Mithril Throne of Forgotten Realms

Chapter 305 Battle Night

The night in Silverpine Township has never been so lively as it is now.

The sound of shouting and killing was still faint at first, but within a minute, the sound of a tide-like flow of people could be clearly heard from the center of the town, and the small boats released from the pirate ship were still flocking to the coast Then, the pirates with scimitars rushed towards the undefended Yinpine Town with grinning grins.

Those sent here by the Silver Scepter are undoubtedly elites. The professional enhancements that advanced players get are not just lip service. Even Fang Yi, an assassin who is not good at frontal battles, has also received such powerful backstab and A combat skill like killing one's life, let alone other people?

The defensive line formed by the players quickly blocked the first wave of pirates, and began a one-sided massacre. The vast amount of experience made these masters feel so happy.

Players within a certain range can communicate by voice. As long as a mature team sends a team leader to stand at a high place to command, it is like having a God's perspective and knowing the situation on the battlefield like the back of the hand.There is no way that these minion soldiers, who are no more than [-]th level at most, are the opponents of the Silver Scepter's first-line team.

So, did Captain Pike send only these cannon fodder?

The two people in the room had no time to think about this question.

The door was already full of players with silver scepters, holding torches vigorously, acting as human candles for the two people in the room.

Your regiment leader is inextricably fighting an assassin?There is no more explosive news than this. It's not that they don't want to help, but they have self-knowledge. Their strength is not at the same level as the two of them, and it will add to the chaos if they go up.

Lord Woden's bedroom was fairly spacious.But this lavishly decorated room was not designed for practicing martial arts.There were bursts of beeping from the blade of the blade, and the several cold lights were completely mixed together, moving forward from time to time, and then retreating abruptly. The delicate bed curtains, high-quality candles and even the shining desk in the room were all destroyed. The devastation was devastated by the two fighting forgetful guys.


"Ouch Nima!"

In order to avoid the opponent's long sword, Fang Yi in the battle group was accidentally kicked by Wu Goubai's right foot, and flew upside down and slapped on the wooden chair in the corner, smashing the chair with great force Fang Yi let out a scream in pain.

Damn... I didn't read the almanac when I went out today!

Fang Yi never thought of it.This Wu Goubai will be sent here.This thief player who has advanced to the sword master is 100% the master of the silver scepter guild. There are too many important things waiting for him to do, why was he sent here?

Or, that chick president of the Silver Scepter thinks the treasures here are more important than their existing jobs?

These thoughts just flashed through Fang Yi's mind.The next moment Fang Yi jumped up from the ground.He rubbed his own poor butt vigorously - because Wu Goubai on the opposite side had already taken out a small bright red bottle.

"Long time no see. Cube," Wu Goubai pointed his long sword at the assassin in the corner, playing with the bright red vial with his left hand.There was still a slight smile on the sharp-edged face, "Didn't you go to Xingmu City, why are you here to make trouble for us again?"

"Hey, how did you recognize me? Ximen has been gone for so long, so he still misses me every day~"

Fang Yi clung to the wall to avoid the eyes of the players at the door, and put the double blades under the cloak without showing any emotion, showing his white teeth, "It's not just familiarity, I will sue you for slander if you talk nonsense. Obviously you guys are making trouble for me! I came to chat with the lord who I have admired for a long time, but found that he is under house arrest by you, so I have to come to exchange feelings with him at night~"

Seeing Fang Yi raised his chin, his eyes drifted to the lord of Yinsong Town who was already lying on the ground, and Wu Goubai, who was standing upright, laughed back angrily, "Oh? Hehe~ This is how you communicate with your idol. ?”

"Oh, this," Fang Yi pouted, and said righteously, "I just found out that I misjudged him."

"...Okay" Wu Goubai's breath was suffocated, and he suddenly felt a little naive to argue with this assassin, "Don't talk nonsense. You have also seen that you will never escape today. Why don't you share the treasure information with us? , I can guarantee that you will keep this level of experience, how about it?"

"Of course I believe you," Fang Yi said with a smile, his feet under the cloak took a small wrong step, "but I don't believe in the silver scepter."

The second half of Fang Yi's words were vague, and before everyone's brains could react, the figure of the assassin under the light of the torch disappeared, and the human sword master who had been wary of Fang Yi's tricks trembled almost at the same time The small bright red bottle in his hand flew out of his wrist, and hit the floor between where Fang Yi disappeared and the window.

With a clear sound of glass shattering, pink smoke spewed out instantly, covering a spherical space within a six-foot radius, and the assassin's figure immediately appeared in the smoke.

A group of players around the door immediately swarmed in, and all kinds of long-range attacks greeted the assassin who was still running towards the window as if free of money, but no matter whether it was feather arrows or magic missiles, they all went straight through the body without exception. However, it hit the wall on the side of the window directly, making a crackling noise.

"The door!"

When Wu Goubai saw "Fang Yi" passing through the pink mist, his heart skipped a beat, and he yelled inwardly that this poisonous smoke could cause instant damage through skin contact. What happened to the assassin's body? Not a single damage figure! ?

The Juggernaut who reacted immediately jumped towards the door, as if to verify Wu Goubai's judgment, a dwarf berserk blocking the door let out a scream, and a puddle of blood shot out from the gap in the armor on his neck, and he fell on his back .

The black figure that just appeared in front of the dwarf just flashed past and disappeared into the air again.The Juggernaut who rushed directly to the door suddenly felt an inexplicable chill on his body, and a strong sense of crisis engulfed Wu Goubai's mind.

Wu Goubai only had time to hold the long sword across his chest, when he felt a force that was obviously stronger than when he was fighting just now hit the blade of the sword, and then his waist felt cold, and a gust of wind had already wiped his chest Cheeks crossed.


Wu Goubai turned his head subconsciously, and only had time to see Fang Yi's back.The assassin still had the elegant white light that was unique to the sprint skill, and was holding the double blades in front of his head, and the beautifully decorated wooden window was smashed to pieces.

The next moment, the human assassin had already broken out of the window, and the exclamations of the players guarding the gate and the sound of short fights could be heard downstairs.

"Don't chase," Wu Goubai immediately put a bandage on the wound on his waist, and waved at the angry players, "Check before you go, it's impossible for the people sent by the pirates to be so low-level. If there are leader-level figures, withdraw first, there are too many of them."

Seeing that his subordinates had gone downstairs, Wu Goubai turned his head to look at the shattered window, and sighed softly——when fighting against himself, all skills were useless, and he planned to keep them for escape from the beginning what?

Although I don't know how Fang Yi disappeared twice out of thin air just now, but everyone has their own skills to suppress the bottom of the box, Wu Goubai doesn't care too much, doesn't he do the same?This set of tricks is also a manifestation of a player's game experience and mental quality. If he stands in the opponent's position, Wu Goubai thinks he can do it well.


Wu Goubai quickly flipped through the battle records on his retina, but the relaxed expression on his face gradually faded, and his brows were slightly frowned: In just ten seconds of fighting, the number of hits by the opponent's attacks was actually more than his own. four times! ?


Now Fang Yi is really trying his best to eat, and only regrets that he has not grown a few more legs.Among the players of the Silver Scepter, there are many rangers. Although Fang Yi's mysterious figure in the dark can escape the locks of most mages, it is difficult to avoid the deadly feather arrows of the elf ranger.

However, after being wiped with two bloody grooves on his thigh by the feather arrow, Fang Yi finally escaped from this deadly street, crossed the small square in the center of the town, and walked all the way to the west of the town.

This Wu Goubai...has advanced to the rank of Sword Master!

And judging from the battle just now, it was still a balanced route, and its agility and strength were not low.What Fang Yi hates the most is this kind of opponent: the super-rich PK experience makes up for the gap with Fang Yi's sensitivity, and the strength value is a bit higher than Fang Yi. Scimitars and daggers will definitely not take advantage of the opponent's long sword ...

Fang Yi's mind is full of the battle just now, and after much deliberation, there is no way to suppress the Juggernaut. Of course, if the sneak attack is successful, it will have a great advantage, but with Wu Goubai's vigilance, the feasibility of this plan is not very high.

Fang Yi walked along the shadow of the street corner, and did not sneak, because hiding in the shadow was enough to hide from the eyes of most enemies.But Fang Yi soon began to regret why he didn't go to Sister Tymora's temple to test the lucky value...

Without warning, two hideous-looking pirates popped out of less than five feet away from Fang Yi. Fang Yi, who was running, was taken aback, but it was too late to change direction, so he simply jumped over the heads of the two of them. .

"There are still people here!"

I go!Fang Yi didn't intend to get entangled with the two of them, but when they saw Fang Yi, the two guys immediately yelled, as if they saw something terrible.Fang Yi cursed secretly, turned around immediately, swung the scimitar and dagger at the two of them with their heads covered their faces.

Two level [-] fighters, no challenge at all.The shouts of killing around became louder and louder, Fang Yi picked up the dropped things, turned around and left - hurry up!If you get into this big trouble, you really can't get out!

At this moment, Fang Yi, who had just taken a few steps, felt a sudden slip under his feet, as if stepping on an oiled floor, followed by a gust of wind above his head, and a large white thing had already been used as a hood Next, wrap Fang Yi tightly. (To be continued..)

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