Mithril Throne of Forgotten Realms

Chapter 428: Shoot When You Should

Fang Yi was in the corner, seeing the black skeletons surrounded by players, he couldn't help but chuckle in his heart: Let's fight, fight quickly!

With his previous experience, Fang Yi didn't have a good impression of Misty Dragon and his group, so he didn't feel burdened by making cold calculations. It's just that this trip to the treasure may come to nothing.

During the internal test, the group received the mission and found the ancient tomb according to the clues of the mission. There must be treasures in the ancient tomb. bad.

But it's different now, following Misty Dragon and the others, this group obviously didn't receive the mission, otherwise it wouldn't be so strenuous along the way.If someone really gets there first, then everyone can only pat their butts and leave.

So this little girl is very important. No matter what missions she has, she will not be too ordinary in this ancient tomb. Fang Yi's plan is to let the black skeletons show their power and kill the main force of these people , and then pick up another bargain, see if you can trigger a hidden mission or something.

To Fang Yi's disappointment, the golden paladin was not in a hurry to act, but started chatting with the little girl through the black skull.

It's a conversation, but it's actually Misty Dragon trying to get information from the little girl in a different way, and the little girl is cursing people in another way. Seeing Misty Dragon's face getting better and better, Fang Yi said I can't help but laugh a little bit.

But hurry up!

Turning his head and looking behind him, Fang Yi was already a little anxious.Those zombies are scary enough, but they are not enough to look at in front of such a high-level team.When the big team from behind arrives, even if Xiao Hei is super strong, he can't stand it! [

Time passed by every minute and every second, and I must have seen the strangeness of the black "black" skull. The Misty Dragon was still talking to the little girl patiently. It was a stalemate for more than three minutes before a foreign player brought With a large group of people caught up.

"Scared me, I thought you had run away."

David heaved a sigh of relief when he saw the distinctive golden armor of Misty Dragon, and immediately turned his gaze to the person and monster surrounded in the middle, his eyes flickering non-stop.

"Little girl, let me ask you one last time, does the owner of the tomb here have anything to do with you?"

Misty Dragon's good words have been exhausted, and the little girl in front of him just doesn't want to get in. Seeing that her team has caught up, the paladin has lost the last bit of patience, and there is already a tinge of coldness in her words.

"Hmph! Go to hell!" Tim made a vicious expression, holding his pocket tightly with his left hand, as if he cared more about the money bag in his clothes than the danger he faced.

Misty Dragon didn't have much patience anymore, he just waved his hand, "Go!"

The players who rushed over immediately swarmed up, but this time without using long-range weapons, the thieves and warriors had already rushed up first.After all, there is a life np, and if she survives, the mission may be triggered.

David's eyes flickered slightly, and his eyes glanced over Misty Dragon inadvertently, but he didn't say anything.

People have already cast the detection technique on the black skeleton in front of them, and the result is just a level 25 elite undead creature, how can it be an opponent of a large team of dozens of people.

It's a pity that these people were deceived by their own experience, and everyone thought of throwing a second detection technique on the black skeleton.

Before the melee players had time to approach the target, a black arc suddenly lit up among the crowd!The buzzing sound shook the eardrums of all the players present.And what appeared in front of everyone was the rusty sword in the black skull's hand!


The two fighters rushing forward were hit by the black light head-on, and immediately fell limply on the ground as if they had lost all their strength, and their bodies slid forward for a long time due to inertia, and rushed directly into the opposite wall. in the crowd.

The people in the team could see clearly that the health points of the two were dropping like running water, and when they were helped aside by the opposite player, there was only a layer of blood left! [

That's not to mention, the white magic shield appeared again around the black skull, and the rusty sword in his hand raised his hand and cut again, another arc of light!

"Grass, don't worry about other things, kill it!"

Misty Dragon's pupils shrank, realizing that this black skeleton was not as simple as an ordinary elite monster, and immediately roared loudly.

There's no need for his team leader to remind him, the players flocking to him have already drawn out their bows and staffs.Just based on the trick just now, it is not an exaggeration to say that the skeleton in front of him is a small boss!

At this moment, the sudden change occurred!

The players on the other side of the passage did not rush forward, because their task was to prevent this person from escaping, and they could not rush forward rashly.But Wanwan, the ranger player who stood at the back, never expected that the truly deadly enemy would come from behind him.

At this time, Fang Yi is actually the boss who is unwilling to make a move.

The Misty Dragon was smarter than Fang Yi imagined, and he didn't take the risk of provoking a fight, which made Fang Yi miss the best opportunity for a sneak attack.

The reaction of the black skull was also a bit beyond Fang Yi's expectations. It seems that its owner gave it an order to protect the little girl first, so it stayed by her side every step of the way, and did not try to break through, because the little girl would Likely to get hurt.

But if you wait any longer, you won't even have a chance to sneak attack.

Fang Yi carefully took out a fireball scroll, looking at the scroll written in bright red elven characters, felt a pain in his heart.Even though the price of the third-level spell scroll has shrunk significantly, it still costs nearly [-] gold coins, which is really confusing.

Eight thousand gold coins is nothing to Fang Yi now, but thinking about those mages and warlocks who can use spells for free, I am really upset that I get both money and experience for using a third-level spell.

The attack of the black skeleton is massive, not to mention the elusive black light arc, the melee attack is also amazingly powerful, and it has already knocked two melee players away in such a short while, although it also cost a few ribs , but this guy doesn't seem to care, it's really chilling - after all, skeletons are expressionless.

So when the fireball spell seemed to sound, no one noticed the wretched assassin hiding in the corner.

A red line quietly appeared in the chaotic passageway, lighting up the dim passageway slightly, before everyone had time to react, the red line had already hit the top of the passageway.

There is a bottomless crack in the stone wall there.

"Boom!! Bang!"

There was only one deafening roar, for then nothing but the humming could be heard in the ears of the people.The width of the corridor was only about fifteen feet, and the power of the shock wave formed after the explosion was released to the maximum.

With the exception of the people at the scene, they were all swept head-on by the sudden shock wave, and they all turned into gourds that fell to the ground, rolling around in the corridor for a while.The scattered and flying stones are flying around like cannons, so chaotic!

The place where the fireball technique hits is a crack in the passage. Fang Yi chose this place to block the players behind. The fireball technique is powerful and has a wide range, but the area damage is not fatal. Fang Yi can only hope that this method can Have some effect.

It took effect, the collapsed rocks blocked the large troops behind, but the explosion point was too close to Fang Yi himself, and Fang Yi was also blown by the shock wave, rolling over, and was directly blown out of the stealth state... …

The falling stones blocked the passage tightly, the black skeleton was holding on to Tim tightly, and the white mask resisted most of the damage, but little Tim's hair was a little messed up, There were some scratches on his face, and his two big eyes were blinking, looking at the situation in front of him in a daze.

In the team of Misty Dragon, the few players responsible for breaking the back didn't have the nb magic shield like the black skeleton. Two of them were smashed to death, leaving only one mage, and two rangers standing beside the collapsed passage side.

The three players looked at each other, and then cast their eyes on the motionless black skeleton, and subconsciously took a step back—this is not a skeleton, this is obviously a black-hearted boss pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger ah!

However, the black skull didn't move, it just put Tim back on the ground, facing the three players, the green soul fire in its eye sockets couldn't stop beating.

"Hiss... Damn it, it hurts me to death..."

In the dark corner of the wall, Fang Yi, who was blown up by the shock wave, just woke up, touched his head, felt that a big bag had been smashed by the flying stone, and couldn't help cursing up.

Fang Yi turned his head and saw the two groups of people who were silent, blinked his eyes twice, and grinned sharply, "Hey, what a coincidence, you are also here to hunt for treasure?"

Because the red "red" queen attacked Fang Yi before, even though Fang Yi took the initiative to attack just now, he would not get a red name, but the three people present could naturally see the attacker's name from the system prompt.Seeing this embarrassing human assassin in front of him, why don't you know who the culprit is?

The black skeleton didn't move at all, and didn't intend to make a move at all. It just protected the little girl behind it, and the will-o'-the-wisp in its eyes stood out in the darkness.

Seeing this situation, several players became more courageous, and cast their vicious eyes on Fang Yi. The leader's mage's hand had already lit up with a white magic light.

"Fuck! Fuck this idiot to death!"

The reason why these few players can play the role of Duan Hou is not only that they are not bad at skills, but also because they are all elves, and they can see things in the dark like day.When the mage shouted, the two rangers also reacted, and they stretched out their hands to draw their bows and arrows.

Of course, Fang Yi couldn't sit still. When the mage shouted, Fang Yi shot out like an arrow from the string, and the blade pointed directly at the most arrogant mage.

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