Mithril Throne of Forgotten Realms

Chapter 124 Killer Swamp

The level of the Killer Swamp is beyond the range of novices. The official information about it is only one sentence. The name of this swamp comes from the various monsters living in the swamp.Lurking, approaching and then shooting cold arrows are the survival rules of the creatures living here.

Before dark, the team led by Wu Goubai had gathered all the troll backbones needed for the mission and entered the swamp.Unexpectedly, the people who were going to collect monster information on the way did not find any monsters, but there were a lot of toads and scavengers that did not cause any damage.

After nightfall, they could no longer move, and the weary people entered the tents that had been set up one by one.It was only in the middle of the night that the entire team was awakened by the shouts of the two players on the night watch.

The combination of the first wave of night watchmen is a warrior and a ranger. The warrior has thick skin and the ranger has outstanding investigative skills. It is a good match.But the two who were chatting around the bonfire didn't realize that the enemy was approaching. It wasn't until the ambusher launched an attack that the two realized that they were surrounded.

The ones attacking the camp were five swamp pythons. These level [-] monsters were known for their strength, and they also had a high stealth bonus in swamps and aquatic terrain.The ranger, who was responsible for the lookout duty, was unprepared, his frail body fell into a coma after being swung twice by the giant python, and even the body was not found after the battle.

The soldier's heavy armor prevented him from dying immediately, but he chose the wrong tactic, instead of hiding near the tent and out of the attack range of the pythons, he chose to fight bravely.The group of team members who got out of the tent only saw the curled up meat ball of the snake god, and the heads of the soldiers in the team list had long since turned gray. Presumably, they couldn't bear to watch themselves being "stuffed" into the python's stomach .

It took three to ten minutes, and after killing the three giant pythons, the attack of the snake group was forced back.But the two players who died can no longer return to the team.

First of all, neither of them has a corpse, and neither first aid nor healing spells can be used.Secondly, even if there were corpses, they would probably be badly damaged. Priests of the current level could not learn spells such as resurrection at all, and team reduction was inevitable.

Wu Goubai really regretted it. [

Warriors can be regarded as jng elite players, but they are too young and not stable enough. They always think that all problems can be solved by relying on the big sword in their hands; A few things grab attention.I really should replace one of them to do the first wave of vigil work, these two idiots.

Now the two of them have returned to Ximen City, with a lot of supplies on the soldiers.Wu Goubai tied the cloak around his waist to avoid getting wet, looked at the mist around him, and thought that this long journey was more difficult than he imagined.

"Old Bai, there's something wrong with this swamp. Are they nocturnal creatures like those trolls?"

The voice of the druid in the team interrupted Wu Goubai's train of thought.Wu Goubai walked on the flanks of the team, protecting the mage in the middle.

"Probably not," Wu Goubai shook his head, looked at the calm and scary water surface and the low grass that occasionally swayed in the distance, and said in a deep voice, "The monsters here are higher than our level, and they are all sneak attacks. Tell the ranger in front of the road to be careful, listening and detection skills may not be so effective here."

Looking at the map that Thirteen Swords shared with him, Wu Gou Baixin asked how this money fan got his way, and why the explored areas marked on the map were crooked and there was no straight line.The players did not rest well last night, so I don't know how far they can go today.

As soon as the sun rose in the morning, Fang Yi and the others quickly passed through the deserted troll area, and soon came to the border of the Killer Swamp.In fact, this can be regarded as a wild adventure. On a large wasteland that no player can see, only his teammates are by his side, and he is always on guard against all kinds of monsters that may come out of the grass.Being able to experience this absolutely real and exciting feeling in addition to ordinary real life makes people have to sigh the greatness of modern science and technology.

Of course, some players with bad attributes would not think so.At this time, the sneaking old man did not know how many times he pulled out his pair of thin legs from the mud, and cursed bitterly that this place is simply not a place for people to come.

The last time they sent that Rogier to the depths of the Killer Swamp, the few people cursed this hellish journey all the way. Now that they had to face this place again, the sneaky old man was really not in a good mood.

Fang Yi and Xian Dian, one behind the other, surrounded the mage and priest in the middle and moved forward slowly.Stealth on the move isn't quite as effective in swamps, but it's better than nothing.The Killer Swamp is eerily quiet, but it's far scarier than having a vicious monster loitering in front of you.

Previously, Xingdian proposed to go directly through the dark area in the middle of the map and take a shortcut to the place where Rogier was, but Fang Yi resolutely rejected it.

There are too many variables in the hidden mission. The core np named Rogier obviously made a big circle on purpose, so that the sneak old man and the others can see the distribution of monsters along the way.If you rush into the location area rashly, there may be unexpected conflicts. At present, Fang Yi does not intend to take risks, but is going to take a look at the situation on this route first.

The leopard had already taken off the wooden shield on its back, and entered the battle preparation mode from the hurrying mode. At this time, the leopard regretted not having prepared a battle shield. The poor little wooden shield in his hand increases mana and casting distance. For the current situation where you have to face a sneak attack at this moment, it has very little effect.

"It wasn't so scary last time we came here," Leopard looked around at the mist floating on the water, and said to the mage beside him with some doubts, "Why do you feel so weird today?"

The stealthy old man was also a little surprised. Last time, the old man's injuries were almost healed by the magic of the leopard. Although he was poisoned, it did not affect his actions.At that time Thirteen Swords was holding Rogier, and everyone just turned around following Rogier's command. Although they ran into two crocodiles, they were all ordinary monsters of level [-] alone. Passed, however. . . [

But the atmosphere is not right today! Fang Yi held two blades in his hand, squatted forward slowly, feeling a little bad in his heart.

Before entering the swamp, Fang Yi had already inquired several people in the radio in detail, about how they got into the swamp, the terrain, and the monsters they had seen.But after stepping into the swamp today, the atmosphere made Fang Yi a little confused. Is it really just a single nineteenth-level monster?

The map shared by the sneaking old man shows that the people did not go directly to the south at that time, but went around the whole world to the west, and then walked to the southeast, leaving a large shadow between the destination and the current location. Area, it seems that Rogier led a few people to deliberately avoid something.

Leopard propped up the wooden shield and leaned against the mage, and was about to speak to the sneaky old man, when he heard the sound of rushing water coming from his right side, followed by a stench blowing towards his face.

Before Fang Yi joined the team, the three had worked together for a long time, and they knew each other's positioning habits very well. The first time there was an abnormality in the water, the leopard had already judged that it was not the sound made by the footsteps of the radio.

Therefore, during the sneak attack, the quietest second before the battle began—when the sneak attacking crocodile man opened his mouth to the widest extent, and when the legs of the electric wire behind him charged up and lengthened the enemy, the crispy wooden shield of the leopard was already blocked. In front of himself and the mage, he almost stuffed the shield into the crocodile man's big mouth in a lifting posture.

The next moment, the sound of the wooden shield cracking and the sound of the radio's dagger being split by the crocodile man's rattan armor reached everyone's ears at the same time.The sneak old man who was closest to the priest pulled out a scroll from his belt. Before shaking the scroll away, a thought flashed through the sneak old man's mind: This belt with scroll slots is worth the money.

The spell on the scroll took shape in an instant, and before the giant claw raised by the crocodile man had a chance to fall, it was slapped on the face by the lightning-like flames formed by the flame arrow, and he was involuntarily suffocated by the rushing momentum, sending out a burst of shock that made several people Listen to the hearty roar!The short ax raised by the leopard also missed.

"It's jngying, back off!"

Fang Yi, who was farthest away, threw a probing spell, and jumped to the side of the crocodile man. The elf dagger unreasonably pierced through the inch-thick rattan armor, and then twisted it, bringing out the crocodile. A bloody hole two fingers thick.The blood flowed straight to the crocodile's chin. Although it didn't pierce the opponent's throat, it left a large piece of ice on the crocodile's wrinkled neck.

The crocodile man's attention was immediately attracted to the thief who made him feel more painful, and he slapped the thief horizontally with his claws like a huge dead tree trunk, while his giant tail swept towards the wire on the other side.

"Nimma, run, the old man's spider web technique!" This is Fang Yi's cry.

"Beware of the boss, Cube!" This was the exclamation of the stealthy old man with a changed voice.

When Fang Yi saw the injury that jumped out of the crocodile man, a layer of sweat immediately broke out on his forehead, and he immediately told the other three to back up, and he also rubbed his feet with oil to prepare to escape.What is the concept of only a dozen points of damage after piercing through the armor, and what does it mean to only have a dozen points of damage when the ice blast effect is triggered on the neck!This stupid probing technique is simply a representative of cheap but not good ones!Is this an ordinary jng hero! ?

Calculating the time for the sneaking old man to cast a spell in his mind, Fang Yi dodged the crocodile's first attack, and took the opportunity to reach out and touch a weak line on the crocodile, but the second attack was swift and violent, and Fang Yizhi had time to make a move. With a double-edged movement, the crocodile-man's claws were sent flying backwards with a huge force.

The sneaking old man's heart jumped wildly. The moment Fang Yi was shot flying, the spider web technique was formed, and it accurately hit the crocodile man in green vine armor not far away.Twenty o'clock!The Flame Arrow, which originally dealt [-] points of damage, only hit [-] points of damage. How old is this guy?

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