cottage legend

0008: Drinking chastity water is too dangerous!

()0008: Drinking chastity water is too dangerous!

It is said that after Zhai Wang and Narcissus left, he sat on the road and recalled the scene when he entered the mountain. He recalled the second night when Xueer drifted away and felt lost in his heart, he sighed and returned home.

Zhai Wang pushed open the door, and a hoarse voice came over: "Why are you coming back so late? Be careful that the mountain wind makes you catch a cold. Hot water is prepared for you, especially herbs are put in it. How often do you take a bath? , so as to get rid of the cold."

Zhai Wang just replied "Oh, oh".

The king of the village was completely submerged in the water, and he couldn't help thinking about the evening when he first entered the village.

On the second night with him, Xueer told him about the custom of how to enter the house. In the next four nights, Xueer told him many interesting things about the cottage, such as catching white mice, singing love songs, fetching water with soft handkerchiefs, etc. They all left a deep impression on Zhai Wang.

However, it was the last three nights that impressed Zhai Wang even more.So many years have passed, but the details are still fresh in my memory. Looking back, the past seems like yesterday.

King Zhai squinted his eyes slightly in the water, wanting to draw Xueer to his eyes immediately.

However, his wife's hoarse voice when he entered the door made it impossible for him to call Xue'er back.

This feeling is just like the seventh night of the year when I entered the mountain.That night, Zhai Wang Zheng Shuang waited for Xueer's arrival in the room, but time passed, but Xueer did not come.Zheng Shuang waited anxiously, but did not dare to be rash.

Zheng Shuang watched the time go by second by second.More than half an hour later than usual, Zhai Wang Wang and his wife came together.

Zhai Wang Wang said that from today on, Xueer will not come to this room.

For the last three nights, you went to Cher's room.Come with us!When Zhai Wangwang said this, he changed from his usual kindness.Zheng Shuang saw Zhai Wang Wang's serious face and his wife's stiff expression, so he didn't dare to ask more questions, so he obediently followed them.

They took Zheng Shuang to Xue'er's room.What appeared in front of Zheng Shuang was a strange picture: a particularly wide wooden bed in the middle of the room.There is a straightened thread in the middle of the big bed, which divides the big bed into two, and a quilt is placed on each side of the thread.

After Zhai Wang led Zheng Shuang in, he patted Xue'er's head and said, "Abba believes in you." After finishing speaking, Zhai Wang turned around and went out.Zheng Shuang, Xue'er's mother, and Xue'er stayed in the room, no one spoke, and the air seemed to stop flowing.

After a while, the king of Zhai came in. He held a bowl full of clear water and said: "Mr. Zheng, this is the legendary real grass water." He put the water in the middle of the line in the middle of the bed.A straight line turned into an arc in a blink of an eye, like a skilled painter who drew a simple smiling face with one stroke.It's just that Zheng Shuang didn't smile, what was in his heart was sudden fear.

Because, he knows, drinking chastity water is too dangerous!Zhai Wang Wang turned around and said: "Mr. Zheng, tonight, you and Xue'er share the bed, and you two sleep on each side, sleep!" After finishing speaking, he gave Zheng Shuang a strange look.

This glance made Zheng Shuang feel that Zhai Wang Wang was completely different from usual.This glance made Zheng Shuang shudder.Zheng Shuang's body trembled instinctively.Just when Zheng Shuang was trembling, Zhai Wang Wang and his wife had already taken the door away.

There are only Zheng Shuang and Xueer in the room.

The tung oil light on the desk flickered, blinking provocative eyes at Zheng Shuang like a mischievous ghost in the vagina, Zheng Shuang was so frightened that his heart pounded.Zheng Shuang saw the bowl of chastity water on the wire, and remembered the love story Xueer told him on the fifth night.

The protagonist of the story is a stone on the mountain behind the cottage.The shape of this stone is like a "mountain" character, and it was named "Sichang'e" because of love.

Because Xueer took Zheng Shuang to see the stone during the day, Zheng Shuang didn't find anything special about the stone.However, when Xueer said it, Zheng Shuang felt as beautiful as poetry.

Xueer said that although the lovely stone "Thinking of Chang'e" is not as precious as Changhua's "Chicken Blood Stone", Shishan's "Tianhuang Stone" and Qingtian "Diamond Stone", it is not a soft stone that can be bent by hand, nor is it easy to bend when knocked. Sound stones that can make a melodious sound are not landscape stones that can present patterns of hanging rocks, waterfalls, birds and animals, and exotic flowers and plants.But the love of this stone will move everyone.

This ordinary stone, boldly pursuing love, fell in love with Chang'e on the moon.Shitou fell in love with Chang'e because Shitou understood Zhang Jiuling's "Watching the Moon and Huaiyuan".Stone often stays up at night because he misses his lover Chang'e who is far away in the sky.

This stone has a stone eye, and that eye is a stone candle. When the stone can't sleep, he puts out the candle to miss the moonlight.

At this time, the moonlight shines on the stone, making it feel the loveliness of the lover in the distance, but the stone knows that it is too ordinary, it cannot give happiness to the lover in the distance, so it can only stare blankly at the lover in the moon.The stone just stared blankly, watching.

When Xue'er said this, her expression turned out to be blank, and there were already crystal tears in her eyes.At that moment, Zheng Shuang was moved by Xueer's innocence, and moved by Xueer's poetic narration.Xue Er stopped and continued to narrate the love story of Shi Shi.

Xue'er said that Shitou is in love with Chang'e just like that.Year after year has passed, 100 years have passed... the stone is still looking at and looking at it obsessively.Chang'e was moved by Shi's infatuation, and Chang'e used the shining moonlight to penetrate into the eye of the needle, and Chang'e began to weave moss and green clothes for stone stitch by stitch.

Chang'e often sighed and shed tears during the interval between the flying needle and the thread.

Stone didn't expect Chang'e to shed tears for it, but foolishly thought it was wet with dew.A stone is a stone after all, its heart is not so meticulous, it does not feel Chang'e crying for it, it is just intoxicated in the illusion of love.

When Xueer said this, she sighed deeply, and then she didn't know whether to ask herself or Zheng Shuang: Who said that an infatuated woman has a heartless heart since ancient times?Once a man is infatuated, won't he be more moved by heaven and earth?

Zheng Shuang didn't answer, he was thinking about Xue'er's thoughts.Xue'er continued her narration, and the stone in the illusion of love couldn't help singing: "There is a bright moon on the sea, and the sky is at this moment. The lover complains about the night, but lovesickness at night. When the candle is extinguished, the light is full, and the clothes feel exposed." Nourish. I can't bear the gift from my hand, but I still have a good time to sleep in my dream." Stone groaned and fell into a dream.

Stone really met his lover Chang'e in his dream!When Shi Shi woke up from his dream, he found that his hand was stretching to the sky, forming a Chinese character for "mountain" with his head.Stone felt that this gesture was a proposal to his beloved Chang'e, and he liked this gesture so much.

In fact, the stone's dream is not a dream, it is true love.Chang'e was afraid that Shitou would feel cold, so when Shitou felt that he was falling asleep, she put on the moss green dress for Shitou—a green coat woven by herself.

Shi Shi didn't know that the green color on his body was the clothes woven by Chang'e, he just felt very comfortable, and he felt that this posture was too graceful and comfortable.Therefore, the stone never moved again, and it kept the shape of the character "mountain" forever.

After Xueer finished speaking, she asked Zheng Shuang: "Is this love story beautiful?"

"Love is beautiful, but reality is cruel! Do you want to hear my story?" Zheng Shuang asked.

"I think, let's hear it." Xue'er looked at him curiously with wide eyes.

Zheng Shuang then told his own story.

It turned out that Zheng Shuang had always had good grades in his studies, but because his family was too poor, he started to get angry with his parents on the report card after he was in high school.In the third year of high school, there is a monthly exam. Zheng Shuang's report card is shown to his parents, and it is getting worse every time.

When the college entrance examination was approaching, that is, after he got his high school diploma, Zheng Shuang told his parents that he would not be able to pass the college entrance examination and would not go to school.Seeing the poor grades, the parents had no hope, only sighed, and pinned their hopes on his younger brother.

In fact, every time the report card is in the hands of Zheng Shuang, he is ranked No.1 in the class. He cuts out his name and replaces his name with the one in the back and pastes it with transparent tape to copy it out. Show the copy of the notice to the parents.What the parents saw was that his grades regressed again and again.

When Zheng Shuang did this, he saw a news report about a child from a poor family who was admitted to a key university, but the family could not afford him to study. His father blamed himself and committed suicide.

Zheng Shuang was shocked when he saw this report. He was afraid that his father would be the same as the father in the report.Zheng Shuang loves his family, and loves his father even more. He is willing to be misunderstood by his family for the sake of his younger brother's ability to study and for his parents not to blame themselves.

Zheng Shuang finally took the college entrance examination, but he deliberately didn't do many questions during the exam, and the score did not come online.

When the grades came out, his father sighed: "Damn it! I think my son was always a top student in his studies, but who knew that he lost the chain at the critical moment of the third year of high school. Alas!" Zheng Shuang comforted his parents, saying that his brother's grades are good, and he will have a good grade in the future college entrance examination. hopefully.

Soon, Zheng Shuang heard that he could take the private teacher exam, and he signed up for the exam because he planned to go out to work.He passed the No.1 exam and entered the cottage.

After hearing Zheng Shuang's story, Xue'er was full of admiration for him.

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