The beacon of youth

Chapter 94 Chang Gaoshan

Zhong Song's face and body were gray and lumpy, and the corners of his trousers were covered with mud spots, and he couldn't see the proud appearance of the past few days.

When he walked into the cave, the table was covered with maps and telephones, and his commanders at all levels were waiting for him. He kept walking around the table, and kicked him if he saw anything that was not pleasing to the eye. All of them stood straight and no one dared to speak.

Zhong Song walked around a few times and suddenly said: "The communist army is cunning and hateful. The communist army is the most cunning enemy in the world. The people in northern Shaanxi are just as hateful as the communist army. They have been completely degraded by the communist party. We can't find any The common people who can lead the way can only rely on the map to fight, but the map has many places that are different from the real geography, and we have traveled too many wrong roads.”

An officer said: "Master, we are already surrounded by the communist army. You should make up your mind early. Should we concentrate all our strength to rush out while the communist army is still not stable?"

Zhong Song interrupted the officer and said: "Everyone, it's too early to say that we are surrounded by the Communist army. We can only say that we are in danger of being surrounded by the Communist army. I have ordered Liu Ziqi to lead the 36st, [-]nd and [-]rd brigades to fire back. As long as the [-]st, [-]nd and [-]rd brigades can return to the organizational system, I don’t believe that the Communist Army can eat up our [-]th Division.”

Another officer said: "Master, the communist army is very cunning in fighting wars. They will not allow the [-]st, [-]nd and [-]rd brigades to return to aid smoothly. Maybe they have already deployed reinforcements on the way."

Zhong Song: "Everyone, don't be intimidated by the communist army. How many people can the communist army have? Their current intention is to concentrate their forces to take down our division. What power is there to deal with the 36st, [-]nd and [-]rd brigades? If The communist army dispatched a large number of troops to deal with the [-]st, [-]nd and [-]rd brigades, so what strength do they have to encircle the main force of our [-]th division.”

Another officer said: "If Commander Liu Kan can put the interests of the party and the country first, and lead his Yan'an Corps to follow the [-]rd Brigade and approach us, not only will we be safe, but we may also have a counterattack against the Communist Army." Surrounded and completely wiped out the Northwest Communist Army, but Army Commander Liu acted slowly, and even called to say: heavy rain blocked, so we can't move."

Zhong Song: "Heavy rain prevented me from taking action. I will remember Liu Kan. The interests of our party and country are corrupted in the hands of such people. Chief Hu has already telegraphed him. To send him to a military court for trial.

Ladies and gentlemen, for the sake of prudence, we have to hold on to Shajiadian for two days and actively hold on for help. I repeat, we are actively holding on for help. We order the troops to seize the commanding heights around Shajiadian and not let go of a single hill. But, isn't the communist army trying to eat our division?Just let them gnaw one hilltop after another. I really want to see how tough the Communist Army is, and see if their heads are made of iron. "

Zhong Song threw off his coat and sat on the camp bed, took a sip of the water handed over by the guards, took a few breaths, then stood up abruptly, shouting hysterically: "Report to the [-]rd Brigade and order Liu Ziqi to come back overnight , to draw closer to the main force of the division at all costs, and to draw closer to us at all costs."

In Changgao Mountain, the second regiment of our army blocked the position, filled with gunpowder smoke and shrapnel flying across the sky. Under the cover of various firepower, the enemy's [-]st, [-]nd and [-]rd brigades rushed towards our second regiment's position frantically. The enemy took battalions as units, and each battalion Open a distance of several hundred meters, and carry out uninterrupted wave-like charges against our army's positions.

Commander Zhao defended his position with two battalions and one battalion as a reserve team. The battle was extremely cruel. After more than half a month of continuous fighting, our army had not been replenished with personnel and ammunition. The whole regiment had no special agent battalion. Under the circumstances, there were only more than 100 people, and ammunition was scarce. Each soldier only had a dozen bullets and a few grenades. Every time the enemy's impact was repelled, he had to carry out a short counter-charge to pick up ammunition from the enemy's corpse. , to prepare for the next battle.

But in this way, our soldiers are often exposed to the enemy's covering fire. Every time a counter charge is carried out, some soldiers will be killed or injured. The battle will become more and more difficult.

The battle lasted from four o'clock in the morning until the afternoon, and the enemy became more and more crazy. Liu Ziqi, the brigade commander of the first, second and third brigades, was not a fool. He knew very well that the main force of the division had been surrounded by the Eighth Route Army. If the main force of the division is eliminated, he will go back and clean up his [-]st, [-]nd and [-]rd brigades. At that time, he will have no way to survive. A silver lining.

The second regiment suffered more and more casualties under the enemy's crazy attack. A battalion of the reserve team went into battle at noon. In the afternoon, there were not enough personnel on the ground. Commander Zhao sent the guard company and the reconnaissance company in the afternoon. He was also placed on the front line, and temporarily formed a new company with staff, communications, sanitation, and cooking personnel from the regiment headquarters, led by himself, and prepared to use it at the most critical time.

The soldiers used grenades after the bullets, and stones after the grenades. Later, even the stones on the mountain were used up, and the enemy at the bottom of the mountain was organizing a new round of attack. The battle had reached the most difficult stage.

The veins on Captain Zhao's head are throbbing. If his second regiment can't stop the enemy's 36st, 36nd and [-]rd brigades, it will bring huge trouble to the main force besieging the [-]th Division. A hole will be opened, and the surrounded enemies will run away.

If this is the case, it will be broken, and the efforts of the troops for so many days will be in vain, and the entire campaign of the field army will go bankrupt.

The current situation in the Northwest battlefield is very serious. Only by eliminating the most rampant 36th Division can the situation of the war be reversed. Now I am responsible for the entire campaign, the situation in the Northwest war, and the interests of the party.

Head Zhao took a drink from the water bottle from the guard and asked a cadre beside him, "How many people are there in our regiment?" .”

Head Zhao's face twitched, his heart felt as if he had been gouged out by a knife, and he shouted loudly: "When is it, tell me the truth, why are there less than 600 people, how many people are there in our regiment? "

The cadre opened his mouth, and finally said: "I counted just now, and there are 520 people who can pick up guns."

Commander Zhao's heart is like a knife. These people are his good fighters. They are all soldiers brought out by himself. They are the backbone of the army. Some soldiers have been by his side for many years. What a good fighter they are!Like my brother, damn ammunition, when will I not worry about ammunition in war?If there is sufficient ammunition, the casualties of the soldiers will be much smaller.

A cadre next to him said: "It would be great if the secret service battalion was here. Each soldier in their battalion carries at least [-] bullets, and there is also a platoon with food and ammunition reserves."

Head Zhao: "Their task is not easy. Covering jobs are close to death. Now I can't contact them, so I can't count on them."

After speaking, Commander Zhao walked into the trench and shouted to the soldiers: "Comrades, the enemy wants to break through our position to reinforce the 36th Division. Can we agree?"

The soldiers yelled: "Head, we are in the position, we are fighting the enemy." Commander Zhao: "Comrades, my position is here. If the enemy wants to break through our position, they have to attack from our corpses." Step over, all are there, put on the bayonet, and when the enemy comes up again, use the bayonet to stab the enemy down."

Commander Zhao Jin picked up a rifle from the body of the sacrificed soldier beside him, pressed the bayonet on it and held it in his hand, and then lay down in the front trench like the soldiers.

It’s time to go to Sanjiang, thank you friends for your strong support, thank you editor Lu, I will try my best to update more.

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