Mithril Throne of Forgotten Realms

Chapter 110 444 Oak Street

With a flash of white light, the duel ended.Fang Yi glanced at the extra [-] gold coins in the backpack and felt quite satisfied.The surrounding thieves and players lost their eyes all over the place. Is this the end?Isn't this Nima acting, why is the warrior so weak all of a sudden?

The first magic battle was also a little dazed. The sound of the system prompting defeat woke him up from the chaotic state, and immediately stopped Fang Yi who was about to turn around and leave, "You must have equipped me too much, yes! That's right! "

The first battle seemed to have grasped the life-saving straw, and he immediately applied for a duel again, "I'm ready this time, come again!"

"Five Hundred Gold Coins"


The soldiers in the second round were even more miserable. They only persisted for more than 20 seconds before Fang Yi, who had activated the violent skill, came out with a "double-knife lock-throat kill", bursting out several astronomical damage figures, and Nai fell down.

This time, the thieves players around saw the way, the difference in strength between the two was too great.In the second duel, Fang Yi didn't use the oppressive style of play, but the assassination style.Using ghostly steps to get close to the warrior, he dodged the warrior's uppercut and big sword within a hair's breadth, and directly hit the vital point.

It was the first time for many thieves players around to see this kind of skill, cheers and whistles filled the hall.At this time, it was changed to the first battle of magic, his face turned blue, and he was a little dazed with the big sword in his hand.Seeing that his momentum had lost, the soldier's companion left Fang Yi with a few affectionate eyes, and left the starry shadow with the soldier.

"Master, can you teach me some tricks?" [

"That's right, how can I quickly become a master? I've been bullied enough by mages and warriors!"

"Teach us to give the thieves a boost~"


Fang Yi, who was about to leave immediately, was squeezed in the middle by a kind of fanatical thieves, which made Fang Yi keep clutching his package, for fear that a few things would be taken away.Seeing colleagues around him staring at him, Fang Yixin said that the money was not for nothing, so he had to walk a few steps to the training ground.

Each profession hall has its own unique training ground, the archery target for rangers to practice bows and arrows, the "wide and human" open space for mages to learn to chant spells, the np masters for monks to practice unarmed combat skills, and so on.Before entering the game, each player will be reminded once after choosing a profession. First go to the training ground to familiarize yourself with the weapons and professional characteristics of each profession of your profession.

Fang Yi pointed to the empty thieves training ground, looked back at the thieves following behind him and asked: "Who knows how many weapons you can use in the thieves' novice training ground, how many basic monsters you can practice, There are several types of monsters for advanced paid training, what is the time limit, and what is the most advanced opponent that can be encountered in the novice training ground?"

After hearing Fang Yi's question, all the thieves looked at each other, but no one said anything.There are actually quite a few people who have been to the novice training ground. Most of them are players who, after being tortured by monsters, learned from the pain and determined to become skilled workers in this profession before going to torture monsters.But most of them leave after practicing almost. Who has the time to summarize these things.

"If you want to be better than others, there is no shortcut," Fang Yi patted the heavy wooden door of the training ground, and said, "If all the problems I mentioned are clarified, everyone's skills must be improved to a higher level."

Ignoring the crows and sparrows, Fang Yi, who felt refreshed, immediately sneaked into the crowd and quickly left the hall.Maybe some people think that they are talking empty words, hiding the secret of becoming a master and refusing to look at others, but Fang Yi knows that which of these so-called great gods in the game world is not troubled by the dignitaries in front of others?

When it comes to the rich collection of books and all kinds of profound knowledge, people must first think of the fortress in the northern part of the Sea of ​​Swords known as Faerun's knowledge gathering place - Candle Castle. The guy who knows the relevant plots by heart has never heard that there is a big library here in Ximen.After all, assassins, conspiracies and gold coins are what left the deepest impression on people in Ximen Port.

Easily shaking off the little tail behind him, Fang Yi soon arrived at the destination.

At No. 444 Oak Street, Fang Yi looked at the Oak Street all the way eastward from his feet, and sucked his teeth. That's right~ This is the address of the library that Valier mysteriously told himself at that time.But Fang Yi walked back and forth on the stone bridge several times. The west side of the bridge is 445, and the east side is 445. . .Has Nima 444 been eaten by the system?

After ruling out the system's oolong situation and confirming that there is no illusion in front of him, Fang Yi stood on the bridge and looked around. He inadvertently looked down. The dark green mud under the bridge attracted Fang Yi's attention. It's a ditch or a sewer.

The stone bridge under Fang Yi's feet is a zigzag shape, more than 30 feet long.Oak Street turned a corner here, and the avenue that originally ran due east and west turned to the southwest corner of Ximen Port.Fang Yi jumped under the bridge, and the north side was covered with rotten mud, but there was nothing else.But turning to the south side of the stone bridge, Fang Yi searched carefully: the exit of the sewer, which is as high as one person, is blocked by an iron fence covered with moss, and there is a gap more than a foot wide on the far right.On the right side of the entrance, a rusty and disfigured iron sign hangs on the turquoise stone. Fang Yi pushed aside the winding vines to barely see the notch on it: a very hidden library - No. 444 Oak Street.

Fang Yi suddenly felt a group of mud horses galloping past in his heart. Among other things, the name of this library is definitely not necessary for the plot, it is [-]% a spoof by the game company.Fang Yi wiped the sweat from his forehead, squinted his eyes and looked at the passage in front of him: Although the afternoon sun is good, it still can't illuminate the dark underground world. The sewers are full of darkness, and it is impossible to see clearly what is going on in the depths. Condition. [

But with both blades in hand, Fang Yi seemed full of courage. Even if there was a trap, he had to rush in. The mission of the Son of Thunder did not wait for anyone.Fang Yi sneaked into the gap in the fence, leaned against the wall and groped into the depths of the sewer, still muttering to himself: I hate dark places!

Fang Yi's figure quickly merged into the darkness and disappeared into the secret passage of the "library".After a long time, a nimble figure appeared under the bridge, looked at the sign on the stone wall, hesitated for a moment, and got into the gap in the fence.

Thanks to the burning torches on the wall, the interior of the sewer is much brighter than the entrance. The size of the sewer is also quite amazing, and the internal passages are getting wider and wider.The width is six or seven feet, and the height Fang Yi can't even reach the top with his arms, which is even worse than some alleys on the ground.

Fang Yi walked forward carefully, and soon found himself at the destination.An old man sat with his head bowed on the side of the passage. A burning candle as thick as an arm illuminated the old man's gray hair, and also illuminated the sign on the wooden door behind the old man: library.

Fang Yi released the stealth state, and while looking at the environment he was in, he walked unhurriedly to the old man, "Hello, with the permission of Viscount Valier, I would like to borrow the books here, I don't know. . . ”

Only then did the old man raise his head slowly, staring straight at Fang Yi with his dizzy old eyes.About ten seconds later, when Fang Yi couldn't help but reach out and touch his face to see if there were any flowers growing on it, the old man stretched out his right hand and rubbed out a big lump of eye feces from the corner of his eye, and then arrived corner.

"I'm getting old, and my eyes are not working well." The old man rubbed the two goldfish bubble eyes, stared at Fang Yi again for about ten seconds, and then said, "Which part of the book do you want to read?"

Fang Yi was taken aback, still have to classify?After thinking about it, it would be okay to tell an NPC, so he said to the old man, "It's a book about magic enchantment."

"What boundary?"

"..." Fang Yi looked at the other party, still half awake, not sure what the other party meant, but just to be on the safe side, Fang Yi said patiently, "I'm checking the enchantment of the sacred department books."

"The borrowing fee for advanced spell books is 240 gold coins, and [-] gold coins are added for enchantment books, a total of [-] gold coins." As soon as Fang Yi's voice fell, the old man immediately popped out a sentence, with a coherent and clear tone and a very fast speech speed, I don't know how many times I said the same thing to be so proficient.

Um?Fang Yi raised his eyebrows slightly, and the fingers hidden under the cloak couldn't help tapping on the hilt of the sword. Isn't this guy a scam?The gold coins are small, and it is really terrible if someone shakes them and affects the mission.

However, this situation violates the mission process. The library obviously needs to meet certain conditions to come here. What's the point of arranging such an NPC here?Looking up and down, this senior mage doesn't look like a gatekeeper~

After thinking for a while, Fang Yi was about to open his mouth to find out the truth, but he felt a sense of vibration coming from the passage behind him, as well as faint impact sounds and not-so-clear shouts.

"what happened?"

Fang Yi immediately grasped the hilt of his sword with both hands, thinking of the person who might be following him here with the night mask or the silver scepter, but he could only see darkness when he stared at the direction of the sound, and turned his head to the old man. asked aloud.

The old man turned his head sideways, scratched his messy hair, and looked indifferent, "Oh, maybe there are uninvited guests. The two iron golems at the door have a bad temper."

. . .Do golems have thoughts?It's because you have a bad temper!

Fang Yi immediately took out three star diamonds from his pocket, put them on the wooden table, and went to the old man.Against the backdrop of candlelight and torches, the translucent material of the star diamond and its needle-like highlights are so charming.

"This is my borrowing fee. Also, may I ask where are the books such as the sacred enchantment?"

"The third-to-last row, the leftmost bookshelf, remember to put the books back where they were when you finished reading," the old man swept his sleeves, and the three star diamonds on the table disappeared, Fang Yi nodded.Just about to open the wooden door and go in, something happened suddenly, and he turned around and asked the old man politely: "If I want to find out how to repair the map, where can I find the relevant method records?"

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