The chaotic night finally passed, and the order of Star Twilight City basically returned to normal.Fang Yi walked from outside the city to the street. Last night, the scenes of drawing knives and seeing red and magic flying all over the street have long since disappeared, and the blood stains on the ground have also been refreshed by the system. Call up the map to see that Xingmu City has become A prohibited pk area.

After chatting with the Wildhammers for a while last night, they went offline to rest at the same time.Although it didn't take long, except for Fang Yi, the Mithril Shell Team had experienced quite a battle intensity, not to mention being taken aback by a skeleton-level boss.Fang Yi moved his body, then returned to the game early to visit Gelbo.

Although he didn't get any substantive information, the old man's words reminded Fang Yi, so Fang Yi didn't go back to the hotel, but went directly to the post station in Xingmu City, preparing to write a letter to his old friend.

In "Miracle", the communication methods between players are mainly through short-distance calls and messages, or long-distance sending messages and mailing items. If you want to keep in touch with NPCs in Faerun, you can only use Certain spells such as wind spells, or writing letters.

And the recipient is the old elf Somantu who may still be far away in Tezier.

Fang Yi still remembers that Suomantu told himself that he had been to the islands and archipelago when he was adventuring with Druid Sid back then, and he had chased and killed thousands of miles with a red dragon there. I am afraid no one is more suitable than the old elf.

It's just that sending a letter to an npc doesn't take up to ten minutes like between players, but it depends on the distance.If the old elf is still in Tethir.This back and forth did not receive a reply for 20 days at all, and the premise was that Suo Mantu stayed in the Temple of Tyre obediently.

But it's better than bumping around like headless flies~ Fang Yi took a pen and paper from the counter and wrote the content. When writing the mailing address column, after thinking about it, he wrote "Tehir and nearby Tyr Temple" - in this way, even if Suomantu is working outside, the messenger can quickly find him through the personnel in the temple.

Handing the off-white envelope to the npc behind the table, Fang Yi couldn't help but think of the postman in the game, and smiled knowingly—all the players who had received letters from the npc during the closed beta were all attracted by those highly personalized letters. The postman was shocked, I really miss it when I think about it~


Mermaid Song Tavern.The never deserted hall is filled with a slightly stuffy air.If you don't distinguish carefully, it's hard to tell whether the noisy voices lingering in your ears come from players looking for quests, or from native npcs.

As time goes by, players in "Miracle" are getting more and more adapted to life in the fantasy world.It has gradually integrated into the background of this game.It is also slowly affecting the historical process of the game world.

The location of the hall by the window.The four members of the Mithril shell team were gathering together to study the information they had just obtained. Fang Yi frowned slightly as he heard Qinggang describe the information he found on the forum.

"So. The exact title is 'Three Pearls of the Pirate Islands'?"

"That's right, three pearls." Qinggang looked down at his handwriting on the paper, nodded, and deliberately repeated the words 'three pearls'.

"Tsk tsk~" Fang Yi sucked his teeth and couldn't help scratching his head a little, "Even after so many years, it's understandable that the name is different from now. But the number can never be mistaken, how could it be three?"

"By the way, did you mention what these three pearls refer to?"

The old devil shook his head, "No, just this bit of information was finally found by Qing Gang from the corners of the corners."

"It's a travelogue written many years ago," Qinggang continued. "An adventurer once experienced a civil strife among pirates. After escaping, he only briefly mentioned the terrain and legends on the islands. This official is too insidious. That’s right, this book has no name on the catalog of official materials, I was looking through one by one, and only found this book by accident in the database.”

Hmm... This is normal, game officials often do this kind of thing, in the name of increasing the player's sense of substitution in the adventure life, the most annoying thing is that the official information can't be downloaded yet, players have to memorize it by themselves.

"Speaking of which, even if we find the floating city, how can we get there? The old devil can't even know the simplest flying skills," the dwarf warrior who was eating toast and drinking malt wine suddenly interjected, but immediately He was slapped on the iron helmet by the priestess.

"...Idiot, where are the floating cities floating in the sky now? They must all have fallen into the sea!" Qinggang shook his head, with a look of disappointment on his face.However, he snatched the toasted bread from the dwarf warrior and took a bite, raised his brows immediately, and took the bread into his arms, "Don't bother eating, go and study the game materials!"


The dumbfounded old devil ignored these two live treasures, "Forget about it, if you can't get there, it's useless to say anything, let's think about how to get to the island~"

Indeed, if you want to go to the islands and archipelagos, you can't swim, but where can you find a boat?

"Actually, in Xingmu City, there are quite a few people who secretly do business with pirates~" Fang Yi lowered his head and thought for a while, before expressing his thoughts, "Is it possible to take a ride with the wind?"

"It's hard to say, it's not that no one has thought of this method before, but if you want to take a boat, you must get the captain's consent. Don't talk about getting on the boat now, and you can't even find an entry point to open up relationships, otherwise the players would have already hit the wind The ship went to sea..."

The old devil was a little frustrated. As an old player in Star Twilight City, as a player who went from level 1 to advanced by the sea, who wouldn't be eager to take an adventure at sea?But there are too many obstacles set up by the system... Thinking of this, the old devil suddenly shook his head and looked up at the assassin opposite.

Yes!Isn't there a ready-made thigh to hug?Cube had just liberated the group of sailors from the siege of the city guards in advance, and had a good reputation among them. It seems that they have a good relationship with the university scholar Gelbo?

"Hey, I'll try it." Seeing Lao Mo's passionate eyes, Fang Yi smiled, knowing that the other party had already thought of him, "But Gelbo seems to be a bit annoying to me, I I have to find a way to flatter..."

Just as he was scratching his head thinking how to flatter him, Fang Yi saw a change in the eyes of the old demon opposite him, and immediately felt that someone had slapped him on the back of the head.

In the messy tavern, it was almost difficult to hear other voices. Fang Yi's teammates used the team channel to talk.After being inexplicably stunned, Fang Yi thought it was some acquaintance who was joking with him, but when he turned around, he found that it was a very strange player.

"Look, I said yes~haha~"

The monk player standing behind Fang Yi raised his head and laughed, pointed at Fang Yi who turned around and laughed with his companions, as if he hadn't seen the assassin who was looking at him with raised eyebrows.

"Do we know each other?"

Fang Yi stood up from the chair and turned around, revealing the richly decorated cloak interior and the handle of the dagger inlaid with dozens of gemstones, his quiet eyes choked the breath of several people opposite.

"Hey, who doesn't know you now? I yell here, and the players here will immediately tear you apart, do you believe it?"

"Are you dead early?" The priestess also saw that the two parties did not look like acquaintances, and she had already stood side by side next to Fang Yi, patted the beast on her waist, "If you talk so much nonsense, I will let you chrysanthemum immediately Blocking can’t shout out, believe it or not?”


The sturdy priestess immediately calmed down the scene, and the faces of the four players on the opposite side froze, unable to think of any rebuttals.The monk player was stunned for a moment, with a flash of sarcasm on his face, turned around and stood on the chair next to him, "Everyone, be quiet! Be quiet!"

There were at least seven NO.80 people in the noisy tavern hall, and the monk shouted hoarsely for a long time before suppressing the humming sound, and his voice was already a bit hoarse, "Everyone! Everyone!! I have some exciting news To tell you!"

"I believe everyone is aware of the tragedy last night. The players in Star Twilight City suffered heavy casualties. How many people were relegated? Not to mention too many, there will always be hundreds of thousands!? This kind of riot can't happen for nothing , the game company will not blatantly deceive us like this, why is that?"

Seeing that it has attracted everyone's attention, the monk showed a smug smile, "As far as I know, this is a disaster caused by some players' hidden missions. Now a demo has been released on the official forum, which can 100% It proves that there are players involved! And the people who do these tasks are those players that appeared in the demo, that is, them!"

Speaking of this, the monk's right hand has already pointed to Fang Yi who is close at hand, and the tips of his fingers are almost touching the top of Fang Yi's head.

Fang Yi had just read the message sent by Huang Jin's right hand, and raised his head after replying, just in time to see a finger stretched out by the monk.

"This idiot is doing this task, can the equipment he gets be bad? I think we just explode him! There are so many people who are not afraid of the guards...Ah!!"

The monk who was giving an impassioned speech halfway through his speech, felt his eyes light up and then dark, and the last picture in his field of vision was the assassin holding a bright scimitar, and the female priest who was looking at him with a smile and bared teeth .

"Your sister, I hate people touching my head the most!"

Qinggang hammered and Fang Yi slashed, killing the long-tongued monk in seconds, and at the same time extinguished the eagerness of the surrounding players.The few people who followed the monk wanted to take advantage of the situation to cause a commotion and finish off the four people in front of them on the spot, but they subconsciously took a step back when they were frightened by the tough assassin and the even tougher priestess.

Fang Yi retracted the scimitar silently, raised his foot and kicked away the monk's body, stood on the wooden chair by himself, and looked down at the densely packed players around him.

"I am Cube." (To be continued...)

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