ps: [-] chapters~ clam clam

Putting the mutated pearls on the wooden table, Fang Yi picked up a bunch of small bracelets and looked at them without giving up. He couldn't help curling his lips, and then took out another ring...

A total of thirteen pieces!

The remaining thirteen items in the box are also the same as this item, all of which are pure decorations!

If it is placed in the auction house, the combined value can probably reach five figures.But Fang Yi is not reconciled... If this is a box of magic materials, it can be sold for ten times more than this price!

For this businessman, these things are indeed worth keeping, but it's useless for Fang Yi to want this...

Fang Yi couldn't help but feel a little annoyed when he failed to harvest two boxes in a row. This shit is so well wrapped and hidden so well, just these junk?

But when Fang Yi opened the third package, he felt that he was completely tricked - the third box was actually empty!

The crystal box is transparent, and it is impossible to hide any hidden compartments in it. Fang Yi resolutely checked the box again, and finally confirmed helplessly that it was indeed an empty box.


Angry after opening the box, Fang Yi simply threw all the items at the auction house, and went straight to the nearest laboratory with the mysterious gem in his arms.

After the initial disappointment, Fang Yi also gradually guessed the reason for this.

The shipwreck at the bottom of the lake is obviously part of a certain mission, otherwise, without knowing Victor's identity, it would be dead if he went there.Then Fang Yi didn't touch the plot of the previous mission, which is probably the real reason for the shrinkage of the captain's relic.

I just don't know who the unlucky ghost who took the mission is.

Since the copies are independent.Fang Yi's behavior will not affect the development of the other party's mission. In the dungeons of other players' teams, there will still be projections of Constructing Demon Fish and Victor.It's just that Fang Yi has already completed the only task first, and the other party will definitely not get the extra reward for completing the task for the first time.

After figuring this out, Fang Yi's resentment calmed down a bit—this time the adventure at the bottom of the lake was a mistake, and it would be good to be able to escape from Victor.

With the experience of appraising Pegasus pet eggs last time, Fang Yi, a well-known laboratory in Xueshan City, has already figured it out, and soon came to the nearest one.

"I can't identify this thing of yours,"

The old man behind the wooden table adjusted his glasses and looked up at Fang Yi.The expression on his face was rather weird. "This is not a natural gemstone, it is not within the scope of my knowledge."

"Huh? Isn't it natural? Is it man-made?"

Fang Yi was startled, took the transparent gem from the old man's hand, and immediately had a question mark on his face. "Could this be glass? You are a master at identifying gems and ancient objects. How can this not be identified...?"

"What's wrong with the appraisal master. The appraisal master is not omnipotent!"

Fang Yi hadn't finished speaking, but the human old man had a sudden outburst and stood up from the stool.Foaming and shouting: "The last time you brought a pet egg, you insisted on asking me to identify it, which caused me to be laughed at by the old elf in the south of the city for a long time! This time, you brought a strange object to trouble me again! I Tell you……"

Fang Yi blinked, as if he was petrified by the old man barking his teeth and claws. After the other party finished yelling, he reached out and wiped the spitting off his face.

"If you can't identify it, just say it directly, why are you shouting..."

Fang Yi murmured a few words in a low voice, turned around and walked out. The crazy appraisal master disappeared from sight, and then he slowed down.

Damn it, this old man really holds a grudge. When he appraised the pet eggs last time, he seemed to have teased this guy a few words. At that time, it was really the old man who talked too much. Didn't expect to remember me now?

It's just that the charm value is low, so there's no need to be so snobbish...

Fortunately, one family failed, and there are several others~ Fang Yi kept walking along the main road, and visited all the laboratories in his impression, but the results were exactly the same—the things in Fang Yi's hands were not natural gemstones, not Areas that people are good at.

Cedar City is rich in ores, and it is easier for appraisers who are good at appraising gems to find employment. Fang Yi originally thought that a gem was not a problem, but who knew that such a strange thing would happen.

How about... go find Queenie again?

Fang Yi weighed the gem in his hand, thinking helplessly.It's just that I owed the druid lord a big favor last time because of the pet egg. Now, I'm afraid it won't be as easy to talk to as before~


Fang Yi frowned and thought for a long time, suddenly his eyes lit up, and he thought how could he forget him!

Seeing that the sun had already set to the west, players who were leveling outside the city began to pour into Xueshan City in large numbers. Fang Yi knew that time was limited, so he passed through the crowd and ran towards the east of the city.

The east side of Cedar City is close to the winding Cedar River, so there is no wall around the city, but a dense jungle instead.Right now, the trees are withered and yellow, and only clusters of dry branches are left in the dense canopy. From the establishment, you can clearly hear the surging torrent of the Shanmu River.

Close to the woods, there is a hut made of stones and logs. The blue stones and taupe wood are closely combined. There are two small skylights on the herringbone roof, and the curling white smoke Coming out of the chimney behind the skylight, it was a peaceful and peaceful picture.

Fang Yi stepped to the front of the hut, and he was relieved when he heard the sound of "clinking" irons coming from the room.

The owner of the hut in front of him is Billito and Stonetoe, a dwarf blacksmith who is unusually low-key in Cedar City but has a great reputation.

In order to appraise pet eggs before, Fang Yi asked the earth-digging warriors about the famous appraisers in Xueshan City, and this dwarf was one of the candidates recommended by the earth-digging warriors.

According to the digger warriors, most people think that Billito's main occupation is a blacksmith, but these senior miners in Cedar City know that Billito's identification skills are actually much higher than those of blacksmiths.

This blacksmith never accepts apprentices, and rarely builds equipment, but he is a master at repairing equipment.Not only is the speed fast, but it also rarely lowers the upper limit of equipment durability, including purple equipment. Therefore, when the durability of equipment is too low, players like to come here to find dwarves to repair it.

Moreover, Fang Yi stayed in Kratos' blacksmith shop for a long time in order to improve his skills. During this period, he saw Billito go to the heart of the Red Dragon once, and took a dozen pieces of excellent quality from Mr. Kui. iron ore.

These two are both famous master blacksmiths in Xueshan City!Could it be that there is a base love...ah no, there is an inside story?

It's just that neither Kratos nor the black bearded dwarf said a word, which made Fang Yi, who was burning with gossip, feel uncomfortable for a while.

Fang Yi himself didn't know much about Billito. The last time he came to appraise pet eggs, the other party just said "I can't see it" and sent Fang Yi away.But since even Quinitos strongly recommended this dwarf, there must be two brushes.

Fang Yi didn't pause, and walked directly into the hut.

As soon as he stepped through the door, Fang Yi immediately felt a heat wave rushing towards his face. Compared with the howling autumn wind outside, the weather in this hut was almost the same as in June.Fang Yi was touched by the heat wave, and a thin layer of sweat broke out on his forehead in an instant.

Several players were standing at the door, looked back at Fang Yi, did not make a sound, but quietly turned their heads and looked inside.

Looking into the room, in the two huge furnaces in the center of the room, the red coal fires are burning vigorously, and the orange flames spit out from the furnace mouth, licking the upper edge of the furnace non-stop.

A burly male dwarf was sitting upright in front of the furnace, skillfully sharpening a broad-edged short sword with a whetstone.The dwarf's fluffy black hair and beard were reflected orange red by the flames, and with the sparks flying around, he looked like a master.

The dwarves are, of course, Billito and Stonetoe. This alternative master blacksmith is a middle-aged dwarf—200 years old is a good age for a dwarf—he usually doesn’t like to talk, and because he doesn’t accept apprentices, this little blacksmith Compared with Mr. Kui's place, the shop is much deserted.

Fang Yi observed the situation in the room, but did not make a sound immediately.It seems that this dwarf is repairing the player's weapon. Isn't it annoying to be born now?

About 5 minutes later, Billito dropped the whetstone in his hand, held the dagger in front of him, stretched out his fingers, flicked the bright steel blade on the sword lightly, and made a crisp "ding~" ring.

"All right,"

As the thick voice sounded in the room, the dwarf inserted the dagger into the scabbard, handed it to the halfling thief standing in the front, and said blankly, "If you damage the weapon to this extent next time, You don’t need to look for me anymore, even if the dwarf’s father does it himself, he won’t be able to repair it.”

"Yes, yes, thank you~"

The halfling thief smiled all over his face, took out a small cloth bag from his waist and handed it to the dwarf, "Then let's go first."

The three players seemed to be together. After the halfling said goodbye to the dwarf, they all turned around and walked out of the gate.

Fang Yi knew that the dwarf in front of him was unsmiling, and besides his amazing charm, the effect of flattering this kind of strange npc was basically zero, so he saved the polite words and took out the gems directly from his bag.

"Mr. Billito, I'm here to trouble you again~"

Fang Yi handed the gemstone to Billito, and went straight to the point, "I got this gemstone by accident, but many appraisers couldn't find out what it was."

Billito remained expressionless, holding the gemstone in his hand, and looked at it intently.For a moment, there was only the sound of "whoosh" from the flames in the room. Seeing the red-faced dwarf reflected by the fire, Fang Yi felt uneasy. (to be continued..)

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