Mithril Throne of Forgotten Realms

Chapter 10 The Plain of Lions

Fang Yi disconnected the game link in the lobby of the hotel and connected to the official forum of "Miracle".Players can choose to enter a deep sleep state in the game to ensure rest time, but today is the first day of game operation, Fang Yi knows that he cannot simply enjoy the game like most players, at least not now.In order to get first-hand information on the first day of the game's operation, I had to log off the Yeyou forum.

The game forums at the moment don't look like it's midnight, and millions of people take advantage of the game's sleepover time or flood the forums.Now there are various postings on the forum, technical postings, experience postings, denunciation posts, and complaint posts emerge in endlessly. Among them, there is a top post titled "Blood Adults, Poisoning Teenagers" with a high number of hits.

The poster chose the mage profession, and the post listed in detail how the host was constantly ravaged by monsters during the game, was bitten to death, drowned, thumped to death, etc., and could not beat monsters with various spells. And the psychological shadow caused by the various simulations of monsters is too heavy for the players, etc., and so on, presenting the facts and reasoning and crying, people can't help but cry three times and shout that Dou E is alive.

Fang Yi looked at it but just sneered, this black one is too bad.The level of gore in the game can be adjusted. Minors entering the game will be forced to the lowest level. Slashing monsters is like chopping up dolls. Some players even joked that the wounds that fly out are all velvet.

However, what "Miracle" emphasizes is reality. Things that players can't do in real life can come true in the game as long as they work hard and a little bit of luck, such as being a dragon knight soaring in the sky, such as doing things in the game. This feeling that the master of one party enjoys the power, the game company does not worry that the players will shrink back because they are afraid of facing a little difficulty.

As for being unable to kill monsters, that’s really a fantasy. During the public beta, the mage was known as the king of pk kings, and pve (Note 1) was still an indispensable big head without the word king. Although it has been weakened after the official operation, it is still It is worthy of being one of the most powerful professions.It is not known whether this person was sent by another company or just a cynical player.

Fang Yi just laughed off this post. Most of the posts described the game experience in the so-called second world of "Miracle" in a relatively objective way. The real excitement is the common feeling of most people.

However, there are also quite a few posts with high nutritional content. For example, in just one day's game time, some players made a rough summary of everyone's birthplace. The map details of "Miracle" have not been made public. Players can only see the approximate locations of some large cities on the official website's sketches. The game company claims that players are required to explore by themselves.On the picture of the post, the dotted Xinshou Village is separated by large areas of darkness, like stars in the sky, and there are no areas that are too concentrated or scattered.

Seeing this, Fang Yi remembered that the map in the game can be shared. During the public beta, there were explorers and some guilds who wanted to find wild bosses to collect wilderness maps at a high price. Then he can work on it. [

Fang Yi flipped through it for a while, and found that most of the posts were players expressing their excitement. There were no valuable clues, so he buried himself in the overview of some primary dungeons.

An hour later, Fang Yi re-entered the game.It was the early morning in the game, and the empty hall of the Green Vine Tavern was a little deserted.Fang Yi randomly found a table and sat down, and while sending a message to the fairy feet (Note 2), he opened his skill panel and highlighted his identification and mining skills.

Identification and mining, one to save money and the other to make money, have always been the first choice of Fang Yi, who has no fixed team.Like stealth and hiding, it is classified as a must-learn skill by Fang Yi.It's just that there are a bunch of level 1 skills on the skill list, which makes Fang Yi quite helpless.

Fang Yi was thinking about the arrangement of skill points in the future, when he heard a familiar voice behind him, "Cube? What a coincidence~" Looking back, Fang Yi also stood up and greeted with a smile.

Behind him is the short-haired beauty Heishan Xiaoyao I met yesterday, standing upright, the wooden shield hanging obliquely on his back has disappeared, replaced by a shiny iron shield, it seems that it was yesterday in the wild Adventure pays off.But this time the warrior was accompanied by a male elf druid whom he had never met before, and he did not see another beautiful mulberry picker.

"See you're busy, our team is going to try a level 5 dungeon, one less scout, how about it, together?" Unlike the mulberry pickers, the voice of the black mountain demon is neutral, which matches her appearance It looked even more magnetic, but Fang Yi keenly noticed that the Druid behind the black mountain demon frowned unobtrusively.

Fang Yi didn't have a bad impression of the soldiers in front of him, so he smiled and said, "It's a coincidence, I already have a team, I'm sorry~" The black mountain demon said with a smile, forget it, turned around and Walk out the door of the Green Vine Tavern with the druid.Fang Yi looked at the black mountain goblin who walked cleanly, and thought he was really a wonderful person, but what did the threatening eyes left by the druid mean before he left?

"Do you know that thief?" The two walked out of the tavern, and the druid asked with a frown.

"What's none of your business?" Druid was suffocated by the rhetorical question, and didn't speak again in embarrassment.The black mountain demon habitually tapped her head, her best friend is not a simple-minded beauty, she obviously had a special interest in that thief yesterday, but she knows all the people she knows~ I can't figure it out. . .

Fang Yi didn't wait too long, and the group met Fang Yi at the Green Vine Tavern. Yesterday, the pastor Banzhuan who was mentioned by several people had also returned to the team. A burst of shame.

"I have inquired about the news. There are two novice dungeons around Yuanwang Town, the Plain of Lions and the Forest of Howling Blood." Fairyfoot began to introduce what he learned to Fang Yi with a little excitement. "The Plain of Lions is in the The town is not far to the north, we have been there a few times, and the Blood Howling Forest is in the depths of the Howling Jungle, yesterday a player who went deep into the jungle saw the entrance. Which one do you think we should go to first?"

After hearing this, Fang Yi understood that the Blood Howling Forest was a jungle terrain. The Black Mountain goblin was looking for scouts and brought a druid with him, so he probably wanted to go there.After thinking about it for a while, Fang Yi made a decision, "Go to the Plain of Lions. Our configuration will take advantage of the plains, and the jungle terrain will be a bit disadvantaged."

Fang Yi had an inexplicable confidence in the fairy feet, and nodded in agreement immediately.Everyone prepared the things they needed, and set off to the plain of lions.

The entrance of the dungeon is just behind a small hill. When a few people arrived, they found that there were many people around the entrance of the dungeon. From the expressions on their faces, they knew that it was from Tuan Mie.Seeing the apprehensive expressions on everyone's faces, Fang Yi knew in his heart that practice is the best teacher for newcomers. After a few words of encouragement, he led the team into the dungeon.

The bread tree in front of them was more than ten feet in diameter, and the upper part of the trunk was surrounded by lush branches and leaves. The yellow and green colors were really beautiful, and the bread tree was so tall that you had to move far away to see the top of the tree.Fang Yi looked around, he and the others should be in the middle of the dungeon, surrounded by a vast expanse of savannah plains, the scene under the scorching sun was somewhat distorted. [

From the mouth of the fairy foot, Fang Yi already knew that this dungeon is a non-linear map, which is rare in primary dungeons, but the advantage is that there are not many mobs, which saves a certain amount of time~ Fang Yi saw that several people had already stood up Formation, they entered the stealth state, and followed the team to the nearest boss.

Three lionesses were napping in the grass, and under a tree not far from them, a huge male lion was lying in the shadows, looking up at his territory from time to time, his dark brown mane fluttering in the wind, Even more extraordinary.It's just that from a distance, the lion king's fur has turned black, which is far from the healthy light yellow, and he has no longer regained the heroic appearance of the original king of beasts.

Fang Yi didn't dare to get too close, and threw a probing spell at the lion at the farthest distance.

Fallen Plains Lion


Occupation Level: Level 8 Warrior (Elite)

Attributes:? ? ?

Skill:? ? ?

The eighth-level small boss can only see so much with second-hand detection skills.Fang Yi carefully observed the distance between the next few monsters, and slowly retreated to the bush where the team was.

Immortal Foot reminded in the team channel: "There is a hatred chain between mobs and bosses, every time we just kill two mobs, the boss will rush over to give it to you immediately, and the mobs will lose their aggro and run away if they pull too far. Going back... Tried many times, but it didn't work, even if we killed all three mobs, we were still left with blood, and we were still taken home by the boss."

Fang Yi gave a "hmm", looked at the distance between the mob and the boss, turned to the ranger and said, "Doraemon, how sensitive are you?" It's a little bit, now it's eighteen" Doraemon replied proudly.

Fang Yi did some calculations in his mind, and felt that there was no problem, so he confessed: "You improve the skill of Heavy Crossbowman (Note 4), we will do this later..."

After finishing the layout, Fang Yi traded the two bottles of life potion obtained from opening the box to the fairy feet, which made the human warriors jealous. Where did this guy get so much money? These two bottles of inconspicuous things cost seven at the pharmacy. Eight silver coins?

Note 1: pve is the abbreviation of plyervsenvronment, that is, player vs environment pve, as opposed to pvp (player versus player), which refers to the np monsters and bosses controlled by the game program in which the player challenges the game,

Note 2: In "Miracle", if the distance between the two people is too far, they can only use flying pigeons to send letters, with a delay of up to 10 minutes.

Note 3: Rose quartz, commonly known as skill stone, is an artificial magic product left over from the Netheril period. The main raw material is smoked quartz. The production method has been lost, and the number of surviving is very small.

Depending on the quality of the skill stone, the player can extract different amounts of skill points from a selected skill and convert them into free skill points, and the skill level can be reduced to level 1 at most.

Note 4: Heavy Crossbowmen: Ranger skills, each level increases the range by 5%, and the increased range of the weapon is superimposed by multiplication.The increased range of the Heavy Crossbowman skill has no bonus to the ranger's vision and aiming accuracy.

For example, the default range of a ranger's normal attack is 80 feet, the normal longbow equipped increases the range by 7 feet, and the level 1 heavy crossbowman skill increases the range by 5%, so the actual range of the ranger's long-range normal attack is (807)x1059135 feet Explanation: I don't know what The reason, the fifth, the typo in the chapter name of Chapter 6 can’t be corrected, I research and study, and all book friends forgive me

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