Mithril Throne of Forgotten Realms

Chapter 132 Unexpected clues

The scene suddenly fell silent.Yes, three bottles means that one of the four players present has no chance to own this small bottle. Compared with the equipment with unknown attributes on the table, what is in front of us is real.

Fang Yi was about to speak, but the stealthy old man passed his hand forward first, and the three small bottles arrived in front of Fang Yi first,

"I don't want it anymore," said the stealthy old man with a smile. "This time the mission block has helped us a lot, otherwise it is almost certain to be intercepted by the people with the silver scepter. I will choose one of those three things."

"Don't tell me~" Fang Yi grinned and waved to the mage.

Fang Yi felt at ease with what the sneaking old man said, but Fang Yi, who had already made up his mind, really didn't intend to take this attribute potion that was completely based on his face.

"I'm not being polite. I guess there is a good chance that there is something I want in those three pieces of equipment. These bottles of potions will give you three points. I will pick one piece of equipment. What do you think?"

Seeing that the thief's expression did not seem to be fake, the remaining three looked at each other and nodded at the same time.What can be seen is the most affordable. Who doesn't like a happy ending?

The three of them shared a bottle of potion each, and immediately raised their heads and drank it.Ten seconds later, the few people who were staring at the wires saw the thief's face beaming with joy, "It's gone up, the power has gone up a little bit! Haha~"

The two people who held the potion felt apprehensive, seeing that they had successfully "crossed the catastrophe" from the radio, they opened their mouths and swallowed the potion. [

"Ha! Increased perception, pinch clam clam~" Leopard looked down at the attribute panel, happily jumping three feet high.The chance of being able to randomly get the main attribute of the priest is only one in six, and the luck is also very good.The stealthy old man who drank the potion in the end did not encounter the 20% bad luck, and managed to gain a little stamina, which is not bad for a mage whose health is scarce.

"I thought that my participation in the refining would reduce the quality of the potion. Fortunately, everyone succeeded," the sneaking old man laughed, revealing his uneasy heart.

Seeing the thieves and priests abusing the stealthy old man, Fang Yi was also happy.Presumably, the stealthy old man's alchemy level is not low. Although he participated in the refining of this high-level potion, it only increased the penalty for failure to take it, and did not significantly reduce the quality of the attribute potion.

At this time, Rogier, who hadn't shown up for a long time, walked happily to the room on the first floor with his short legs.Fang Yi looked at the old face of the little old man who looked like a blooming chrysanthemum, and said to himself, you are not greedy for our snake blood, why are you so beautiful?

Rogier looked at several people with a smile, but the smile froze when he met Fang Yi's bright eyes, "Who... have you decided which one to choose? If you don't choose it, I will take it back. "

"I choose this," Fang Yi picked up the weird-looking weapon from the table, and shook it at Rogier.

The same time Fang Yi picked up the weapon, it meant that the team had selected the task reward from among the three items, and the system prompts of task completion and experience rewards flashed across the retinas of the four members of the team at the same time.

Among the four, except for Fang Yi, all three of them have been hanged once recently. The one with the highest experience before being relegated is the Golden Leopard. Following the reminder of gaining experience, the priest's body was immediately shrouded in golden light, and the golden light representing the upgrade reflected their faces. It became bright gold.

"Promoted! Haha~" Leopard clenched his fists with a low cry, and the depression he had suffered from being promoted before was swept away at this moment.In order to do this task, all three of them failed two levels. At this time, the task was completed and the experience points gained from killing monsters all the way south were actually just lost less than one level of experience. It is a profit.

The upgrade of the leopard made several people excited. This kind of sense of accomplishment that has been rewarded after all the hard work is simply refreshing~

"Come on, let's see the true face of this thing~" Fang Yi gestured to Rogier with the weird-looking weapon in his hand.

Rogier squinted at Fang Yi, and twitched the corner of his mouth, "I need to appraise a broken thing? Go find an appraiser yourself!"

Whoops I'm going!It's true that my brother's charm is a little low, so you don't have to keep showing me embarrassment with this NPC!

Fang Yi squinted at the old man, stuffed a bunch of equipment into his backpack, and gestured to a few people, "It's really strange, I've never seen a two-legged pig before, can there be fewer appraisers in Faerun? Go back to the city for appraisal." !"

Rogier twisted his nose angrily, shrugged his shoulders, and was speechless for a while.However, the stealthy old man has a very good impression of the old man in front of him at this time. His alchemy proficiency has directly increased by 4 points, and he has also learned the formula of this rare potion. Although he does not know when he will refine it , but this is a rare formula, which is truly rare. [

It's just that the sneak old man begged upstairs for a long time. He didn't know whether his professional skills were too low or he needed other conditions.

At this stage, the professional skills of the players are to learn a few recipes from the np, and then gather herbs by themselves, tinker with various materials, and increase the proficiency of glass bottles. If they fail, some small accidents will happen.Only when you really enter the game can you know the importance of the adventure. . .

The sneaking old man hurriedly exchanged greetings with Rogier with a smile on his face, which calmed down Rogier's anger, and then turned around and gave Fang Yi an inquiring look.

Although the old man Rogier wasn't so flattering when he talked to him, Fang Yi didn't get his head hot because of this.

"I don't know when the people with the silver scepter will come over, although they have little chance of finding the double-headed python," Fang Yi glanced at Rogier at this point, the old man was squinting at Fang Yi, and just ignored the thief's words pouted.

Fang Yi returned the contemptuous look of the other party, then lowered his head to check his weapon and backpack, and then said: "But luck is usually not available when you want to call it for help. I think we should leave first It’s good here, camp at the junction of the killer swamp and the forest, and head north immediately after dawn. You don’t have to be so frightened when you reach the coastal grassland.”

"Well, this is indeed safer." The old man sneaking nodded, took out his staff from his backpack, and saluted Rogier, "Mr. Rogier, then we will not bother you, I wish you a superb alchemy technique. Take it to the next level. Good night~"

After working with Rogier for just a few hours, the stealthy old man has already seen that this man is an alchemy madman, and his alchemy level may be much higher than Cube's estimate, so he took a photo before leaving. A flattery.

Hearing the words of the stealthy old man, Rogier's wrinkled face immediately beamed with a smile, and he patted the mage's chest with his hands--at Rogier's height, he could only pat the chest of a normal person, "Hey, um~ I'm very optimistic about the young man. You, if you have good materials in the future, you can come to me, and I will give you [-]... [-]% off~"

The stealthy old man hastily bowed his head and said yes, money is secondary, and a good relationship with this person is a big deal~

Fang Yi glanced at Rogier, who kept holding his hair with his fingers, and said to himself, how can you, an old man, be affected by the charm value so much, besides, I just got a little charm value. . .Although it's only nine o'clock now.

Several people bid farewell to Rogier one by one, Fang Yi walked at the end, but the moment he passed by Rogier, he faintly heard Rogier mutter something in a low voice.

"It's really a waste of the weapons of the elf king..."

The other three walked ahead, and none of them paid attention to Rogier's voice that seemed to be muttering to himself.Only Fang Yi, who had always been used to listening skills, raised his ears and stopped immediately.

"Ah, my lord M. Rogier, what did you say?"

Fang Yi's face was full of smiles, he was completely different from the disdainful look just now, his sincere eyes flashed a light that represented his desire to explore unknown things, in Fang Yi's eyes at this time, the little old man in front of him who was always thinking about getting cheap was here Time changes so cute.

Rogier didn't expect that even a single sentence he muttered could be heard by this fine thief. The soft tone of the hideous thief in front of him made Rogier's goosebumps drop all over the floor.

"Mr. Rogier, what do you mean by the former elf king you just mentioned? What do you mean by the weapon of the former elf king?"

It's just that Rogier squinted at Fang Yi, who had a low eyebrow and pleasing eyes, and never mentioned what he subconsciously said just now. He stretched out his hand to close his gray back head, turned his head 45 degrees and looked at the roof, as if seeing off a guest. "I do not know what you're talking about."

You old man!Fang Yi laughed heartily, squatted down in front of Rogier, and chatted with Rogier with a shy face—the former king of elves?You actually know the Elf King!If I can let you go again, I've been playing online games all these years for nothing~

Different from my other missions, there are very few clues about this elf dagger, and the three upgrade items are enough for my head. In this killer swamp, another elf king gave a scumbag to hide it. Race, all the clues that have appeared are that there is no way to go, this old man seems to recognize his own weapon?

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