The beacon of youth

Chapter 855 The Jealous Squad

The troops of the 39th and [-]th Regiment set off. As the main combat force of the [-]th Army, there are more important tasks waiting for them ahead. A row of soldiers marched silently under the night. go forward.

The gap between ideals and reality is too great, and troops that have fought wars are different from those that have never fought. Let’s just talk about this march. Some commanders in later generations not only asked the soldiers to shout slogans, but also to sing a song, saying it was a song It can improve the morale of the troops. Veterans with battlefield experience will say that is nonsense. It is best to keep silent when marching, which can save energy and keep secrets. Singing?That's something a fool can do. If you have energy, you have to save it for fighting. Can singing kill the enemy?

The marching team looked a bit weird, because the soldiers were equipped with a full set of American equipment, from clothes to shoes, and even the grenades hanging under their necks were copied from the American army. He didn't wear a helmet on his head, and his grandma thought it was a United Nations army team in action.

There was a hint of pride on the faces of the soldiers, because did they get rich? Many soldiers carried two weapons, one was their own 1 cover, and the other was an American M[-] rifle.

Carrying two weapons on a long march?Are you sick?

The soldiers will say that you are sick, and they don't want to do it. The main reason is that the m1 rifle is so good, much better than the 1-type, and they are reluctant to throw it away. The soldiers really want to use the Japanese [-]-[-] rifle Throw away the Badagai and replace them all with Yankee weapons, just like what they did when they fought against the little devils and the Kuomintang, but they were afraid that the ammunition supply would not keep up and dare not let go.Because everyone knows that only [-] bullets can be supplied in China. The m[-] is good, but it's a lifesaver when out of ammo.

Even if the three-eight guns have a slower rate of fire.Relying on manual loading is better than no bullets! ! !Looking at the seized Yankee weapons, the soldiers were very annoyed. Throw away the m1 rifle. It's a pity. The Chinese soldiers who are used to living a hard life really can't bear such a cruel hand. Later, under the order of the regiment leader Just carry them all on your back, and get a little tired when you get tired.

Commander Wu Baoguang, who stood with Li Yong and watched the troops pass by, said in a muffled voice: "Chief, the Yankee's Big Eight is very useful. Not only is it as accurate as our [-] Big Gai, but its firepower is much stronger. The firepower of a large eight-grain gun can at least match our three or four three-eight guns, and the firepower of three or four rifle salvos is about the same as that of our squad. Unfortunately, the bullets cannot be used universally. After shooting, they will become fire sticks. If we It would be nice to be able to produce some of the larger eight-grain ammunition as well.”

The m1 rifle that can be fired semi-automatically is of course much better than the fully manual [-]-type cover, but the ammunition consumption of this Yankee's housekeeping weapon is also several times that of the [-]-type rifle, so it doesn't matter to rich Americans.But the Chinese can't do it anymore. After a major battle, the demand for rifle bullets alone is several times higher than before. Who can afford such a consumption rate.The fragile logistics system of the Volunteers is even more unbearable.

The speaker has no intention of listening, and the listener does. Wu Baoguang doesn't know what Li Yong does, but Vice Minister Li himself can't pretend to be confused.Li Yong is the deputy minister in charge of logistics, and he must keep the requests of the frontline soldiers in mind.Still have to find a way to complete it.

"I will write down your request and respond to it. As for what effect it can achieve, it's hard to say. Do your best."

Li Yong didn't guarantee anything to Wu Baoguang and others. No matter how much he said, it would be better to do it. The current domestic ordnance industry system cannot produce ammunition for m1 rifles. The frontline consumption can only be captured from the enemy. No matter how brave you are, you can't get m1 bullets from China.

The American-style m1 rifle existed like a chicken rib throughout the Korean War. It was tasteless to eat and a pity to discard. It was always like this until the end of the war.

China-The army does have the characteristic of seizing the enemy's weapons for its own use, but that is just an old method in civil wars. Hundreds of thousands of troops entering the DPRK are all counting on seizing weapons from the enemy to arm themselves?This is obviously unrealistic and impossible.

After the four battles, in order to solve the problem of the Volunteer Army’s weapons and equipment models being too messy, the country imported a large amount of Soviet-style equipment from the Soviet Union, which solved the problem of uncommon ammunition, and the military industry in the later period also turned to the production of ammunition for Soviet-style weapons. , the production of American-style m1 rifle ammunition has never been put on the agenda. On the contrary, the North Korean People's Army is equipped with a large number of m1 rifles. It doesn't matter whether it's good or bad.

Commander Wu Baoguang and the soldiers of the [-]th Regiment gradually disappeared into the night, Li Yong turned around and kicked the dazed Li Yuming: "What are you doing so stupid, get the troops under control, and we will set off too. :

Li Yuming, who was kicked, was of course unwilling: "Brigade Commander, just leave like this? The clothes on our more than 200 people are also soaked, and we haven't caught anything."

Li Yong: "Are you jealous? The [-]th Regiment took away a lot of good things, but the battle was also brought down by others. You just saw what they captured. What about the casualties? The casualties of the [-]th Regiment crossing the Linjin River were not small , Their next task will be much more difficult than ours, don’t talk weirdly, let’s also clean up the battlefield and see if we can get something.”

"After being passed through the sieve by the [-]th Regiment, what is left? That is, those yelling prisoners. It is useless for me to want them. Otherwise, Brigadier, I will lead someone to solve them all. gone."

Li Yuming looked unwilling, and finally came up with a bad idea, wanting to get rid of all the prisoners on the battlefield, just like what they did in China before.

Li Yong was frightened. North Korea is no better than fighting those bandits in the Northwest of the country. The sky is high and the emperor is far away. If the news spreads, it will be too much to eat.

"Don't talk nonsense, kid. When did I despise captives? I have a very high style. I always treat captives as my own family. If there are steamed buns, the captives can eat them first. Hurry up and clean up the battlefield."

Li Yuming pursed his lips, reluctantly left, and muttered to himself, come on, how many prisoners have we killed? Which one was not an order from you, of course, it was an order issued behind the back of the political commissar.

"Sanniu, Xiaocheng, and Ning, have your heads been flooded? Or were you kicked by donkeys? Why is the army moving so slowly? Who is responsible for letting the enemy go." Li Yuming ran out to grow up with several platoons. Shout.

San Niu and Xiao Cheng Ning looked at each other, a little dazed, what does this mean? Why does the company commander's face change faster than the clouds in Shigatse?

A platoon leader San Niu coughed: "Hey, I said a few, don't you understand? Our company commander was taught a lesson by the brigade commander. Why don't you take it out on us? Hurry up and act!" Bar."

The soldiers of the three guard platoons rushed out like hungry wolves. They couldn't wait for a long time, right? Although they were cleaned up by the [-]th regiment, it is impossible for Daheitian to find them too cleanly. Maybe they can still find them. Give us something good left over.

Most of the soldiers took chances and went from bunker to trench to search for them, digging three feet into the ground.

Li Yong is actually bragging and talking big. Like the soldiers, he was shivering from the cold, and his eyes turned blue when he saw the clothes on the captives. But Li Yong still has a sense of the overall situation. The [-]th Regiment is a frontline battle As for the troops, they must be allowed to come first, and there is still some awareness of this.

He Cuihua, who has been closely following him, has long seen that Vice Minister Li is a stubborn duck, but in order to maintain the glorious image of Vice Minister Li, the little girl never exposed it.

The little girl was also cold, but she felt even more uncomfortable seeing Li Yong shivering from the cold. He Cuihua took a chance when no one was around and whispered to Li Yong: "Brother, if you really can't resist, just hug me, and the two of you will be together." Can be better."

Ahem, Li Yong's mouthful of phlegm almost didn't come up. The temperature, the environment, and the clothes on both of them are as cold as iron plates. Is it useful to hug each other? But this is He Cuihua's kindness, so naturally I can't let it down .

"It's okay. We're going to march soon. The troops will feel warmer when they walk. Let's go, let's go into the trenches dug by the Yankees."

Li Yong led He Cuihua, Li Jia and a few others into the beachhead of the United Nations under the night sky, wandering around trying to get some good things.

This walk has really seen a lot of problems. Good things have not been caught, and the problem is not small. There are piles and piles of UN-armed prisoners of war in trenches and bunkers. I don’t know how many people there are in small groups. , The three, four, and six regiments left in a hurry, and no one was left to guard them. If the squad were not still here, the entire position would have become a state of herding sheep.

My mother, how many captives are there in this area? I don’t even have an exact number. Most of the captives are Americans and Koreans. I am so brave that I don't care what the captives are yelling, I don't worry about those messy things, it is estimated that follow-up troops will follow after a while, and I don't care how to solve our team.

But some problems are really serious. Almost all the captives that Li Yong saw were wearing volunteer army uniforms. Although the military uniforms were wet and dirty, they must be volunteer army uniforms. The impression is that I took people to capture a bunch of prisoners of the Volunteer Army.

What's going on, Li Yong understood after thinking for a while. The soldiers of the [-]th Regiment stripped off all the clothes on the captives. These stripped guys could only wear the clothes thrown away by the volunteer soldiers. Up, this is good, the [-]th regiment who left wore the uniform of the United Nations Army, but these real soldiers of the United Nations Army wore the uniform of the Volunteer Army. (to be continued..)

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