Mithril Throne of Forgotten Realms

Chapter 394 Constructing Demonic Fish

The "eel" swam past Fang Yi silently, and the aroused current sent Fang Yi into several tumbles.Fang Yi didn't dare to make a sound, he flipped up and down with the current without moving, like a large group of aquatic plants covered with mud.

The troll obviously didn't realize that the little black ball rolling past him was actually a person. At this time, Fang Yi was like a hedgehog huddling to avoid a fox, staring at the other side: the huge body of this troll The silt and rotten grass leaves at the bottom of the lake were rolled up everywhere, obviously looking for something.

Fang Yi was worried, and said that the sound of his swimming was probably heard by the other party just now. If he was found out and took such a bite, it would not matter if he died, but everyone would think that he was killed by the Pirate Pit—— To be killed by an unknown little thief, wouldn't my fame in this life be ruined?

Fortunately, this "mechanical eel" is not very interested in someone's reputation.

The giant lingered nearby for a while, and then swam to another direction. The black shadow became more and more blurred, and soon disappeared soundlessly into the darkness in the distance, leaving only a large piece of muddy lake water.

After waiting quietly for a minute, Fang Yi let go of the arms that tightly hugged his legs, relaxed his stomach that was a little sore due to excessive tension, and then let out a long breath, it was just an accident He sucked the broken leaves of aquatic plants into his mouth, and coughed for a while.

"Constructing Demon Fish (Mechanical Creature)

grade:? ? ?

Attributes:? ? ? "

Looking at the information returned by the probing technique, Fang Yi subconsciously touched his forehead.Only then did I realize that the starting point was not cold sweat, but a piece of cold lake water: Nimama's, a monster at the level of a question mark...

Didn't I go to the minefield?

Since the maps in Miracle are seamlessly connected, all creatures on them can move freely.For example, there are flocks of wild geese in Xueshan City, so they probably flew over from Waterdeep City to spend the winter.

Therefore, there is no sharp and obvious boundary between each map, and when you accidentally cross from a low-level strange area to a high-level strange area, there will be no obvious prompts.

Fang Yi now suspects that he stumbled into a hidden high-level map by accident.

This situation is not uncommon, if this is the case, the players will be higher in the future.The level 24 copy of Bright Star Lake is likely to change suddenly.It becomes a high-level dungeon of level [-] or higher, and all the game company has to do is to delete and modify the plot and put these monsters under the water on the bright side.

And this demon fish is still a constructed creature.Simply put, it's a different kind of golem - who made it?How high is the level?

Fang Yi tapped his head.The heart said that if it were true.Then it's too dangerous here...

Forget it, let's see if it is really a high-level strange area.The big deal is to swim up by myself, anyway, these guys are blind and can't see themselves at all.

Fang Yi made up his mind and continued to dive, and soon reached the bottom of the lake.

But when he stepped on the bottom of the lake, Fang Yi turned around in a circle, looked at the same terrain around him, couldn't help but rubbed his head and fell into deep thought—this... the lake is so big, and there is no clue at all, how to find it?Do I have to eat up all the underwater breathing potions in the bag, and then go up when the ammunition and food are exhausted?

That's too inefficient, I guess I won't be able to find anything good after the Fallen Leaf Festival...

Fang Yi thought for a while, and decided to go to the middle of the lake to have a look: the place where he fell just now was close to the lake, and if there is any treasure, it should be in the most secret place~

Thinking of this, Fang Yi lightly stepped on the bottom of the lake, floated back into the water and swam towards the center of the lake - it is best to be able to swim underwater, as walking along the bottom of the lake will consume too much energy.

But Fang Yi obviously overestimated his good luck, and within 2 minutes of swimming out, Fang Yi, who was always paying attention to the surrounding situation, shrank his eyes, quickly pulled up his cloak, and regrouped into a ball.

In the same direction, another constructed demon fish exactly the same as the one just now appeared!


"Yeah!! Passed!"

"Fuck, I finally killed you!"

As the huge murloc boss crashed to the ground, the sky above the lake bank was immediately filled with cheers from the players, the mage Leman's face turned red with excitement, and his mouth was almost grinning to his ears, "Haha, it's over! "

Although Yuan Qinghua's complexion was still not very good, she secretly breathed a sigh of relief. She looked at the system time and found that the countdown was less than 1 minute away.

Among the dungeons available to players at the moment, apart from the few hundred-player dungeons, Liangxing Lake is considered the most difficult batch. According to the official statistics of the game, counting all the teams that have tried Liangxing Lake, the clearance rate is less than 30%. .

This also means that most players in the game haven't learned the first rare skill of the advanced class~

Of course, the mage Lehman did not forget the most important thing. He waved his hand and shouted behind him: "Okay, let's open the corpse! Priest, your hands are the reddest. Old rules, go up and touch!"

The female priest who was rescued by Fang Yi before was also full of excitement. She didn't care about the stench of mucus on the murloc's body, and immediately ran out of the team, reaching under the murloc's corpse.

"Two books dropped!" The female pastor was stunned for a moment, then withdrew her hand suddenly, pulled out two gold-covered skill books from under the corpse, jumped up excitedly, and shouted loudly: "Boss has released two books!" !"

"It's popular! This boss can still drop two books!?"

"Haha, which two professions are they? Take a look!"


The crowd also laughed and looked excited.Mage Leman hurried up, took out two more pieces of equipment from under the boss's body, and then took the skill book from the female priest, thinking that this time it was really a blast!

According to the estimates of the players, the boss of Liangxing Lake will drop two pieces of purple equipment. Depending on luck, it may be a weapon or equipment, and the probability of dropping a skill book is about one-tenth. Ben... Lehman really doesn't know what the probability is.

"Assassin Skill Book: Deadly Assassination"

"The Thorn Knight Skill Book: Extraordinary Light"

But when Lehman cast his eyes on the name of the skill book, his eyes were fixed.Yuan Qinghua, who had been standing next to the boss, saw his captain's expression was a bit strange, so he also came up.

Assassin's skill book?

Seeing what was in Laiman's hand, Yuan Qinghua, who had been keeping a cold face, finally showed joy, and directly took the skill book from the opponent's hand, "This is a cube, I'll give it to him~"

Temporary team adventures, the spoils are directly allocated to players in need. If more than one person has a need, they will be auctioned by bidding. There is only one assassin in the team, Fang Yi, and Fang Yi also said before that he needs to kill Assassination, Leman didn't say much, and traded the skill book to the female elf.

However, Leman's gaze seemed to be stuck, and he still stayed on the skill book in his hand. Yuan Qinghua simply took the two pieces of equipment from the mage's hand and distributed them to the two happy players. That expression was a little strange.

"Lehman, what are you looking at? There is no Thorn Knight in our team..."

"...Ah, right, right," Lehman weighed the skill book in his hand, suddenly smiled, and smiled at the female elf: "There is no Thorn Knight, of course it will be sold... But you know, this book How much can you sell it for?"

"Extraordinary light

Occupation Restrictions: Thorn Knight

Extraordinary: Paladins emit a celestial light to protect themselves from magic.

Extraordinary Light can increase Thorn Knight's spell resistance for a short time, and the conversion value is based on Thorn Knight's charm value.

At level 1, the conversion ratio is 1:2, and the maximum magic resistance after conversion is 99.

Duration 5 seconds, cooldown 24 hours. "

(The player's spell resistance is up to 99. If you continue to stack it, it will be infinitely close to magic immunity but cannot reach magic immunity.

Certain pieces of equipment have some or all of the Magic Immunity stat, making the player immune to magic damage. )

Yuan Qinghua looked at the skill description of Extraordinary Light, and looked at Lehman suspiciously, "What's the matter, isn't it just 3 seconds of high resistance, and how many of the current paladins can stack charm attributes... "

"I didn't know it before, but it's not too late to learn this skill." Leman's adventure experience is much richer than Yuan Qinghua's. Hearing what the female elf said, he just shook his head and smiled, looking up at his teammates , "How come I can make a small fortune this time~"

After a while, when everyone reaches level 30, they will be able to collect almost all purple outfits. No matter how much they can collect 30 points of charisma, their skill level will be improved, plus potions and buffs. It is not difficult to become a paladin with 5 sex.

5 resistance in 90 seconds... At some point, this is a heaven-defying hole card, a priceless spell tank, and a series of functions.

"Then how much can it sell for?"

"At least 13," Lehman said with a vow, "Did you forget that this skill book appeared in our auction house in Europe not long ago, and it sold for [-]!"

Listening to Lehman's explanation, Yuan Qinghua suddenly thought of a human assassin: If the cubes were here, he would definitely be able to give a specific number, and maybe sell this skill book to some urgently needed teams or unions, Make a lot of money~

Speaking of it, Fang Fang actually looks like a profiteer~ Yuan Qinghua looked at the team members with faces all over his face, and then looked at his friend list, thinking why this Fang Fang didn't even have any information...


Where does Fang Yi have time to send messages now...

The huge body of the constructed demon fish continued to swim above Fang Yi's head, and this time it even made some strange "gurgling" noises. It seemed that it was not in a good mood. Its huge tail fin stirred back and forth, making a certain human assassin It was miserable.

Fang Yi held his breath, squinting at the irritable monster in front of him, but a question arose in his heart: This seems to be the guy just now, where did he come back from? (to be continued..)

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