Mithril Throne of Forgotten Realms

Chapter 157 The Smuggler's House

Although only one-third of the collection is complete, it is at least one step closer to an epic weapon. Yes, it must be an epic weapon!If it's the same difficulty for a few other things...

Lao Zuo next to him managed to get rid of the congratulatory crowd at this time, and came to the side to chat with Fang Yi for a while.

"Phew... It doesn't feel good to be famous," Lao Zuo took a big sip of beer, and heaved a sigh of relief, "If I knew it earlier, I would have advanced later."

Fang Yi put away the Thief's Stone in his hand, and when he heard Lao Zuo still complaining, he glanced at him angrily, "I don't know how many people are vying for this number one, it doesn't hurt your back to talk while standing. By the way, what is the first advanced reward?"

"Increase one point of intelligence," Lao Zuo said in a low voice, but he still couldn't hide the excitement on his face.

"So good!? Blacksmithing skills in the future will definitely involve a lot of magic. Adding 1 point of intelligence would be useful. In this way, the No.1 life profession should have attribute rewards."

"It should be, it's not easy for so many people to grab No. 1. I was lucky. I got that book page early, which saved me a lot of time when practicing blacksmith skills. Otherwise, this number one would definitely be taken by those big ones." The guild snatched it away," Lao Zuo sighed as he recalled his career as a blacksmith, "By the way, what are you going to do next?"

"Well, I'm going to go south to Xingmu City," Fang Yi drank his own beer, thought for a while and said, "There are a few tasks to go there."

"That's it, the money for the carver's page..."[

"The money is not in a hurry," Fang Yi interrupted Lao Zuo, and told the other party his plan, "I think so, I can postpone the payment time stipulated in the contract, and you can pay it whenever you want." Yes. But I still need your help. You know a lot of people in this field. Help me find out about a thing called star crystal, which is also used to upgrade daggers. If you really find this thing The news, not to mention the money for the pages, I can pay you some news fees~"

Fang Yi really thought so in his heart, Rogier actually has something to do with the old elf in the identification office, so the information provided should be true, and the only one who has no clue yet is the star color crystal.The name sounds like a kind of ore, so it should be more reliable to ask the old left.

"What you want are all weird things...let me ask for you~," Lao Zuo agreed without hesitation.Although the thief in front of him was young, he had a rare steady personality, and he was quite pleasing to the eye when he met him, which made Lao Zuo feel a little forgetful.

"Come on, I wish you to become the first master blacksmith in the game soon!" Lao Zuo raised his glass and collided with Fang Yi's beer glass, "I also wish that I can get my first epic weapon! Cheers !"



The heavy rain yesterday gathered several streams of thick or thin water on the ground, completely washing the west coast of the Sea of ​​Falling Stars.The muddy water flowing down from the western hillside kept pouring into the Sea of ​​Falling Stars, until now, the seawater within a few hundred feet of the shore is still chaotic.

The rain seemed to have given the hot and dry air of the Dragon Coast a cold bath, until noon, the sun that had risen above the head still failed to raise the temperature again.

At this time, two figures, one tall and one short, appeared on a small ridge, and were quickly walking through the forest along a hidden mountain road.Among them was Fang Yi, who was wearing a hard suit, and the other tall figure, who was wearing a commoner coat with a steel knife on his waist, was Little Lorimia's father, Taylor.

Now that the thief's stone has been obtained, Fang Yi naturally wants to leave Jianyu Village as soon as possible and rush to Xingmu City.So they found Taylor, wanting to go to see the secret port of the smugglers first, so as not to be unaware of the arrival of the ship and waste time for nothing.

At this time, the two had already set off from Swordfish Village and ran a long way south. At Taylor's suggestion, the two stopped and found a small hill to rest for a while.

"Autumn is coming~" Fang Yi stood on the hillside, feeling the warm sunlight and the slightly cool breeze caressing his body at the same time, taking a breath of the mountain air comfortably, "This summer is over. It's really fast."

Taylor on the side naturally didn't understand the meaning of Fang Yi's words, but he could also see that the adventurer in front of him was in a good mood, and replied with a smile, "Well, autumn is here, and the peak fishing season for our fishermen should also be here, wait The weather is cold to a certain extent, and the Long Arm River is frozen, so we will go to the upper reaches of the Long Arm Lake to dig ice and fish~”

"Why can't you fish in the Falling Star Sea in winter?" Fang Yi asked a little strangely, "The sea shouldn't freeze, right?"

After hearing Fang Yi's words, Taylor's expression showed a serious look, "The depths of the Sea of ​​Falling Stars will not freeze, but there will be a very large area near the mouth of the Long Arm River and south of the mouth of the sea. The state of ice will last throughout the winter, and there is no way for a small dock like ours to provide a channel to go to sea.”[

"Moreover, the nobles of Ximen Port have very strict control over the smuggling ships between Xingmu City and Ximen. It's okay if they are a little bit powerful. People like us can only go to jail or be killed when they encounter official merchant ships. "Taylor talked to Fang Yi about the inside story of his business, his face was full of years of wind and frost.

Listening to Taylor's introduction, and contacting the situation of the Dragon Coast he knew, Fang Yi basically guessed the current situation of Taylor and his group.The ruling nobles of Ximen and Xingmu City are all merchant families. Due to trade competition, although the two cities are the two largest trading ports on the west coast of the Falling Star Sea, the business exchanges between the two cities are pitifully small.

Taylor's smuggling fleet seized such a loophole and secretly transported goods between the two cities to earn a difference in price, but the problem was also obvious-the two cities definitely did not welcome this smuggling fleet.

"Moreover, more and more inspection ships have been sent from Ximen Port recently, and there are many new faces in the village. I'm afraid there will be some activities again." Taylor said these businessmen in Ximen, their faces became colder, "Actually, the nobles of Ximen They are the biggest smugglers, and their slave smuggling has become more and more rampant in recent years, we guess it has something to do with the recovery of the red robe mages."

Fang Yi nodded slightly, but did not answer.In the eyes of ordinary residents of Faerun, the red-robed mages are just a huge commercial guild. Only when they reach a certain level of strength will they understand the amazing high-end combat power of the Faerun continent hidden in this organization.

"Okay, let's go." Taylor stood up and patted the dirt on his buttocks. "Hurry up, maybe we can get there before sunset."


There is a steep cliff in front of me, connecting the hills behind me and extending to the invisible extreme west.Fang Yi and Taylor traveled a short distance, and finally came to the secret "port" that Taylor called, but... where is the port?

Fang Yi looked left and right, and there were only black rocks and weeds blowing in the wind in front of him, and he could faintly hear the sound of waves hitting the shore, but that was all.Can a ship be parked on this rocky coast?

Fang Yi stared intently at the so-called pier, but the loud system announcement sounded suddenly, which startled Fang Yi.

System Announcement: The player 'Go to bed' has gone through many difficulties and obstacles, and became the first player to reach level [-] in Faerun. His name will be forever recorded in the history of Faerun.

Players at level [-] can accept professional advancement tasks and start domesticating mounts. Accompanied by powerful pets, they can explore on the Great Road of Faerun. For details, please pay attention to the "Advanced Topics" on the official website

It's finally here, the first one is followed by the second one, the gameplay of advanced professions is more diverse, the future game world will definitely be more exciting~ But it seems that I still have two unhatched Dungeon Beasts in my bank As for the eggs, it's time to let them see the light of day~

It was Taylor who was behind him also catching up and beckoning to Fang Yi.

"Okay, there's no one following behind, let's go," Taylor signaled Fang Yi to follow him closely, and then climbed over the cliff.

If there is a follower, I haven't found it, and you can still find the building?Fang Yi was amused, but this Taylor is obviously a life np, but he seems to have the level of a combat profession, which is rare.

"Hey Taylor, why are we climbing up? Isn't that pier in the sky?" Fang Yi asked as he climbed up the cliff while following Taylor.

Taylor skillfully climbed and jumped between the cracks in the rocks, and turned his head to Fang Yile, "Hey, you'll know when you arrive, if it's so easy to find, we would have been spotted by the big ship from Ximen."

The two climbed all the way up, and finally reached the top of the cliff after ten minutes.At this moment, the sky was dark, Fang Yi could only barely open his eyes to see a barren cliff top, and a few stars that appeared early in the sky against the sea breeze on the cliff.

"Come here," Taylor has already walked to the end of the cliff near the sea, beckoning to Fang Yi, "here"

"You didn't bring me to look at the sea view, did you?" Fang Yi walked towards the opposite side while tightening the cloak on his body. The high-altitude sea breeze brought a penetrating coolness, and his goosebumps were blown up. " Here is a place to see the scenery..."

Fang Yi came to the edge of the cliff in a few steps, but the scene he saw at first sight was completely beyond his expectations. Shocked, he forgot to say the remaining words.

What appeared in front of us was not the imaginary seascape, but a huge oval bay.The steep rock wall extends from both sides of the cliff at the foot, enclosing an oval bucket-shaped bay in the sea at the foot of the rock wall.The cliffs on both sides intersect in the distance, forming a long and narrow strait-like exit.

But what really stunned Fang Yi was the scene in the bay. Dots of lights flickered on the rock walls on the left and right sides. Fang Yi could even see the huge stone building at the foot of the cliff and the bright torches on the building.There are several sailing boats moored on the small pier inside the bay, but the hulls of the boats are hidden in the shadows, and Fang Yi can't see their outlines clearly.

"Welcome to the Smuggler's House," Taylor said triumphantly seeing Fang Yi's stunned expression. (To be continued.)

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