Mithril Throne of Forgotten Realms

Chapter 300 Where is the Opportunity

() The mansion of the lord of Yinpine Town, a room on the second floor.

Wu Goubai was sitting by the bed, holding a long sword emitting light green light in his left hand, rubbing the thin blade of the sword with a whetstone over and over again, the regular "rustling" sound was the silence The only sound in the house.

The high-level whetstone in the game is also considered a rare item, which can provide a damage bonus to the weapon for a period of time-of course it must be a sharp weapon, and hammers and the like are not blessed.

What Wu Goubai held in his hand was the highest quality whetstone that could be found at the moment. After being sharpened, the weapon would gain a +2 damage bonus and an additional +3 armor penetration.After several minutes of uninterrupted repeated movements, the purple quality long sword "Yingying" was finally polished. Seeing that there were some faint cold lights on the emerald green sword, Wu Goubai nodded in satisfaction.

"If he still refuses to say it, we can't waste time here. The elite pirates may come over at any time," the elf mage who had been standing behind the Juggernaut said after seeing that the other party was done, "We can't do anything now Head-to-head with them..."

"Not so fast," Wu Goubai did not turn his head, but said in a deep voice while carefully observing the blade of the long sword through the sunlight: "The area of ​​this island group is larger than the entire east coast, do you think the pirates Can you really control such a large territory?"

"But we can't delay like this, why don't we just threaten his family?" The mage thought for a while, and expressed his long-planned idea.

Wu Goubai had already stood up and returned the sword back to its sheath, looked at the mage and shook his head,

"I tried this method a long time ago, and it didn't work at all. Since this Woden is a subordinate of the Pirate King, he must not be a simple person. By the way, how is the search in the underground warehouse going? Have you found anything else?"

"Still searching." Speaking of this, the mage suddenly had a golden light in his eyes, and smiled proudly, "The money found in his treasury alone is almost [-] gold coins. If we had known that this island is so easy to make money, we would have done it earlier." Just send a few regiments to fight the landlord~”

Wu Goubaihuan glanced at the luxuriously decorated room, but didn't speak to him.

Since arriving on this island, the team of the Silver Scepter has not encountered any resistance. The guards on the island are basically zero, which should be related to the absence of high-level monsters nearby.But the more this happened, the more uncertain Wu Goubai felt.

Big luck doesn't happen to everyone.

The Silver Scepter had obtained information in advance that the Lord of Silver Pine Town was actually one of the pirates' confidantes.Speaking of this, I have to mention the various classes on the Pirate Islands.

The islands are a den of thieves, yes, hundreds of pirate groups are based here, but they all have a common leader.The players don't know who the leader is, whether it's a man or a woman, a man or a fish. They only know that the actions of the pirates here are not chaotic. On the contrary, every time they go to sea to rob, they seem to have a plan and a unified command. .

I'm afraid that even the pirates themselves don't know what their immediate boss looks like, otherwise this secret could not be kept so intact.

The information obtained by the Silver Scepter only mentioned that Woden was a confidant of the pirates, so he found it here directly.However, this bald guy's stubbornness was beyond Wu Goubai's imagination. He had been here for almost three days, and he just kept his mouth shut.

Even after seeing the mithril shard, Worden didn't say a single word.

"Wait a little longer," Wu Goubai thought for a while, feeling that he needed to be more patient, "Torture his servants and stewards, even if there is no news about the treasure, it is very possible to ask Woden's other secret treasure locations .”

"There's always something useful to be found."


The town in the afternoon is peaceful and peaceful, and it is most likely to get sleepy during summer and autumn. Fang Yi looked down from the window and saw that there were only a few people in the bustling central square. The granite on the ground and buildings reflected the sunlight. With a bright white color, it makes people feel drowsy at a glance.

Fang Yi was squatting on the edge of the balcony at this time, looking at the luxuriously decorated Woden mansion on the left.

Adam's house is on the right side of the lord's mansion, separated by a path less than three feet wide, so Fang Yi has a panoramic view of everything: the gate on the first floor is naturally tightly guarded, and there is no balcony on the second floor , Fang Yi couldn't see the specific situation in the house, but there were three rangers standing on the balcony and roof of the third floor, constantly inspecting the surrounding situation.

The balcony where Fang Yi is located is a safe distance away, and the rangers apparently did not notice a wretched figure squatting on the balcony on the second floor next door.But Fang Yi is not confident that he can safely jump over the gap between the two houses, and climb up to the roof or into the room without being discovered by the other party.

After all, this is on the sunny side.

Scratching his head, Fang Yi retreated to the room, changed his combat equipment and slipped out of the room.Since there is no chance, wait until night.

In fact, Fang Yi was still a little anxious. Since they found this guy, Worden must have something to do with Treasure.Now the silver scepter has been here for almost three days, even if the pirates don't come to trouble them, the players can't stand it.

The players who came to the islands were not only from the Dragon Coast. The news broke out in the forums of Sembia, Altun Bell and even the Kingdom of Cormyr. Almost all player organizations had some actions to some extent.

At the latest tonight, you must go in and explore.After making up his mind, Fang Yi began to wander around the town to see if there was a good retreat route.

Yinpine Town as a whole forms a triangle, more than half of which is on a small peninsula extending to the sea, and almost one-third of the area is interspersed with the town's pier, forming a different kind of scenery.

Fang Yi strolled to the pier and found that the wooden houses here were built on the water in the air. The wooden piles of different thicknesses were firmly fixed in the water. It is a water house supported by strong planks and rows of tree trunks.

Houses are no longer separated by hard stone roads, but rippling canals. The azure sea "flooded" half of the town and brought food and trade to the residents of the town.

Fang Yi looked at the crystal-clear water under his feet, and then looked up at the blue sea in the distance, thinking that this Faerun continent is full of paradise—if there are no monsters.

Without the road supported by mud, the only way to travel in this area is by boat or bridge.Accompanied by the sound of water waves hitting wooden pillars and sampans, Fang Yi stepped onto the ubiquitous wooden bridge.

Fang Yi had already heard from the businessman Adam that there are actually several hotels in Yinpine Town, and the one near the port is more likely to be used as a tavern, and it is more chaotic.The people with the Silver Scepter once tried to monitor the tavern, but the tough attitude of the players aroused the dissatisfaction of the merchants and sailors, and almost caused a riot, so these people retreated angrily.

After all, it is easy to put a lord who is not very popular under house arrest, but to turn against the residents of the town, the Silver Scepter may not have the courage.

Whitehorn House?strange name.

Fang Yi looked at the wooden sign hanging above the main entrance - a bird that was holding the rim of the wine glass tightly with its claws, as if it was singing hard - subconsciously curled its lips. Until now, the players have not figured out these taverns, What is the meaning of the name of the hotel?

Because there was a very famous "Dragon House Tavern" during the closed beta. The owner of the shop was actually a white dragon who was too idle, but it has been deleted after the official operation. Although there is only such a special case, if you want to take risks, go to the tavern , is absolutely unmistakable.

The fishy smell in the tavern was much lighter than that outside, replaced by a slightly muggy air and the sweet scent of rum wafting in the air.Fang Yi took off the coarse cloth hat on his head, saw that there was a seat on the left, and sat down on the stage.

"Hey! This is my seat!"

As soon as Fang Yi sat on the chair, before Fang Yi had time to speak, a drunk man who couldn't stand still came to Fang Yi with a wine bottle, and slapped the assassin on the shoulder, "Go away, kid! Hiccup!" ...the corner over there is where you should be!"

The effect of Fang Yi's current disguise is that of an ignorant young man in his twenties. Presumably, he is dissatisfied with occupying such a geomantic treasure.

Looking at the chubby tavern owner who was looking up here, Fang Yi grinned, "If I were here, everyone, boss, wouldn't you give me a drink?"

"Hahaha~" The fat boss and the people around him burst into laughter, obviously thinking that the skinny boy in front of him was bragging, "If you can knock Baier down, I'll buy you the best rum for free !"

Before the tavern owner finished speaking, Fang Yi's right hand was already on the strong man's arm, and with a force on his waist, the big man, who was a head taller than Fang Yi, screamed and fell firmly on the greasy floor , humming for a long time without getting up.

There was a sudden silence around, the tavern owner's eyes were wide open, but he quickly came back to his senses, took out a large bottle of light yellow rum from the stage, and poked it in front of Fang Yi with a "Bang!" "Haha, good boy, do you still have some strength~"

Of course, Fang Yi's action was just to give these good sailors a warning, but the folk customs on the islands and archipelagos are tough, and Fang Yi didn't dare to go too far. He quickly helped the big man who was lying on the ground up, but It was found that the other party had already made a loud snoring sound, and fell asleep directly!

Speechless, Fang Yi handed over the strong man to the person next to him, sat back on his seat, and shook the wine bottle at the boss, "I'm not a noble young master who has nothing to do all day~"

"Of course, the only nobleman in the town is in big trouble right now," the tavern owner laughed shyly, and the two big beards protruding to his cheeks also trembled. It seemed that Fang Yi had a good impression, "Look at your Skills, are you also an adventurer?" (To be continued.)

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