Fang Yi guarded Miya behind him, squinting at the two druids who walked in front of him.

It is Fang Yi's wish to complete the mission smoothly. After doing this series of missions and practicing solo high-level monsters in the Killer Swamp, the experience bar at level 100 is about to reach the top. After handing in the mission of Mia, [-]% will reach level [-].Fighting to reach level [-] in Xingmu City and then receiving advanced tasks was something Fang Yi had planned long ago.

But Mia disrupted the plan.

I could have shared the quest information with the Shell team to get a chance to hide the quest; I could have handed Miiya over to the painted-faced druid in the jungle, and handed over the quest early to Xingmu in the south: But Fang Yidu chose the second path.

The situation in front of him made Fang Yi feel a little lucky. Even if this so-called Druid master really wanted to cultivate Miya, he had to figure it out.Fang Yi's mentality at this time is no longer a simple player's attitude towards tasks, but a slight change: How could a nine-year-old girl be thrown into an inexplicable druid tribe so simply?

The two druids walked straight in front of Fang Yi, and grabbed the little loli behind Fang Yi.Until the last moment, Fang Yi was staring at the druid in the middle of the room, but the master didn't say anything, just let the two guards do it.

The bursting column of blood accompanied by the sound of a sharp knife unsheathing suddenly sounded in the tree house.The next moment, Fang Yi had already protected Miya and took a step back. One of the two guards was holding his own bloody arm, and he could only use his other arm that was not good at drawing out the short knife at his waist, and carefully looked at the silent man in front of him. thieves.And the blade with his own blood under the rogue's cloak.

Master Druid frowned slightly, and took two steps forward, "Adventurer, do you want to stop this deal?"

"Trading? I don't think so," Fang Yi's face was gloomy, staring at the druid master who had been so indifferent from the beginning to the end, "Mia is not mine, nor is it yours. Todd, but I now feel that this matter is very unreliable... "[

"Stupid." The tall human druid waved at Fang Yi casually.All the muscles in Fang Yi's body tensed immediately, but before he could sense the danger, he heard the little loli behind him screaming "Be careful..." followed by a powerful blow to the back of his head. Sap hit.Immediately felt that his eyes went dark.Before he lost consciousness, his thoughts were surrounded by a sense of force: he failed to protect Xiao Xiaoya...

Master Druid raised his hand slightly.The metal-colored vines that grew out of nowhere on the old wooden floor shook a few times, and then retracted to the floor in a few seconds, leaving only a shallow mark.

"Take her to the Seed of Life." The human Druid ordered to the two guards with an expression on his face, but suddenly saw a few cold lights shooting towards him like lightning, and subconsciously tilted his head, cold The glow brushed against his cheeks, leaving a few bloodstains, which he nailed to the wooden wall behind him with a "duk tuk tuk".

"You scoundrel, what have you done to Fang Fang!" Miya, who was restrained by the guards, took out Fang Yi's hand crossbow from behind her waist at some point, without hesitation at all, she pointed at the Druid opposite and pressed it directly. Pulled the trigger, and was escorted by the guard at this time, "I'm going to kill you!"

Little Lolita's toughness was quite beyond the expectations of the human druids, but she just shook her head slightly, and then emptied the guards, and carried out Miya, who kept kicking, spitting, and biting people.Looking down at the human thieves on the ground, the druid master frowned slightly.

This hand is too ruthless~

Fang Yi was standing in the Temple of Resurrection at this time, looking at his battle records, all kinds of national curses were called to the insidious druid in the game.

Vining Vine's armor-shattering attack hits, dealing 37 armor-shattering damage to you.

You were hit to the point and fell into a coma. Since your constitution is below 14, the duration of the coma is doubled.

Fang Yi felt depressed for a while. The two points of physique lost by the half-elven blood were simply fatal. He was unexpectedly attacked by a summon monster that was not much higher than the killing vine. If this spread, it was not to be laughed out of his teeth what?But Fang Yi looked at the super high damage in the battle prompt, and he refused to do it without fear.

Although it was only a low-level summoning technique, the master druid's skill level must be ridiculously high, and it must have attached magic such as secret aura and native chameleon to the vines, otherwise how could he hide his listening skills.

Fortunately, I haven't hung up yet... Although I don't know what's going on in the game now, but the system prompt hasn't arrived, it means that Fang Yi's own character has been in a coma state, and the subsequent bruises will not endanger his crispy skin life value.

The Temple of Resurrection is full of statues of the gods of Faerun. At this time, Fang Yi is standing in front of the bright and beautiful unicorn goddess Lurui. The silver-white dress seems to be rippling with the goddess' cheerful smile, but Fang Yi admires it at this time. Instead, he sat quietly on the ground and thought about the task at hand.

Why are you so restless?

Fang Yi patted his head, recalling the whole mission process, he felt a little impulsive. [

It's true that I have low charisma, but all high-level NPCs are very limited by the player's charisma, why don't you argue with that druid master?

Sitting cross-legged, Fang Yi looked up at the white marble roof of the Resurrection Hall, recalling his feelings at that time: Maybe he was messed up the moment someone tried to snatch Mia?

The system prompts a beep sound at the right time, indicating that the time for coma is coming soon, Fang Yi shakes off the thoughts in his head, takes a long breath, and prepares for the next sensory stimulation.


Oh, hurts~

As soon as Fang Yi entered the game world, he immediately felt a sharp pain in the back of his head, as if someone had punched a big hole in his head.After struggling to open his eyes, it took a while for the blurred vision to return to normal.

At this moment, Fang Yi was lying halfway in a cabin, which seemed to be within the range of the Druid tribe.The sunlight cast into the house through the door has turned orange, and it seems to be already evening.Fang Yi patted his head vigorously, and subconsciously touched the weapon at his waist, but found nothing.

These grandsons are really cautious. There is a leader-level np here who is afraid of a woolen thread. Fang Yi cursed secretly, and stood up unsteadily. Fang Yi reached out to open the wooden door on one side—— move.

Thinking that he was still getting out of the weak state after coma, Fang Yi gathered his energy, but the result was that the wooden door swayed.Instead, the movement of pulling the door attracted the nearby guards.

"Adventurer, you're awake." The person who came was an elf girl with a hot figure, but the frosty expression on her face made Fang Yi tired of aesthetics, "Do you feel okay?"

"Excellent," Fang Yi wanted to sarcasm the other party, but found that he was completely immune to his tone, so he had to get straight to the point, "Where is my weapon?"

"Your recklessness has caused harm to my partner, adventurer. However, under the orders of Master Amber, if you promise to leave here immediately and never step into this forest again, we will return your equipment and send you away."

"I promise!" Fang Yi didn't hesitate, and agreed to the other party's conditions without any hesitation, but he was thinking in his heart that it's up to you to do what you want to do with the equipment back.

The elf girl obviously didn't think about the little Jiujiu in Fang Yi's heart. She turned around and asked someone to take back Fang Yi's equipment. When Fang Yi was fully equipped, four druids surrounded Fang Yi and walked out of the small wooden house.

At this time, the entire camp was in a busy scene, with a crowd of people coming and going in a hurry, as if they were all busy with one thing.Fang Yi looked left and right, and the feeling of no bottom in his heart became more and more obvious.

"What are you busy with?" Fang Yi put on a smiling face and asked the elf girl beside him, "Why does it seem so grand?"

"Didn't you send the chosen one here? How could you not know?" The druid on the side spoke first, looking at Fang Yi curiously.

"What is he doing, send him away as soon as possible, we have to go to the Seed of Life to participate in the ceremony!" Apparently someone was not too cold about Fang Yi's gossip, and said to the companion who spoke.

Chosen by God...what the hell?Fang Yi's heart sank, and he immediately asked: "I'm not sure, tell me, that little girl is my friend."

After hearing Fang Yi's words, the elf girl immediately looked solemn, "Your friend? She is really great. From now on, her name will be recorded in the family history of our secret guardian family! By the way, your friend is called Mia or what?"

"Wait, wait?" The more Fang Yi heard it, the more something was wrong. What a mess, didn't the druid say that Miniya was a genius at learning druid spells?How is it great? "What is Mia going to do? What happened to the seed of life?"

"It seems that you really don't know," the elf girl looked at Fang Yi strangely, "that little girl is the key to solving the plague in the forest. With her, countless lives in the forest will be saved. The seed of life is The place where we perform sacrifices."

"What sacrifice?" Fang Yi had already made a rough guess in his heart, and a fire rose in his heart. The mixture of anxiety and anger made Fang Yi's eyes burst into flames, and his voice was low instead. down.

Fang Yi suddenly exuded an icy aura, which made the hearts of the people around tremble. They grabbed the weapons at their waists one after another, and the elf girl moved a little away from Fang Yi.

"Tell me, I want to know about my friend's situation." Fang Yi narrowed his eyes more and more tightly, but his hands were hanging on his sides, and he did not send a strong threat signal to the people around him.

"She will be sacrificed to the forest guardian, and the spirit soul in her body will be used to eliminate the source of the plague." One of the tall druids looked at Fang Yi who suddenly stopped, and said coldly, "This is her body The greatest destination of the spirit soul, what do you mean by this attitude?"

"After the sacrifice...Miya will become a normal person?" Fang Yi's fingers trembled slightly, touching the thick cloak beside him.

"Of course not. Her soul will return to nature and become one with the earth and forest." The tall druid said loudly with a pious expression on his face.

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