Afternoon is not the best time to venture out in the Kalin desert, and players in Miracles know this, and taverns and ice-cold oat wine in the shadow of the city walls are the wise choice under the scorching sun.

But professional players will not miss every fleeting opportunity, even if the weather looks not so friendly at this time-but the flying yellow sand and the constantly roaring monsoon can provide good cover for adventurers.

Fang Yi lay in the shadow of the giant cactus, pulled down the gray cloak, and almost retracted most of his body into the hot sand, but he buried his body even lower as if it wasn't enough.Stealth and sneak attack are the only rules for players, but as a fighter, Fang Yi is well aware of the effect of his poor hiding skills, so he has to be more careful.

It is rare to see the sun in the Sea of ​​​​Glory in July, and the dark lead-black clouds in the sky cover the poisonous sunlight. This is a rare good news for players who are adventuring in the desert. It means that there is no 10% additional physical consumption penalty, just. . .The wind and sand was a bit heavy. Even though he was wearing two layers of sand masks, Fang Yi couldn't help turning his face sideways and spitting out a mouthful of sand. He had already sent all the vicious curses in his heart to the game production staff who designed this task process.

This is the virtual world of the online game "Miracle", on the southern edge of the Kalin Desert, which is only ten miles away from the Shining Sea.As a professional player, Fang Yi was lucky enough to obtain a public beta account, and was able to enter the game world for the first time.

After the initial exploration boom, the harsh natural environment and the less rewarding routine tasks made most players stay away from the Kalin Desert, and Fang Yi was able to appear here entirely because of the hidden task called the Shadow Road.

Today is the last day of the public beta, and this hidden task has become the top priority in Fang Yi's plan.During the public beta, the monster explosion rate has been increased by ten times, and the boss challenge level has been reduced by at least ten levels. The only thing is that the trigger probability of hidden tasks has not changed.Fang Yi has been playing from the first day of the public beta to the current fighter's first job - Gladiator. He is considered an experienced player, but the number of hidden tasks triggered is outrageously small, and the Shadow Road is the highest level among them. one.

The public beta is coming to an end soon, and the final rewards of this mission may not be known, but the stage rewards of each link are also enough to make people look forward to, making it worth taking the risk to gamble. Although the task designers of "Miracle" are ashamed and perverted, there is one thing that is convincing, that is, the greater the risk, the greater the reward.

For this task, Fang Yi ran back and forth for half a month, which is more than four months if converted into game time.From the distant Opal all the way to the west, it spanned thousands of miles and finally came to the desert kingdom of Calimshan.During this period, Fang Yi had been in a carriage, stepped on an advanced teleportation array, and was chased hundreds of miles by some monsters in the deep mountains and old forests. As a short-legged fighter, the bitterness of it is unbearable. [

But hard work pays off. The 2 hidden top-grade equipment on my body, the Dwarven Blood Cloak and several other small top-quality equipment, are the mission rewards from the previous few rings. Lie down here completely.

Raising his head slightly again, Fang Yi glanced at the monster not far in front through the whistling yellow sand curtain—three sphinxes were gathering at the bottom of the bunker, with a seven-foot-high body. The azure magic barrier in the middle was completely sealed, and the giant scythe, a foreign weapon on his back, shone with a cold light under the cover of his mane, and patrolling guards walked by from time to time around the sandpit, reminding Fang Yi of this The tightness of the guards.

I'm really crazy to come to the sphinx's lair to save people, Fang Yi took a sip of teeth, thinking so.

Fang Yi looked at the corpses of dozens of guards around the barrier, knowing that the mage trapped in the middle could not last long, because in his task list, the task of Shadow Road was marked with a big red exclamation point, which means Means: very urgent!

Fang Yi squinted his eyes, counting the time silently in his mind, and slowly and unobtrusively raised his knees, ready to exert force, then gently took off the Essex force behind his back, and wrapped the cloth specially wrapped in gray cloth. Holding the two-handed ax in his hands - the patrol team in the distance had just turned around and stepped out of the maximum perception distance of each other. Fang Yi immediately activated the charge (Note 1) skill with a low growl, and his figure turned into an afterimage and rushed towards The monster trio at the bottom of the bunker.

The sphinxes sensed the enemy at the first time, and Qiqi let out piercing roars to warn the surrounding companions, but the patrol team just turned their heads and wandered away to the distance, and it would take at least a minute to return here—in order to complete this task For the second mission, Fang Yi had to hang up three times before he could find out the patrol route of the monsters in this area. There was no way, the stealth skills supported by only 1 points of agility were simply scum.

It depends on whether you eat meat or drink soup.The charge skill hit the front sphinx accurately and by mistake, and the target immediately fell into a coma.Knowing that time was running out, Fang Yi directly turned on bloodthirsty (Note 2), and the body surface immediately revealed a dark red light.The power of the two-handed ax Essek in his hand brought a dazzling white light, which was the harbinger of the fighter's skill fear of blows (Note 2).

With the sound of the wind, the ax that was half the size of a wheel slashed firmly on the neck of the nearest sphinx with a "poof". The target groaned and collapsed to the ground.Because it was still under the stun effect of the charge, this unlucky lion body directly suffered four times the damage (Note 4), and its blood volume fell directly below the warning line, entering a near-death state.

Looking at the bloody sphinx in front of him, Fang Yi's heart was filled with pride.However, as a full-strength fighter, Fang Yi, whose agility is appalling, tried his best, but was still hung on his shoulder by a scythe, causing blood to flow.Enduring the severe pain from his shoulder, Fang Yi raised the handle of the ax and sent the sphinx to the hall of the Creator God with a smooth combo, if the monster can also see the Creator God.

At this time, Fang Yi scolded himself for being cheap. The pain in the game can be adjusted from 60.00% to [-]%. In order to experience the game world more realistically, Fang Yi adjusted the pain to the highest.At this moment Fang Yi gasped, the corners of his mouth almost reaching his ears, Fan Er, a hot-blooded hero, had long been thrown into the sky.

I hope I guessed right, the thoughts in my mind are fleeting, Fang Yi jumped over the body of the sphinx, took out a snow-white scroll from his arms, and threw it at the foot of the sphinx captain on the left, a gust of hoarfrost instantly It gushed out, covering a six-foot radius in the blink of an eye, successfully freezing the four claws of the sphinx in place.The monster roared up to the sky, but it was just a high-level warrior who had not changed his job, so he had nothing to do with this frost ring spell.

Resisting not to look at the hundreds of gold coins he threw out, Fang Yi glanced at his blood volume from the corner of his eyes. After a few hard hits, it was already less than one-third. Its trigger time is the shortest among the immobilization spells, otherwise my life will be over.Taking advantage of the situation, he passed the giant scythe that the third sphinx slashed at, and Fang Yi's huge ax flickered to frighten the sphinx's neck, but it was right in Fang Yi's arms.

The level of the frost ring scroll is not high, and the immobilization time is limited.Fang Yi had no choice at all, but could only do his best.Borrowing the inertia of the giant axe, Fang Yi kicked the sphinx's front leg with his right leg, and hit the scythe hard. At the same time, the target also resisted Fang Yi's full kick with 34 points of strength, and bent his thigh With a wail, he slapped and lost his balance.

Fang Yi was unreasonable, backhanded the strength of Essek and hit the sphinx with an unstable center of gravity as an axe, a stream of blood mixed with a unique fishy smell spewed out immediately, knocking the mad sand flying in the air All stained red.

This time there is no damage bonus from the stun effect, but the blood volume of the sphinx has also dropped by a quarter, and the emotional strike effect of heavy weapons (when a two-handed weapon or a larger weapon hits the target's torso, there is a chance that the target will Temporarily losing the ability to move) also appeared fortunately, and successfully put the target into a state of rigidity. [

Taking advantage of the favorable opportunity of one-on-one, Fang Yi brandished the big axe, and eliminated the sphinx with three strikes, five cuts and two kills. He also drank a bottle of instant red in the middle, even though he still had a lot of life left.Looking at the tall and lively sphinx in the distance, Fang Yi reluctantly clenched the giant ax in his hand, but knew in his heart that with his current state, it would be foolish to kill the sphinx team leader who was twice as powerful as the soldiers.

Right now, his physical strength is still sufficient, and fleeing seems to be the best choice, but Fang Yi faintly feels that things are turning around, so he stands still and supports the ground with Essek's strength, squinting his eyes at the struggling sphinx.

At this time, the sky was sparsely covered with rain. Fang Yi touched the sand on his face, and immediately became a big painted face. The mask that was originally worn on his head flew to nowhere in the battle.

Seeing the pieces of ice under the feet of the sphinx crumble, and the moment the freezing effect completely disappeared, the sphinx roared three times like a chrysanthemum had lost its defense, and rushed towards Fang Yi.Fang Yi stared at the sand brought up by the opponent's fast running, and the rust stains on the opponent's dilapidated armor. If he is killed for the first time, he will say goodbye to himself with [-]% of his experience, and this part of the Shadow Road will be completely useless.

At this moment, a weak voice came from the magic enchantment that had been whispering all the time. Although he was extremely weak, Fang Yi listened to this sweet accent like the sound of nature.

"Change, magic wall!"

Driven by the airflow, the raindrops in front of Fang Yi immediately gathered together in a trajectory that violated physical conventions. The huge body of the Sphinx, which had just accelerated to the limit, hit the transparent air wall that suddenly appeared, accompanied by "Gudong!! !” With a loud noise, the poor team leader went three feet away, vomited blood and fell into a coma.

Happiness came so suddenly, Fang Yi, who had survived the desperate situation, was stunned and quickly stood up, throwing a detection technique like a conditioned reflex (there is a certain chance to get the information of the target monster, hidden secret doors, environmental details, etc.), Finding that the tall and strong sphinx had knocked out half of his blood volume just now—looking at the captain of the sphinx who was foaming at the mouth in front of him, Fang Yi felt his heart tremble. . .

But there is no time to think about it, taking advantage of his illness to take his life is Fang Yi's only rule. The sharp ax with a cold light in his hand slashed across the target's neck and slashed towards the open chest. In the bag.Turning his head to look at the female mage lying on the ground coughing up blood, Fang Yi suddenly felt a little scared.

The three monsters in front of me are a standard team. It is clearly written in the monster illustration, challenge level: 35, that is, a team composed of at least 4 adventurers with an average level of 35 has a chance to win the battle.Although Fang Yi thinks he has good skills and a top-notch outfit, but if he wants to [-]v[-], he can only dream at night.

However, except for the needs of the plot, the system will not design an impossible task for the player, and so far, all the npcs in the task have never reminded that they are not strong enough, suggesting that they summon companions or improve their strength. Yes, after thinking about it, Fang Yisi found that the only variable was the mage who was waiting to be rescued by him.

Note 1: Charge: The warrior launches a charge to any target within 30 feet, the movement speed is increased by 200%, and if successful, the opponent will be stunned for two seconds (level [-] skill effect).

Charge ignores the target's evasion action, but can be parried and blocked, and the stun effect will not take effect after parrying and blocking.

If the block and parry are successful but the difference in strength between the two sides is too large, the target will be knocked into the air, and may suffer impact damage and fall damage.

Note 2: Bloodlust: Increases the warrior's damage by 12%, and provides 11 defense level and 11 magic resistance for 15 seconds. (Level 10 skill effect, cooldown time [-] minutes)

Note 3: Fear of blows: (Warrior's job change - gladiator's exclusive skill) The damage caused by the next three effective attacks of the fighter is increased by 17%, and he is immune to the stiffening effect caused by external force, and the duration of all control effects is reduced by 30%. Lasts 15 seconds. (Level 10 skill effect, cooldown time [-] minutes)

Fear of blows learning prerequisites: transfer to gladiator; must have at least one level of weapon specialization skills for the current weapon.

Note 4: In a coma state, the target is considered to be in a "defenseless" state. At this time, all defense level bonuses are invalid, and all attacks received must be critical strikes;

Dealing 100% increased damage when hitting the target's vitals.

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