Mithril Throne of Forgotten Realms

Chapter 448 How Lucky Is It

It's not a good thing to be famous in the game. I don't know how many pairs of eyes are staring at the treasure in your hand... Fang Yi can bind daggers and gloves, but other things can only depend on luck. I dare not be careless.

What to do next?

It must be leveling~

The newly acquired ring "Apostle" and the upgraded elf dagger can only be equipped at level 25+. Now Fang Yi, who has been hung up once, is only at level 24, and neither of them can be used...

Before he died, Fang Yi's experience had reached 25% of level 89, and now it is 24% of level 89. The pressure to upgrade is not too great, but looking at the word "Sensitivity -1" on the character attribute panel, Fang Yi is not worried. Comfortable for sure.

The attribute points obtained at level 25 are deducted by the system, and the sensitivity value will return to the normal level only after re-upgrading.

Fang Yi first went to the auction house to buy a green weapon casually, and made do with it for the time being - with the Tyrannosaurus Wrath in his hand, killing mobs would not lack damage.

Xueshan City is huge, and it is not difficult to find some ordinary tasks such as killing wild wolves and chopping up robbers in the city.In addition to finding some wild adventures in the adventurer's hall with relatively concentrated mission locations, there are already seven or eight small missions on the mission list.

Speaking of which, Fang Yi has not done this kind of ordinary task for a long time.After running back and forth between some advanced hidden tasks for a long time, I almost forgot the normal leveling days of fighting monsters, gaining reputation, and then picking up things.

There are a lot of players in Xueshan City, but fortunately there is the existence of the King's Mine, diverting most of the players.So the leveling map is not overcrowded.

More than an hour later, Fang Yi has come to a map called Wind Erosion Land, a little far from Xueshan City.

The wind-eroded land is located on the south bank of the Shanmu River, not far from the river bank. It is connected with a large cobblestone landform on the south bank, as if an extremely huge stone protruded from the ground, which formed this forest among a forest. Fart, your terrain.

There are sandstones and huge raised rocks everywhere here. Years of wind erosion have gnawed out various shapes of rocks on the ground. There are countless large and small interconnected caves and ravines. If you stand high enough, you will be lucky enough.It can also be seen in the gaps between the rocks.Those looming simple buildings.

The Land of Wind Erosion is a settlement of half-orcs and orcs. There are several large tribes camping here. Players joked that if you walk in this stone forest, you can see a dozen orcs.No need to bother to find monsters at all.

So when the task here is refreshed in the adventurer's hall.They will definitely be snatched up immediately.Fang Yi was lucky to receive a few.

Tyrannosaurus Wrath in his right hand, an ordinary green dagger in his left hand, and distinctive earth-gray novice shorts on his legs—Fang Yifu attracted the attention of many players as soon as he appeared.

But Fang Yi focused on leveling.How can I care about other people's eyes.The crude equipment of the half-orcs couldn't stop the wrath of the tyrannosaurus dragon, and monsters around level 22 didn't have any pressure on Fang Yi.

Wherever Fang Yi passed was the wailing of half-orcs, and when the orc army heard the sound, they could only see corpses all over the place, and the perpetrator had long since disappeared.


"There is a group of green orcs on the other side of the mountain and the other side of the sea. Their wooden shields are rusty and their axes are rusty. They have a bit of bad breath! They are yelling in foreign languages ​​and spitting blood volume 99. They use poison and call you an assassin dog~

oh!Cute green orcs!oh!Lovely green orc..."

While humming a little tune, Fang Yi took out a few copper coins from the orc corpse, wiped off the blood on them, and then threw them into the backpack.

Turning his gaze to the other side, the west-slanting sun left an orange light curtain on the wind-eroded land, covering the pale sand and boulders with a thin layer of sand.Under the thin sand, there are the corpses of orcs lying on the ground.

After killing here for a whole afternoon, half-orc teeth and orc finger bones needed for the mission have been collected in sevens and eighty-eight, and the main thing that is missing is the ghost staff of an orc shaman.

Fang Yishou stayed here to wait for the orc shaman to refresh.Because many people's missions require this thing, in order to avoid conflicts, the players have divided their territory, and whoever brushes it will be theirs.Otherwise, everyone's time will be wasted because of robbing monsters to pk each other, and everyone understands this truth.

(If the task is accepted by a team, as long as the captain gets the item, the task will be considered complete)

Now that the weather is getting colder and colder, Fang Yi has to put on a warm coat over his equipment, which will inevitably affect his actions, but it is better than being frozen and unable to hold a knife steadily~

After finishing off the two-man orc team, Fang Yujing waited for the orc corpses to respawn, then climbed up the rugged rock again, and found a place leeward to the sun to continue waiting-this orc shaman's mission rewards a lot of experience, After it's done, kill a few more orcs, and the remaining 1% of experience will be settled.

Listening to the sound of the wind whistling in his ears, and watching the flying dust above his head, Fang Yi couldn't help but think of Laomo and the others again, and thought that if Qinggang were here, he would definitely make a pot of stewed snake + barbecue in a different way The desert rat's big meal is coming, I can't help swallowing when I think about it...

How about I also learn cooking skills?


Fang Yi was swallowing his saliva while YYing here, when he heard a faint roar coming from the southwest direction!The sound was caught in the north wind with the call sign, and it was not real, but Fang Yi had been in close contact with these orcs for a long time, and he immediately recognized that it was the roar of orcs.

It's a little far away... Fang Yi smacked his lips, but didn't move.There are rules for doing quests. Going to other players’ sites without authorization will cause public anger. Besides, there are still three or four people queuing up in Fang Yi’s small space. Fang Yi will be banned immediately if he leaves Someone else took it.

But luck is something that you don’t have when you want it, and you can’t stop it when it wants to come~

The orc's unique roar came from far to near, and upon hearing this movement, it turned out that they ran straight in this direction.The joy on Fang Yi's face flashed, and the scimitar was already in his hand: Hey, did you come to me?

Fang Yiju looked condescendingly at the narrow passage between the stone forests, with a scimitar in his right hand and a crossbow in his left hand, waiting for the prey to come to his door by himself - after a period of experimentation, Fang Yi found helplessly that the green dagger he bought was not as good as an assassin The hand crossbow is easy to use, and it is worth changing the fighting style.


With a "plop" sound, a figure rushed out of the aisle, and Fang Yi, who was holding the crossbow tightly, raised his eyebrows, but the crossbow did not shoot out.

It wasn't the orc who rushed out, but a player!

This scrambling person should be an elf mage or warlock. His whole body was covered with dust, and he looked panic-stricken. Even the wand in his hand was broken in two. He looked very miserable.

Behind the elf player, two melee players ran out, shouting for their teammates to run, and kept looking back. From the scars all over their bodies, we can see the brutality of the previous battle.


Before the voices of several players fell, there was another roar at the corner that Fang Yi couldn't see, followed by the magic power in the air gathering at a speed visible to the naked eye, and a black palm appeared out of thin air, Grabbed towards the player who stood at the back.

Seeing this, Fang Yi still can't think of what is behind the players?Having no time to pay attention to the three people in a mess, Fang Yi strode directly around the stone pillar in front of him, and came to the corner after a few vertical leaps.

A guy who is one size smaller than ordinary orcs is hiding behind time in an extremely sinister manner. The braids on his head are dancing in the wind, his red eyes are full of bloodthirsty light, he is grinning and gesticulating, obviously casting a spell !

Orc Shaman!

Little girl, can I find you if I hide here?

Seeing the long-awaited target, Fang Yi smiled sinisterly, raised his hand at the orc's green forehead and shot an arrow!


Common monsters at level 24 took a little bit of trouble, but it wasn't too much of a hassle.

Fang Yi leaned over to pick up the staff from the orc, looked at the words "ghost staff" on the item description, and nodded in satisfaction. The experience for this mission is now in hand, and the upgrade is not far away~

Turning his head to look at the three novices on the opposite side who were a bit at a loss, Fang Yi shook his head speechlessly. It is true that a newborn calf is not afraid of tigers. Players who have just advanced dare to go to the 23+ map to practice, not looking for death what is it

"Thank you very much, this orc shaman is too difficult..." The elf mage in charge grinned, showing a mouthful of white teeth, "If I hadn't met you, our third brother would have confessed here today."

"That's right, why did you kill the orc shaman by yourself, master? He has a shield on him?" The warrior player among the three asked excitedly. It seemed that he was more interested in Fang Yi than the orc shaman. Still high.

"There are also many kinds of shields. Some of them can't be broken no matter how high your attack power is, and some of them will be invalid if you shoot them with a crossbow."

Fang Yi was in a good mood after receiving the mission items, and explained to a few people how to identify the shields on the enemy, "I think you are all just advanced? Why are you here?"

"This... originally had a mission," the leading elf mage hesitated, exchanged glances with his two teammates, and then said: "But looking at it like this, we definitely won't be able to do it for a while. ,too difficult……"

Fang Yi's eyes lit up when he heard this, and he also became interested: it's unreasonable to do the missions of level 21 on the map of 23+~

"Master, I think we can sell you the quest clues," but before Fang Yi could speak, the elf mage took the initiative to sell, "Instead of taking risks here to do quests, we might as well practice leveling~" ( To be continued..)

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