After entering the mausoleum, the players dispersed skillfully, holding torches and starting to survey the terrain.

Behind the stone gate is a square hall, with eight stone pillars neatly distributed in the center, supporting a stone dome nearly thirty feet high.The walls and stone pillars are covered with reliefs, all of which are all kinds of strange animals and plants. At first glance, it looks like a Faerun World Zoo.

Since no one had entered for a long time, a thick layer of dust had already accumulated in the hall, but everyone was extremely careful and moved their steps lightly, which did not stir up much dust.

Exploring treasures is a very professional job. If it is replaced by an ordinary inexperienced team, most of them will hang back to the resurrection point without even seeing what the treasure looks like.

Right now the mage's Dancing Lights spell scouts the way, the thieves serve as outposts to scout for traps, and the others fan out behind.

The distance between the center of the Dancing Lights and the thieves is also very particular. If it is too close, the thieves' stealth may fail, and if it is far away, most of them cannot see the specific situation in the dark.Small details like this are where the true strength of a team is tested.

Misty Dragon and David stood not far from the door, both of them were heavy armor professionals, and it was not their turn to take part in the current expedition.

At this moment, David was pointing at the surrounding walls, telling the paladins inside information about the mausoleum.

"...Those people failed to reach the core area of ​​the mausoleum during the internal test. The hall in front of you is the main entrance of the mausoleum. Entering from here encounters the most traps, but it is also the easiest."

"Because you know the distribution of traps here, don't you?" Misty Dragon glanced at the other party.said laughingly.

David grinned, acquiescing to the paladin's words, "It's part of it. Most of the traps in this hall are in the middle, so we can save a lot of time by going around from both sides."

"Well, let them do some reconnaissance first. If the situation here matches your information, then do as you say,"

The Misty Dragon nodded.Take a deep breath.I feel that the air in this hall is a bit unusually relaxed, "Is there any device in here? Why is it so warm?"

"This... I don't know either,"

David shrugged and said helplessly: "It shouldn't be like this during the internal beta of the game. Otherwise, those people would have told me..."

Listen to what David said.Misty Dragon frowned slightly.Gently poking the two-handed sword on the ground, the line of sight has moved to the hall directly ahead.

In the dark hall, the torches and spell lights of the players danced non-stop.It reflects the lifelike carvings on the stone walls and pillars, but even though there are so many living beings here, the Misty Dragon can still feel a stale and dead atmosphere permeating the hall.

Those present were all front-line members of Poseidon's Horn, and David's own nine-person adventure team (the female ranger has been hung back to the city by Fang Yi) was not mediocre, and it took less than 5 minutes to clear the hall. The situation is probably cleared up.

As David said, 90.00% of the traps in this hall are in the central aisle.The thieves dismantled four more dangerous traps on the right side of the hall. They felt that the team passed through without any problem, so they stopped immediately and did not move the remaining traps.

Because David has specifically warned before that the mechanism in this mausoleum is particularly weird. The more you remove, the more powerful the remaining traps will become. s things.

So the traps here can be moved as long as they can. Now whether the difficulty of this mausoleum is high or low, everyone still doesn't know, and they really dare not act rashly.

With the command of the Misty Dragon, the scouts were immediately divided into two groups. One group led the way and the other broke off. After that, the long snake array formed by the players began to move forward slowly.

"Four of them were dismantled, with little impact,"

David also took a step and followed the team.Looking at the reports of the scouts in the team channel, he nodded and said, "It should be no problem, let the heavy armor professions who open the way ahead walk more slowly..."

However, before David finished speaking, there was a crisp "Crack!" in the hall, and all the players who were stealthily holding their breaths were stunned, and they were a little confused about the situation.

"I stepped into a trap!"

Someone in the team channel immediately said that the voice was a dwarf warrior, and it seemed that his body, which was twice as thick as a normal person, had hit some mechanism.

But the location is wrong, the scouts had obviously scouted there just now! ?

"Not good!" David's heart sank, and he immediately thought of the experience of destroying the regiment mentioned in the information. He ignored the Misty Dragon and shouted loudly: "The team formed a battle formation! Stand against the wall!"

As if to match the exclamation of the soldiers, the stone dome above everyone's head trembled slightly for a while, followed by the crisp sound of "crack, bang, bang" and it became one piece, and a stone pillar at the far end began to rattle non-stop. Falling stones down.

"I have something! Battle formation!"

The Misty Dragon reacted quickly. He understood David's yelling, and immediately directed the team to turn around. The thieves and heavy armor had already stood on the left side of the team, facing the hall.

The prelude didn't last long, and a gray thing "slid" off the pillar.Immediately, a mage in the crowd threw dancing lights, and when everyone saw the appearance of this thing lying down from the roof, they all gasped in unison.

At first glance, this thing looks like a family of giants, but it has no clothes on its body, and its skin is a strange earthy gray.The huge head is like a large weight, except for two glowing red eyes, no other facial features can be seen.

"The rock golem..."

The Misty Dragon groaned subconsciously, feeling that the difficulty of the mausoleum greatly exceeded his expectations—why is the monster guarding the gate of this level?

David on the other side also frowned tightly, the two swords around his waist had already been unsheathed, but he felt a pain in his mouth: The rock golem...

It's just that four traps have been dismantled, and this thing came out...

Could it be that the challenge level of this ancient tomb has really changed?

Fang Yi once saw monsters like golems outside the city of Tesir.To put it bluntly, this kind of thing is a robot, but it is not called that in "Miracle".

There are also many kinds of golems, most of which are man-made for fighting and guarding, and a small number of them are used as servants. The big man in front of him is obviously the former.

Powered by magic and based on the master's will, the whole structure is designed for slaughter.The highest level golem has a higher Challenge Rating than the Horned Wyrm.Standing in the hall at this moment is a rock golem, not the most powerful one, but enough to give Misty Dragon a headache.

"This thing can't do magic, try to slow it down and let the long-range profession attack!"

The Misty Dragon recovered from the initial astonishment, and immediately began to assign tasks to the team members, and then quickly clicked twice in the crowd, "You, you, go up and stand against the golem! Hurry up!"

The two people pointed out by the paladin are the main tanks in the team, and both have grown in strength.The rock golem can be called a meat grinder. Although it has the fatal flaw of being unable to cast spells, if this giant rushes into the crowd, people like myself will probably become pies.

Currently, the average level of the high-end teams in the game is generally 23+, and most of the team of Misty Dragon has reached level 24.

Therefore, most people now have 4 free attribute points, and wearing a few top-quality purple outfits, it is not difficult to break through 25 key attributes. When facing some extreme bosses, such as this powerful magician in front of him Like when he already had the power to fight.

The players swarmed forward, without giving the golem a chance to sprint, the warriors and knights had already raised their shields to meet the rock golem.But David stood still, but frowned, staring at the golem not far away.

David has absolute confidence in his sources, otherwise he would not have signed an agreement with Sea God Horn to explore here.

But what happened to this level 27 golem?A boss of this level can already be regarded as the second or even the third leader of the guard in those hundreds of dungeons!

Besides, the owner of this tomb is an out-and-out Druid!How could there be a golem here!Could it be that the druid still has mage friends?

David faintly felt that he had overlooked some details, but he couldn't remember.The chaos in front of him made David unable to organize any thoughts, so he had no choice but to give up.

"Bang! Bang!"

The rock golem took a big step, a pair of big fists almost dropped to the ground, and when it swung it, it brought up an evil wind, and the momentum was quite scary.The paladin who was standing in front of him obviously failed the sensitivity attribute. One of them couldn't dodge and was hit by the front. A big hole appeared on the quaint steel shield immediately, and he stepped back a few steps.

"Don't take its attack head-on, try to relieve your strength!" Seeing this, the Misty Dragon shouted with trembling eyes.

Right now, the meat shields in the team are all purple shields, and their strength is not bad, but they are not enough to face the meat grinder-like rock golem in front of them.

Only a top-quality purple shield or even an orange shield can face-to-face with a golem without losing the wind.Now I can only compromise and avoid the frontal attack of the golem as much as possible.From here, we can see how important it is to cultivate a high-quality tank in the team.

If only I had the money to buy the Shield of Bacon... Misty Dragon sucked his teeth and thought bitterly.


This is an exquisite little room.

The area is small, but it is well organized. Glass bottles of various shapes are neatly stacked on the wooden table, next to two stacks of books.

There are no candles on the lamp stand, but instead it is a fluorescent stone the size of a fist, and the soft yellowish fluorescence reflects a small piece of colorful color on the glass bottle.

Just looking at this small room, I am afraid that no one would have thought that just outside the door is the eerie tomb of a century. (to be continued..)

ps: I'm late from get off work today, I'm really sorry, but as usual two chapters

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