Mithril Throne of Forgotten Realms

Chapter 327 The Final Battle

Wu Goubai touched his backpack subconsciously.Please use to visit this site.

After the mage tower was inexplicably teleported, Wu Goubai and his teammates completed their respective plots in a thrilling manner, escaped the dangerous place, and most importantly, got the key items of this mission.

As a treasure quest, there must be more than one way to get it in the game, this is also for the sake of balancing surnames and competition among players.So even though Wu Goubai knew that the Celestial Dynasty Guild had bought quest clues about the treasures of the Floating Void City, he was not too anxious.

Because if the person who sold the message knew the whole quest line, why not do it himself instead of selling it to someone else?

And Wu Goubai believes that the two things in his backpack are the "keys" to enter the treasure--at least one of them.

If I can get it myself, there must be nothing wrong with that cube... Wu Goubai looked at the sun that was hiding behind the rain cloud again, and couldn't help but think. .

"Go to the barracks you mentioned first." Wu Goubai took a deep breath, quickly put aside these thoughts, and said to the thieves next to him, "Don't act rashly, the team of Fang Fang is probably there too, now if Downsizing is fatal to us."

The thief nodded to show that he understood.

Those who can follow the captain here are not the absolute elites in the Silver Scepter. When they heard about this cube before, everyone didn't take it seriously, thinking it was just a professional player with outstanding skills. [

But in the lord's mansion in Yinsong Town, no less than seven or eight people witnessed the duel between Wu Goubai and the assassin.

In fact, I really hope to see that kind of duel again. For professional players, no, it should be said that for all "Miracle" players, it should be a pleasure to see that kind of picture-the thieves avoid the chaos in front of them. Akira's zombie thought so.


Qinggang and Wildhammer stared intently at the back of the assassin, and slowly took two steps back, but the bulging veins on the hands tightly holding the weapon showed that they were not in a relaxed mood at this time.

The old devil stood a little forward, chanting the incantation of acceleration in his heart, ready to strike Cube who was alone in danger at any time.

Since the level of the two elite golems was as high as level 25, the Mithril shell team did not dare to take the enemy lightly, so the plan of the few people was to turn around and run away if Fang Yi's attempt failed.According to Fang Yi's previous experience, the range of activities of these two monsters seems to be limited to this room.

Fang Yi was also apprehensive, holding the Heart of Sarkos in his left hand and the broken staff in his right, carefully walking towards the statue.

One step, two steps...

When it was more than two feet away from the broken door, the red light in the golem's eyes flashed again, and with the sound of creaking and rubbing, the heads of the two elves had already turned towards Fang Yi.

In a dimly lit room, two inanimate sculptures turn their heads to look at you, giving you the feeling of being in a horror movie scene.But Fang Yi has no time to be afraid, hesitating at this time, this level of experience will say goodbye to himself.

It was too late to say it, and then it was too late. Seeing that the golem was moving, Fang Yi rushed to the side of the statue without retreating, stuffed two things into the hands of the two statues, and then immediately retreated violently!

Fleeing to his teammates in a few steps, Fang Yi looked behind with lingering fear.The two elf girls did not turn into female men and directly fisted Fang Yiliang like last time, but slowly held up the things in their hands.

The heart of Sacks and the staff each emitted a burst of soft light, one blue and one brown complementing each other, making the room as bright as day.

Soon, the magical rays of light intersecting in the air flew to a corner of the room along a very regular arc trajectory.

As if to echo the magic in the air, a magic circle lit up on the dusty ground, and the stone slabs on the ground trembled for a while.The thick dust either slid or flew away, revealing a magic circle hidden underneath. [

This small magical resonance didn't last long, and a not-so-large teleportation took shape very quickly.The four members of the team watched a short but gorgeous movie in silence, their minds already filled with excitement:

Teleport array!what's behindCould it be the treasure room of the floating city?

Everyone has come all the way to the present, and they have experienced many difficulties, but no one knows how difficult the first treasure in this game is. Will there be a gatekeeper boss behind the teleportation array?

Several people looked at each other, and finally all their eyes turned to the human assassin.

And Fang Yi's attention was not on the teleportation array, but was always paying attention to the two golems.

Seeing that the magic teleportation array had stabilized, Fang Yi walked up to the statue and tentatively tapped on the arm of the statue. Seeing that there was no response from the other party, he took back both things and stuffed them into his backpack.

"Let's go~ What are you doing in a daze?"

Fang Yi drew out his weapon, gestured towards the dwarf warrior, and said with a smile: "The meat shield goes first, there may be a mountain of gold coins on the opposite side~"

"Cut~" Wildhammer curled his lips in disdain, but his movements were not slow, he raised the shield in front of him, and came to the side of the teleportation array.

The old devil knew that Fang Yi was trying to relieve the tension of his three newbies who had never seen the world, so he just smiled knowingly, and together with Qing Gang, he put various buff magic on the two melee combatants, and recovered their state. Only then did they lift their feet and step into the magic light beam of the teleportation array.


With Qinggang's careful care, Fang Yi was already in full condition, and was just waiting to step out of the teleportation formation and do a big job.But the three-dimensional magical ripples in the teleportation array had not completely disappeared, Fang Yi had already heard the sound of birds from outside.

Huh?Not underground?

Fang Yi felt a little strange in his heart, stepped out of the magic light of the teleportation array carefully with the Wildhammer, and immediately felt a long-lost breeze blowing over his face, which shocked people's spirits.

After a few people saw the scenery in front of them clearly, apart from excitement, their hearts were already filled with surprise.

Looking down from where the few people were standing, the first thing that caught the eye was the island hundreds of feet below them, drawing a perfect arc extending to the distance, and finally disappearing into the blue sea.

The pale green islands, the gray-black reefs, and the surprisingly small number of white sandy beaches are another scene when viewed from a high altitude.I don't know when it will start, the sky is already cloudy again, and the cool sea breeze passes by where everyone is standing, bringing a hint of autumn.

"This is... on the mountain?"

Qinggang was stunned for a moment, and was the first to walk to the edge of the open space. Looking at the seascape like the scenery in a painting, he said uncertainly, "We have been sent to Moon Mountain!?"

"It's a good thing it's not underground," the old devil was also attracted by the beautiful scenery in front of him, and said jokingly and half-seriously while looking at the surrounding terrain, "I'm so bored in the dark area, I'm completely blind."

The place where several people were sent out was like a small natural platform, halfway up Moon Mountain.Looking down, the opposite half of Moon Island is the wasteland where Fang Yi and the others trekked before. The grass waves blowing by the autumn wind are one after another, which is very eye-catching.

Looking to the left and right, you can have a panoramic view of the distinctive conical mountain body of Moon Mountain. There are few plants on the rocky slope, which makes people feel bleak and desolate out of thin air.There is a narrow mountain road on one side of the open space, which spirals up the mountain, and it looks like it goes straight to the top of the mountain.

"Okay, let's go up,"

Fang Yi himself quite likes this imposing scenery and feeling, but now he has important things to do, and it is not a time to appreciate the scenery, "Wildhammer and I are in front, and Qinggang is behind."

When viewed from the bottom of the mountain, the conical mountain body of Moon Mountain is fairly smooth, but when you actually climb it, you find that it is not the case at all.

There are strange and jagged rocks one after another, and boulders similar to small houses are commonplace.The team could only move forward slowly along the winding path, which exhausted the mage who was as thin as paper.

After half an hour, everyone finally came to a relatively calm place where they could take a rest, but they also found a problem.

"Huh~huh~ Nima, why is there a fork in the road?"

The old devil was panting tiredly, looking at the two distinct paths in front of him, he couldn't help but want to scold his mother.Isn't it just a treasure, the design is so cumbersome...

One of the forked roads in front of me was going upwards, and it should continue to the top of the mountain, and the other turned to the left, which made people unable to understand what it meant.

Seeing that the mage and the assassin had been observing the two intersections for a long time, Qinggang was silent, and couldn't help asking: "What should I do? Go straight up the mountain or..."

"Let's go separately~," Fang Yi quickly made a decision, "Since this is the passage leading to the treasure, there is no reason to design some useless decorations."

The old devil observed for a while, then nodded at this time, "Well, there are no signs at these two intersections, so I can't tell the difference..."

After a brief discussion, they quickly decided that the assassin would go all the way as usual, and the old demon would go all the way.


Fang Yi chose the path on the left - because his intuition told Fang Yi that traps are often hidden in unexpected places.

The rain clouds in the sky were getting thicker and thicker, and soon there was a drizzle of rain falling, and the mountain road, which was originally blocked by rocks and had a poor view, became even more misty.

Fang Yi took out a rain poncho from his backpack and put it on his head, thinking that I like rain, but now is not the time~

This kind of weather is actually extremely unfavorable to occupations with stealth skills, because the footprints and rain on the ground cannot be covered.

Although the higher the stealth and sound movement skills, the lighter the traces will be when the player interacts with the surrounding natural environment.But Fang Yi is still in love with this kind of effect, maybe those big thieves will have such kung fu——At this moment, Fang Yi suddenly thought of that "stinky fish" Turner, and he was even more curious about the old man's occupation and level .

After walking cautiously for a while, Fang Yi found that the direction of the road he had chosen hadn't changed much. It seemed that he wanted to go directly to the other side of the mountain.

A few teammates walked smoothly, the road became wider as they went up, and some small platforms and stone tables and chairs appeared from time to time.Lao Mo and the others judged that Fang Yi had chosen the wrong direction, and they had already stopped to enjoy the rain scene several times.

Fang Yi put away the message manager, and smiled eloquently: It doesn’t matter if I go wrong, as long as one of the two paths is correct~

Not long after, Fang Yi also came to a place that could barely be called an open space.The drizzle had already made the rocks on the ground wet and slippery, but a few guide-like boulders protruded from the slanted thorns on the right, which covered a lot of rain and left some dry places on the ground on the right edge. .

Fang Yi's footsteps did not slow down at all, maintaining a standard stealth movement, and prepared to walk across the open space.But when Fang Yi looked around and landed on the small piece of dry ground on the right, he suddenly had a lot of extremely awkward feelings in his heart.

What seems wrong?

Fang Yi didn't think about it for a while, and still walked forward in the rain.The almost transparent figure is difficult to detect in the rain and fog, but Fang Yi's skill level has not reached the level of perfection after all, and the raindrops will still produce some unnatural refraction and splashes when they pass through the body.

After walking two more steps, Fang Yi turned his head again, and set his eyes on the small piece of dry ground on the right. This time, he was a little closer, and two less obvious marks immediately caught Fang Yi's attention. .

The dust on the ground should be flat. What are those two unnatural dots?how does it look like...

Just when his eyes were narrowed, and the thoughts in his head hadn't formed yet, Fang Yi suddenly found that the dust on the ground flew backwards automatically!

Fang Yi's pupils shrank!

Immediately afterwards, a translucent thing suddenly rushed out from under the stone, squeezing out a vacuum space in the rain, and the white light that appeared out of thin air passed through the rain curtain in the air, pierced several streamlined raindrops, and went straight to Fang Yi. Come face to face!

All of this happened within a fraction of a second, and the deadly white light moved from stillness, so fast that it made one's heart palpitate.Fortunately, Fang Yi did not forget that he was an assassin.

Many players said that when they went to PK, their palms were sweaty and their hearts were thumping, and in the end they were killed without doing anything. Fang Yi felt that it was because people forgot what profession they were playing.

Fang Yi did not forget, so Fang Yi knew that the only thing that could save his life at this time was the weapon in his hand and his own skills.

Without time to think, Fang Yi just subconsciously tilted his body to the left, allowing the white light to hit his right rib!When the sharp blade cut a deep bone wound on Fang Yi's body, Fang Yi's scimitar had also been unsheathed, and he swung at the attacker who was already half in shape in front of him!

The visitor obviously didn't expect that Fang Yi would rather attack immediately after being hit, so Fang Yi's fierce counterattack was effective.The person who came came snorted, and even the person with the sword was forced back a step by the death arc drawn by the scimitar. Naturally, the stabbing long sword lost its strength, and it did not have the stun effect of Fang Yi's sneak attack.

"Wu Goubai...hehe~"

Fang Yi saw the appearance of the person opposite him clearly, but instead laughed - it is not bad to be able to escape this sneak attack.

At this time, a slanted wound on Wu Goubai's chest slowly oozes blood.Both of them had a tacit understanding and didn't attack immediately. They lost the opportunity to sneak attack, and it was impossible to control the enemy with one move.

"How do you know I'm going here?" Fang Yi tied himself a bandage and asked curiously.I was in a stealth state all the way, if Wu Goubai followed all the way without being discovered by him, then he could really jump off the cliff and commit suicide.

The human sword master slantedly held the long sword in his hand, and put a bandage on himself, "The place we teleported here is above you."


Crap, too much luck... Fang Yi complained to himself.

"All your teammates are dead?"

Fang Yi skillfully smeared the weapon with poison, but Wu Goubai's long sword was pointed at Fang Yi from a distance, and there was no chance to sneak again.

"We are bound to get this treasure. I and Shell have the same proposal, and the price can be even higher," Wu Goubai held the sword in one hand, looking like a master, but what he said made Fang Yi curl his lips. "The price can be higher."

"Okay, okay, my great master," Fang Yi waved his hands impatiently, scimitar and dagger in a fighting posture, and said angrily, "Just fool a few of my teammates and you'll be fine, everyone You are a sensible person, don’t waste your time.”

Wu Goubai smiled slightly, but did not speak any more.

If the Mithril shell team can really get the first treasure, the chain benefits brought by it are far beyond the imagination of Lao Mo and the others - rich rewards, fame in the professional game industry, and even the favor of some high-end studios. fantasy.

Fang Yi had already achieved fame in "God of War", so he didn't seem to care that much, but Fang Yi, the old devil, Qinggang and Wildhammer, was very optimistic.

Needless to say, the old devil is a veteran of the game with his own principles. The priestess and the dwarf, two young people in their 20s, also have correct values. In today's impetuous Internet society, it is really rare.

Therefore, this welfare Fang Yi must be obtained by the three of them.

In fact, even Fang Yi himself didn't know why his mentality had changed.

If "Miracle" has a long lifespan and can be operated for four or five years, it will be almost the end of Fang Yi's career when this game comes to an end. He thinks he is no longer an opponent of the younger generation.

Even if you give up melee combat and play mage professions, it will be difficult to return to the peak period.

Am I training younger generations?

Fang Yi sneered, shook his head secretly, turned the scimitar in his hand, and looked at the cool human sword master opposite, "Come on, our teammates are still waiting~"

Both of them are the best among the players, knowing that any more words will be nonsense, after a moment of calm, the two figures have already appeared separately!

A few flashes of light flashed in the drizzle, and the bright knife light immediately shattered the impenetrable rain curtain! (To be continued.)

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