Mithril Throne of Forgotten Realms

Chapter 290 Unexpected Attack

At the beginning, standing on the deck, you could occasionally see some merchant ships coming and going, dragging long water trails and passing the Fortune. Most of the sailors on the two decks were familiar with it, and they could Waving each other loudly.However, as Fortune gradually penetrated into the central area of ​​Falling Star Sea, the human traces in the field of vision gradually disappeared, leaving only blue waves in sight.

The excitement of Wildhammer and Qinggang has long passed, especially the dwarf warrior who calls himself "Garfield the Demon", who is lying in his room and vomiting, and probably won't have the energy to go around for a while leisurely~

"How long will it take us to get there?"

Fang Yi never left the deck, had a good chat with the chatty bearded Wayne, and soon brought the topic to this voyage.

"About three or four days, it depends on luck." The bearded man held his pipe and looked up at the cloudless sky in the east. "If the weather continues like this, we should be able to arrive in three days at most. At that time, I will send you Put it on the small island in the south, and then you can find a way to get to the center of the archipelago."

"There are towns on islands?" Fang Yi asked quite unexpectedly.

Wayne nodded his head as a matter of course, "Of course, the pirates have to eat and sleep too~ There are many small towns where adventurers from all over the place gather. In fact, ordinary pirates only grab things and don't kill people." , Only those vicious pirates will kill and burn ships, and that is the last group of guys we don't want to meet..."

"By the way, let's talk about this. I have something to remind you." The bearded Wayne seemed to suddenly remember something, and slapped his forehead, "There are many murloc tribes in the open sea near Star Twilight City. Don’t worry about the noise, just go on sleeping.”

Fang Yi nodded to mark it down, and his gaze had already fallen on the packages tied with oilcloth on the side of the ship, presumably they should be the weapons used by the sailors.Judging by Wayne's expression, these murlocs aren't too powerful in combat. The sailors and captains are used to it.

"Actually, these murlocs rarely appeared before." The bearded man was very interested in talking.He simply told Fang Yi the story on this route, "It's just that in the past two months, both the nearby pirates and these murlocs have been harassing the caravan like crazy in this sea area. Now as long as As soon as I saw the murlocs, my first thought was to pull out their scales. Then make soup and drink it!"

In the words of the bearded man, he obviously hated these sea robbers to the bone. After all, cutting off people's wealth is the most hated thing.However, as a player, Fang Yi only has excitement in his heart: this large sea world is almost untouched by players.What secrets are waiting for us to uncover?


The captain did not invite the adventurers on the ship to help, but as players, they were quite "conscious". As soon as it got dark, the four members of the Mithril Shell Team appeared on the deck of the Fortune, ready to visit A wave of murlocs known as "If you can't kill you, you're disgusting to death".

The Fortune is nearly half larger than the Swordfish that Fang Yi was on before. The gray-black hull is in the shape of a spindle as a whole. mast.

In fact, Fang Yi also had the experience of taking a boat during the internal test.During the task of "Road of Shadows", Fang Yi used a small fishing boat to cross the vast lake of steam from east to west.But that experience is unbearable. I was swallowed by a water monster twice in the lake, and I still cry when I think about it...

At this moment, the deck that exudes musty and sea smells was already full of figures. Twenty or so sailors were holding sharp knives, scimitars and long swords, or sharp harpoons, non-stop. looked around at the dark sea, but there was not much panic on everyone's face, instead they were chatting and laughing with each other.

The four of them stood by the side of the ship on the left side. Fang Yi and the Wildhammer who had just spat out observed the surrounding sea surface with their dark vision, but found nothing.

"Adventurers, why are you here? We're fine here~"

With the sound of loud leather boots stepping on the deck, Wayne, who changed into chain mail and carried an epee, came out of the captain's cabin and saw four people waiting on the side Shadow walked over with a smile.

"As a member of the ship, we have a duty to do it~" Of course, the old devil understood the reason why Wayne was so polite-everyone in the Mithril shell team paid two thousand gold coins in exchange for the qualification for such a sea voyage.As the biggest benefactor, the captain is of course very concerned about the safety of several people.

The bearded man smiled friendly, then turned around and walked towards his subordinates, while still muttering to himself, "It should have appeared at this time, why hasn't it come yet..."

Fang Yi frowned slightly after hearing Wayne's muttering, and turned his head to continue to observe the surrounding sea: These sailors must have experienced countless times of murloc harassment, and they all looked indifferent.But Fang Yi has never been used to entrusting his fate to others, and he always feels uneasy if he doesn't see it with his own eyes.

The night is getting darker.

Only less than half of the sailors who had been guarding the deck were left at this time. After a busy day, and the voyage will continue tomorrow, Wayne let them go down to the cabin to rest.However, the four of Fang Yi were still standing on the deck, and Wildhammer and Fang Yi stood aside, observing the situation at sea.

"Little Fatty, how is your job search going?"

Qing Gang, who was standing beside the dwarf warrior, was lying on the side of the boat, looking at the dark night sky in front of him boredly. The light range of a few feet provided by the two oil lamps hanging on the boat was not useful at all.

"No progress yet, don't worry..." Wildhammer took off his helmet, scratched his head, and said bitterly, "Did that fat man dare to provoke you last time? Hmph, he won't understand Hua'er unless he beats him up." Why are you so red!"

Qinggang stared at him, and greeted him again, "He's our boss! You idiot..."

Wild Hammer chuckled and rubbed his head, "Hehe~ Who cares about his boss, didn't he get knocked down by me too? Now we meet a master like Cube, it's a rare opportunity~ I'll show them too look..."

"Attention Wildhammer, there is something!"

Before the dwarf warrior finished speaking, Fang Yi's deliberately lowered voice came from the other side.Wildhammer quickly shut his mouth, took off the shield from his back, and peered into the sea.


The wind at sea is completely different from the feeling on land. Even if it is only a slight breeze, the exposed skin will feel a chill.Fang Yi rubbed his numb cheeks, a little lack of confidence: According to the bearded man, the merchant ship has entered this sea area, and must have been discovered by the enemy, but until now there is no movement at all. Could it be that the fish People are on vacation too?

At this moment, in the farthest part of Fang Yi's field of vision, a white spot suddenly appeared in the dark sea water. Although it was fleeting, it was still caught by the attentive Fang Yi.Fang Yi hurriedly patted the old devil who was still at a loss, and at the same time reminded other people on the deck.

The Lord is here!

The looming white spot was extremely fast, and the wind was weak in the night, and the slow-moving Fortune was quickly overtaken by the opponent.Fang Yi had already stretched out his crossbow and pointed the arrow in the direction where the crowd of fish was attacking. Feeling that the distance was almost there, he reached out and patted the mage on the shoulder.


The old devil on the side had been waiting for a long time, and when he heard Fang Yi's order, he immediately raised his hand and threw a torch into the sea.The faint flame on the torch seemed to be blown out by the sea wind at any moment, and did not arouse the vigilance of the attackers at all.

The next moment, the torch attached with the "pyrotechnics" suddenly exploded with a "bang!" without warning, and the scattered flames were like fireworks in reality, bursting into a bright cloud in the dark night sky. firelight.All the attackers hidden in the sea were exposed to the eyes of the crew.


Wayne, who had been waiting for a long time and lost his patience, yelled, and the harpoons, spearguns, bows and arrows in the hands of the sailors pierced the murlocs' heads with the sound of piercing.The original sneak attacker became the passive side instead, and the sea surface was immediately stained red with bright red blood.

Fang Yi skillfully pulled out the crossbow arrows from the leather pouch on his back, and filled them into the grooves of the crossbow.These murlocs are humanoid monsters below level ten. The best and fastest way is of course to wait for the opponent to climb onto the deck.

However, this may also bring casualties to the sailors. In this vast sea, the captain and these experienced sailors are the most important things on board. Fang Yi dared not take risks, so he adopted a safer method.

Looking at it now, Fang Yi feels that he still overestimated the combat power of these murlocs—it is no different from those murlocs by the sea~ Fang Yi wiped the poisonous crossbow with every arrow, and there must be a murloc With a scream, if he was lucky, he hit the vital point with a critical strike, instantly killing him instantly.Not to mention that there is a heavy fort called Lao Mo here.

The battlefield on the other side also had a lot of victories. Needless to say, the light crossbow in Qinggang's hand, the wildhammer's longbow was even more lethal than Laomo.Even Fang Yi has praised the Wildhammer's bow and arrow skills several times. It has a high strength value bonus. Every time the Wildhammer shoots an arrow, there must be a murloc pierced by the long feathered arrow with a scream. sink directly to the bottom of the ocean.

But soon someone noticed something was wrong.

Qinggang felt a slight vibration with his hands on the side of the boat, and then he felt the same feeling from his feet.After the priestess put the spell of "magic armor" on Wildhammer, the soles of his feet felt very obvious. Amidst the shouts of the sailors, Qinggang even heard "Boom!" "Boom!" !" The knocking sound.

There's something in the bottom of the boat! (To be continued..)

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