Fang Yi and Xian Dian are on the road to investigate. Even if someone follows them, they are at most stalking thieves. Those who carry out the ambush must have ambushed here in advance. How do they know that their party will come to Riverbed Town without weeds? Can't find a cover and lay an ambush, ready to kill all four of you?

"Isn't there a soldier in your team?" Fang Yi, who had been walking with his head down, suddenly said, "It may be a bit abrupt for me to ask, but is it because he left the team twice or is there some other reason?"

The remaining three people look at each other, and they already know what Fang Yi means.The stealthy old man sighed, and told Fang Yi the secret behind it.

It turned out that the soldier once insisted on cooperating with the silver scepter, because he had a friend who was in the guild and had a moderate position.Although he promised that after cooperating with the Silver Scepter, it will not affect several people to continue the mission, but the three old sneakers are all players who have been in Ximen Port since the beginning. They have been angry with the Silver Scepter not once or twice, and they have a good impression of this guild. I owed all of them, so I never agreed.

As for the two times the soldier died, one of them was because the enemy was too powerful and the group was wiped out, so everyone died; as for the second time, after entering the underground library, the soldier tried to take out the materials in the team's warehouse .At that time, the sneaking old man and the radio were concentrating on finding a way to enter the library, but fortunately, the leopard discovered it in time.The two had a dispute and then fought. The leopard killed the soldier again, and the soldier and the team broke completely.

"I don't know how much he sold the mission. Fortunately, all the mission items are on us, otherwise it would be fatal to collect these things again." Leopard smiled and said as if nothing happened.

Fang Yi gave the golden leopard a thumbs up, secretly harboring the opponent's courage in his heart.Compared with fighters, priests rarely face-to-face with the enemy in the early stage of the game. If they can kill a fighter of similar level, this priest can truly be called a mage who knows martial arts, and gods can't stop them.

The feeling of being betrayed by a friend is not good. How could Fang Yi, who has been in the game for so many years, not know it, but now is obviously not the best time to talk about it.

"With the strength of the silver scepter, it's easy to collect the materials ahead," the sneaking old man had already seen the shadow of the tower in Riverbed Town, and motioned for several people to speed up, "It's just that few people collect these last two materials, and the auctioneers don't. They It’s probably too bad. These grandchildren must want to collect materials and hand in tasks before us!” [

According to the quest clues, the group needs to go all the way south to the southernmost point of the coastal plain to hunt cave trolls for their spines.Then cross the offshore plains to the Killer Swamp to find and collect the blood of the rare two-headed python.Although this trip was far from being able to be completed in a day or two, they still felt a sense of pressure when they thought that their competitors were the powerful Silver Scepter and they had already rushed ahead of them.

Seeing that everyone was silent, Fang Yi said with a smile: "The person with the silver scepter also has two legs and two arms. Weren't the dozen or so high-level players just now dealt with by us? Fuck them!"

"Yes, fuck their chrysanthemums in the back!" The leopard and the cable agreed in unison, and the four of them looked at each other and laughed.

Riverbed Town is small in scale. Apart from some residential buildings, the only conspicuous buildings in the town are blacksmith shops, pharmacies and other stores that provide supplies for players.

Because they knew that the people with the Silver Scepter had already run ahead, they canceled their original plan to rest in Riverbed Town. They simply replenished their supplies and set off on their way south after a short rest.

It is more than 30 miles south of Hebed Town, deep in the grass sea on the offshore plain.

It's no exaggeration to call it a monster's paradise.Taking Riverbed Town as the dividing line, the monsters north of Riverbed Town had a maximum of level [-], and after passing Riverbed Town and heading south, they suddenly rose to level [-].In order to avoid the murlocs on the coast, the Silver Scepter's team had no choice but to bite the bullet and choose this path, even knowing that powerful enemies in the south were on the lookout.

But no matter how careful Wu Goubai and his team were, they still couldn't avoid this group of white-eyed baboons roaming the prairie.White-eyed baboons live in groups. They are about the size of an ordinary person, but they move extremely fast. When they attack, they may cause wound infection and slow down the enemy's movement ability. Under the ups and downs, they can give full play to their own advantages of moving like the wind. A master of guerrilla warfare on the prairie.

Wu Goubai nimbly dodged the pounce of the white-eyed baboon, and at the moment when he intersected with the opponent's leaping figure, the stabbing sword in his hand was like a maggot attached to the bone, stabbing into the baboon's back like lightning and then quickly withdrawing, the two represent normal damage A white number and a light green poison damage jumped out from the head of the white-eyed baboon at the same time.

Seeing a hit, Wu Goubai was not greedy for merit, and his speed advantage of being [-]% ​​faster than the nimble baboon was brought into full play. This monster known for its agility failed to hurt Wu Goubai even once, and was killed Rabbit and poison damage grinds to death.Seeing that the target's HP had bottomed out, Wu Goubai immediately flew back and jumped towards the white-eyed baboon boss who was dragged aside by his teammates.

The baboon boss is a bit bigger than its little brother, but it doesn't affect its flexibility.The gray and white figure rushed left and right in the crowd, but due to the lack of strength, it was difficult to break out of the encirclement circle composed of warriors, paladins and priests.The besieging players just used long-range attacks to blindly provoke the hatred of the boss, but they did not advance aggressively. They kept moving the position of the encirclement according to the target's actions, otherwise the boss would run too far.

Seeing the younger brothers being knocked down one by one, the baboon boss began to feel that something was wrong, and wanted to escape with speed, but at this time Wu Goubai had already taken his place.With an order, the boss was formally attacked.

After seeing the warrior named Thirteen Swords yesterday, Wu Goubai immediately applied to the president to come and do this task in person.Because according to the soldier's description, Wu Goubai faintly felt that this task was a bit familiar, very similar to the lottery task passed by word of mouth among the beta players.If your judgment is correct, the reward for this mission is likely to be better than everyone expected.

More importantly, this task also involved the underground library.I have been in Ximen since the beginning, and I don’t know about such a large-scale library—that is to say, I haven’t gotten any news about the Silver Scepter, and the Dark Night Mask has no leaks, maybe it’s a hidden mission distribution center!

Wu Goubai frowned and moved away from the big, foul-smelling mouth of the white-eyed baboon. The rusty-yellow teeth were close in front of his eyes, which made Wu Goubai nauseous.This guy's sensitivity is extremely high, but his strength is ridiculously low. With Wu Goubai's [-] points of strength and the boss, he was only shaken away by one step.However, only Wu Goubai had the chance to fight the boss, because all the melee fighters couldn't even touch the variegated bristles of the white-eyed baboons. [

The spell effects of the slow spell and the freezing ray dyed the gray-white white-eyed baboon like a monkey in a camouflage suit. Within 5 minutes, the baboon boss with more and more wounds on his body was struggling, and was slapped on the ground by the warrior's shield .

Wu Goubai put his sword back into its sheath, watched the special personnel in the team step forward to clean up the battlefield, and raised his head to look around, ready to see if there were any medicinal materials around.Although the chance of precious plants appearing on the plains is not high, Wu Goubai, who has combat skills and alchemy skills, knows that it is not easy to upgrade skills, and he will not be lazy at all.

The soft beep of the message manager at the waist interrupted Wu Goubai's train of thought. He called up the message and looked at the content. Did not hear:

The seventeen people who blocked the pair of players were all wiped out. The key is that someone found the square in the battle record.

It was not easy for Fang Yi and his party to leave Riverbed Town.

The lush weeds covered most of the figures of the monsters, and there were no other mobs around the rhinoceros-like neutral monsters roaming the grasslands, but they dared not test their tempers—why? Afraid of rhinos?Have you ever seen a rhino that is eight feet tall, has hooves the size of a small tabletop, and has electric discharges on its horns?

If it wasn't for hurrying, it would be a good choice to kill high-level monsters here to earn experience.But the level of monsters here is high and dense, and players who are generally still at level [-] or [-] prefer to level up in the relatively peaceful area north of Riverbed Town.So the further south we went, the more the ratio of players to monsters began to tilt toward the latter. After walking for a few miles, a group of four became the only one percent players within sight.

"Fang Cui, let me share the map with you."

The sneaky old man walked up to Fang Yi and shared the map of the coastal plain with Fang Yi.On Fang Yi's originally pitch-black map, there appeared white lines that looked like bugs crawling around, leading straight to the Killer Swamp.That was the trace left by the old sneakers who had explored on the offshore plains before.

At this time, it was Fang Yi's turn to stand at the back of the team and play the role of Duan Hou, so he chatted with the stealthy old man.

"So you are the Rogier you met in the southern part of the offshore grassland, but how did you come here to practice?"

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