Mithril Throne of Forgotten Realms

Chapter 270 Rat's Nest

Seeing the searching eyes of his teammates, Fang Yi smiled, and gave the three of them a confident smile: Even if not for himself, at least the welfare of the three teammates must be dug out in this mission!

"Thank you, President Bai Ling, for your kindness," Fang Yi looked at the time and said, "But you don't have to worry about this kind of thing, we are free to plan."

"Fang Fang, I know that you are considered a master among professional players, and you don't care about this little money, but your teammates are different..."

Fang Yi frowned, even if he knew it would be useless, he would not feel very comfortable hearing such instigated words, but before he had time to fight back, someone had already spoken.

"Your mouth is so cheap, Shell," Qinggang who stood at the front immediately took a small step forward, held up his round shield and looked coldly at the smiling Shell, "Is it true that the experience of Cube smashing your chrysanthemum was not deep enough? , want to try my mace?"

Hearing these words, Fang Yi broke into a burst of sweat. As soon as these two words came out, the feminine temperament of the war priest was immediately exposed. Fang Yi's dark vision clearly saw that the expressions of the big boys opposite him were stagnant. Qi Shushu looked at his captain, and Bei Ke also opened his mouth, and was stunned for a long time without saying a word.

"Take care of yourselves," the old devil coughed, obviously startled by the sudden eruption of Qinggang, "You are holding on to the door and not going in, why don't you let us in first?"

When the mage said this, everyone reacted.The two members of the Shell Squad who had been standing in front of the entrance hurriedly tried it, and sure enough.The enchantment that restricted access has been lifted.

Without saying a word, Bei Ke walked directly to the entrance of the cave, and the six-member team filed in.Seeing the opponent's figure disappear at the entrance of the cave, the old devil walked up to Fang Yi and patted Fang Yi's shoulder, "I'm afraid they have forgotten how to deal with Qinggang back then, this time we must deal with it." Push them down!"

Fang Yi nodded and smiled, knowing that this was the old devil who was afraid that he would be under pressure, so he immediately called a few people to prepare.The dwarf warrior took the lead, followed by Qinggang.Fang Yi is responsible for protecting the old devil after the break.The four walked into the low hole in the stone wall one by one.

As soon as he stepped through the entrance of the cave, a sour and musty smell came over his face.Fang Yi, who sensed a huge height, felt his nose twitch, almost thinking that he had come to the sewer of Ximen Port again.

What appeared in front of several people was a dilapidated street with no stones on the potholed ground.It was all black sewage and silt.look up.Above the heads of several people are layers of rocks and giant stone bricks.I want to come up to Voyager Street.

Both sides of the crooked street are full of dilapidated houses. From time to time, a few heads poke out from behind the shacks and broken walls, looking at the adventurers who suddenly appeared.It's just that there will be some strange voices echoing in this deep space.It seemed like howling and something was breaking into pieces, which made people shudder after hearing it.

Shell's team moved quickly, and they were nowhere to be seen.The old devil looked around for a while, and first directed the team to the shadows in the corner to prevent being attacked.When Fang Yi saw the surrounding situation, he already had a solid idea in his heart, "This should be the underground world of Star Twilight City. It seems that what Gelbo said is correct."

"By the way, didn't you just say that you had some information from an old scholar, and you haven't had time to ask you, what kind of information is it?" The Wildhammer standing at the front looked around vigilantly, and turned around to ask.

"Use the team channel," Fang Yi cautiously reminded the dwarf warrior with a loud voice, "Be careful of the other party's thieves following us."

At this time, the thief sent by Shell was hiding in the dark, eavesdropping on the conversation of Fang Yi and the others, hearing Fang Yi's words, he almost vomited blood, and cursed this goddamn thief in his heart, but Afterwards, the thieves could only see the lips of the other four moving back and forth, and couldn't hear a single word, so they could only worry about it.

It turned out that Fang Yi went to Gelbo's place to make an autumn wind, and successfully inquired some news from the old man.

The place where Fang Yi and the others are is called the Rat's Nest, and it is a little-known secret place in Xingmu City.The wanted adventurers, murderers and even some alien creatures all gather here. This is the gathering place of blood and conspiracy, and any crime you can imagine can be found here.

Gelbo didn't know much about this place. Apart from knowing that the ruler here was nicknamed Squirrel, he had no other information. That's why the old man was so surprised when he heard that Fang Yi had found the entrance to the Rat's Nest. .

But the good news is that the mission target of Fang Yi and the others is a certain person who is missing an arm hiding here. It is said that this guy has information about the Mithril shell in his hand-the target features are obvious enough to give the search work Bring a lot of convenience.

"It seems that the area here is not small." Qinggang stood on a broken wall and looked around. With the help of the dim torch, he could vaguely see the dilapidated buildings stretching far ahead, all the way into the darkness in the distance. "After staying in Xingmu City for so long, we don't even know about this place."

Fang Yi's vision is clearer, and he knows that Qinggang's judgment is right, "The challenge level here is too high, it is difficult to encounter the task line here..."



Before Fang Yi could finish his sentence, a sharp piercing sound came suddenly, and something in the darkness shot towards the highest green hill standing there.Fang Yi and Wildhammer issued a warning almost at the same time, and Qing Gang, who had been on alert all along, responded immediately, and a small round shield suddenly appeared in the direction of Feather Arrow.

With a clear sound of "Ding!", the feather arrow hit the round shield that the priest raised in time, and made several turns in the air. When it landed on the ground, Fang Yi's figure was already facing the direction of the attacker. Ten feet out,

Fang Yi's reaction was the fastest, and of course the others were not far behind.Qing Gang, who was blessed with spells by the old devil, was only one step behind Fang Yi, and had already rushed to the street. The muddy water splashed by the two flew up to Lao Gao. Before the muddy water splashed by the previous step fell, the next step was already taken. out.


Fang Yi's field of vision is twice as wide as that of ordinary people. Seeing the figure of the attacker fleeing to the alley on the right, Fang Yi hurriedly waved to Qinggang behind him, telling him to double-team him on the other side, and he activated the alarm. Ben skill, turned into a phantom in the dark night, and chased after the opponent.

The speed of the pursuer obviously exceeded the imagination of the attacker, and the movement of the black figure was slightly deformed. Seeing that the ghostly thief was about to catch up behind him, the attacker didn't care about maintaining his balance, so he let go of his feet and went straight to the end of the alley , As long as they get into the intricate fork, how can these outsiders catch up with themselves?

But he miscalculated the speed of the priestess in mail armor.

Qinggang listened attentively to the sound of footsteps coming from the narrow alleyway, and the moment the other party was about to rush out of the alleyway, he had already rounded the mace in his hand.


Hei Ying was startled by the sudden mace at first, and then turned into a shrill scream. Qing Gang's square mace hit the opponent's right shoulder firmly, and the huge With strength, he led the opponent around in a circle, and lay face down on the dirt road.

Following behind, Fang Yi gave a thumbs up to the sturdy Qinggang, drew out his dagger and pressed it against the neck of the enemy who was still trying to escape, turning the small attacker over.

This is a small man, a head shorter than Qinggang, with an ordinary appearance, wearing a black leather armor, the dagger and poison belt around his waist have already explained the opponent's occupation.

Looking at the actions just now, this man's agility value is not low, but he was directly sent flying by a priest who is not good at strength value, so the strength value can be imagined.Fang Yi picked up the opponent with one hand, and cast a probing technique on the grinning attacker.

Race: human male

Occupation level: level 10 thief, level 6 snitch.

Um?Still a family~

Fang Yi looked at the opponent's rolling eyes, his left hand holding the dagger trembled slightly, and the blue blade had already hit the opponent's right hand, which was trying to reach for the belt.

"Be honest, I have a bad temper." Fang Yi warned with a smile.

"Caught it?" Following the sound of footsteps, Wildhammer, who was in charge of protecting the old devil, ran over, looked at the short man picked up by Fang Yi, and walked forward curiously, "This is the dwarf. Are you so small~"

"That's a dwarf, and all of you are bearded dwarfs!"

Wildhammer's words seemed to hit the Snitch's sore spot, and the short man who had been subdued by Fang Yi immediately retorted. Judging from the sharpness of the curse, he was obviously a skilled worker.

"Be quiet for me," Fang Yi saw the Wild Hammer staring at him, and he rolled up his sleeves and was about to come up and beat him up. He quickly motioned for the old devil to hold the dwarf, and he stretched out his hand to give the Snitch a chestnut, "What's your name? ?”

The young snitch glanced at Fang Yi, hugged his upper arms, and let out a disdainful snort from his nostrils. Fang Yi's eyebrows were raised with his arrogant attitude.

"Wildhammer, find a quiet place, let's have a good talk with this Mr. Snitch~

"What are you going to do!?" The young man immediately panicked when he heard that Fang Yi's tone was wrong, "I'm a squirrel man! How dare you do anything to me!?"

Fang Yi's eyes lit up, and he exchanged a glance with the old demon of the environmental staff. The real master appeared so soon?

"Then why did you attack me?"

"Every newcomer will be tested, and the Rat's Nest does not welcome trash without strength!"

This little snitch looked about the same age as Xia Ou, but his manner of speaking was like an old fritter, which made several people feel a strange feeling in their hearts.

"So, have you 'tried' those who came in earlier than us?" Fang Yi put the opponent on the ground, but still tightly pinched the opponent's shoulder, and asked immediately. (to be continued..)

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