Mithril Throne of Forgotten Realms

Chapter 188 Wildhammer's "Lucky" Halo

It took Fang Yi and Wildhammer's efforts to get this energetic turtle up.When Fang Yixin was about to have a barbecue of soft-shelled turtles, Wildhammer said calmly that he had brought an iron pot.

The amazement has not passed, but when he returned to the camp, he found that Qinggang, who was also calm and composed, had taken out a bunch of various seasonings from his bag...

Fang Yi suddenly felt that the admiration for the two of them was like a torrent of water, and seeing that the sorcerer Laomo had put the fat rabbit on the stick, Fang Yi was speechless.

However, after enjoying a feast of roasted rabbit meat and stewed turtle soup, Fang Yi had to admit that he was very happy to have a few foodie teammates—but why did he feel so hot?


The magician assigned the order of the vigil, giving priority to those with the least remaining game time to go offline in turn to rest, and then everyone got into their respective tents.

Fang Yi was arranged to be the first to go offline because the game time was a little tight.After disconnecting, Fang Yi took off his helmet and ordered a takeaway. The delicious food in the game made the hungry feeling more obvious in reality...

In other words, you really get what you pay for, and now I don’t feel tired after lying on this bed for a whole day, and I don’t know how much better than the original second-hand mattress.Fang Yi filled his stomach and moved a little before he put on his helmet again and connected to the game forum.

At this time, the forum is full of topics about professional advancement. Although the first batch of people who reached level [-] were mostly the elites of the studio and the core members of the Grand Guild, there are also some idle masters who keep posting on the forum. The progress of professional advancement tasks.

For example, when a warrior advances to a weapon master, he meets a legendary npc.A certain druid was sent to a beautiful holy place or something, but the south of the advanced mission was unanimous, and as a result, Faerun Continent has yet to have a successful advanced precedent—including the map where foreign players are located.

Fang Yi just browsed the gossip posts on the top for a while, and then focused on the key point of this browsing: the road from Xingdu City to Xueshan City.

The maps that can be found on the forum are all just outlines, like a one-meter-square world map. If you want to find the route from a certain city to other places from it, if you are lucky, you will know the general direction.

Fang Yi checked the information for a while, and he was able to confirm that there is no big river between the two cities, and it should not be a problem to go there by land, but nothing else can be found out.My heart said I could only take one step at a time.

Reconnected to the game.It didn't take long for Fang Yi to watch the night.Replacing Qinggang who was on guard at night, Fang Yi burned the firewood more vigorously.

Autumn in the game is coming soon.

The climate of Dragon Coast is slightly warmer than that of City X in reality, but it is also very limited.You can feel it from the cool breeze that cools your skin at night-a gust of wind makes you feel goosebumps all over your body.

Silent all night.

As soon as it was dawn, the team members who had set the alarm clock got up one after another.Quickly put on the equipment.

"My fatigue has almost recovered?" Fang Yi saw several people who got out of the tent.Stand up and say. "I only slept less than three hours last night."

While putting on the shiny scale armor, Wildhammer said in a low voice, "That's because of Qinggang's cooking skills. Her cooking skills are almost reaching the peak experience of apprentice level."


Fang Yi glanced unexpectedly at the female priest who had already dressed.Such a high level of cooking should already have hidden attribute bonuses, such as quick recovery of physical strength, elimination of fatigue and so on.

"It's mainly due to the soft-shelled turtle last night. The ingredients are very important for cooking." Qinggang always speaks with a sense of competence, pulling the bangs on his forehead, and pointing to the dwarf warrior who is trimming his beard. And the mage who checked the spell, "And my cooking skills have improved so quickly, these two foodies must have contributed."

"Hey~" Fang Yi nodded seriously.Indeed, where there is demand, there is a market~


To the southwest of where the Mithril Shell team camped, there was a land full of mounds and dark, deep holes, which was the territory of the great sloth.

Fang Yi and the others walked carefully among the raised mounds, and they also had to beware of the bottomless big holes that appeared under their feet from time to time.Qinggang replaced the chain armor on his upper body with cloth armor long ago, and even the Wildhammer replaced the chain armor boots on his feet with leather boots taken out of his backpack temporarily, all in order not to alarm the aborigines here .

The big sloth is a level [-] monster that hides at night and comes out at night, which is why the team chose to camp outside last night.This kind of monster is fast and powerful, and the key is that it has a sensitive and somewhat perverted sense of hearing. Once a war starts here, I'm afraid it can't be solved by killing one or two monsters.

Fang Yi concentrated on walking in front of the team, lowered his body, and pressed his hands on the ground from time to time, feeling any tiny vibrations from the ground—for the current situation where a few monsters may pop out at any time and cause the group to be wiped out. Due to the situation, Fang Yi couldn't help being careless.

The magician was walking in the middle of the team, looking at the stop-and-go front, whether it was a thief lying on the ground with his face in close contact with the ground, he had already added two words to Fang Yi's evaluation in his heart: professional.

The last time I went to the ogre tribe to level up through here, the three magicians joined a team of 15 people.The three thieves in the team acted as scouts in front of the team, triple insurance, but they were still discovered by a big sloth sleeping at the entrance of the cave.

If it wasn't for the team leader's prompt decision, and the team members' equipment is not bad, after quickly rushing through this area and quickly dealt with the four awakened monsters, I'm afraid it would only be a matter of minutes to destroy the team.Now the four-person team has already traveled more than half of the way. Although the route seems to have taken many detours, experienced magicians know that "safety" is the fastest way to pass here.

The mage was whispering in his heart, when he saw the thief walking in front suddenly raised his right hand, signaling the team to stop, only a second later, the thief suddenly turned his head and looked to the right of the team, the mage almost heard the thief blurt out a sentence The country scolded.

"My day!"

next moment.Priest Qing Gang, who has a good perception attribute, also seemed to feel something, and also turned his head to look to the right. At this time, Fang Yi, who was walking in the front, turned around like lightning, and returned to the three teammates in a single jump, as if he didn't care about it at all. And large movements will wake up the underground monsters.

"Go to the side of the mound and lie down, a big guy is coming!"

The three of them also had a lot of experience. Knowing what the thieves might have found, they took two quick steps and lay down together behind a weedy mound.

The dwarf warrior was the shortest, and the other three were all looking towards the forest on the right.Hurry up and pull it twice.Pushing away the weeds more than a foot high, the brain shell protruded from the top of the mound.

At this time, even the Wildhammer with the lowest perception can feel the mound under the palm trembling slightly, and the sound of "dongdong" is continuously transmitted from the moment.With a deafening and slightly sharp roar.The tall trees on the edge of the dense forest fell collectively without warning, and a huge monster rushed out of the forest.

The two thighs, which look like giant stone pillars, are wrapped in rough skin like old bark. Every step they take can cause a tremor in the ground.The body full of power and violent beauty is connected with a slender tail and a huge lizard-like head. The sharp teeth are exposed because of the wild roar of the owner-Fang Yi visually estimates that the teeth are more than a foot long.

"I rely on... Tyrannosaurus Rex!?"

Qing Gang was the first to speak out. The pastor looked at the giant beast roaring towards the sky in the distance, and subconsciously used a national curse to express his inner shock.However, the three members of the team had no intention of paying attention to the female priest's gaffe, because the Tyrannosaurus rex in front of him, to be precise, should be a Tyrannosaurus rex, and his state seemed to be abnormal.

Fang Yi, with his reconnaissance skills, could see most clearly that half of the tyrannosaur's supposedly blue-gray skin was stained red with blood, which was still dripping down its thick hind legs to the ground.Moreover, Fang Yi keenly discovered that the head of the tyrannosaurus was scorched by flames, which made the thief immediately think of magic: isn't the monster fighting for territory, but the player fighting the boss?

In an instant, Fang Yi thought of the Deinonychus that was hunted and killed by his team yesterday—Nimma, what team is this, dare to trouble the Tyrannosaurus now?

Tyrannosaurus, a beast at the top of the food chain, has no common template, except that the boss is an elite, which is enough to guarantee their dominance in the wild.

Fang Yi doesn't know the level range of the Tyrannosaurus, but it is definitely not something that can be killed by a random team: because even a monster of level [-] like Deinonychus is at least four levels behind the Tyrannosaurus. Be someone else's younger brother.

Looking at the big man who kept roaring at the edge of the forest, the only possibility Fang Yi could think of was crowd tactics.

"How is it? Do you want to pick a leak?"

Wildhammer had already drawn out the long sword at his waist, his eyes were full of excitement, and he said eagerly.

"Fuck you!?" The mage glared at the dwarf warrior angrily, "This is a Tyrannosaurus rex! Another hundred NO.80 people are almost the same!"

Fang Yi on the side rubbed his chin, and actually had the idea of ​​finding something wrong in his heart: If he can really take down this big guy, not to mention the reward experience, it would be appropriate to drop a few pieces of purple equipment.

But... Thinking of the current environment of the few people, the chasing soldiers behind the tyrannosaurus, especially the appearance of the big guy now, Fang Yi felt discouraged: the right time, place and people are not on his team's side, so he can only stare blankly. up.

But the imaginary pursuers never came out. Instead, the big lizard of the Tyrannosaurus rex looked around, but it was fixed in the direction of the mound where Fang Yi and the others were lying. Hooked and ran over the mound.

"Nimma, what's the situation!?" The magician kept his eyes open, trying to get the team to leave the mound where they were hiding and turn back to escape, but he was not sure if the Tyrannosaurus had discovered the four tiny creatures here, so he hesitated for a while.

"Damn, Wild Hammer your helmet!" Fang Yi jumped up cleverly, "Run!"

Several people subconsciously followed Fang Yi and ran with Fang Yi. The ignorant dwarf warrior touched his heavy metal helmet that was shining brightly in the sun while running.

What happened to my helmet? (to be continued..)

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