Fang Yi stuck the torch in the crevice of the stone, and squatted in front of the murloc's body.The corpse was on its back, and there was a nearly one-foot-long wound on the murloc's typical skull covered with hard armor. The burst blood splashed on the stone walls on both sides, and the limbs were strangely distorted due to loss of strength. It looked extremely terrifying.

There was no equipment dropped from the corpse, but Fang Yi found some fish scales that had been collected and thrown aside——is there any player here?

Fang Yi immediately pulled out the torch, leaning against the wall on one side and walked forward cautiously.There is no light at all in the cave, but there are some deep or shallow pools from time to time. Presumably, the murlocs also took a fancy to the environment in the cave.On the contrary, the fork in the cave caused Fang Yi a lot of trouble. Usually, walking this kind of terrain without teammates can only rely on luck.

However, the corpses of the murlocs all pointed to the largest branch road. Although there were traces of murloc activities in other caves, Fang Yi tried them one by one. After walking for a long distance, no murlocs appeared. Dead bodies or bloodstains.

After thinking about it, Fang Yi still chose the forked road with corpses. After all, he had no eyes for the terrain here. At least the group of people who slaughtered the murlocs would not know less than himself, right?

Sure enough, as Fang Yi gradually went deeper into the cave, more and more corpses were scattered on the ground, and some high-level monsters such as murloc wizards slowly appeared.

The corpse was either cut in half by a sharp blade, or was covered in scorched smell, as if it had been directly suffocated by the fireball technique.Fang Yi waded through the pool dyed light red by the corpses, thinking that this is a high-level team, why come to kill these low-level murlocs?

Could it be that this is really a treasure house for pirates?

Thinking of this, Fang Yi felt a surge of excitement. The pirates in the Starfall Sea were "famous" in Faerun. Even the old elf Suo Mantu had a headache when he mentioned these people. One can imagine how disgusting these locust-like robbers are.But their crime of treasure~ Even if there is no rare equipment, there are still tens of thousands of gold coins, right? [

Fang Yi walked forward for a few minutes, and suddenly saw a flash of fire in the depths of the dark cave in front of him. He quickly threw the torch in his hand into the puddle, drew out the elf dagger and entered the stealth state, stuck to the corner of the wall and moved forward He touched it, but Fang Yi was taken aback by what he saw.

There were three tall murloc corpses lying on the ground, and six men in leather armor were cleaning the battlefield, but they were not players. Although there was no difference in equipment between np and players, players who had played the game for a while could easily distinguish the difference between the two.Whether it's verbal actions or the habitual actions of daily life, the native residents of Faerun Continent are very different from players.

Fang Yi also doesn't believe that there are people who have nothing to do, so they come all the way here to play role-playing.The few people skillfully picked up things from the monster, then packed their luggage without saying a word, and continued to walk deep into the cave.Fang Yi, who was hiding in the dark and was about to eavesdrop on some information, was very upset, so he had to continue to follow behind him silently.

The professional composition of the six people is mainly close combat. There is only one priest wearing a half body mail armor, and the others are either fighters or thieves.At first, Fang Yi thought that some pirates or smugglers with some combat power came to explore the cave, but after following for a period of time, Fang Yi denied this idea.

Not to mention the excellent equipment of these people, they cooperated tacitly in the battle. Although the opponents were only murlocs below level [-], the murlocs in small groups did not pose any threat to the team in front of them at all. These people obviously had strengths. With the experience of fighting together in time, the task level given by the exploration technique is level [-]. Taylor didn't tell himself that there was such a strongman in their team.

However, as he gradually went deeper into the cave, Fang Yi was surprised to find that the trend of the cave was gradually upward.The accumulated water on the ground quickly disappeared, replaced by dry ground and dusty rocks of various colors.

After walking for more than two hours, the six people in front adhered to the principle that silence is golden, and did not utter a word, while those following behind were driven out of the atmosphere.Just as Fang Yi came to a conclusion in his mind and confirmed that the group of people were all dumb, the pastor among them suddenly spoke a word.

"We'll be at the exit soon, you two see if anyone is following you, and the others follow me out."

The lingua franca of human beings has simple and easy-to-understand meanings, but Fang Yi was taken aback, and hurriedly stepped back a few steps, hiding in the shadow of the torch.

The two warriors with big swords on their backs muffledly agreed, and started searching along the cave wall from left to right.However, there were only a few torches in the deep and dark cave, and Fang Yi easily escaped the sight of the two with a cat anywhere.

After searching for nothing, the two soldiers turned their heads and walked back.I don't know if it's because there are no monsters ahead or because the so-called exit is approaching. The two of them started to run with torches. Fang Yipao made a sound and didn't dare to speed up to keep up.

Damn, rush to reincarnate!Without a light source to borrow, Fang Yi had to rely on his impression of the road to move forward bit by bit. Fortunately, he didn't go far, and a not-so-obvious light appeared in front of him.

Is there really an exit?Fang Yi was surprised, Taylor is not competent enough to be a local snake, why did he climb such a high road if he knew there was such an easy road... But the forks in this cave are connected to each other in all directions. It doesn't stop, it's interesting~

Fang Yi approached the exit cautiously on tiptoe, the cold light shone on the entrance of the cave, the starlight that usually seemed dim was so bright at this moment, Fang Yi listened to the movement outside the cave with his ears sideways, and he was sure that only the weeds were blown by the wind Only then did he maintain the stealth state and walked out of the cave with the sound of movement.

At this moment, a sudden change occurred! [

Before the right foot that Fang Yi stepped out cautiously landed, he felt his ankle being stirred by something. Before realizing what happened, he jumped forward reflexively, ignoring the rain The mud on the ground at the back rolled forward on the spot, "Cang Langlang!" He drew out his weapon twice.

There are no hidden arrows or poisonous smoke, but the place where Fang Yi was standing was shining with a dazzling magic light at this moment. The grassland with a radius of tens of feet was reflected by the white light like daytime. Of course, Fang Yi who was half squatting at the entrance of the cave No exception.


Fang Yi stood up and brushed off the muddy water on his body, looked around at several familiar figures appearing from behind the trees and bushes, smiled wryly and shook his head, one, two... six, a lot of them.

The priest led the thieves out of the cave first, probably to set up a trap.A group of six people divided into two waves, obviously to guard against the tail behind them, why didn't I expect such an obvious time difference?Careless~

Six people surrounded him step by step, and Fang Yi was quickly forced into a corner.

"Nighthawk, you sometimes make mistakes in your judgment? Didn't you say there were at least five of them?" The flesh-faced priest stroked the barbed mace in his hand, and smiled at his companions.

The thief known as Nighthawk didn't answer, but glanced at Fang Yi, who was standing upright, with a puzzled look on his face.

"What nonsense, kill him and hurry up to get down to business!"

Without warning, the tall barbarian on Fang Yi's left attacked.The huge sword as tall as a person and the voice arrived almost at the same time, and the sound of the blade breaking through the air made the scalp tingle.

Do you really think you've got me?

Fang Yi showed a sneer, always paying attention to the actions of several people.At the same time as the barbarian moved, he activated his sprinting skills. By being almost twice as fast as the warrior, he directly bypassed the edge of the giant sword. With the eyes of several people, the offensive and defensive momentum immediately changed!

Several people underestimated the thief's speed, and it was not until a large pool of blood appeared on the barbarian's body that the light of the priest's spell was long overdue.Several other people were also shocked and angry, grabbed their weapons and rushed towards Fang Yi.

The soldier who had been stabbed in the shoulder roared and threw down the heavy sword. An arm as thick as Fang Yi's thigh swept towards Fang Yi's upper body, and his other hand reached for the dagger stuck in his waist. .

Fang Yi, who succeeded in one blow, did not take advantage of the victory to pursue the attack, but hid behind the warrior and glanced at the opposite side. Seeing several people rushing up, Yin smiled dangerously, bent down to let the warrior's bucket arm pass, and rushed towards him in a different direction. The few people who were rushing to rescue stabbed the soldier's armpit again.


Out of the encirclement that trapped Fang Yi, in the woods without even starlight, a few black figures whose outlines could not be seen clearly drilled in the bushes, admiring the fight in front of them.

"Captain, do you want to do it?" A voice asked.

"Don't worry, wait and see." The man called the captain replied in a low voice.

Then the fighter closest to Fang Yi made a sneak attack, followed by Fang Yi's lightning shot, which released two tubes of blood to the barbarian fighters. Someone couldn't help but praised: "Good skill! It seems that in reality, we often fight in groups!"

"team leader?"

"hold on."

The ensuing battle in the field completely exceeded the imagination of the few people. Fang Yi drew back to avoid the attacking range of the fighters, but instead of retreating to the side where it was easier to escape, he rushed straight to the side of the battlefield where the priest was. The muddy water splashed while running clearly marked the route of the thieves—pointing to the thieves and warriors standing in front of the priest.

"Isn't he courting death...?!"

The people in yn's shadow only spoke half of what they said, and then there was no more words.Because the lightning-fast figure of the thief disappeared out of thin air when he was about to touch the enemy, the few people who were on the battlefield or watching the battle were a little dazed for a while.The next moment, a crimson figure appeared beside the priest out of thin air, and a dark blue dagger in his hand pierced the priest's throat.

"Do it!" The voice of the leader of the forest team suddenly sounded, making the teammates around him a little dazed.

"team leader?"

"Hurry up, if you don't do it, you won't have a chance!" (To be continued.)

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