"Are you sure you want to change to Arcane Knight? Are the intelligence attributes and prerequisite skills enough?"

"Almost," Huang Jin waved his right hand, looking very confident, "My initial intelligence is [-] points, and it's just right to add [-] point to level [-], and there are still a lot of useless skill points left. Just go up."

Fang Yi hummed, then talked about the skill attribute of Destiny and the golden right hand, the greedy golden right hand drooled profusely, envious of Fang Yi's shit luck.

"Well, help me buy the thief's skill book. Remember that if it is rare, at least it can't be too far behind the destiny," Fang Yi thought for a while and said, "I can trust your vision. If there is no news about the thief skill book, I won’t wait any longer. I’ll just sell you the skill book. Oh, by the way, pay attention to your camp, don’t change jobs and you can’t learn it, just cry.”

Fang Yi knew that Huang Jin's right hand was actually a very capable player, and he had a good eye.Since he is very optimistic about this skill, he simply sells favors.After all, this skill needs to be upgraded, and the earlier you learn it, the more advantageous you will be.

Gold's right hand of course agreed, and after the matter was settled, the two started chatting.

"By the way, what mission did you do in Ximen? This handsome guy is messing around in Tessier. Come and hang out with me."

Fang Yi shook his head with a smile, and gave the golden right hand a look of contempt, "It doesn't work just in one place. In the future, the player's focus will definitely shift to high-level maps. Are you still planning to build a guild?"

After hearing this, Huang Jin shook his head with his right hand, threw the epee on his back on the ground casually, and began to complain to Fang Yi, "What about the guild? The guild residence, now the entire Tesir is almost becoming the backyard of the world’s hegemony.”[

Sitting in the lounge of the fighting space, Fang Yi looked at the exaggerated expression of Huang Jin's right hand, and knew that he was actually exaggerating his domineering attitude.Although Tesir is small, it has a leveling map with a population of tens of thousands and nearly a hundred square miles. Even if it wants to become the backyard of the world's hegemony, it will have to wait a year after the game time.

"However, I would like to set up an adventure team. Now that the players are at a higher level, after level [-], they can go to the Gusmael Forest or the Giant Running Mountains to explore and find wild bosses. Ximen Port University is big, but this is not as good as it is." Go to Tezier." The right hand of Jin said with a little complacency.

"Indeed." Fang Yi nodded affirmatively.The geographical location of Ximen Port is important, and there is a large enough leveling area around it.But most of them are plains and hills. Even if rare monsters and bosses are refreshed, they are still a meal for large guilds. In most cases, it is not the turn of idle players.Unorganized players can only pick up mistakes at most, which leads most people to choose to find a bigger backer in the end, such as the Silver Scepter or Underworld.

"Speaking of this, don't you still have the idea of ​​finding a fixed adventure team?" Seeing that the atmosphere is almost ready, Gold's right hand said the lines he had prepared for a long time, "I have contacted many old friends in the game, Don't worry, you know all of them, and almost all of them are your fans."

Fang Yi was taken aback, his first reaction was to think of the mulberry picker, and then a beautiful figure appeared in his mind.Shaking his head, Fang Yi smiled apologetically at Huang Jin's right hand, "I have already made an appointment with someone to form a team, but they have something to do and can't play the game for the time being, I'm afraid I will have to be alone in the near future."

"Oh~" Gold's right hand smiled maliciously, "Male or female? If the man is a man, leave one for me."

Fang Yi cracked his mouth and smiled, watching Huang Jin's right hand's harsh joke, knowing that the other party didn't mind that he rejected the invitation.

Fixed adventure teams have very strict requirements for players, and the system will provide relatively complete team action and adventure guidelines, such as strict restrictions on money management, item distribution, and kicking out team members.The most important thing is that the fixed adventure team cannot quit at will, and willfully break the team rules. For example, those who quit without the team's vote will be severely punished, including gold coins, previously acquired equipment and even experience.

The golden right hand invited Fang Yi to join the team, which actually expressed the recognition of Fang Yi's ability and a high degree of trust.It's like in reality, when a friend needs help with something very important, the first thing he thinks of is you, so Fang Yi still feels a little guilty about rejecting the golden right hand.

However, the golden right hand is obviously not a small-minded person. After chatting with Fang Yi for a few words, he immediately left the fighting expert community and posted posts on the Internet.Fang Yi also canceled the post on destiny skills by the way, and looked at the post asking for shopping items. He unexpectedly found a reply, saying that he was willing to exchange star crystals for deep gold stones. Stone screenshot.

Fang Yi has never seen such a thing as a Thief's Stone. The person who left the message left the game and location. Fang Yi was delighted to see that he was also a player from Ximen Port.It seems that luck is good, this kind of thing has been discovered.Fang Yi took off his helmet to solve his physical problems, re-entered the game, and added the other party's friend immediately.However, the other party was obviously not online, and hadn't responded for a long time, so he had to wait patiently.

Wu Goubai clutched the wound on his waist, stumbled all the way, and finally ran into an alley, his vision was red, and the warning sound of low blood volume lingered in his mind like a talisman.Regardless of the sewage and dirty ground in the alley, Wu Goubai quickly put a bandage on himself, hanging the crumbling blood line, finally passed the cooling time of the potion, and quickly poured down a bottle of life potion , and then took a long breath.

Recalling the situation just now, Wu Goubai still felt a chill down his back.The ten NPC assassins were waiting quietly at the exit of the sewer, waiting for them to launch a fatal blow when they came out.If it wasn't that the focus of their attack was that np thief named Heibei, would he be able to escape?Wu Goubai didn't want to think about it, or said he didn't dare to think about it. . .

Where did these people come from, why did they ambush their team, Wu Goubai didn't know.The Mask of the Night is not without enemies in Ximen, but how did the enemies know the whereabouts of these people?

Wu Goubai was at a loss at this moment, and had used two poison bottles worth several hundred gold coins to escape just now, even so, the black back who had been under siege would inevitably be chopped to pieces by the assassins.Wu Goubai wiped off the blood on his face, poured the medicine for a while, and after resting for a while, he finally regained his physical strength, and the duration of the toxin effect on his body was also up.At this time, Wu Goubai had no time to think about where the cube went, so he stood up and walked towards the guild's location. [

Fang Yi returned to the hall under the light of online protection, threw his bone waist guard into the auction house, and walked out of the auction hall.

There is an exquisite small fountain in the small square in front of the auction house. The less intense sunlight casts on the water column of the fountain, leaving a dreamlike mini-rainbow surrounded by light red mist, which climbs the high wall on the other side. The verdant green ivy is very beautiful against the background. For some reason, the word "healing system" suddenly popped out in Fang Yi's heart.

The interlacing between reality and fantasy made Fang Yi a little dazed, but this feeling didn't last long, and a voice from the side interrupted Fang Yi's thoughts.

"Adept master~"

Fang Yi felt that he had recovered from the state of wandering in the sky. He turned his head and saw a familiar-looking thief standing beside him, who seemed to be talking to him.

"I've waited for you," the thief rubbed his hands excitedly, and while talking to Fang Yi, he lowered his hair and read the message. Seeing that Fang Yi looked a little puzzled, he quickly explained: "Don't get me wrong, don't get me wrong... I have something to find You help~"

Fang Yi was stunned for a moment, and then he remembered, isn't this the wire for the first PK battle with that magic?Going forward, I even bumped into this teammate.But at this time Fang Yi's brain has completely recovered from the fugue state, and he immediately thought that the two times he met with this person were in a disguised state, how did the other party recognize him?

Seeing Fang Yi frowned, suspicion gradually appeared in his eyes, Xian Dian was also a smart person, and immediately thought that it was a bit rash for him to approach the other party like this, so he quickly explained: "Master, don't get me wrong, don't get me wrong, I didn't follow you."

Fang Yi raised his eyebrows, the other party didn't seem to be doing anything, but what he said was incomplete, and the suspicion in his eyes was even stronger, as if he was saying, if we meet such a big Ximen City three times in a row, the chances are higher Let me figure it out with you?

"Um... I followed you for a short distance," Xiandian scratched his head and said hesitantly, "But that's because your duel in Star Shadow was so powerful, I couldn't help following you for a while... "

Only then did Fang Yi understand in his heart that the other party had been waiting at the door of No. 444 Oak Street, and he hadn't sneaked when he came out from there, so he was followed all the way to the auction house by the wire.

"Then how did you find out it was mine?" Fang Yi wondered, although the low-level camouflage technique can't change the appearance of the equipment, but so many thieves players in Ximen City can only see the double-sword cloak and boots, If this wire can identify himself based on this, Fang Yi really has to express his admiration from the bottom of his heart.

Hearing Fang Yi's question, Yan Dian scratched his head in embarrassment, and smiled, "Because... because you are not wearing pants, master."

. . .Fang Yi glanced at the wire, then looked down at his Xiasanlu, and understood what the wire meant.

Fang Yi has never changed the equipment on his legs since he came out from a distance. It has always been the thieves' soil-gray novice shorts, with a fake blinding belt tied with a glimmer of light from time to time.In fact, it's not that Fang Yi doesn't want to change, but from the first level to the present, Fang Yi has walked through Pross, crossed Tessier, and arrived at Ximen. He has never seen what kind of trousers equipment looks like. Yi really felt that the joint between the legs was a bit chilly.

The rough poop-yellow fabric of the novice shorts is paired with a delicate cloth belt. At first glance, it looks like a unique piece of equipment, but if you pay attention, you will find that the lower body is actually not wearing equipment.Fang Yi sighed inwardly, and decided not to pursue this issue any further.

"What do you have to do with me?"

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