Among several types of bosses, what Fang Yi hates the most are spell-casting monsters.Just look at the player's occupation, if a mage is covered with blood bars that are several times thicker than that of a dwarf defender, what's the disgusting feeling?

So Fang Yi was extremely thankful that the mind flayer in front of him was fortunately just a high-level ordinary monster. If it was replaced by a lower-level mage-type boss, the Mithril Shell team might really be on the street.

Although the mind flayer is known as the killer of all intelligent creatures, its fragile body determines the reality that it is extremely taboo to be approached.Fang Yi didn't care what protective magic was on the opponent's body at all, he just stabbed his head at the mind flayer's stomach, and the elf dagger did not disappoint, no matter what kind of stone skin technique or physical shield, at most three hits would kill him. The dagger that was shining with blue light pierced the mind flayer, leaving a series of deep and visible wounds on the mind flayer's body.

If it was Fang Yi himself, he would probably run away as soon as he regained his mobility, because the mind flayer's spell is not just mind blasting - but his good friend is there to support him, so I'm afraid it's a wool!

The mind flayer who was poked in a hurry let out an angry roar, and the furious spiritual message stirred in the minds of all the creatures present, "You ant-like creatures should go underground to live with the mice..."

"Scream! You scream~ No matter how loud you scream, no one will come to save you~"

Wildhammer's longbow rested on his hand, seeing the culprit who had teased him for a long time being sliced ​​like sashimi by the assassin, he laughed heartily.

Whenever the mind flayer uses the levitation technique to escape, there must be a powerful feathered arrow chasing after him.The octopus head spell was very smooth, but it was obviously not good enough, and it was impossible to maintain balance under the harassment of the dwarves, not to mention that there was an old devil who was eyeing him, ready to throw his special spider web spell.

The mind flayer's decline has been revealed, and it will be difficult to undo the defeat.Fang Yi, who was blessed with countless buffs, didn't give the opponent a chance. When the opponent wanted to use the teleportation technique to escape, he found the opportunity to kill him and chopped off the mind flayer's head.

With Fang Yi swiping the knife down, the screaming in the minds of several people also stopped abruptly.Fang Yi looked at the system prompt that he could get experience.Make sure the other party has hung up.Only then did he let out a sigh of relief, and slumped on the ground helplessly.

"Oh my god~ I'm exhausted," Fang Yi rubbed his sore limbs, feeling that his back was already drenched.Can't help but look up to the sky and sigh. "Almost sailing in the gutter. Why is there such a monster hiding here!"

Except for that time when he confronted the Glauber in the City Lord's Mansion of Star Twilight City, this time Fang Yi felt that he was the closest to death. If the mind flayer's mouth really gnawed off, the old elf Suo Mantu would be here I have to confess...that's a one-hit kill move!

"We were all deceived by this guy."

The old devil also walked over quickly, stretched out his foot and kicked the octopus-faced corpse, and said with lingering fear, "If you hadn't sent Ji Feng to inform us, this time would be really bad luck~"

Everyone sighed for a while, they all lamented the insidious tricks of this mind flayer, they are not afraid of facing the enemy head-on, what they are afraid of is this trick of plotting behind the scenes.

"Where is the treasure so easy to get?" Fang Yi turned around and looked at the towering mage tower not far away, and stood up from the ground, "I don't know how many traps are waiting for us~"


There were no surprises in the next journey. The four of them and one dog soon arrived at the open space in front of the mage tower.

Due to the impact of the fall from the sky, most of the buildings in the floating city were completely destroyed.But the mage's tower in front of him didn't show any signs of damage, and people couldn't help but sigh. I don't know whether it was the magic of the spell or the sturdiness of the building itself that kept it as it was.

And it seems that the mage lord of Sax is not as boring as ordinary mages. There are many flower beds built with granite around the mage tower. The size of its heyday.

After this battle, Fang Yi also realized the advantages of Jifeng: the practicality of a keen sense of smell far exceeds the expectations of several people. After all, many monsters can sneak, but there are not many enemies who know and have the ability to cover up their unique smell.

So Fang Yi simply put Ji Feng outside. Just now, after killing the mind flayer at level 24, Ji Feng has directly risen to level [-], and he barely has the ability to act with the Mithril Shell team.

But even though there were no monsters, Fang Yi and the others met some of the most unexpected people in front of the mage tower.

"Captain Xiaobai, looking at your busy face, it must have taken a lot of effort to come here?" Fang Yi looked at the few people coming from the other side with a smile on his face, looking very happy, " What a coincidence~"

Wu Goubai, who was standing on the other side of the open space, looked in a state of distress at this time, his whole body was covered with unknown green liquid, and the equipment on several team members was more or less damaged. After a fierce battle, especially the obvious dents on the warrior's shield, one can't help but imagine what kind of attack left such marks on the fine steel shield.

"Every other, each other," the human sword master still had a cool look, just looking at the assassin in front of him, but subconsciously put his left hand on the hilt of his sword, and then pursed his lips quietly, "You guys are better than me." Much faster than expected."

The two teams stood on both sides of the entrance of the mage tower, refusing to give way to each other.Fang Yi smiled and chatted with Wu Goubai, but his mind was spinning rapidly: It stands to reason that the team following behind him should be the Shell team. How could the people with the silver scepter find this place so quickly?

And Fang Yi couldn't figure it out just now, all adult mind flayers have at least two slaves, these slaves are not necessarily less powerful than the mind flayers who control them, it's just that the mind flayers control their brains.In such a fierce battle just now, the enemy did not see any reinforcements...

Could it be that Octopus Face sent them to join them?Fang Yi kept looking back and forth at the Juggernaut's team, and the more he thought about it, the more he felt it was possible.Encounter the mind flayer alone with two tanks.My side and Wu Goubai's side don't have much chance of winning, so it's a coincidence~

"Okay Cube, let's stop talking nonsense," Wu Goubai said, taking a step forward.Every time I see this assassin's eyeballs rolling around, it must be something bad. The Juggernaut really doesn't have the patience to waste time with him, "We have to go first."


Fang Yi waved his hand indifferently.There must be other institutions in the mage tower, so there is no need to fight for the first place, it is better to let the other party explore the way first.

More importantly, compared to entering the tower later than the other party, Fang Yi was more worried about making the other party follow behind to engage in some small tricks such as sneak attack plots.That is impossible to guard against.

that's all.The two teams looked at each other with big eyes and small eyes. Wu Goubai was about to lift his foot to the gate, but Ji Feng, who had been lying at Fang Yi's feet, suddenly raised his head and stared at an alley below the high ground. .A warning sound of "Woooo!" came out of his mouth.

"Who's there?" The people present immediately became nervous.They touched their weapons one after another.Fang Yi frowned, felt the spiritual message from Ji Feng, and shouted loudly in the direction where the dog was staring. "Come out, I know it's not a monster!"

Fang Yi's loud shout caused a vague echo in the empty small square. After the echo disappeared for a few seconds, a familiar voice came from the street, "Hehe, I didn't expect to meet so many old people here. acquaintance~"

Accompanied by a hearty whisper, the figure in the armor of Bei Ke had already stepped out, raised his head slightly to look at the two groups of people standing at the door, and then walked straight over.

"Diabe, you are indeed the number one fighter in "God of War". In terms of ability, you are the number one among us~" Ke Ke didn't draw out his weapon, but stood still, Yin Yin and Mithril Shell Team, Wu Goubai's team formed a triangle.

Fang Yi looked at this scheming player calmly, not understanding what the other party meant by saying that.But before Fang Yi could make a sound, Bei Ke's gaze had already turned to the Juggernaut on the other side, and the smile on his face gradually faded, replaced by a gloomy expression.

"Old Bai, you're ruthless enough," Bei Ke said in a low voice, but everyone present could hear that his tone was wrong, and there was resentment towards the human sword master in his eyes, "In our team Planting spies here is insidious enough!"

Wu Goubai's complexion remained unchanged, and he shook the green cloak on his back coolly, as if he didn't care about Shell's tone, "Hehe, each other, didn't you also intercept that seller from our union? In order to complete the task, as a professional player, you should be able to understand~"

Listening to the conversation between the two sides, Fang Yi also gradually understood the development of the plot: After a long time of arguing, these two groups have known each other for a long time, but it seems that they still have a competitive relationship?

It's normal to think about it, Bei Ke himself came to Xingmu City from Ximen Port, and Wu Goubai is a master of the Silver Scepter, so it is reasonable to have an intersection with the Celestial Dynasty Guild.

But now Fang Yi is not interested in the gossip about the plots of the two sides, undercover spies, etc., thinking that the dirty things between your guilds have nothing to do with us, I just came to find the treasure!

"You guys talk first, we won't accompany you," Fang Yi grinned, waved his hands at the two people opposite, then made a show of flirting with the teammates behind him, and walked towards the door.

"Wait block!"

"Wait a moment!"

As soon as the four of them took a step, Wu Goubai and Bei Ke shouted at the same time.This shout immediately made the situation tense at the scene, Wildhammer's hand immediately grasped the hilt of the sword, and Qing Gang and Laomo also pinched the material bag at their waists reflexively.

Seeing the human assassin's gaze, Bei Ke and Wu Goubai looked at each other, and both raised their hands to make the team members behind them quiet down.

"Block," Bei Ke paused, exchanged eyes with Wu Goubai reluctantly, and then said with a smile on his face, "Remember my proposal? We are willing to pay a certain amount of gold coins to buy out your missions." .”

"You know our answer," the old devil looked at his teammates, shrugged his shoulders towards the human priest, and reiterated the mithril shell team's position.

"No, no, it's different this time, I said 'we'," Shell shook his fingers, and the scales on his body rattled with this movement, looking very stylish, "Silver Scepter I am also willing to give 12 gold coins, so that each of you can get [-], everyone."

Fang Yi raised his eyebrows.Immediately looked at the straight sword master standing beside him, and saw Wu Goubai nodded towards him, so he couldn't help curling his lips, saying in his heart that he was bold enough, the temptation of this proposal was really too great , even myself was a little moved!

Lao Mo and the others were also taken aback, and subconsciously looked at each other, and they all saw the surprise in each other's eyes: Although these two guilds have great fortunes, they are too prodigal?

"Fang Fang, you know better than us. The reason for paying this price is entirely because our trade union needs the number one title." Seeing the slight changes in the expressions of the four of them, Bei Ke became more determined in his heart and said confidently, "And retreat one more time." Wanbu said. Even if you get the treasure, it is basically impossible for you to get more than this amount in return.”

Fang Yi ignored the glib shell.Instead, he calculated quickly in his heart.To be honest, 12 gold coins is already more than Fang Yi's psychological price, unless there are some particularly rare props in the mage tower.Otherwise, the value of the treasure will hardly exceed 48 gold coins.

"What do you think?" Fang Yi turned around and asked his three teammates solemnly, "Don't think about me, just speak from your own ideas."

"Hmm... Cube, could there be an orange weapon in this treasure?" Lao Mo thought for a while, and was the first to speak.Fang Yixin said that the old devil had the most experience, and asked the key point right away.

"The chance of having orange equipment is relatively high, but weapons are difficult,"

Fang Yi expressed his speculation at the first time, "Even if they are both epic-level equipment, the value of weapons and other equipment is very different. And to be honest, according to the current situation, this price is already very authentic. It seems that both of them are eager to let us withdraw from the competition."

"That's also because I care about you~" Wildhammer, who seldom expresses opinions in this regard, opened his mouth at this time, pointed at Fang Yi with a smile and said, "Our worth is not worth this~"

"Fang Fang, I know what you're going to say. After such a long time, we have already seen that you have a good character, otherwise you wouldn't have been with amateur players like us for so long."

Seeing that Fang Yi was about to speak, the dwarf warrior raised his hand and made a gesture, with a rare serious look on his face, which caught Fang Yi who was about to make fun of him, and listened quietly to Wildhammer's nagging.

"Although you don't care, why do you feel sorry for us taking advantage of you for nothing?" The dwarf warrior stretched out his hand and scratched his head, as if trying to organize his words,

"If you weren't here, I'm afraid these two groups of people would have hung us back to the resurrection point?"

"Don't underestimate yourself, one day you will find that you are better than most people before you know it," Fang Yi saw that Laomo and Qinggang both had expressions of approval, smiled indifferently, and put the two Putting hands on the shoulders of the mage and the priestess, "Besides, without you, can I get here by myself?"

"That's why I choose to continue the mission!" Wildhammer turned his head to look at Qinggang, his complex eyes gradually became firm,

"In reality I've quit my job,"

"I want to concentrate on developing in "Miracle" and become a professional player like Cube!"

"And this treasure of the floating city is the first shot fired by our mithril shell team!"

Fang Yi looked at the dwarf who seemed to have suddenly matured in front of him. Hearing the other party's firm words, he was also somewhat infected by the other party's emotions.Fang Yi also vaguely heard Laomo and Qinggang mention this matter before, and he also remembered the little things when he first entered the game world, and he understood Wildhammer's decision very well.

"In this case, what else can I say?" Qinggang grinned, reached out and patted the top of the dwarf warrior's head, then turned to look at Fang Yi, "You decide~"

Seeing that Lao Mo also nodded towards him, Fang Yi suddenly felt a sense of accomplishment and a little pride in his heart.Although the ultimate goal of professional players is to make money, if you want to stay in this field for a long time, you can't do without long-term plans and ambitions.

Fang Yi turned around and spread his hands towards the priest and the sword master, "You can see that our opinions are very unified~"

At this time, even Wu Goubai, who had always been calm, was a little surprised. He carefully sized up the three players behind Fang Yi. He thought that this miscellaneous team was completely supported by Fang Fang, but he didn't expect this. How many amateur players still have such ambitions!

"Okay, let's see you in front~" Bei Ke sighed secretly, although he really didn't want to fight Fang Yi, but it seemed that there was nothing he could do at the moment, "We won't be so polite when we meet."

"Tch, who are you scaring? It's up to you?" Wildhammer snorted disdainfully, scanning the audience with contemptuous eyes, and the hatred value attracted by the dwarf warrior's shining heavy armor immediately soared.

Everything that needs to be said has been said thoroughly, and there is no point in staying here any longer.Several people turned and walked towards the gate, while Fang Yi stood at the back and watched the movement of the two groups of people, in case the other party made any tricks.

"Jingle Bell!"

There was a sudden ringing of bells in the open space where only the howling wind could be heard, which made everyone present stunned.The next moment, a portal glowing with white light suddenly appeared in the air, and a light green figure walked out from it.

The figure that suddenly appeared was a smiling human mage wearing a green robe, with a slender head, and a palm-sized badge on his chest clearly engraved with two big red characters of "Postman".The visitor glanced around, his eyes lit up, and he ignored the group of players who were facing a formidable enemy, and walked up to Fang Yi in a few steps.

"Mr. Fang, this is your letter, please check it!" (To be continued...)

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