The beacon of youth

Chapter 876 Target - Fuping

With food in hand and no panic in mind, it is not difficult for the squad to replenish ammunition, but there are exceptions to everything. Everyone prepared happily, but within an hour, a soldier walked over dejectedly.

Li Yong took a closer look and found that the soldier walking over was the squad leader of the machine gun squad and a veteran of the brigade, an excellent heavy machine gun shooter.

The squad leader reported to Li Yong annoyed: "Report to the brigade commander, our squad almost turned over the warehouses of the Yankees, but we didn't even find a single round of heavy machine gun bullets. If there is any more fighting, our heavy machine guns will be blind It's hot, I really have no choice, please think of a way, chief."

Chief Li thought about it for a while, and really forgot about it. The main equipment of the squad is basically American goods seized from the Kuomintang army. When he arrived in North Korea, he didn't feel how strange the Yankee's weapons were. It is easy to replenish ammunition, but only this heavy machine gun squad uses German-style Maxim heavy machine guns. Although the Yi-Government-Government warehouse is not small, there is no ammunition that Maxim can use at all.

"How much ammunition does your class have?"

"Report to the brigade commander, it's not even a third of the time when we set off, and the other squads and platoons have made up enough, but we haven't caught anything." The squad leader was depressed and wanted to cry.

The heavy machine gun squad used it all the way from the beginning of the battle, forcibly crossing the Linjin River, taking the beachhead, until the later confrontation between the Yi-Government-Government and the British.


This is really a problem, but it doesn't matter.

Li Yong thought for a while and told the squad leader that the ammunition cannot be replenished temporarily, but we can replace the machine guns. Are the machine guns in the Yankee warehouse not enough for you?

The squad leader's eyes also brightened, yes, if we don't have any ammunition, let's change the machine gun, why can't we think of it!But he was really reluctant to use the old buddy he was used to.

As if he had guessed what the squad leader was thinking, Li Yong laughed and enlightened him: "You kid is a brain, we have seized so many cars, and we won't have to walk in the future when we march, take all your Maxims with you, and then choose the U.S. Take part of your machine gun, how much and what model to bring is up to you, as long as it is easy to use, my request is only one thing, don’t drop the chain during the battle.”

The squad leader of the machine gun squad left, and excitedly went to pick up the machine gun, muttering as he walked, the brigade commander had a way.

In fact, it's not that Li Yong's brains are so good. As long as these soldiers are used to fighting poorly, they don't want to let go of what they grab. They only want to replenish ammunition and don't think of changing machine guns.

Li Yong thought about it, and took Li Jia and He Cuihua to look around to see what the soldiers in several platoons were doing.

What are the soldiers doing?Then there is no need to ask?Busy!They were so busy that they were all trying to pull good things on their bodies. The brigade commander had an order, and whoever didn't try hard to grab them would be short-hearted.

They are all old soldiers in the brigade, and they are also very familiar with Li Yong. Everyone knows that the brigade commander has no official airs. Everywhere Li Yong goes, there is laughter and laughter, and they are all greeting Li Yong. call:

"Don't ask for everything, we are also rich now, pick what is useful, by the way, each person has a duck down sleeping bag, so that they can sleep on the snow in the future, and there are also paratrooper knives, each of them is also equipped One, save the pry can, hey, what are you doing with so many grenades?"

In sight, a soldier was wrapping grenades around his body fiercely. Li Yong was a little terrified when he saw so many of them. Damn, can he move with so many grenades?

When the soldier saw the question from the brigade commander, he replied shyly: "Brigade commander, the Yankees are so easy to use. When you throw them out and blow them up, they will turn into one piece. I need to get a few more."

Li Yong is also speechless. The American cantaloupe grenade is really good. It is much better than the border area made by himself in the Northwest. It is normal for the soldiers to be jealous when they see it, but this kid really took too much. My whole body is so entangled that I can't walk anymore after doing this.

"Are you in that row?"

"Report to the brigade commander, a row of guards."

Li Yong shouted angrily: "Go, call your platoon leader over."

After a short time, a platoon leader, San Niu, ran over. Li Yong looked up and down, and immediately understood why the soldier did what he did, because their platoon leader, San Niu, was also covered in grenades just like him.

Li Yong shouted angrily: "San Niu, you really know how to be a platoon leader, isn't everyone in your guard platoon covered in grenades?" , I order, get the extra grenade back immediately."

Before Sanniu could answer, He Cuihua, the deputy company commander on the side, suggested with a smile: "Brigade Commander, I understand that this kid Sanniu is not suitable to be a platoon leader, and he doesn't know how to fight at all. Come part-time as the first platoon leader of the security guards, and transfer San Niu to your side to become a security guard again."

San Niu is so angry, she is almost going to be mad, this girl He Cuihua is really daring, she dares to say anything, and she doesn't save face at all, sister Xiaolian is not in front of the brigade commander, she is going to be a grandson, and she has to be transferred Become a bodyguard yourself?Isn't this the home of the brigade commander! ! !But anger is anger, San Niu dare not try to offend He Cuihua, because everyone is rumored that this girl slept with the brigade commander, and she really did.

I'll go, who can stand the wind blowing by the pillow.

Depressed that, depressed that, Sanniu's heart is bleeding, why sister Hu Xiaolian didn't come to North Korea, why, so that this lawless girl took advantage of the loopholes.

Li Yong snorted twice and didn't express his opinion. He transferred Sanniu back to be a guard, and asked He Cuihua to work part-time as a platoon leader?That's pure bullshit.

When Sanniu was very angry, the second son Ning, the leader of the third platoon, also ran over. The second son Ning was beaming and reported to Li Yong: "Reporting to the brigade commander, we not only captured the bastard tank, but also two tanks with tracks and tires. The armored vehicles, these are all good things, I wonder if we should equip the two guys with our platoon and use them as reconnaissance vehicles."

It really made Ning Erzi right. In addition to a tank and more than 12.7 cars seized by the team, there were also two half-track armored reconnaissance vehicles with good speed and off-road capabilities. There was also a [-] A high-level dual-purpose machine gun with a millimeter caliber is very suitable for small teams.

Ning Erzi, who was born as a scout, was very interested in the two captured armored reconnaissance vehicles, and tried every means to keep them for himself. In fact, Li Yong had already planned in his heart, even if Ning Erzi didn't come, he would attach these two treasures Let them line up, according to Li Yong's thinking, the re-starting team must bid farewell to the march on foot, and two armored reconnaissance vehicles are most suitable to open the way in front.

The two half-tracked armored reconnaissance vehicles were taken away by Ning Erzi. The more than 100 soldiers in the third platoon of the guards were very excited, because even when they were in the brigade, the main equipment of their platoon was jeeps, and they had no experience at all. But there are such good guys.

The armored vehicles belonged to the third platoon, and the tanks were of course under the direct control of the company commander Li Yuming.

Li Yong, who had inspected a large circle, was satisfied, and felt that his troops were vigorous, and they were good at fighting and grabbing things.

Judging from the information on the telegram, it will take at least [-] hours for the volunteer troops responsible for receiving the equipment to reach the U-Government area, and these [-] hours are the best rest time for the squad , Li Yong ordered the team to take the time to organize their equipment, take the time to rest, and adjust their physical strength to the best state, because there are still bigger tasks waiting for them.

The commanders of the next mission team can generally guess some of them. The brigade commander not only got a British prisoner to pretend to be an American adviser, but also asked them to dress up as troops from the First Division of the Republic of Korea. Just ready to come out.

At this time, several commanders of the squad were working with Li Yong on the next battle plan. Li Yong pointed to a point on the map and told everyone that the main supply bases of the United Nations Army were in Incheon, Jinpu and Bupyeong. There are so many materials that cannot be counted. Of course, it is impossible to seize all these materials. With the combat effectiveness and mobility of the squad, there is hope for another one. It is unrealistic to think too much, and the closest to us is Fuping , so the next target is Fuping.

Before noon the next day, an observation post ran over to report: "Brigade Commander, a large number of armed men are approaching, because the distance is too far to distinguish the enemy from us."

A large number of armed men approaching?It is very likely that the volunteers who can come to the government at this time, because the troops of the United Nations Army are trying to escape to the south.

The figure in the binoculars became clearer and clearer. Li Yong and the deputy company commander He Cuihua lay down in a hidden spot to carefully observe the approaching troops. Volunteer troops who trek over.

It was my own, probably the unit that received the equipment according to the order of the headquarters. The plan was to order them to arrive at noon, but I didn't expect this unit to be so fast.

Li Yong hurriedly asked the second son of Chang Ning in the third platoon to lead a squad to pick them up, and the rest prepared meals for the troops coming from afar. Li Yong knew very well that the soldiers in the large army didn't have much food in their stomachs.

Twenty or ten minutes later, several dusty soldiers came to Li Yong accompanied by Ning Erzi. The leader was a 10-year-old man with a Soviet-style Stalin pistol pinned to his waist and a cap on his head. Dog fur hat, the brim of the hat was covered with hoarfrost from the breath breathed out from the mouth due to the long march.

The second son of the third platoon leader Ning hurriedly introduced: "Here we are, this is our brigade commander."

The old bus has been very busy recently, and it will take a few days to be free. Thank you for your support. (~^~)

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