Mithril Throne of Forgotten Realms

Chapter 31 Investigation and Tracking

After ten hours of continuous leveling, a considerable number of players have reached level [-] or above—Fang Yi knew that they should have been higher than this, but after level [-], the difficulty of the challenges players faced rose sharply, such as this time the dog Demons will cause players to drop back to level ten on a large scale, and this can be regarded as the first real test that players encounter.

While going through the information in his mind, the virtual helmet reminded that the time limit had expired, and Fang Yi immediately connected to the world of "Miracle".

6 hours in reality, a day and a half has passed in the game, and it is about [-] o'clock in the morning in the game.After a slight dizziness, the loading of the game character has been completed.

Fang Yi subconsciously blocked the glare of the rising sun with his hands, and suddenly felt a little different.Fang Yi could easily distinguish the sound of insects chirping faintly from his ears, coming from the grass in the front left; there was the intermittent sound of water flowing behind him, and when he looked back, he found a splash in the river several feet deep. The fish - this feeling is amazing, this is the feeling of 99% simulation?Applying the words of the players in the era when the graphics card determined the picture, they jumped directly from the gt610 to the level of the gtx690!

While feeling refreshed, Fang Yi did not forget to enter the stealth state, to be wary of Tianxia Baye, who had been slapped twice in the face by himself, stalking him to find a place.

Facts have proved that Fang Yi was a little overwhelmed. An hour later, Fang Yi, who had used his camouflage skills, had already appeared in the Golden Straw Hat Hotel in the west of Tesir City, sitting in a corner and gnawing fresh lemon fruit—this shit is so sour ah. . .It is completely incomparable with the ones that have been cultivated in reality.

Because he was kicked offline by the system at six o'clock in the morning, Fang Yi only saw the message sent by Shenxianjiao and others after he went online.It turns out that Shenxianjiao, Banzhuan and others have left Yuanwang Town and headed east, and have arrived at the most important trade storehouse on the Trader's Avenue-the small town of Avansuo. The current city lords there are two beautiful women from the good camp. I am particularly interested in the tasks issued by the city lord to fight against slave traders, robbers and cultists, and plan to stay there for a while.

There are holy places of adventure everywhere in Faerun. The authenticity of this sentence cannot be questioned. There is no need to go to large cities like Baldur’s Gate to find quests. After Fang Yi sent blessing messages to several people one by one, he looked down. Look at the "Rogue's Footsteps" quest on the quest list.

The room at the Mistletoe Inn where Karl was staying was already empty, and Astorian hadn’t seen the red-robed thief at the guild location in Tezier, and it was even more impossible for him to find someone to inquire about the whereabouts of a thief—this is also the way The reason why Yi went straight to the hotel. [

The taverns in Faerun are the places where all kinds of gossip are exchanged and spread, and the Golden Straw Hat is the best among these taverns in Tethir.The location of the hotel is close to the port, and most of the sailors who take a break from their busy schedules choose to rest here while chatting and farting. All kinds of news from all directions can’t escape the “ears”——the extraordinary hearing of the hotel owner, Clarence Wayne.

"So, sir, you want to hear from Jim?"

"It's the latest and most reliable news~" Fang Yi took out a gold coin from the package (the daily salary of np engaged in ordinary labor in the game is about 2 silver coins), and pressed the gold coin on the cold marble table of the bar with his index finger Go up, made a look of all ears.

The sound of the gold coin hitting the marble is clear and pleasant. The attractive golden color and the exquisite engraving of the dragon's head on it indicate that this is the top-quality gold coin produced by the official foundry of the Ximen Chamber of Commerce - the dark brown cheeks of Wayne The beard trembled because of the master's satisfied smile.

The hotel owner glanced at the two drunks sitting on the left side of the bar who were drinking heavily, and made sure that the other party hadn't paid attention to this side, so he leaned forward slightly and chatted with Fang Yi about the recent strange things about Tessier.

It is a well-known fact that Astorian's headquarters in Tesir was suddenly emptied half a month ago, and even the idle thieves in the city were gone, but the people of Tessier have not had time to rejoice , and found that life in the city has fallen into another dire straits: a thieves guild known as the "Night Mask" from Ximen has taken over the original position of Astorian comprehensively and quickly, and the new underground world of this small city What the master did was more intense and bloody.

"The sheriff of the northern city often comes to drink with me. According to him, there have been more than a dozen cases of disappearances in Teyer City in the past two weeks, and all the missing are young girls." Clarence Wayne said Said confidently, there was no lack of anger in his tone, "I can guarantee that this matter has nothing to do with the new group of people."

Fang Yi habitually rubbed the stubble on his chin with his fingers, took a sip of the fruit wine calmly, and waited quietly for the boss's next words.

Seeing that Fang Yi didn't show even a little bit of interest, Wayne was a little disappointed, but he continued his description vividly, "Jim's daughter is one of them, that's right, it's the Jim from "Jim's Warehouse". Seeing Fang Yi's slightly raised eyebrows, Wei En finally laughed softly again.

"Slave trading...isn't they afraid that dozens of temple knights will make trouble for them if they carry out this kind of business in Tezier?" Fang Yi asked curiously.

The world of Faerun is full of darkness and conspiracies, and things like slave trade can be seen everywhere. This is also a major source of quests for non-evil camp players, but there are temples of various good camp gods in Taysir City. When the missionaries heard about this, even if they were as strong as the Night Mask, their lives in the city would not be easy.

"You're right, that's the point of the matter," Wayne paused intentionally, until Fang Yi took out the second gold coin and pressed it in his palm, the innkeeper said mysteriously in a low voice,

"At first, no one raised the eyebrows of the Thieves Guild, but not long ago, someone suddenly went to the Temple of Tyre to report the matter to the paladins, and shortly after that, Jim disappeared."

In less than 5 minutes, he threw out two gold coins, but Fang Yi didn't seem distressed at all.After rinsing his mouth with low-strength rum, Fang Yi looked at the sun and knew that it was almost time.

It is no exaggeration to say that Teysir's day begins at the port.Before dawn, the whole port was already busy. The workers moved the goods out of the warehouse, piled them up at the port, and prepared to put them on the incoming cargo ship. It was like this every day. People were used to starting from the noise of the port on the north side of the small town. A new day of life. [

Under the prosperous appearance, the current port is actually controlled by the mask of the night. Fang Yi found many gangsters and gangsters with fierce faces near the port yesterday. It seems that they should be the eyeliner of the mask of the night.If there is no collusion between Tezier officials and the mask of the night, ghosts will believe it.

However, these matters can only be resolved by a boss-level figure like Suo Mantu.Now Fang Yi was crouching in the shadows. After waiting patiently for more than half an hour, he finally saw the agent of the dark night mask that Wayne called.The mysterious man not far away covered most of his face with a hat, and his whole body was hidden under a wide cloak. It was difficult to distinguish his race and occupation.

Really cautious enough, Fang Yi touched the stubble of his chin, thinking so.Looking at the friend list, Cai Sang and Xiao Yao are not online yet, so Fang Yi decides to check the reality first.

The man in black quickly walked out of Tesir City, and rushed towards the west of Tesir under the protection of three bodyguards.Fang Yi didn't know the opponent's level, so he didn't dare to step forward to use the detection technique rashly, but followed a few people carefully, and immediately sneaked out after leaving the city. Fortunately, his perception was high enough, and he didn't lose the target, and soon came to the west of the city The wilderness miles away.

Fang Yi was wondering what these people were doing in this wilderness, when he saw that the people in front were no longer cautious and chatted with each other, it seemed that they were going to their destination soon.The man in black also relaxed a little, reached out and took off the hat on the cloak, revealing a long horse face covered with pockmarks. *Sleeping Wolf's reward is undoubtedly the greatest affirmation and encouragement for Fei Dan, a ignorant newcomer.Originally, I wanted to try my best to get 8000 today, but I really have something to go out in the afternoon. I will try to make two more changes in the evening and get it to [-]!

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