Mithril Throne of Forgotten Realms

Chapter 295 Lucky, or Unlucky?

Seeing Fang Yi tossing and turning in a pile of bloody viscera, Wildhammer resisted the urge to vomit, turned around quickly, and took a deep breath.

"I was wrong before," the priestess stared at Fang Yi and nodded, and said seriously: "Actually, it is more appropriate for our team to call Cube to do the collection work."

Fang Yi held his breath and tossed and turned in the bloody internal organs, feeling that he would not be able to hold it any longer.

This pile of things was not refreshed by the system along with the snake lizard's body, so there must be something tricky about it.What's more, Ji Feng, who has a keen sense of smell, squatted nearby and refused to leave. The message from telepathy was not a glutton, but Ji Feng smelled something inside.


Fang Yi's fingertips suddenly touched a hard object, and with a clever head, he immediately pinched the unknown object and jumped backwards, leaving the smelly "meat pile" that had attracted a bunch of flies, and he felt relieved He let out a sigh of relief.Ji Feng, who had been waiting by the side, whimpered twice at this time, as if reminding his master that he had found the right thing.

"Found it? What is it?" Qinggang and Wildhammer hurried over, and cast their eyes on the thing in Fang Yi's hand.

The thing in his hand was covered by a thick layer of blood plasma, and his original appearance could not be seen. Fang Yi took out a bottle of rum from his dimensional bag, and poured the liquid with a sweet fragrance on his hand , as the fingers kept twisting, the things in the hands gradually revealed their true colors.

A long strip of metal the thickness of a finger.

The cyan-colored metal felt unusually cold, even through gloves.Fang Yi's fingers also soon felt a little numb, and he couldn't help being secretly surprised.What also puzzled a few people was the numerous and fine engravings on the metal. Subtle magical streamers flowed back and forth between the lines, outlining exquisite miniature statues, which should be a magic item.

"The key of unknown use..." Fang Yi muttered out the only few words on the item's attributes, and scratched his head speechlessly, feeling strange.

"How can there be such a thing in the snake lizard's stomach?"

"Perhaps this person has slipped through some unknown ruins," Fang Yi shrugged uncompromisingly, and put the things into his backpack. "Let's go back to the coast first. See how the boat is being repaired."

Of course, the two of them had no objection, but when the three of them passed through the dense jungle, they couldn't help but feel a little worried: don't let any more monsters pop out...

Fortunately, a few people were lucky and returned safely to the beach where Fortune was.Work to restore the hull is in full swing.Lao Mo was also relieved that his teammates returned safely.Just seeing what the Wildhammer was holding.The sorcerer's eyes were fixed, and he grabbed the magic core with his hand, the speed and accuracy of his shots made even Fang Yi sigh to himself.

soon.The four members of the Mithril Shell team sat around under a palm tree, and the curious Ji Feng also squatted on one side, looking at the mage with his shining hands from time to time with his beautiful big eyes.At this time, the old devil's hard-working identification technique finally came into play, and the magic core showed its true colors in less than 2 minutes.

Surging Power (Rare Magic Core)

This magic core gathers all the magic essence of the Flame Snake Lizard. Just holding it tightly, you can feel the surging magic power contained in it.

Destruction Amplification: When the surging power is successfully inlaid on the weapon, the following bonuses can be given to the holder.

All magic damage +1%

Fire damage dealt additional +7%

Reduces the cooldown of evocation spells at level 10 and below by [-]% (stacks with fast casting skills).

"This fucking..."

The old devil looked at the attributes of the magic core in his hand, and couldn't help saying a dirty word, "This is too powerful..."

"Of course, don't think about it, this is the magic core of the ten-headed Fire Snake Lizard! You've made a lot of money~" Wildhammer muttered, despising his captain,

The old devil is only interested in silly fun now, and has no time to pay attention to the envious and jealous dwarf warriors next to him.

The 7% damage increase is almost the maximum bonus range that gems can provide. The damaged purple necklace "Loyalty's Arm" that Fang Yi got in the mine in Yuanwang Town is made of the top gemstone, the Radiance Stone. Yes, the bonus provided is only 7%, not to mention that this magic core also has an attribute that increases the total damage by 1%.

"If you sell it, I think it's worth at least [-] gold coins." As a spellcaster, Qing Gang can certainly see the preciousness of this gem, and said with a smile.

"You underestimate this thing too much. This thing can be superimposed with the gems on the weapon." Fang Yi chuckled and stretched out three fingers, "It's worth the amount."

The exclaims from the priestess and the dwarf warrior calmed down the ecstatic mood of the old devil, and seeing Fang Yi's gestures made him more sure of his thoughts.

"It's a waste to use this gem now," the old devil said calmly, playing with the pigeon egg-sized magic core in his hand, "Even if it's inlaid on a purple weapon, I don't think it's worth it, or... I'd better sell it."

As soon as the old devil said this, the eyes of several people were focused on Fang Yi, and even Ji Feng gave Fang Yi a dignified bow with his big head, with the appearance of "it's your turn to speak"—not only Because Fang Yi got this magic core, and because of Fang Yi's clear mind and accurate judgment of the value of in-game items, the three teammates would subconsciously want to ask Fang Yi first whenever they had any questions.

"You're still willing to sell it, if I put it in the bank, it will last forever~" Fang Yi smiled, and turned to look at the sea of ​​falling stars, "Even if you want to sell it, you can't do it now, this thing is compared to the current thing It's too heavy for a weapon, and it would be about the same if it had an orange weapon."


Looking back to the west, a luxuriously decorated giant sailboat is riding the wind and waves on the sea, heading straight to the east.The golden emblem on the bow indicated that the owner of this ship was the city lord of Star Twilight City.

At this time, the person sitting in the captain's room was not the leader of the city guards, but Mo Sen and Brown who had "intimate contact" with Fang Yi.

"I hope you won't disappoint me this time," Mo Sen said in a deep voice, staring at the man in front of him with an unattractive complexion.

Standing in front of the table was Fang Yi's old rival, Shell. At this time, the high priest smiled kindly and bowed slightly to the short and fat city lord behind the table, his tone full of respect, "Of course, everything is safe."

Seeing that the other party waved his hand impatiently, Bei Ke left the captain's room with his head slightly lowered, and came to the corridor outside the house, with a cold expression on his face immediately.

"The appearance of this fat man really sucks!" The entourage beside Bei Ke is also an old acquaintance of Fang Yi, the female thief named Huo Hua.Hou Zai Huo listened to Mo Sen's words just now, and when he saw his captain, he had to pretend to be respectful, so he didn't get angry.

"Hehe, what is this? He will be useless when the treasure is found." Beike waved his hand indifferently, and said with a smile, "By the way, let the person in charge of recording the directions be careful, and don't waste time because of this." .”

"Well," Huo Hua nodded and said yes, but then asked with a little doubt: "Kai Ke, you didn't tell me when I asked you before, but now that we are at sea, we don't have to worry about anyone leaking the secret. Let's go to the island in the south What on earth are we going to do? We were already behind Cube and their team for more than a day, and now we have to take a long detour..."

"I'll catch up,"

Bei Ke smiled confidently, as if he didn't care about being outdone by his competitors, and spoke in an unusually relaxed tone, "Because when they arrive at the destination, they will find that it is not easy to enter that place at all. The key to enter there is Hidden on several islands, it is said that the Naga, or maybe the Murloc, stole the key and hid it there."

"When did our guild's intelligence gathering capabilities become so powerful?" Huo Hua looked back at the players of the Chinese guild standing guard on the deck, and asked suspiciously.

"It's the news that I bought it, and the price is high." Shell smiled easily, his eyes full of confidence, "The Fangfang team first found the floating city but found that they couldn't get in, and then went back to the island to find the key. I have already returned to the voyage with treasure~hehe~"

Speaking of the place where he was proud, Bei Ke couldn't help laughing out loud, as if he had already seen a certain assassin's disgraced face: what kind of famous player, the number one fighter, didn't he lose at his own feet?In the game, you can't just fight well~

"Oh, that's right." Thinking of this, Keike also remembered something, "We are going to the easternmost island, where the monster guarding the key is the weakest, and it is a level 20 orc boss. Get ready. If you hang up here, you will go straight back to Star Twilight City."


It took several hours for Captain Wayne to find his way to the Sea Islands because he was off course.Merchants on this route avoided it for fear. If Wayne heard that someone was going to sail to the islands in a merchant ship, he would definitely think that person was crazy.

The ensuing voyage was uneventful, with no further attacks.The murloc named "Tidewalker" that was tied to the bow by Fang Yi had long since been dried into dried fish, emitting bursts of stench, and had been returned to the sea by the sailors, and his dream had come true.

On the fourth day of entering Star Falling Sea.

Fang Yi was training Ji Feng to maintain a steady posture, so that it would be easier for him to sit on its back.It's a pity that Ji Feng only has the body of a mount in theory, but he doesn't have the consciousness that a mount should have at all.After being thrown solidly several times, Fang Yi had no choice but to stop this attempt.

"There is land!"

At this moment, the sailor in charge of looking out suddenly shouted a warning, which immediately attracted everyone's attention.Fang Yi and the others also stopped playing and ran to the side of the ship, only to find that a large group of islands had appeared in front of the Fortune, which looked like a large piece of land from a distance.

This is the islands and archipelago~ Fang Yi looked at the long-lost land in the distance, and subconsciously grasped the handle of the knife under the cloak. (To be continued..)

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