Fang Yi took over the task and found a place with higher terrain to check the entrance.Even though the distance was several hundred meters away, Fang Yi could still feel the scorching heat brought by the rolling magma like a mountain, and he could clearly see the crimson liquid rock slowly flowing out from the crater.

A majestic castle made of crimson boulders stands between the volcano and the flowing magma.The top of the castle is even tens of feet higher than the crater, and the carved lifelike devil's head is fixed on the top of the castle, looking down at the lava lake. Only a stone bridge in front of it crosses the lava lake, connecting the castle and The rocks under Fang Yi's feet.Through the air that seemed to be scorching and boiling, the whole castle seemed to be writhing strangely.

It seems that after looking around, Fang Yi did not find any other entrances.The entire castle and mountain are surrounded by lava lakes. Behind the castle is a high mountain. Looking up, it has been connected to the sky above—the dark rock—and you don’t need to look to know that there is no way behind.

To be on the safe side, Fang Yi did not leave the stealth state, but as soon as he stepped on the unknown stone bridge built with black stones, Fang Yi immediately felt his feet tripping, and the stealth state also failed.

System prompt: If you step on the bridge of black fire, you will suffer 2 seconds of fire damage.After leaving the bridge of black fire, you will continue to suffer 1 second of fire damage for 15 seconds.

Seeing the system prompt, Fang Yi rushed forward as if his butt was on fire, and the nearly 50-foot stone bridge took less than half a minute.Even so, the burning sensation from the soles of the feet and the loss of more than [-] health points out of thin air still made Fang Yi scold her.

The tall, pitch-black doorway stands quietly at the end of the Black Fire Bridge, and the neatly built volcanic rocks are reddened by the firelight of the lava lake, making them look a little dark and unclear.At the bottom of the gatepost of the castle, there are two huge and monstrous spiders carved, and other densely packed small spiders cover the entire wall, so that people who enter the gate can't help but have the illusion of being swallowed by spiders.

Sitting in the dark shadows at the gate, Fang Yi raised his head and drank a bottle of recovery potion, waiting for the continuous burning damage to disappear.Then he glanced back at the empty Black Fire Bridge, turned his head and started heading into the castle.The next few should be players from the same team, and there may be some masters of the public beta. Putting some small traps or something is meaningless other than wasting time.All he can do now is to speed up his speed.

There are five iron gates in the hall on the first floor, on which are depicted alchemy bottles, books, monsters, swords and scepters.Choose one out of five~ Fang Yi immediately eliminated the alchemy bottles and books that might be related to mages. The mages in np are more perverted than the other, so it is better to deal with them less; compared to humanoid creatures, Fang Yi prefers those with low intelligence The monster babies quickly made a choice and opened the iron door engraved with monsters. [

The internal structure of the castle reminded Fang Yi of the wizard's tower on the surface, but the thickness of the outer wall was increased by at least ten times.Along the winding stone steps all the way up, Fang Yi soon came to the door of the room on the sixth floor, which was also the only passage on this floor.

There was no trap, no ambush, but Fang Yi couldn't relax.This journey is too easy, there is not even a gatekeeper, and if something goes wrong, it is a monster, Fang Yi feels quite uneasy.

Fang Yi took the initiative to get out of the stealth state, and after the cool-down time of the stealth passed, he gently opened the heavy wooden door, and his figure disappeared into the air immediately. (Unconventional movement actions such as opening doors will invalidate the stealth, canceling the stealth in advance can have enough time to pass the cooldown period)

Like downstairs, there are no enemies, but it seems to be a lot cleaner?The furnishings in the room are still all made of obsidian, the stone table, the stone bed, and even the bookshelves are made of stone strips. . .Wait a minute, bookshelves?

Fang Yi's attention was immediately drawn to the right side of the room. A beautifully crafted stone bookshelf was quietly placed behind the stone table, leaning against the corner of the wall—the five floors below had been carefully inspected. Fang Yi didn't remember such a thing. something.

Fang Yi approached slowly, there were many thick books on the bookshelf, and most of the covers were engraved with grotesque and terrifying beasts.At the same time, Fang Yi, who was careful, also found that most of the books were placed at the bottom of the bookshelf and close to the desk.

The desk was neat, too, with an open book behind a pile of papyrus.Seeing this scene, Fang Yi's pupils shrank, and his figure immediately retreated violently. Wave after wave of magic aura spewed out from the place where he was standing. He retreated to the wall of the house, barely avoiding the influence of the magic.

System prompt: You are affected by the spell effect of detecting thoughts.

Knock spell fails against you

"Huh?" Accompanied by an unexpected voice, Fang Yi escaped the first wave of spell attacks.Frightened into a cold sweat, Fang Yi followed the voice and immediately spotted the slender figure hiding in the right front door. The firelight reflected from the mouth made Fang Yi clearly distinguish that it was a drow mage.

"He went in!" The monk had the highest perception among them.Just as the thief's flustered figure appeared on the only passage on the lava lake, the saury and the others who were ambushing in a cave heard the monk's reminder.

"Let him go in first," Saury looked very calm, "so as not to hide behind and cause trouble for us, he is definitely not as fast as us by himself."

Several people in the team obeyed the druid's orders, waited for another 2 minutes after the figure of the thief disappeared behind the black gate, and then they walked out of the cave where they were hiding, and stepped on the footsteps of the thief in front of them one by one.The four-person team is not as embarrassing as the previous thieves: the temperature of the Black Fire Bridge is not too high. Under the protection of the mage's flame protection, the few people only occasionally suffer no more than 1 point of fire damage, and they will soon arrive. in the castle hall.

Similarly, faced with the multiple-choice question of choosing one from five, Saury also chose the most intuitive iron door engraved with monsters first, but the system prompted the action to fail, and finally had to choose the passage engraved with swords: after all, Zhuo in the dark area Pastor Er has a bad reputation, but it's still a head-to-head battle.

Unlike Fang Yi, the few people only went up two floors, and then encountered the enemy they had to face in a wide hall: a tall humanoid creature stood upright on the only way to the upper floor, "He "Just watching everyone quietly.The pure black full body armor makes it difficult to distinguish his face and race, but the five-foot-long two-handed sword half-held in his hand must not be an expression of goodwill. [

The information obtained by the exploration technique is very limited, and it can only be determined that the opponent is a level 14 hostile creature.Without much time to think about it, Saury issued a few instructions in the team channel, then cast Drury's transformation spell, and entered a stealth state.

Chasing Feng Kuangzhan carried the shield all the way, and he was already suffocating in his heart.Seeing that the captain gave an order, he immediately began to accelerate. During the charge, he skillfully protected the left half of his body with a shield, and the battle ax in his right slashed straight at the motionless black-armored warrior in front of him.

Don't distance yourself from the spellcaster. Knowing this well, Fang Yi exerted force on his legs and was about to rush over, but saw the dark elf on the opposite side move his hands, and cast another spell, "Greasy spell!"

System prompt: You are affected by the effect of Grease spell.

As soon as he squatted down, Fang Yi suddenly felt his feet slip, and he was about to lose his center of gravity.Fortunately, the thief was sensitive enough, and Fang Yi, who had a quick reaction, immediately changed his original intention, exerting force on both feet vertically, and his body rose into the air.Then he stepped on the stone wall with both feet, and his body rushed towards the caster at the door like an arrow from the string.

The distance of more than ten feet was passed by Fang Yi in an instant, but Fang Yi, who was flying at high speed, found that the dark elf on the opposite side was motionless, staring at him with scarlet eyes in the firelight, and his sneer expression did not change at all.Fang Yi said badly in his heart, turned his body in the air while resting his left hand on the ground, barely changed the direction of flight, and passed the "Dark Elf".At the same time, a familiar voice came from the wooden door directly opposite the room: "Turning stones into mud!"

Fang Yi, who passed the dark elf, immediately turned his head, instead of sprinting towards the source of the sound, he quickly glanced around the room, and then rushed to the black shadow hidden next to the bookshelf, using the exploration technique in his hand to open the way first:

Race: Drow

Occupation: Level 14 Mage

Name:? ? ?


Your sister, the mirror image onomatopoeia, how can you, a low-level mage, use it so smoothly, is there any reason?

At this time, Fang Yi can guess without turning his head, the dark elf standing carelessly behind him in the orange fire is just a mirror image bait, and the stone ground under the bait must have become a deadly ooze trap big enough to hold two of himself .And the direction where I deliberately read the spell of turning stones into mud aloud just now must be empty, the real caster is standing next to the bookshelf at this moment!

Master Drow was quite surprised to see that the thief on the opposite side was not fooled.It's just that the expression with a sneer didn't cause a trace of panic, the slender fingers with obsidian-like skin shook quickly, made a few cumbersome gestures, and the tightly pursed lips spit out a few syllables clearly, "Colorful jet! "

Although he didn't understand what the other party was saying this time, the colorful light spots that appeared in front of the dark elf made Fang Yi immediately understand what spell the other party was preparing.The damage of the colorful spray is not high, but it is an area spell and has a stun effect. Fang Yi's rapidly spinning brain has already understood what the opponent is playing. The opponent has time to prepare the next spell.

The level of the mage on the opposite side is not high, and it can be seen from the spells he casts. Fang Yi made a choice in an instant when he thought of this. Fifteen feet!

This time Fang Yi did not move around, but chose to rush straight to the enemy.The thief's decisive attack and lightning speed made the dark elf a little nervous for the first time, but he still quickly took out a small bottle from his pocket, which contained twice the magic amount of spider web.

The casting action of the dark elf's right hand was still fast and standard. With the completion of the "Spider Web Technique" spell, a small ball of white spider silk accumulated on the tip of his left finger, and instantly turned into a dense giant net covering towards the rushing man. Rogue - Drow swears his red eyes glowed with victory.

The 9-foot spell range couldn't be avoided no matter what, and Fang Yi's lightning-like figure suddenly stopped less than three feet away from the dark elf.The whole body is wrapped in layers of tough white spider silk, unable to move, only the head is still exposed.

"Stupid human being," the dark elf's dark, marble-smooth face showed an expression other than a sneer for the first time, and Fang Yi couldn't help but think about it, what kind of toothpaste did this guy use?

The dark elf loosened his shoulders slightly, and kept shaking his smooth fingers, "I, Gandel Kennafein, will kill you, this reckless intruder, so, do you like the taste of fresh meat burned by flames, or is it cold and hard?" a feeling of?"

That being said, the flickering fire in Gandel Kenafein's hand indicated that he had already made up his mind.The triangular area between the index finger and the thumb was once again filled with the magic power rising from the magic net, and the flashing sparks made Gandel more and more excited. This is the power of magic!Just wait one more day, one more day!The great and valuable possessions in this castle shall belong to me alone, and I, Gander Kennafein, shall trample down that treacherous Golf Baenry and become the true chief of Menzoberranzan. Mage!

Looking at the distressed thief trapped in the spider web, Gander sneered again, raised his right hand to Fang Yi, and could not hide his pride in his words, "You are not weak, but you are too slow!"

"As soon as you are..." the thief who was bound by silk murmured, Gandel only took it as the last whisper of a dying person, but the next moment, Gandel's long and narrow eyes instantly widened to an unbelievable degree .

The thief who was about to die under his spell suddenly broke free from the shackles of the spider web. Almost at the same time, two silver lights flashed in front of the dark elf, instantly occupying the dark elf's entire field of vision.Master Drow suddenly seemed to see his own dark reflection in the scimitar.

The time went back to more than ten seconds ago - after the colorful spray, it was the expected control spell, and Fang Yi was about to explode when he was trapped in the spider web.Unexpectedly, the arrogant drow mage in front of him didn't distance himself. Instead, he babbled a bunch of nonsense and stood still to read the spell.Fang Yi patiently listened to the other party's broken thoughts, and waited for the moment when the dark elf's spellcasting was about to be completed before activating the spell and escape skills on the bright wristband at the same time, and successfully escaped from the immobilization state of the spider web technique.

At such a close distance, the dark elves had no time to cast spells.Fang Yi thrust forward with his left hand, and the sharp dagger stabbed at the dark elf's lower abdomen with one step. An expected strong force came from his wrist, and the dagger involuntarily turned to one side—as expected, there was a protective spell, but it was just a deflection. Do force fields really work?

At this time, Gander's terrified eyes glowed with brilliance again, and his tightly pressed lips parted slightly, as if about to say some spell.But after the system judged to resist an attack against the caster, the deflected stance disappeared instantly, and then a sword-like light flashed, Fang Yi held the scimitar in his hand and watched the drow mage open his mouth in vain but couldn't make a sound , only the wound in the throat made a panting sound of "wheezing and wheezing", and smiled softly: "And my knife is fast?" Only two knives were used, plus the backlash damage caused by the failure of the spell (when the spell was chanted, it was stopped due to the influence of external force. The mage will cause spell backlash, causing damage to the caster, and the damage value depends on the level of the spell), and the weak dark elf mage in front of him died, and went back to see Queen Rose.

Fang Yi fished out a cloak and a key-like thing from the body, then sat cross-legged on the ground and drank a bottle of mana potion, sat down and waited for the mana to return to normal level, and at the same time slapped the identification spell on the cloak .

The attributes of this key are quite straightforward, just one sentence: the mysterious key, the key (part) that opens a certain portal, should be a special item for this scene.

Choosing one of the five made him meet a mage, Fang Yi didn't even know what to say.It's just that the strength of this level guard mage is still a bit beyond my expectations. It should be that the system has refreshed the character background with certain combat experience to be so difficult. Since the official operation of the game, it is the most dangerous opponent I have encountered. .

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