Mithril Throne of Forgotten Realms

Chapter 192 The Growing Team

Most of the players around who witnessed this scene already understood the whole story, and some people who often hang out here also recognized the murdered habitual thieves, and looked at the rest of them with something wrong.

Fang Yi's smiling eyes made the rest of the people tremble. Seeing the murderous god walking towards them step by step, they finally didn't dare to make a move. Soon the first person couldn't bear the pressure and ran out of the crowd. Immediately after, a group of people dispersed, leaving only three cold corpses.

Curling his lips, Fang Yi turned and walked towards his teammates.

"It's domineering enough!" The old devil gave Fang Yi a thumbs up, "But I, the client, didn't find out. How did you find out that the thief used the stealing skill?"

Fang Yi shrugged his shoulders not without concern, "Actually, you can basically guess the purpose of the other party, but you are just not sure. In fact, it is not necessary, and there are no guards here. Those few look like ruffians. Since there is a chance It’s fun to kill, why don’t you just cut it off and talk about it?”

"Of course, the main reason is that I saw that thief stealing something." Fang Yi added with a cheap smile.

The old devil smiled, and could see that the thieves in front of him didn't pay attention to these thieves at all, with an expression of chopping and chopping, he didn't know how the few people who were killed in seconds felt.

Qinggang next to him is the person who feels Fang Yi's determination and skill the most.

Before, I only saw Cube PK from a distance and fought against the weak Tyrannosaurus boss. I could tell that the thief's skill was very high, but I didn't have an intuitive understanding of how high it was.

But at this time, Qinggang looked at the thief with a laughing expression, and knew that the knife just now was replaced by himself.It is absolutely impossible to escape.Maybe only by going through real fights with masters can you understand the gap between yourself and high-end players~

The small episode did not affect the state of the Mithril Shell Team, but instead made the fighting spirit of the four people extremely high.

Several people took the task and went straight to the road. Only Wildhammer, who couldn't reach out because he wanted to protect the fragile mage, muttered all the way, arguing for a while to vent his anger on the monsters in the ogre camp.

On the only stone bridge leading to the camp, there was a steady stream of players coming and going. Occasionally there would be a freshly spawned ogre guarding the gate. Just as he wandered out from a hidden place, he was red-eyed by the players A group fight, the short life will end.

This highland is actually a mountain made of granite.It is very abrupt in the terrain full of savannahs and jungles.But as long as the players continue to go south.You will find that such terrain will appear more and more frequently in the field of vision, because the remnants of the Osram Mountains can be seen in the southwest, and there are gradually more and more strange mountain forest terrains.

Although it's called Ogre Camp, the highlands are actually inhabited by ogres, bandits, trolls, and other evil creatures large and small.These members are subject to a ruling tribe of giants who live here.It is said that there is a giant boss whose level is above level [-].

However, players who were "fortunate" to see this boss were all killed in seconds.So there is no information about the giant boss yet.

The few people didn't intend to fight the boss, but quickly came to the southwest corner of the highland.Fang Yi hid behind a mound, observing the camp in the distance and the occasional silhouettes in it.Know that this time the destination has been reached.

"Here are all humanoid monsters above level [-]. Our goal is to kill a little elite with the hoods of these bandits."

The magician patiently explained the mission process to Fang Yi, who came here for the first time. The Wildhammer beside him had already been gearing up, and eagerly pulled the longbow in his hand, "Our level was a little low last time. You have to kill it to your heart's content!"

The itchy Wildhammer didn't have to wait long.After a while, a three-member patrol team walked near the north gate of the camp.

Seeing that the opponent had already entered the shooting range, Wildhammer crouched on the weedy mound, fully drew the hardwood longbow that was about the same height as himself, and aimed at the target not far away. The feather arrow shot towards the target with a slight sound of piercing through the air.

Dwarf warriors win with great strength and long range.The feathered arrow almost drew a straight trajectory, and with a "snap", it directly pierced the leather armor of one of the robbers, and the point of the arrow protruded from the back of the shoulder.


"Someone attacked!"


The robbers quickly found the dwarf who was standing carelessly on the top of the mound and continued to bend his bow and arrow. Then they found that the other party was standing on a commanding height, and the bow and arrow on their side could not hit the place where the dwarf was at all.

The robber who was hit by the arrow was also fierce, and directly broke the feather arrow that pierced his shoulder, then dropped the bow and arrow in his hand, and together with the other two, he took out his scimitar and long sword, babbled and roared, and ran towards the Wildhammer.The Wildhammer's bow and arrow had limited accuracy, the three of them walked in a zigzag pattern with their guards up, and none of the feathered arrows shot by the Wildhammer hit.

But the robbers didn't hear the murmured incantations coming from the bushes nearby, and it was too late when they noticed a large white flower flying over their heads from nowhere.

The old devil ambushing at the side had enough time to calculate the advance. The spider web technique accurately covered the two careless robbers, but limited by the skill level, the range of influence of the spider web technique was limited. A robber who was far away from the two Narrowly escaped the spider web that fell from the sky.

Surprised that there were still mages ambushing around, the only robber who was not trapped was frightened, turned his head and ran, while waving his hands desperately towards the camp in the distance, stepped on a stone on the ground in panic, and his face was on the ground. A close encounter came.

But when he fell down, the robber's shouts stopped abruptly, and he never stood up again, because Fang Yi's figure appeared out of thin air, and the scimitar and dagger had already pierced the opponent's throat at the same time.

On the other side of the battlefield, the old devil added a greasy spell to the two robbers who were about to break free. The Wildhammer rushing down from the hillside and Qing Gang who ran over from the mage also rushed to the front line, and the weapons in their hands pointed at the two robbers. A robber who was caught off guard and fell to the ground was a burst of hammer.

After accepting the three experience gift packs, Fang Yi looked back at the bandit camp in the distance. It was still a lazy scene. No one noticed the battle taking place on this inconspicuous hillside.

"A lot of experience," Wildhammer looked at his experience bar and shouted in surprise, "It seems to be more than before."

"Because the experience reward of ordinary teams is 5%, our current reward is 10%, and when we become a fixed team in the future, the experience reward will be 25%," Fang Yi remembered these data very clearly, and said with a smile.

Wildhammer took off his helmet, combed his beard with his fingers, and said longingly, "Then when will it become a regular team, isn't it a whiz to upgrade?"

"Not only that, there are rewards for the upper limit of life and mana for fixed teams," Qing Gang on the side had already cleaned the battlefield, stretched out his hand and scratched the wildhammer's messy explosive head, "but you need to accumulate experience points slowly, not for a while It can be achieved. Xiaopang, don’t worry~”

"Fang Cuan, you have a strange thing that automatically restores your life!?" The old devil on the side suddenly shouted in surprise, "What did I think just now that the system reminded you that you have recovered three points of life?"

"No way, if I had that kind of heaven-defying thing, I would have sold it for money." Fang Yi was taken aback, then understood, smiled and waved at the three people with wide-eyed eyes, revealing the wounds wrapped around his wrists. The bandage on his back, "I was chopped by that robber just now."

"This is the continuous recovery effect of the bandage. At that time, I happened to kill a high-level elite during the infinite trial, and the top ten completed the task of the battlefield bandage as an extra reward."

"Damn it, there are indeed rewards for the top few..." Wildhammer looked at the white bandage on Fang Yi's hand, but swallowed a few mouthfuls of saliva as if he was looking at some delicacies.

"No player or team has completed the treasure quest yet. If we can continue with the quest in hand, maybe our mithril shell will be famous in history. What special rewards will we get?" Fang Yi stood up and stretched his waist , and waved to his teammates, "Go, overthrow them, upgrade early and get epic equipment."

"Epic equipment~ oh yeah~" Wildhammer straightened his helmet, looked at the priests and mages who also stood up, raised his long sword and pointed at the bandit camp in the distance, "for my epic shield, charge~ "


The cooperation of several people became more and more tacit, and the process of fighting became more and more handy.For a whole afternoon, the four of Fang Yi were like fierce tigers descending from the mountain, killing their targets in the robber's den. Although they encountered some troubles in the battle with the twentieth-level elite leader, the mithril shell team, who were already familiar with each other's fighting methods, still The goal was solved without any risk and the task was successfully completed.

Seeing that it was getting late, several people recovered and headed back, preparing to go to the outskirts to set up camp.

The old devil checked his experience bar while walking, and said to Fang Yi next to him, "If everything goes well, you should be able to rise to level [-] in two or three days. Qinggang has the least experience, and at most it will be four or five days. , we can all reach twenty."

"Well," Fang Yi nodded, "With the experience of Tyrannosaurus boss, it saves a lot of time than originally expected. But these high-level monsters are scattered here, let's see our luck in the next few days."

Fang Yi was walking and chatting with the old devil, discussing the next plan, and the team soon came to the side of the stone bridge.But Fang Yi frowned when he saw the situation on the stone bridge inadvertently.

Although the opponent was well concealed, Fang Yi still found a large number of people wandering around on the stone bridge, constantly looking at the passing players.

The most important thing is that Fang Yi saw one of the thieves who had been chopped down by him before, and he was spying back and forth in the crowd.As an expert in this area, Fang Yi felt the sneaky eyes of the other party with almost no effort - because he was this kind of rush when others suggested, of course, the concealment is better. (To be continued..)

ps: I shaved in the morning, but halfway through the shave, the shaver ran out of power, and the community was cut off again.So Fei Dan accompanied his wife to the shopping mall with his half-shaven beard, and shaved off the stubble in the name of trying out the razor.

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