late han empire

Chapter 79 Double Borrowing

For the next few days, Liu Ming was not in a good mood.

If it weren't for the kindness and understanding of the female family members at home, and the women in other courtyards in the suburbs could let him vent to his heart's content, he would have been furious already.

"My lord, those who do great things must know how to control their emotions. You are no longer a village chief, but the governor of Youzhou.

Now as long as you give an irrational order, tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of people in Youzhou will die because of you!If one day you reach a higher position, one of your orders will result in the death of hundreds, or even tens of millions of people! "Gao Shun couldn't stand it anymore, and stepped forward to remonstrate.

These words really made Liu Ming's ears very harsh, but he was not a real 16-year-old boy anymore.The IQ of an adult still made him calm down quickly, and then he entered the introspection mode.

Coming here, with the help of plug-ins, the journey is smooth and smooth, and even the elites can only compromise with themselves.

Sure enough, over time, I may have become a little arrogant.This is not a good phenomenon. In the Battle of Chibi, someone Cao made this mistake, which turned an overwhelming advantage into a fiasco.

Youzhou is not a prosperous place in the Central Plains, it has a larger population than Liangzhou, and its infrastructure is actually not much better than Liangzhou.Occupying Youzhou is inherently weaker than the princes occupying the Central Plains. If I continue to be so arrogant and arrogant, I am afraid that it will really lead to irreparable and terrible consequences.

"Thank you, Master, for your teaching, and God will keep it in your heart!" After thinking up to this point, Liu Ming bowed solemnly to Gao Shun.

"My lord, there is no need to be like this. Advising is only the duty of a minister!" Gao Shun helped Liu Ming up in fear.

After stabilizing his mood, Liu Ming immediately called Jia Xu. He was in charge of the intelligence work in Youzhou, and he also captured some prisoners. Now he should be able to ask some useful information?

Following Liu Ming's summons, Jia Xu came to him 10 minutes later.

"Wenhe, is it easy to handle the intelligence work?" Liu Ming asked with a smile.

"I don't dare to say it's easy, I just want to do my best!" Jia Xu replied politely.

Looking at the way his eyes narrowed slightly, Liu Ming knew that this work had obviously achieved some results.

"Do you know where are the barbarians who went south during our Northern Expedition?" Liu Ming asked.

"Basically, it can be confirmed that they are Wuhuan people, but how they knew that the Murong tribe was going south, I don't know." Jia Xu replied truthfully.

"Damn it, why did I forget this!" Liu Ming patted his head violently.

"My lord, what do you know?!" Jia Xu didn't say anything, but Gao Shun who was at the side spoke.

"It should be Zhang Chun and Zhang Ju! Maybe Zhang Chun only got in touch with the Xianbei people, but Zhang Ju wanted to protect himself, so he also recruited the Wuhuan people to go south to help. We only pay attention to the Xianbei people, and the result is these The Wuhuan people have directly entered our territory!" Liu Ming shouted.

That's what history says, if he remembers correctly.

"Oh, I don't know this news, where did my lord get it from?" Jia Xu asked a rare question.

"Guess! I guessed it from the identity of Zhang Ju, the 'Son of Heaven' supported by Zhang Chun! If you hadn't provided me with the information, I'm afraid I wouldn't have thought of it!" Liu Ming said angrily.

No matter what kind of person Jia Xu is, how can he fail to see that there is a concealment in Liu Ming's words.I couldn't help but tremble in my heart, and thought to myself: Does the lord have other sources of information?

If this is the case, there is nothing wrong with it. After all, if the intelligence department is entrusted to one person to take care of it, it is impossible to really feel at ease no matter what.It's just a little dissatisfied. After all, if you don't even tell him this, the head of the intelligence department will inevitably feel distrusted.

But even if he was upset, he wouldn't say it out, a fool would show his emotions on his face.

Jia Xu is not young anymore, he knows best how to protect himself in the hands of others.

"Okay, let's stop discussing the intelligence issue. The current problem is that Shanggu County has been plundered by the Wuhuan people. Even if we send people to help reduce the damage, it is inevitable that people will report and slander us. So, how do we recover from this situation?!" Liu Ming said solemnly.

In fact, after seeing Jia Xu's inaudible movement, he realized that this guy must have discovered something, and immediately changed the subject.

Jia Xu knew that he was going to change the subject, so he took advantage of the opportunity to bring the topic to the aftermath.

"There is not much difference between Wuhuan people and Xianbei people in appearance. In fact, even an old general has no way of knowing the difference between Wuhuan people, Huns and Xianbei people. Therefore, we only need to..." Jia Xu obviously had a draft.

It is said that every subordinate always has three strategies in his pocket.

Now it seems that maybe there is such a thing.Jia Xu, obviously, had considered the possibility of being asked this question when he sent him over.

"Sir, you really have great insight, God You admire it! But God You still wants to ask, if we want to deal with the Wuhuan people, when and how many troops should we send?" Liu Ming flattered, and then continued to ask.

"The mountains are covered by heavy snow, and they are not suitable for expedition. Moreover, the Wuhuan people are in the bitter cold area north of Liaodong, and they must go through Gongsun Zan's forces... In fact, the Wuhuan people can go south smoothly this time, not necessarily without Gongsun Zan's acquiescence. The development of the matter. If Gongsun Zan blocks the Wuhuan people to the north of Liaodong, then they will have no way to go south!" Jia Xu did not explain clearly, but only pointed out the importance of Gongsun Zan in this sneak attack.

"Gongsun Zan? It's not like that. He has always been very hostile to the barbarians. How could he allow the barbarians to enter the Han land to fight grass valley?!" Liu Ming immediately denied it.

"Have you forgotten, my lord, that Liu Bei is under his command not long ago? With their friendship as classmates, it is not difficult to change Gongsun Zan's habits once or twice? Besides, if Liu Bei gains part of the military power, he will secretly kill the Hu people in the place where he is stationed. Let it go, even if Gongsun Zan knew about it afterwards, I'm afraid he wouldn't blame him too much." Jia Xu also pointed out Liu Bei's position in Gongsun Zan's heart.

So, the context of the matter will be smoothed out!

Obviously, Liu Bei is the culprit behind Wuhuan's trip to the south this time, but there is no evidence...

"Wenhe, is there a way for Gongsun Zan to drive Liu Bei away?!" Liu Ming asked immediately.

"The friendship of classmates is no less than blood relatives. Without him, it is related to the future of one's life. When Liu Bei and Gongsun Zan were studying in Luoyang, the two were inseparable. They went out in brocade robes every day, walked their dogs and played with birds, and their relationship was good. However Gongsun Zan really wanted to give up Liu Bei, but it was not impossible. To put it bluntly, the word "future" is still used.

If Liu Bei's existence would interrupt his official career, and even involve his Gongsun family, then it would be useless even if Liu Bei was his own younger brother.It's just that to achieve this effect, I'm afraid the protagonist needs to borrow another person's knife! " Jia Xu said happily, "Okay, I probably know whose knife I want to borrow..." Liu Ming smiled lightly.

Half a month later, Luoyang discussed the issue of Wuhuan's invasion.According to the intention of the Yuan Clan and other clan alliances, Liu Ming, as the shepherd of Youzhou, was not in office when the enemy invaded, and he was suspected of dereliction of duty.Because of his dereliction of duty, Youzhou was looted by the enemy. He is very unqualified as the governor, and it is recommended to replace him!

Unfortunately, Zhang Rang and Zhao Zhong were also helping, and it didn't cost them anything to trick Liu Ming.

Just by echoing a few words casually, you can earn the favor of the aristocratic family, this business is too cost-effective!

Liu Hong was also a little annoyed when he was told, but he also knew the dirty things between Liu Ming and the family.Because of this, he would rather believe in his younger brother than draw conclusions prematurely.

Fortunately, he did.

Only one day later, Liu Ming personally came to Luoyang to report the victory.

Liu Hong personally asked him to go to the hall to defend himself, but Liu Ming only asked him to bring up [-] tanned human heads.

All of them were heads of foreign races, but the scene was still a little scary.

"Brother Huang, who said that I am not in the position? If I were not in the position and attacked the Wuhuan people in Shanggu and Daijun, how could I kill 5 of them in one go? Patriarch Yuan is far away in Luoyang, and he is always concerned about You Liu Ming is really flattered by the state of the state!" Liu Ming played a temper tantrum in the hall.

Looking at his wronged appearance, Liu Hong felt that this kid was quite cute.That's right, a 16-year-old boy should speak from the bottom of his heart.Where an old fox like Yuan Feng would hold back a sentence for 3 minutes, only to confirm that there was nothing wrong with it before speaking.

"Okay, since the Marquis of Han County has said that, that's fine! The Marquis of Han County listens to the decree!" Liu Hong immediately closed the coffin and made a conclusion.

"Brother Huang, I still want to sue!" Liu Ming immediately started to play tricks.

"Okay, okay, tell me, who are you going to sue?!" Liu Hong shook his head, but looked at Yuan Feng.

At this time, anyone could guess that Liu Ming was probably going to sue Yuan Feng.

"I want to sue Gongsun Zan, the prefect of Youbeiping. According to reports from our scouts, the Wuhuan people went south and completely passed through his territory. But he didn't send anyone to report me as the governor. He really didn't treat me like this. The governor has seen it! And if it wasn't for this, I'm afraid I would have sent people to stop it immediately, and the Wuhuan people would not even be able to go south to attack Dai County and Shanggu County!" Liu Ming said with an aggrieved look.

No one thought that he was suing that person, but in this way, Liu Ming offended Lu Zhi and the military.Who didn't know that this Gongsun Zan was Lu Zhi's disciple.

Isn't suing him now the equivalent of slapping him in the face? !

"Well, it makes sense! Gongsun Zan is really outrageous!" Liu Hong also nodded.

"But there's another problem!" Liu Ming changed the subject.

"What's the matter, can't you finish talking in one breath?!" Liu Hong was annoyed.

"I'm's just that I intend to leave your Majesty a little room for thinking, instead of just listening to my conclusion..." Liu Ming looked pitiful.

"Okay, okay, you say it, you can say it!" Liu Hong said that he really has nothing to do with this emperor's younger brother.

"Later, our investigation revealed that Gongsun Zan had always taken it as his duty to resist the Hu people, and he was a rare good general. The fact that the Wuhuan people were able to go south so smoothly this time was probably not caused by him, but by a certain general guarding the frontier negligence or deliberate dereliction of duty. For this reason, I only hope that Your Majesty will act as the master and thoroughly investigate this matter!" Liu Ming finally turned the problem around to Liu Bei.

"Liu Inspector, you are also the dignified Inspector of Youzhou, why do you have the nerve to tell the court about such a trivial matter?" Lu Zhi stood up and pointed it out vehemently.

Regardless of whether it is Gongsun Zan's fault or not, as long as the problem arises on his side, then he is also to blame.

"I said Lu Gong, do you have the nerve to say it? If it wasn't for you, a disciple who didn't listen to my order, would I need to be so aggrieved? If I took him down directly, he would definitely resist. If it doesn't work, I'm afraid that all the princes in the court will not drown me with one mouthful of spit?!" Liu Ming roared angrily.

Anyway, the military department is not in his circle of interests, so he is afraid of a ball? !

"I mean brother! What Lu Gong said may not be unreasonable. Gongsun Zan is the prefect under your rule. As long as your reasons are correct and there are real evidence, then he must obey your orders. If he dares Resist, that is disobedience, you cut off his head directly, what can others say? This kind of trivial matter, you solve it internally, don't bring it to the court!" Liu Hong gave a conclusion.

Obviously, it was on Liu Ming's side.

In fact, Liu Ming also mentioned one point before, that is, the local generals support their own self-respect and refuse to obey orders.

Recently, Liu Hong has also been very troubled by this problem, and it is only natural that he hates this kind of general.

That guy Jia Xu, the source of his information is really scary...

Everything is so happy, at least for Liu Ming.The elites continued to suffer, but at least they got the friendship of the military department, which was not a disadvantage.

In this matter, Liu Bei was the one who suffered the most.

Liu Ming gave an ultimatum, Gongsun Zan chose the family between the Gongsun family and the friendship of his classmates.

Liu Bei ran away, and finally became the defender of one side, so he had to give up regretfully.

As for where he went, Liu Ming didn't know, he left Youzhou anyway.

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