Mithril Throne of Forgotten Realms

Chapter 376 Lion God Nobine

Standing in front of the wood elves were three advanced players - a combination of Rogue, Warlock and Priest.

Although they are more or less wounded and maintain a fighting posture, everyone's face is full of joy: this is the first wood elf prisoner so far, and he is still a small leader. Little news!

The leader of the thieves took a step forward, put the dagger on the wood elf's white neck, and deliberately put on a gloomy tone when speaking, "Don't try to escape, your little life is worthless to me. Say! Cable Where?"

The female wood elf didn't even look at the thief. She turned her head and cast her eyes on the dark bushes on the left, as if she was expecting a companion to come and save her.

"Your companion is too busy to take care of himself now, so he won't come to rescue you," the thief patted the wood elf's delicate face with his dagger, his tone becoming more and more bleak.

Although the skin was painted dark green with plant juice, it can still be seen that the skin quality of the wood elf in front of him is quite good.Looking up at the thief, the star elf parted her vermilion lips and uttered a few weird syllables.The three people present were a little dazed when they looked at each other.

"Damn, don't these elves only understand Elven language?" The priest in leather armor scratched his head and said helplessly, "I don't know Elvish, do you?"

"I don't know how... But when I heard them calling each other before, I also used common language." The warlock player was also a little puzzled, looked at the expressionless wood elf on the ground, and said suspiciously, "This guy Are you pretending to be stupid..."


Before the Warlock player finished speaking, the female elf suddenly chuckled.Then he spit out two crisp syllables, his tone was firm, completely different from the previous sluggish look, all three players couldn't help but cast their gazes to this side.

Fang Yi, who was hiding in the dark, patted Ji Feng's back lightly, his tight legs suddenly exerted force, and the double blades had already been handed over to the nearest thief!

What the Wood Elf said was very clear, only two words: Do it!


The elf captain, who was weak just now, was full of energy now. He raised his foot and kicked over the corpse of the warlock on the ground, and pulled out the feathered arrow with emerald green tail feathers from the opponent's throat, not caring about the blood that spurted out.Just like that, it was inserted into the quiver hanging on the thigh.

Fang Yi rummaged around on the ground looking for it.The things dropped by the three players of the searcher: These three are all advanced players, and there are always a few good things on them~

"Thank you, human,"

The elf woman frowned and looked at the wound on her thigh.The force just now caused the wound to burst open again.It seemed that the blood couldn't stop for a while.However, he did not forget to thank his savior, "Your heroic performance tonight has spread throughout our tribe, you are our friend..."

"Okay, okay. Instead of praising me so much, why don't you tell me what the story is here, so that I don't get so confused,"

Fang Yi curled his lips and said while bending down to pick up a few medicine bottles on the ground.But when he looked back and saw the bleeding wound on the elf's thigh, Fang Yi couldn't help frowning again, "Stop the bleeding first, the opponent's Druid also has animal companions, don't reveal the location."

The elf captain was choked by Fang Yi, and his face was a little unnatural, but when he saw the herbal medicine Fang Yi handed over, his eyes suddenly lit up, "Hemostatic grass? Are you a pharmacist?"

"Of course not, Cable found it," Fang Yi wanted to ask what the hemostatic weed was, but Ji Feng, who was guarding at the side, had already let out a low growl of warning, indicating that it was not safe here.

"Apply the medicine, let's change the place,"


A few minutes later, Fang Yi and the elf team leader had already climbed into the canopy of a towering tree. When it comes to the terrain around the green ring, no one would dare to say that they are more familiar than the wood elves.The place that the elf captain found was both secluded and spacious, which made Fang Yi, who had been squatting on the tree branch for half the night, gasp.

What made Fang Yi even more excited was that his reputation among the wood elves really had some effect, and the elf in front of him actually revealed some plots related to the mission.

Gusmer Forest is vast and boundless, and countless species of creatures live in it, enjoying the beauty bestowed by nature.The lion-god Nobine guards the jungle, protecting its creatures from its enemies—greedy merchants from the Dragon's Coast and pirates from the Starfall Sea.

Somewhere in the forest there is an altar, the source of the Lion God's power, revered by the intelligent beings of the jungle.But not long ago, the sacred object in the altar was stolen!

Since then, the figure of the lion god can no longer be seen wandering in the forest of Gusmail, and evil forces have also begun to breed in the forest. Just when everyone was at a loss and felt the atmosphere of the end, Cable appeared.

It turned out that the alpine centaur clan where Cable belonged stole the holy relic from the altar for unknown reasons and hid it, originally planning to secretly transport it out of the forest.But I didn't expect the matter to be revealed so quickly. Before the holy objects could be transported out, the entire Gusmel Forest was already boiling, and the alpine centaurs could only temporarily pick up the things.

As a centaur warrior, Cable discovered this and risked his life to steal the relic.After encountering countless tribulations and conspiracies along the way, they finally came here from the foot of the Osram Mountains in the west.

lion god...

Fang Yi felt his heart beating violently, and an electric current of excitement extended from the back of his head to the tailbone, making Fang Yi get goosebumps all over his body.

Damn... no wonder... no wonder Master Ren sent hundreds of people to encircle and suppress Cable, no wonder he didn't feel sorry for so many advanced players who died, and would rather stay here and not leave despite the attribute punishment in the night !

This fucking is definitely a regional plot mission! !It is two grades higher than the treasures of Floating Void City!

But why did I not get involved until now...

Thinking of this, Fang Yi's original excitement and excitement all dissipated, leaving only endless regret and regret: If he participated in this task from head to toe, what kind of energy would it be?

Although the elf captain didn't say anything in detail, Fang Yi could guess a general idea from this few words.

The "important item" carried by Cable must be the sacred object of the lion god Nobine!Fang Yi's palms are itching with excitement now, and he even has the thought of turning around and killing Cable to find out the attributes of the holy object—if he has the ability.

"But why did Cable escape here? He crossed half of the Gusmel Forest just to come to the Green Ring?" Fang Yi's mind turned quickly, and he immediately thought of the last mystery and asked.

"Because..." the female elf hesitated for a moment, looked up in the direction of her tribe's camp, and then said after a pause: "Because the location of the lion god's altar is not fixed, it will change every month. Oracle, the location where the altar will appear next time will be the Green Ring, by the Shanmu River!"


"Attack! Attack me! Hit me to death!! What the hell are you doing!?"

The team channel was full of hysterical shouts from the elf mage, and the somewhat hoarse voice filled the ears of hundreds of people. The team members, who had never seen their president so excited, felt a little uneasy and also a little clear.

Commanding a team of nearly 300 people, they surrounded a jungle that was not less than two miles in length, but they couldn't rush in. Anyone would have to go crazy...

"The hidden skills of those wood elves are too high. If they don't do it, we won't be able to find it at all," the human priest beside him didn't look too good. Seeing the heads on the team list dim one by one, the deputy leader's heart ached. All bleeding.

"It's easy to be hit by the elves if you divide into large groups. If you divide into small groups...there is that assassin..." the human priest said submissively.

The president of himself is not very good-tempered, and in reality, it is estimated that someone will be unlucky again...



Fang Yi dressed roughly, stretched out his hand to wipe his eyes, wiped away the sweat or blood on his face, and glanced at the light screen on the retina.

Already 57 people have been hanged. Fang Yi felt his hands were a little weak, and the knife wounds on his back and shoulders were also painful. Looking at only one-third of his health, Fang Yi knew that he was almost at his limit. .But Fang Yi couldn't hide in the dark to rest.

The wood elves suffered heavy casualties, and the remaining combat power was estimated to be less than half. The original defensive circle was also shrinking inward again and again. Fang Yi could already see the tree houses of the elf tribes not far behind him.

Can't go back any further.

The wood elves risked their lives, facing the elite squad of players trying to break through the defensive circle, they almost used their bodies to block the charge of those heavy armored fighters.Broken limbs, splattered blood, and the determined eyes of the elves stained the peaceful forest with blood.

These elves are defending their homes with their lives!

Fang Yi is not a novice in the game, of course he has done research on the power distribution of the Dragon Coast.If there is no blessing of the lion god here, those greedy merchants and pirates will definitely regard this place as a huge treasure house, grabbing wood, ore, and even those rare creatures from the forest without restraint.

If this mission fails, this forest that has existed for thousands of years may change its appearance.At that time, as strong as Quinitos, it will not be able to prevent greed from coming to this forest - I wonder if players can dig grass and mine freely in the forest?

The most important thing is that I have tried my best to kill people, and now my name is red and purple. If this fails, who will I talk to for reasoning! (To be continued..)

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