Mithril Throne of Forgotten Realms

Chapter 101 Deep Golden Stone

Looking down from a high place, Fang Yi saw at least five waves of guards patrolling around the castle, all the passages were tightly blocked. It might not be easy for him to sneak in at his current level~

Then we can only use another method—according to Turner’s information, this old Tom, as the tyrant of Ximen City, occupies a lot of resources around Ximen City, and the quarry in the south is also one of his properties. Tom visits the quarry regularly, just. . .It seems that there is still one day before the time Turner said, right?This damn. . .

Before being discovered by the priest in the temple, Fang Yi went down the tower lightly and dug out the Azuth Temple from the wall.

As the largest city on the Dragon Coast, Ximen certainly does not lack various tasks.Fang Yixin said that if you are idle, you are idle, why don't you go to upgrade, seeing that there are already [-]th-level talents on the ranking list, and my [-]th-level level is indeed a bit embarrassing.

I remember that during the public beta, the job transfer tasks of fighters and thieves required a certain number of players at level [-] to open, and at that time Fang Yi's fighters were among the top ten fighter players in the world who transferred jobs. The world came to a broadcast and became famous, and I didn't see the usual rewards for hidden occupations or top-quality equipment, so Fang Yi was not in a hurry to level up.

However, after the job change, there are many new ways to play, new skills and professional characteristics, and Fang Yi is also looking forward to it.After picking up two missions near the quarry in the adventure hall, Fang Yi was ready to buy supplies.

The crowd in the adventure hall rubbed shoulders, all of them were players who had handed over the mission. Fang Yi took the mission and walked to the gate, but a thief-like player rushed out from the corner, rubbed against Fang Yi, and was about to rush Enter the Adventurer's Hall.

Fang Yi grabbed the thief's wrist, looked at a gold coin in the other's hand, and opened the corner of his mouth: "Repay the money or go to jail?"

The thief wanted to say something awkwardly, but found that the other party's eyes had already been aimed at the guard on the side of the gate, and quickly apologized with a smile: "Brother, I have something to say, I just learned the stealing skills to practice my hands..." [

Fang Yi secretly laughed in his heart: Just learning?See if you have practiced this proficient movement for [-] times or [-] times.As a thief, how could Fang Yi have not studied this signature skill of his profession?It's just that the stealing skill seems beautiful, but in fact it has many restrictions.Not to mention increasing the pk value of the player, it will also make the camp shift in the direction of chaos, and the success rate against monsters is appallingly low. For Fang Yi, it is really a tasteless skill.

The thief in front of him has successfully stolen, and he has already got two pk points on his back. Now Fang Yi can say that he can take whatever he wants from the other party.

"Ten gold coins, or let's see how lucky you are?" Fang Yi looked at the opponent's equipment up and down, and smiled maliciously.

"No, no, no~" The thief shook his head hastily, took out twenty gold coins and traded them to Fang Yi.

Looking at the back of the other party getting into the crowd, Fang Yi smiled and shook his head.Most of the players who learn stealing skills are not to steal players, but to touch the boss, wasting skill points for the one-in-a-million chance-like many players, Fang Yi also has a gambling mentality, but Fang Yi does not think he has the chance to win the lottery Life.

The adventurer's hall is next to the appraisal office. Fang Yi walked out of the gate to the appraisal office, bypassed the crowded players, came to the appraiser's counter, and took out a long strip from his backpack.

Fang Yi, who had thought he could make a lot of money by killing the murlocs in Tesir back then, revealed a treasure bag. In the end, he only produced such an inexplicable material, and his identification technique could do nothing for it.Now that you have come to Ximen, let the master appraiser here take a look, otherwise it is a bit aggrieved to keep this thing in the bank and hear about it silently.

Fang Yi waited in line for 10 minutes before arriving in front of the only appraisal master in Ximen Port. The old elf in front of him had a peaceful face, and a pair of wise eyes scanned the materials Fang Yi handed over, "Chenghui 150 gold coins."

Um?Fang Yi stared at the dark long strip of unknown material in the appraiser's hand, his little heart was already beating wildly.The appraisal fee is uniform all over the world, which is absolutely childish, including of course the charismatic minority like Fang Yi.The appraisal fee starts from [-] for the rare level and [-] for the epic level.

Is this humble stone a rare material?Fang Yi wiped the saliva that was about to flow out, and quickly handed over the gold coins obediently. The old elf muttered words, and his pale fingers twirled the unknown material, gently stroking across the surface of the material——then raised his hand and handed it over Gave it to Fang Yi.

finished?The expected dazzling light did not appear, and Fang Yi, who was squeezing his fingers to open the protection of the object, was taken aback for a moment.Fang Yi took what was in the elf's hand. It was still a lifeless purple-black color, but it became more restrained.

Deep Gold Stone Raw Ore (Quality 10)

Rare ore, a piece of raw ore the size of a palm can only extract a tenth of the size of pure deep gold stone, and it is only produced in some unknown veins.

Fang Yi held the deep gold stone in his hand, and the warm feeling was more obvious than before.Looking at the dazzling purple words of deep gold and the number 10 representing perfect quality on the item description, Fang Yi finally knew what it was like to step on shit luck.

Most of the ores that mining players can collect are marked with quality numbers. 1~3 is poor quality, 4~6 is average, 7~9 is excellent, and 10 is top quality.The quality of the ore can largely affect the quality of the finished product, so the same ore has different qualities and prices are very different. Fang Yi put the deep gold stone into the dimensional bag, looked left and right, and was really a little afraid at this time. Long-eyed thieves patronize. [

"Right hand, do you know what the deep golden stone is for?" Fang Yi quickened his pace, threw the first piece of purple ore in his "miracle" career into the bank, and immediately sent a message to the golden right hand.For questions about gems, it is better to be a professional.

"I'll go! Fang Fang, you have to test my fragile little heart every time you contact me," 10 minutes later, when Fang Yi had finished purchasing the supplies and was about to walk to the gate of Ximen City, the message from Gold's right hand Only then did I get a reply, and I obviously asked someone to ask, "I didn't learn mining, but I have a friend in the green field who is a miner. I will forward his information to you."

Immediately afterwards, the second message from Gold's right hand followed.

"Depending on the skills of the blacksmith, when a deep gold stone is embedded in a weapon, it can obtain the effect of level 4 spell slot 1 at most. When building equipment, equipment made of deep gold stone can provide a reduction in casting time of up to one second. This effect can make The spell is instant.

Other effects unknown"

Fang Yi looked at the text in front of him, and thought that the rare ore is different. Regardless of whether there are other effects, these two known items alone are already called the purple name of deep gold stone. .

Fang Yi is not a novice. What are the functions of these rare ores, I am afraid it is the exclusive secret of every blacksmith.As the level of the blacksmith increases, the player will randomly learn some knowledge about the ore. The higher the level of the ore, the lower the chance of learning it. Another way to learn is to find the formula, which is more difficult than the previous one.

Judging from the tone of Huang Jin's right hand, I'm afraid that he got the news from a friend. Of course, Fang Yi couldn't just get the favor from others, so he mailed [-] gold coins to Huang Jin's right hand, and asked him to thank that friend.

After getting the news, Fang Yi immediately went offline and found a post he had posted in the "Wojin's Gold Coins" section of the forum. Things that have never been heard of are the favorites of professional businessmen.

In Fang Yi's anonymous post before, it stated that he bought Thief's Stone, Su Lun's Tears and Mo Caijing with a lot of money, and there were quite a few replies, but it was obvious that most of them were scammers, and no one was doing business with sincerity.Fang Yi edited the post, added "or exchange deep gold stones" at the end, and connected to the game again.

It's time to start preparing for a job change. Rather than selling it for money, if this ore can be exchanged for any one of the three gemstones, that's what Fang Yi wants to see most at the moment.

For players, the Ximen Quarry actually appears as a supply point.Unlike mines, the products in quarries are all marbles, which are not attractive to players at all.

However, there are quite a few np workers among them, pharmacies, blacksmiths, etc. are all available, and the most important thing is that there are several level [-] dungeons here, so the remote quarry is still quite lively.

One of Fang Yi's missions is to kill the two cave dwellers and bring back their giant claws.There were only two mission requirements. Fang Yi thought it was quite simple, but unexpectedly he couldn't even see a shadow of a troglodyte when he arrived at the place.After stopping a worker working in the quarry, the other party reluctantly told Fang Yi that the cave dwellers were all inside the quarry and were the main cause of casualties among the quarry workers.

I still have to go in. . .Fang Yi looked at the densely packed deep holes under his feet, and said to himself that I hate dark places, why elves and dwarves have dark vision skills but humans don't! ?

The entire quarry is actually a huge deep pit, with a diameter of about seven or eight hundred feet according to Fang Yi's visual inspection.The workers cut holes for quarrying on the pit wall, and then transported the stone to the ground through the spiraling stone steps on the pit wall.

This quarry has a history of many years. On the gray-white cliff, there are densely packed caves from top to bottom, and workers with cars come in and out of it occasionally, like busy ants.

Fang Yi observed the situation around the quarry from a safe distance.

There is only one entrance to the entire quarry, and there is no need for a wall at all. No one will try to climb the vertical, knife-like stone wall at the edge of the huge pit.Before finding the foothold, the magic effect of the Feather Falling Technique will disappear early, Fang Yi turned the ring on his left hand, staring at the figures at the bottom of the pit that were only as big as mung beans, thinking so.

It is not impossible to sneak in, Fang Yi has confidence in himself.But Fang Yi didn't want to fight with those [-]th-level guards in the narrow mine - most of the time he was beaten by the group, and these guards would not give him any experience.

After observing for a while, Fang Yi decided to take a softer approach.

Following the path paved with crumbling stones, Fang Yi walked into the only "fragile stone tavern" near the quarry.Noon was the time for the workers to rest, and the tavern was full of people, shouting, clinking glasses, and cursing.Fang Yi looked around the crowd in the tavern, and quickly locked on a young man who was drinking alone at the bar.

"I need your clothes, shoes and hood."


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