Mithril Throne of Forgotten Realms

Chapter 279 Squirrel's last words

Gray-black dust was flying in the hall, and the few torches that were left were covered by the dust as if in a thick fog.The wall that had a big hole smashed by an unknown ball made a few dangerous "clicking" sounds, and it was no longer able to support the roof full of tiles.


Accompanied by the aroused choking dust, almost one-third of the roof collapsed and hit the floor, and the seemingly solid stones and logs fell to the ground like pieces of tofu. Then it shattered into several pieces, bringing up more flying gravel and dust.

The four members of the Mithril Shell Squad stared dumbfounded at the sudden change in front of them, and they were a little dazed when they looked at each other.Qing Gang, who reacted the fastest, hurried to the side of the unlucky ghost who was crushed to death by the rubble, and took out the weapons of himself and his teammates from under the opponent. As soon as his front feet left, the back was already buried by the collapsing rubble and clods. I think that no matter how difficult it is to make, it can't help but make people feel anxious.

Fang Yi ignored the muttering of the dwarf warrior, because he knew it wasn't the Wildhammer's doing - there was a third-party force here!

"The shell man?" The old devil vigilantly retrieved a burning torch from the side, reminded the team members to retreat to the corner, and asked suspiciously, "What kind of magic is this...?"

"It shouldn't be magic,"

Using dark vision, Fang Yi looked at the stones that were still falling from the sky, then looked up at the smoky midair, frowned slightly, "I look like a catapult..."

Fang Yi's voice did not fall.Another black shadow whizzed by from the upper left, but this time the sight was obviously a bit off. It just brushed past the dilapidated roof, flying a large number of tiles, and then another shot came from the right outside the house. There was the sound of a stone wall collapsing and a tremor like a miniature earthquake.

"No matter what it is, let's get out!" The old devil saw that the roof collapsed a little slower, and it happened to coincide with the gap between the enemy's attacks, so he immediately waved to his teammates, "Otherwise, this thing will be thrown to us in a while." On the top of the head, that is really close to death!"

At this time, the dust is also full of falling.It's just that the torches that were originally brightly lit in the house have long since disappeared.The old devil didn't dare to use the torch as a target anymore, and the dwarf warrior led the group of four people to go through the hole on the right hand side.

Fang Yi also walked ahead, leading the priestess and mage who had poor vision.But just took two steps.Fang Yi keenly heard a few low-pitched groans coming from the dark corner.After confirming the location, Fang Yi's heart skipped a beat.

"You go first!" Fang Yi checked the team channel and found that the locked call function can be used.Then he gestured to the priestess next to him, "Maybe there are still alive, I'll go and see, contact the team channel!"

After finishing speaking, without waiting for his teammates to speak, he sprinted to the side, and his figure had already disappeared in the thick mist of smoke.

"Let's go quickly, find a place to hide and wait for Fang Yi!" Seeing that the dwarf warrior and Qinggang in front of him hesitated a little, he was obviously worried that the assassin would be in danger if he stayed here, so he hurriedly said, "His skills are fine. , cough cough...there must be a large army behind, hurry up!"

Hearing the captain's order, the Wildhammer walking in front dared not be careless, raised his hand and pushed away the large piece of gravel blocking the way, guided the two behind him in a low voice, and quickly walked out of the ruined hall.

Fang Yi pulled the headband down to cover his nose and mouth, and followed the sound carefully into the corner of the ruins.Soon seeing the "squirrel" lying on the ground panting, I couldn't help feeling tense, but after seeing the other party's situation clearly, the only slight sense of tension disappeared without a trace.

Both of the old man's legs were buried under the stone slabs. It seemed that he was directly hit by the first attack and lost his mobility, and then he was crushed squarely by the collapsed roof.The right arm and shoulder were also a bloody mess, and it seemed that they could no longer move. The blood had already dyed the nearby ground and dust red, forming a dark red blood stain.

"Who's there?"

Fang Yi was approaching cautiously, but the half-dead old man suddenly turned his head and shouted in Fang Yi's direction.

Whoops?Is this listening skill too powerful?

Fang Yi secretly admired him, although the other party's eyes were a little wandering, which was obviously mostly a bluff, but he just stepped on a small stone, this is indeed a leader-level figure.

After thinking about it, Fang Yi still didn't dare to approach, but took out his crossbow, and appeared three feet away from the opponent, "Hey, hello, old man, we meet again~"

Seeing the familiar black figure not far away, Squirrel didn't feel the rage as imagined, but stared at Fang Yi for two seconds, then spit out a mouthful of blood, and a smile appeared on his dusty face.

"Young man, it looks like you're in luck."

"My luck has always been good~" Fang Yi shook the crossbow in his hand, but seeing the other party's misery, Fang Yi didn't have any intention of teasing, so he went straight to the point, "You said just now that you can find the fragment with this fragment. Lost Floating Void City, do you have any map or something in your hand?"

"Of course there is...cough," "Squirrel" coughed up a big mouthful of blood again, but he still had a smile on his face, "You want it?"

Fang Yi looked happy, and brushed the dust off his headband with his hand, "Of course, of course, look at your current situation... why don't you give it to me, and let me fulfill your treasure hunting wish for you~"

"Hmm... I think, instead of letting others take away the treasures of the Floating Void City, it's better to let it stay there forever. Maybe... ahem, when I become a ghost, I can go and have a look."

Fang Yi looked at the old man with a playful smile on his face, and the corners of his eyes kept jumping: You old man, you first wanted to kill me to seize the treasure, and now you dare to tease me?

Seeing the change in the face of the human assassin, the "squirrel" looked very happy, and laughed loudly, but the blood foam in his mouth also dropped to the ground, looking bloody and weird.

Fang Yi suppressed his anger, and said in his heart that for the sake of the treasure, I don't have the same knowledge as you, young master.But when he was about to use his three-inch tongue again, Fang Yi suddenly heard a burst of small footsteps coming from outside the room, and the bright white magic light was also looming in the distance, which seemed to be the instigator of this attack Show up!

"It's your enemy who attacked here this time?" Fang Yi leaned closer to the old man again, suppressing the anxiety in his heart, and said in a low voice, "You are willing to watch them take the map from you, and then Follow the clues to find the Floating Void City and take away the treasure that originally belonged to you?"

Seeing the other party's expression turned cold, Fang Yi felt relieved, knowing that he was right.

At this time, the footsteps were getting closer and closer, and soon they would enter the field of vision. "Squirrel" squinted at Fang Yi, and lowered his voice, "Tell me why you haven't been punished by God."

I rely on you! !At what time do you still care about this, Fang Yi rolled his eyes and complained weakly.


"There should be no survivors." The thief walked at the forefront of the team, covered his mouth and nose with a cloth strip, checked the ruins roughly, and turned to the captain and said.

"Look carefully! At least find the squirrel's body!"

Before Bei Ke could speak, a gorgeously dressed fat man standing next to him spoke angrily, his domineering attitude made the surrounding players frown.

Shell, who was standing at the back, made a covert gesture, and the surrounding team members lowered their heads, covered their mouths and noses with something, and got into the dusty ruins.

"Count Marsha, with the bombing of the catapult you brought, there must be little chance for the people in this room to survive~" Bei Ke bowed slightly, his tone full of respect, looked at the fat man in front of him and nodded arrogantly, But Keke sneered in his heart, looked at Mo Sen and the large group of city guards behind him, and said in his heart that you, a waste snack, are far from your brother.

If Fang Yi stood in front of him, he would immediately recognize that the fat man in front of him, who seemed to have difficulty walking, was the one he had seen when he assassinated Old Charlie, Mo Sen and Marsha, who claimed to be the brothers of Old Charlie The fat man who was treated as a scapegoat by old Charlie!From the looks of it, the other party has now inherited the position of old Charlie's city lord, and he must be a very scheming person.

Old Charlie was dead.

If it wasn't for the close relationship between the Celestial Guild and the nobles of Xingmu City, Bei Ke didn't know when he would get this news, let alone if he would find out about this quest line—there is actually a clue about this quest in the City Lord's Mansion!

The fat man in front of him did not know how to win the inheritance right, but that was not important anymore.The key is that he agreed to sell the map in his hand at a high price, a price that the Celestial Dynasty Guild could afford.

But Fatty has an additional condition, that is, to kill the squirrel!

In fact, to be precise, the things in the hands of the leader of the Rat Nest were also stolen from the City Lord's Mansion.The reason Fatty gave was that he had a grudge with Squirrel, but Shell didn't care about these side plots, as long as he got the map, everything would be fine.

A map recording the approximate location of the floating city!

Thinking of this, there was an uncontrollable excitement in Bei Ke's heart——then his mother is Floating Void City!Even if you ignore the treasure inside, even if you simply find the location of this treasure, the related benefits to the guild are immeasurable!

Killing the squirrel not only completes this step of the task, but also has a great chance of stopping the task of the Mithril Shell team. How can such a good thing that kills two birds with one stone not be exciting?

"There are still people alive!"

Suddenly there was an exclamation from the ruins, and Bei Ke frowned, beckoning to the mage beside him.The understanding human mage lightly raised his arm, and a mysterious spell resounded in the silent underground space. The mage's fingertips produced a breeze out of thin air, blowing into the smoky ruins. (to be continued..)

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