Fang Yi was holding the dagger and kept slashing on the ground, gesturing at the battle situation just now. He didn't pay too much attention to the three people who walked in. He just glanced at each other. From the equipment, he saw that the opponent was a combination of thief, mage and priest, so he lowered his head. Get on with your own business.It's no secret that the sixth floor in the mine is weird, and it's not surprising that advanced players come here to explore.

After pondering for a while, Fang Yi felt that there was nothing wrong, so he stood up and patted his butt, and walked towards the big crack to prepare for the second exploration of the sixth-floor mine.

But just as he was about to step into the passage, Fang Yi felt something was wrong. He looked back at the three people who were whispering not far away, and frowned.

Fang Yi has a lot of experience in PK in the game. The three of them stood aside for a long time and did not take any action. As soon as I prepared to go down, the three of them immediately became energetic. What are you trying to do?

Seeing that Fang Yi noticed this, the three of them immediately shut up and looked away as if nothing happened.Fang Yi curled his lips, and immediately entered the sixth floor without paying too much attention to a few people.

The passage on the sixth floor is equally quiet, and the wet rock walls in the passage are no different from other places.Standing on the steps, Fang Yi confirmed that no one was following, and then he began to take out the low-quality ore he had mined before from his backpack, and threw them directly on the ground.

Fang Yi probably calculated that he probably advanced less than half of the distance in his first attempt, so there are still two waves ahead.The plundering of these ghosts is too tyrannical, now there are two choices, carry these ores on your body to resist the damage, or throw away some of them to reduce the load, so that your flexibility can reach the best state - Fang Yi decisively chose the latter .

After throwing away more than half of the waste ore, Fang Yi immediately felt lighter.After eating a giant fruit, Fang Yi took out his weapon, shook his shoulders and relaxed his body: It depends on whether to eat meat or drink soup, there is a treasure chest halfway, don't let me lose the chain for the final reward!

Here I come in orange! [

Fang Yi cheered himself up, and stepped onto the straight passage for the second time.As usual, two ghosts appeared screaming, but this time Fang Yi directly chopped down one with a dagger, taking advantage of a loophole and directly crossing the first section of the road.Immediately after crossing the three ghosts in the second section in a dangerous manner, Fang Yi took a few seconds to calm down and then walked forward slowly.

Now Fang Yi feels as if he is crossing a single-plank bridge with porcelain in his arms. The silver emerald in his backpack makes Fang Yi treat every battle carefully. He is very nervous and prays in his heart: Sister Timola, I love you Like a mouse loves rice, this silver emerald is too important to me, don't show me some kind of moth~

After walking a distance of more than ten feet, as Fang Yi expected, ghosts who like to shout and shout appeared again, but it was not the four that Fang Yi expected, but five!

Seeing the five ghosts in front of him, Fang Yi calmed down instantly.Glancing back, the ghost in front has not yet appeared, and there is still a chance to retreat.But Fang Yi clenched the double-edged blades, and rubbed the elf dagger, which was a little cold from killing ghosts, against the blood-flowing blade, and sparks sparked--my lord, I was so scared!

Fang Yi suddenly started, allowing other ghosts to fly up and down around him, locked on a target, and hit Bai Ying with both blades. Fortunately, the two weapons hit the target at the same time, and Bai Ying immediately turned into a puff of smoke with a scream Disappearing in the air, Fang Yi, who couldn't dodge in time, was also penetrated by two ghosts, and did not know how many more ores were consumed.

The ghost that was killed this time was not refreshed, but Fang Yi had no time to pay attention to it.After actually starting to fight, Fang Yi's raging fighting spirit quickly squeezed emotions such as fear out of his mind. In his brain, he quickly calculated the course of action of each enemy, and his body moved according to the fighting instinct, waiting for the opportunity Give the enemy a fatal blow.

If Fang Yi's old friends such as Golden Right Hand or Ye Yin Gong were watching the battle here at this time, they would definitely laugh and joke: Fang Yi is obviously still the style of the God of War back then~

When Fang Yi recovered from the fighting state, he found that the ghost had been killed by him. The system reminded him that he was hit by the ghost six times in a row, and he actually consumed more than 50 yuan, which was close to three groups of ores.

Fang Yi let out a long breath, feeling very happy in his heart.

With the ore in the backpack to resist the damage, these five ghosts have not yet reached Fang Yi's limit, and it must be a thrilling end to the battle in normal times.

The anxiety in Fang Yi's heart just now actually came from the gemstone in the backpack, because the mood swings affected Fang Yi's own state-in fact, what are you afraid of?Why can a rare weapon affect itself?

After a hearty battle, Fang Yi also untied the knot in his heart, and felt a lot more relieved. Only then did he realize that the first ghost was not refreshed after being killed, and all five were killed by himself. . .

Don't care about it, anyway, you can't turn back when you get here, no matter what monsters and ghosts are in front of him.

Looking up and pouring down a bottle of stamina potion, Fang Yi walked steadily towards the end of the passage.At this time, Fang Yi could roughly see a small stone platform in the shape of an altar in the shadow at the end of the passage, on which there was a small group of fuzzy things, white and red, like a small box.

As he slowly approached the target, Fang Yi's pace also became slower and slower, he kept turning his head to observe the surrounding situation, and was always on guard against possible hidden monsters and the like. [

But until Fang Yi walked to the side of the stone platform and poked something on the stone platform with a dagger, the expected monster did not appear, and there was no such thing as a magic alarm or a deadly trap.

Nima is making a suspense film! ?

The underground world is damp and cold, but Fang Yi still wiped the sweat from his forehead and complained a bit.

Confirming again that there is no mechanism on the stone platform, Fang Yi carefully picked up the only thing on the stone platform - a white page of one foot square is not made of ordinary materials. Fang Yi took the pages of the book under the torch to observe carefully. The metallic luster still shines on the white pages.

The front and back of the book pages are covered with ghostly symbols. Fang Yi knows that this has nothing to do with knowledge and skills, but there is no reason for identification.The attribute of the page is even blank, and there are only four large characters of unknown page on the item description.

Could it be the mage's spell book?If it is true, it can only be used to sell money.This kind of thing is probably a part of some kind of strange item, and I definitely can't pick it up with my scumbag intelligence.Thinking of this, Fang Yilue shook his head in disappointment, and was already planning how to get rid of this thing.

While Fang Yi was holding the things in his hand to look up and down, a cold voice suddenly came from behind him.

"Adventurer, do you believe in equivalent exchange?"


"Boss, that guy is hanging inside, why isn't he coming out?" At the big crack on the fifth floor of the mine, the three people Fang Yi saw before were walking back and forth in front of the crack, looking quite anxious, " Shall we go in and have a look?"

"Look at you!" The mage patted the talking thief's head vigorously, and said viciously, "It's not like you don't know what's in there, go in and seek death?"

The thief was so trained that he didn't dare to say anything, so he had to wink at the priest next to him.The pastor seemed relatively stable, and quickly smoothed things over for the thieves, "Boss, he didn't mean that. You see, we have been guarding this entrance for several days, and we just took advantage of those unlucky ones. Just now, people from the Hague Guild reported that By the way, the monk from their guild found a treasure chest on the sixth floor..."

"I know to keep an eye on the benefits," the mage pointed at the thief and the priest bitterly, but still patiently said to them, "That monk is a famous person, don't you know his quality? So what if you lost the treasure chest? Didn’t you just get hanged back to the city? Maybe he was found out doing something wicked and yelling for revenge, just his two actions... It’s really a waste of such a high initial point .”

The mage taught the two of them a lesson, looked back at the big crack that was still motionless, turned his head and explained to the two, "Don't think about those useless things, be careful what you do, we have been doing it for so long, I have never missed a shot, what do I rely on? It's my mind!"

The thief and the priest nodded frequently, with expressions of admiration on their faces, obviously agreeing with their boss' words.

"Okay, wait another 10 minutes. If that person still doesn't come out, go down and see if the thief has dropped his equipment. If the thief does come out, he must have been bruised by those ghost things. It's still the old rule, I'll throw a spell first and you two will do it right away, just a few hits~"

The three of them discussed silently for a while, and immediately took their positions, ambush around the crack.


After a long time, there was a slight sound of stones colliding from below the entrance, and the priest crouching on the left was shocked suddenly, and immediately clenched the mace in his hand.I glanced at the thief squatting on the opposite side, and found that the other party was not at all. I thought it was because I fell asleep and heard it wrong, so I tentatively poked my head out and glanced into the crack.

Just as the pastor's head was halfway out, he heard a "buzz~", a stone about the size of the pastor's head shot out of the shadows like lightning, and firmly imprinted on the pastor's face. Without a sound, he fell directly to the ground.

The thief squatting opposite the priest only saw a black shadow hit the priest, and his teammates fell down in response.The thief immediately took a step back like a conditioned reflex, and the dagger protruding from the crack almost brushed the nose of the stealthy thief.

The thieves never had the experience of being attacked in a stealth state. This time, Jing's liver and gallbladder were about to burst, and his first reaction was to run away.But the master of the short sword's skill was so fast that it made one's heart palpitate. Almost at the same time as the short sword was slashing across, a blue dagger had stably stabbed into the thief's throat.The thief didn't understand how the other party found himself in stealth until his death.

Fang Yi pulled out the elf dagger that was dyed blood red, and smiled secretly at the stunned mage a few steps away, "I heard you thieves panting from 100 meters away, you must have rhinitis~" (To be continued.)

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