and more than half of it was blown up by the simultaneous detonation of the three explosive packages, but being strong also had its advantages. The dilapidated bunker that was blown up now became a hiding place for several soldiers.

Li Yong saw the actions of several soldiers, and hurriedly turned his head and ordered the machine gun squad to move forward, because it could be seen from their actions that the soldiers did not want to come down, but continued to attack other bunkers, so the cover fire You must keep up with it in time.

The heavy machine guns of the machine gun squad advanced a certain distance after stopping firing for a short time. They wanted to advance to the most suitable position to cover the demolition team, although doing so also increased their own danger.

The heavy machine gun that stopped firing for a short time rang again, and the bullet rain like a gust of wind blew on a large bunker. The firepower point of the blockade was the big bunker that the soldiers of the demolition team were observing, and it was also the next target they would attack.

Several soldiers who were preparing to attack looked back gratefully at the machine gun position covering them. The covering fire came too timely. It was just when they were about to launch an attack. The firepower of the heavy machine gun knew that they were manipulating A veteran on the battlefield, he is well-versed in the three tastes of precision, accuracy, and ruthlessness. The squad leader leading the team couldn't help but give a thumbs up to the back—good job.

Bunker bombing is a very, very dangerous business, especially on a beachhead where there is no terrain to hide from.Seizing the beachhead is also the time when the landing force is most vulnerable, if the covering firepower cannot keep up.Even if all the six fighters in their two groups died, they might not be able to complete the task. The members of the blasting team knew this truth.Accurate covering fire equals to giving them a few more lives.

On a cruel battlefield, the commendation of comrades-in-arms is the highest reward. They entrust their lives to the comrades behind them. The soldiers on the machine gun position all saw the arm and thumb raised high. Faster and more accurate.

After giving a thumbs up to his back, the squad leader rushed out of the dilapidated bunker with two soldiers, and quickly rushed towards another firepower point.

Captain Wu Baoguang and Li Yong were nervously watching those figures jumping under the artillery fire, and clenched their fists to help them.

What suppressed the [-]th Regiment on the beachhead was a chain of bunkers. The firepower in the bunkers could support each other, and the crossfire made the bunkers connected in series almost have no dead ends.This caused great trouble to the attacking side, and it was for this reason that several attacks by the [-]th Regiment were frustrated, and once one or two of the bunkers were blown up, a breakthrough would be opened and the The enemy's serial firepower is broken, and once the enemy's serial firepower is destroyed, the attacking party can find more dead ends of firepower, and the battle will be much easier. Now the soldiers are preparing to blast the second bunker in the serial bunker group. A big bunker.It is also the most critical big bunker.

"Regimental Commander Wu, I suggest that your [-]th Regiment immediately launch a feint attack on other bunkers, distract the enemy's energy and vision, and cover those soldiers to charge up."

Li Yong's suggestion was very against Captain Wu's temper.At this time, he could no longer underestimate this young chief. People who have not survived the flames of war cannot be in harmony with the soldiers on the front line, let alone any command that responds to the situation: "Chief, we have already done so. Done, the attack will begin immediately."

Wu Baoguang is no rookie.The adaptability on the battlefield is very strong, just as Captain Wu Baoguang speaks.From the places where the battalions and companies of the [-]th Regiment were located, there were shouts of killing, harsh horns, and intensive shooting.

The shouts of killing were deafening, and figures swayed wildly in the gunpowder smoke, but few actually attacked, most of the swaying figures flashed a few times and then disappeared.

All the firepower points of the entire chain of bunkers were shooting wildly, for fear that the soldiers of the Volunteer Army would approach. After the two major battles, the commanders and soldiers of the coalition forces understood a truth. Without superior ground-to-air fire support, it is impossible to win. For the United Nations Army, the only way to guarantee victory is not to allow the Communist Army to charge forward. As long as the Communist Army approaches, everything will be over.

This was an excellent opportunity. The [-]th Regiment, which was pretending to move, mobilized almost all the enemies in the area they were going to attack, and had no ability to support the volunteers who really wanted to attack.

This is the difference between attack and defense. The attacking side has to pay a little more, but it can control the initiative on the battlefield. For example, the three, four, and six regiments attacking across the board make the defending side exhausted. Although there are trenches Connected to each other but no one dares to act rashly, can you support others if you are too busy to take care of yourself?

Under the cover of heavy machine gun fire, several figures jumping in the smoke leaned up against a big bunker they were going to deal with. This was the blind spot of the enemy bunker, and the reinforced concrete bunker wall was half a meter long. Thick, this is the opportunity, the only three large explosive packages were left together, which is already all the belongings of the two blasting teams.

As if they knew that their own death was approaching, the enemies in the bunker went crazy, shooting and throwing grenades outside desperately, trying to blow up the volunteer soldiers who were close to them, but it was too late, and the volunteers who blocked them with heavy machine guns The fight is airtight, as long as there is a head exposed in the shooting hole, it will definitely be blown up, want to risk your life?They're not even close.

Boom, there was another loud noise, broken cement blocks and limbs flew around, and two firepower points of the United Nations Army were killed by the volunteers' blasting team one after another. In the words of the soldiers, isn't the United Nations Army powerful? Well, let you have a taste of what our Chinese earth plane is like.

The capture of two bunkers in a row is equivalent to driving a nail into the enemy's defense system. The entire chessboard of the [-]rd, [-]th, and [-]th regiments came to life. Multiple blasting teams drilled in along this gap, and then there were continuous explosions. Voice.

Li Yong knew in his heart that the group of bunkers that the enemy had painstakingly managed was over, and without the bunkers as cover, it was difficult for the United Nations Army to block the attacks of the [-]th Regiment. will come to an end for a while.

The battle progressed smoothly, and several red flares were launched into the air. This was the news that the [-]th Regiment had successfully landed on the beach and had gained a foothold.

"Chief, our regiment will continue to attack and advance, are you still with us?"

After a battle, Captain Wu Baoguang was a little bit reluctant to part with Li Yong and the soldiers of his squad.

Li Yong laughed and replied: "Teacher Wu, there is no banquet in the world that never ends. We have other tasks, so let's say goodbye here, and we will have a chance to meet in the future."

A few soldiers from the [-]th and [-]th regiments ran over, they were the guys who blew up the bunkers, and they shouted that they must see the machine gun shooters covering them.

Li Yong raised his finger and pointed to the machine gun position: "It's over there, if you want to see it, go there quickly."

After a short time, there was a burst of cheers from the machine gun position, and several soldiers from the blasting team of the [-]th Regiment and the soldiers of the squad hugged and laughed together.

When parting, head Wu Baoguang asked sincerely: "Chief, our regiment still has tasks. Do you have any instructions?"

This is really treating Deputy Minister Li Da as the chief. Li Yong laughed: "There are no instructions, but there is a suggestion. I suggest that you quickly change all the clothes on your body and put on dry clothes, otherwise there will be accidents." big problem."

The thousands of cadres and soldiers of the entire [-]th Regiment were all soaked when they crossed the Linjin River. It is no joke to wear such clothes to fight in the severe cold environment of tens of degrees below zero. , so Li Yong suggested that Wu Baoguang quickly ask the soldiers to change their clothes.

Wu Baoguang scratched his head vigorously with his hands: "Chief, I also know that I need to change out the wet clothes, but look, we don't have any. Where do you want me to get thousands of sets of dry military uniforms?"

Li Yong: "Teacher Wu, don't you have a famous saying, the living cannot be suffocated by urine, there are plenty of living and dead people on the battlefield, and you won't think of a way from them?"

Find a way from the enemy?Isn't that just stripping off the enemy's clothes, but how do you fight while wearing the enemy's military uniform?What if there is a misunderstanding with the brother troops?Besides, can the superior agree to do this?If you don't do it well, you will make mistakes, and it is still a big mistake.

Head Wu Baoguang's thoughts turned, he couldn't make up his mind whether to follow Li Yong's suggestion, this little chief was a little too courageous, he really dared to give himself an idea.

Li Yong didn't have time to explain anything to him, the squad also had its own tasks, time waits for no one, I suggested that Li Yong couldn't be the leader of the [-]th regiment if he changed or not, but Li Yong still yelled at Wu Baoguang With a voice: "Commander Wu, I just want to say something to you, making mistakes is better than letting the soldiers freeze to death."

One sentence reminds the dreamer, yes, it’s okay to make mistakes. If the troops are not allowed to change their clothes, if they continue to work like this, the [-] regiments may freeze to death before the enemy comes.

"Communications squad, pass on my order to ask all battalions to change their clothes as soon as possible, and change the clothes of the enemy on the ground. Whether it is dead or alive, each unit decides for itself, but it must be changed as soon as possible. By the way, hats cannot be changed, and enemy helmets cannot be worn."

Commander Wu Baoguang is worthy of being a veteran on the battlefield. He thought of many problems at once. Clothes can be changed, but hats must not be changed. (To be continued..)

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