Seeing that the surrounding crowd had gathered around, the sound of abuse and the reflections of various weapons were about to hit his nose, Fang Yi then silently recited a mantra, and a ring of green smoke suddenly appeared in the air within fifteen feet.

Numerous ferocious skulls sprang out from the green smoke, bringing out a puff of bright red blood mist. There were still some residual muscles and rotting skin on the pale bones, and only half-rotten eyeballs remained in the empty eye sockets. Still jumping, a sharp howl resembling a woman's scream screamed out from the mouth of the skull, immediately filling the silent field in the middle of the night.

Group fear technique!

Compared with the enhanced group fear released by the two-headed giant with a coverage of sixty feet before, the spell released by Fang Yi with the scroll is nothing more than a small witch in terms of light and shadow effects and spell effects.

But now the players of the Tianchao Guild around Fang Yi are all crowded into a meat ball, rubbing shoulders against each other. There are no less than [-] or [-] players crowded within a radius of [-] feet. The two fighters who are relatively close He had already reached out and touched Fang Yi's shoulder covered in a gray robe, but was completely enveloped by the sudden green smoke, and no one was spared.

At present, the players are all in the state of resistance streaking, and the effect of the fear technique will appear immediately. The surrounding players can't help but let out a burst of exclamation, and then they feel their bodies shaking uncontrollably. The weapons and torches all fell to the ground with a "clinking" sound, and everyone's eyes were instantly darkened, and they began to rampage aimlessly.

Fang Yi was waiting for this opportunity, with his arms in front of him.Dodging left and right in the chaotic crowd, quickly passed through a group of out-of-control players.Immediately after placing his hands on a player's shoulders and exerting his legs, the whole person has already taken off into the air, flew over a pile of messy heads and landed on the open space outside the circle, kicking the ground to accelerate and at the same time activated the blindfold skill.

The feathered arrows, hatchets, long sticks, and even two-handed swords that followed were all empty, and even the iridescent spell scroll thrown by someone in a hurry failed to blow up the thief's figure.

Because Fang Yi had already moved to the right the moment he became invisible, and activated the Deep Earth Walker Amulet at the same time. At this time, the thief's figure had merged into the ground, and he was slowly moving towards the night in front of the right.

The whole thing happened in a flash.Although Bai Ling and Bei Ke had expected the beginning.But didn't expect this ending.The local tyrant and great thief Cube left a second-level spell scroll worth thousands of gold coins in the crowd, and then disappeared without a trace in a few vertical leaps.

"There! On the right!"

The crowd hadn't been quiet for a few seconds, and an elf ranger immediately spotted the sneaky figure appearing on the grassland in front right. It was Fang Yi who had escaped from the stone walking technique.

The movement speed of Shi Xingshu was abnormally slow, and Fang Yi knew that people from the Celestial Dynasty Guild could not find him.It will inevitably spread out to search in a carpet-like manner.At that time, I am afraid that I will really be trampled to death by the angry crowd.

So I estimated in my heart that I left the casting range of those players.Fang Yi immediately released the state of the stone walking technique, jumped to the ground and started running wildly.

"Follow him! Life or death!"

Bai Ling, who ran from the high ground to the vicinity of the battlefield, also followed the voice and found Fang Yi's trace, and immediately gave orders loudly.

Can Fang Yi let them catch up?The answer is obvious.

Exceeded the maximum casting range.The mages were powerless, and Fang Yi didn't believe that any of the rangers behind him could bend their bows and set arrows to shoot the thieves at full speed while moving-not to mention them, even the bow masters he knew didn't have this ability Ability, unless there is some pervert who has learned some perverted skills.

However, as Fang Yi ran a certain distance and entered a stealth state, the last bit of worry disappeared without a trace.

The players of the Celestial Dynasty Guild also have agility players with super high attributes, but unfortunately after Fang Yi used the sprint skill, they were only comparable to Fang Yi's speed.After less than a minute, Fang Yi successfully escaped from the combat state and entered stealth.

"Assemble at the scheduled location!"

Fang Yi glanced at the things in the bag, both of which were unidentified, and he couldn't see any clues, so he sent a message to his teammates waiting in the other direction, and then detoured around the team of the Tianchao Guild and went to Drive in the direction of the sloth plain.


"Disappear out of thin air!? Are you saying that he has learned the ability to hide from sight? Or is it that my eyesight is not good, and I didn't find the worldwide announcement. Some players have successfully changed jobs to assassins or shadow dancers!?"

The president of the Tianchao Guild, Priest Bailing did not get angry at everyone hysterically at this time, but stared at the battle captain in front of him with a dark face, and it was easy to hear the suppressed power in his heavy tone. anger.

" did disappear out of thin air...but it should not be a skill of hiding from sight, because neither physical attacks nor spells could hit him."

Bailing put her hands on her hips, looked up at the stars in the sky, but felt her head buzzing.For this task, the guild has been preparing for nearly a month. The members of the battle group directly lost more than 100 levels, and in the end they didn't get anything?

Shell on the side had already seen that Bailing was angry now, so he didn't go up to talk to him, but stood quietly behind the team, lowering his head to study the weeds on the ground.

After a while, Bailing put his hands on his hips, looked at the stars in the sky and sighed, "Go to the village and set up camp, and continue leveling tomorrow. Also, don't tell anyone what happened today."

After finishing speaking, he waved his hands, and the team with only dozens of people left silently disbanded and walked towards the small village not far away.

"Beike, I should really listen to you and pay attention to this thief earlier~" Bai Ling tapped his head vigorously with a half-length spear, and said regretfully, "I don't know the fighting skills, but with this courage, I don't think he is a great god~"

Looking at the pastor's back, Bei Ke slightly raised his eyebrows, feeling that Bai Ling was not as angry as he appeared at all, and had a new understanding of the president's city, "Actually, I don't have many chances to see this cube make a move. , just judging from his habits that he is a master, but I didn't expect him to be so... unrestrained."

"Hehe, it's very unrestrained, but we got three pieces of high-level equipment anyway, so it's not too bad." Bailing smiled, looked back at the corpse of the two-headed giant who hadn't disappeared, and lowered his voice again.

"Even if he gets that thing, he won't be able to get epic equipment right away. Next, I'll wait to see the system announcements from all over the world. If he can really succeed, he will be quite a talent..."

late at night.

In front of the tent where Shell was camping, the female thief was sitting by the campfire, chatting with Shell in a low voice.Due to the task assigned to protect the commander, Sparks was not in any danger and became one of more than 50 people who survived.

"Captain, I remember that when we met the pirates on the boat, Cube seemed to have used a skill similar to invisibility, but Thailand was in chaos at the time, and I couldn't see clearly..." Huo Huo observed the expression of the shell, but there was no sign of it in his tone. How much frustration seems to be unaffected by the failure to siege the boss.

Bei Ke lowered his head and said nothing, and after a while he said, "Well, I was careless. At that time, his skill was not very powerful. Even though he was invisible, he could still be hit? Looking at the situation this time, the thief must have There are other skills... but it's not surprising that this kind of player will always have one or two things at the bottom of the box."

Sparks frowned. Although the facts were in front of him, he still couldn't connect the hippie-faced thief with a super expert.

"Oh, by the way, I almost forgot the most important thing." Huo Hua patted his forehead, as if he suddenly remembered something, looked up and looked around, pulled out a small glass bottle from his backpack and handed it to the Druid opposite .

Shell's eyes lit up, and he immediately took the bottle and observed it carefully.

The clear glass bottle is no bigger than the palm of your hand, and it contains about half of the volume of the dark blue liquid, but it is much thicker than ordinary water.As the druid's palm kept shaking, the blue liquid didn't adhere to the bottle wall at all, and at first glance it looked like dyed mercury.

"I went over immediately after the boss died, and immediately poured blood on the spot on the back of the two-headed giant's hand," Huo Hua said confidently when he saw the searching eyes that Shell gave him.

The druid nodded, the corners of his mouth slightly curled up, and he laughed softly, "Hehe~ this way the most difficult step of the task is solved, and I think we should be able to catch up with the progress of that magician and the others..."

"But this cube got mixed up with the magician's team. It's really a headache." Druid put away the small bottle, shook his head helplessly, and patted Spark on the shoulder. It's about leveling."


The Wildhammer was like ants on a hot pot, circling around the big tree where a few people stayed, and calling out the team panel from time to time to see the blood volume and status of the thieves in the team, "Why haven't you come yet~ Cube Isn't it running very fast? Why haven't you arrived yet?"

"Ah~~ I'm so annoying to you," Qinggang leaned against the tree trunk, closed his eyes and rested his mind, pulled out his mace and tried to hit him, but the experienced dwarf warrior ran away first, so he had to give him an angry look.

"Didn't you send a message just now? You're already out of danger. Besides, there are nocturnal monsters everywhere. Do you think that others will run like you, and then drag the monsters to drive the train!?"

Wildhammer felt sorry for the mace in the priest's hand, so he didn't dare to mutter any more, so he went to the mage and complained, "Old devil, Cube is going to take risks by himself, we are here as teammates Isn't it a bit dishonest to just wait?" (To be continued...)

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