Mithril Throne of Forgotten Realms

Chapter 208 The White Queen

Fortunately, what Fang Yi was worried about did not happen. After a few more bruises on his body, and after drifting with the current in the dark waterway for two or three minutes, Fang Yi finally felt that the water had calmed down.

But there was still darkness in front of him.

Fang Yi let his head out of the water, took out a fluorite stick from his backpack and wiped the muddy water on his face, then opened his eyes and looked around.

The first thing that caught Fang Yi's eyes was the abnormally smooth stone wall on the right hand side, which still shone with faint blue light under the illumination of fluorite. Fang Yi stepped on the water and swam to the side of the wall, and reached out to touch it. The environment has long grown a thick layer of moss.

Pulling out the dagger to scrape off a layer of sediment, Fang Yi's eyes lit up: a stone?This is a man-made channel!

Doesn't it look like a trap? Although I don't like the pitch-black environment, at least I haven't encountered such a trap that people can't guard against.

The fluorite in his hand has a limited range of light, and he can't see too far away. Right now, he is drifting with the tide. Fang Yi recalled what he had encountered in the mine in Yuanwang Town. The difference is that he was covered in stench. Soaked in mud and water, I think there will be no adventures like Sid's skeleton in front of me.

When the sound of rushing water came from ahead, Fang Yi was still struggling in the gray air in the passage. When the thief reacted, he felt that his body was hanging and had been thrown into the air by the water.


On the lake of Amber Heart, Fang Yi is directly above the ruins where Fang Yi was sucked into the deep hole.

Four or five small boats floated on the water, but at this time the cool wind gradually picked up.The waves on the lake are getting bigger and bigger, making the small wooden boat full of people look a little shaky.

On the prow of one of the small boats sat a human warrior with a huge axe on his back. The well-equipped equipment and the guild badge on his chest indicated his identity: a senior member of the Celestial Dynasty guild.

At this moment, the soldier glanced around at the surrounding lake, turned his head to look suspiciously at the priest next to him, raised his eyebrows and asked, "Are you sure it's here?"

The priest next to the warrior is the unlucky guy who was hacked twice by Fang Yi, but experience cannot be lost below level [-]. The priest at this time does not seem to have changed from before, still full of vitality.

"Of course, I wrote down the coordinates," the priest gave the soldier a sideways look.He reached out and patted the side of the boat. "That cube also saw us swimming past here, so it will definitely look for it near here."

The soldier frowned, not impressed by the arrogance of the priest who provided the news, but the president sent people like himself to intercept and kill the thief.Make sure you succeed.That's why I endured this person for a long time.

Seeing the pastor still looking at himself confidently.The soldier turned his head in disdain, and told the team members beside him: "You two druids who have learned transformation, go down and have a look first. If you have any news, tell us in the team chat channel in time."

The two elf druids nodded to show their understanding. A swift plunge into the water transformed into two giant cute otters, and disappeared into the depths of the lake after a few twists and turns.

"Hey, where's my money?" The priest waved his hand and patted the soldier's shoulder, and asked with his chin raised, "It's agreed that there will be a thousand gold coins for the information."

"I will give it to you when I see someone. Aren't you afraid that our guild will owe you this little money?" The soldier didn't even bother to look back, and said while staring at the movement underwater.

The pastor immediately stood up when he heard this. It doesn’t matter this stop. The boat swayed twice and almost lost its balance, which scared the players on the boat into a cold sweat. “Hi!? I’ve already brought you somewhere, If you don't admit it, give the money quickly, or I will go to the forum to publicize your deeds..."

The soldier looked back at the pastor, his cold eyes did not affect the pastor's nagging at all.The soldier sneered, and took off the big ax cleanly and it was a horizontal chop. The priest who was only wearing a few pieces of cloth armor was cut in two on the spot, and his corpse fell into the lake in a "normal" way, stained red. lake water.

"This is weird, I think I know why that cube killed him twice," the soldier put away his weapon and said to his laughing teammates.

A group of people chatted and laughed, and the news of the two druids below quickly spread: it seemed that there had been a fierce fight in the ruins, it was a mess, and the bottom of the lake was too cloudy to see the specific situation clearly.

"Huh? Why is this kid in chaos everywhere? He couldn't have met a boss, he might have died long ago."Seeing the news from his teammates, a player on board said.

"It's also possible." The soldier raised his head and looked around, he couldn't see anything except the fish scales all over the lake, "but this water area is too big, and it's a three-dimensional environment different from the ground, so the chance of encountering a boss is very low. Send them a message and ask them to find out..."

At this time, a ranger on the nearby boat seemed to see something, "噗" stood up, pointed to the wooden boat where the soldier was on and shouted, "Captain! There is something under the water!?"

The soldier was taken aback for a moment, and immediately pulled out his big axe, and looked under the water with his head.A huge black shadow is slowly rising from the bottom of the black-green lake, and in the midday sun, the lavender skin on the surface of the black shadow and the glimmering eyes at the "front end" can be vaguely discerned.If you look carefully, the direction in which the black shadow swims is exactly where the pastor's body sank just now, and a faint red color can be seen in the lake water.


Of course Fang Yi didn't know that he had passed by an underwater boss, because the thief was rubbing his ass with his teeth grinning.

Fang Yi, who was rushed ten feet away by the water flow, had already set his posture, and was about to poke the wall with a dagger to slow down or roll all over and fall into a deep pit. As a result, the water flow was only four or five feet away from the ground. When Fang Yi realized it, he had already fallen solidly onto a pile of rocks, and even Fluorite didn't know where he was thrown.

Don't I just want to find a treasure chest?Why does it feel worse than killing a boss! ?


However, after adapting to the dark environment without fluorite, Fang Yi was surprised to find that there was a faint light coming from the front of the passage!

After pouring out the water in the boots, Fang Yi re-entered the stealth, thinking that no matter where he went, he should not go in vain, at least he had to figure out where it was~

Stepping forward carefully, Fang Yi quickly passed through the narrow cave and came to the faint light source.

Fang Yi took a long breath, stepped out of the cave, and immediately a biting cold wind blew in his face, making Fang Yi, who was soaked all over, shiver, but these were not important, because Fang Yi found that there was a huge hole in the depths of his body. In the underground canyon!

This canyon is several hundred feet high, and the width varies from place to place. The small hole Fang Yi walked out of is at the end of this side of the canyon.The large or small white spots above the canyon provide a valuable light source for this underground world - if Fang Yi didn't know that he was underground, Fang Yi would definitely think that it was the stars at night.

But what surprised Fang Yi the most was not these, but the bones extending from Fang Yi's feet to the distance, all over the bottom of the valley.Senbai's bones were scattered or whole, big or small, some of them looked like human beings, and some of the corpses were bigger than Fang Yi's body, obviously belonging to some kind of powerful non-human creature.

Looking at the lifeless nameless canyon, Fang Yi's heart couldn't be more shocked, and he wanted to go to the depths to explore it.

Unexpectedly, just a few steps away, a huge human-shaped skeleton lying on the ground not far away suddenly "creaked" and twisted a few times. Jumping and jumping, it seems that the uninvited thieves have been discovered.

Fang Yi felt his neck stiffen, and his back began to sweat coldly.The posture of stepping still remains unchanged, but at this time it has changed from forward to backward - an ancient skeleton with an unknown level...

The grey-faced skeleton had no intention of chasing after him. After Fang Yi retreated a certain distance, the opponent seemed to lose his strength immediately, and fell to the ground again with a "crash".

This is definitely not the place to hide the silver treasure chest——Fang Yi shook his arms that were a little stiff because of nervousness, and thought helplessly that only a treasure chest that looked like a horse would need a hello-level boss to guard it.Sighing, Fang Yi looked around, turned his head and walked towards the other side.

There were no skeletons, and no prehistoric monsters came out to scare people. Fang Yi hadn't walked for long, and after turning a winding and narrow path, he came to the end of this side of the canyon.

Different from the other side full of bones, this open space is very quiet, as if there is something that even the owners of those bones are afraid of. The only unusual thing is a tombstone standing in a small open space.

Seeing tombstones in such a weird environment is actually far more terrifying than seeing skeletons all over the floor.But Fang Yi’s feeling at this moment is indeed spiritual...peace, yes, it’s like this small place has calmed down and walked carefully to the tombstone. There are no punishment traps, and there are no monsters in ambush. There are only seals on the tombstone. few lines of text.

Fang Yi lightly brushed the dust off the tombstone, and softly read the content recorded in Common and Elvish:

"There is no boundary between good and evil, the difference is just an obsession in the heart - why fight?

If the creed that you stick to can't spread goodwill, punish evil, and have blood on your hands, why not?

My name is remembered by those behind me, the fear of all evil, remember me.

- The White Queen"

Unexpectedly, after reading this text, a deep system prompt sound followed, making Fang Yi, who was immersed in the artistic conception of the text, jump.

"Player cubes

Gain the approval of Ionia;

of half-elf blood;

Alignment: neutral good (belongs to any good alignment);

Among the advanced tasks, the Assassin's advanced task was selected first;

Satisfying the reward conditions of the 'Holy Assassin', do you want to accept the inheritance of the White Queen and unlock the bloodline reward of the Elven Assassin? "(to be continued...)

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