On the cliffs on both sides, countless rocks appeared out of thin air and fell towards the top of the crowd like raindrops. The big ones were like a small house, and the small ones were not as big as ordinary people's fists.These stones that fell from the sky seemed to be slow and fast, and they had already reached the top of everyone's heads in the blink of an eye!

This stone was thrown from a cliff more than 100 feet high...

No monster can compare to the lethality of these falling rocks at this time. The gathered players were caught head-on by the gravel, and the crowd who were already preparing to celebrate immediately flew into blood, followed by a series of dazzling white lights Soar into the sky.

Jian Ershisan raised his head and looked at the increasingly larger stones in his field of vision, his heart was already icy cold.


"Those who have acceleration scrolls are used! The acceleration technique is for those with short legs!"

Cyan Liuying was only stunned for a moment, then quickly woke up from the shock, and loudly ordered the teammates around him to retreat. In the panic, the female ranger turned her head and took a look.

The other side of the clearing had turned into hell. Two huge boulders, as tall as a person, jumped twice from the hillside, and then slammed into the crowd on the ground.

In just a split second, the gray-white boulder was stained with spots of red, and then ran over the crowd with an unstoppable momentum. In an instant, more than a dozen heads in the team list went dark.

it's over...

Cyan Liuying followed the crowd, leaning tightly against the corner of the weedy stone wall, watching the ground a few feet away being smashed into several big holes by the boulders falling from the sky, and her heart was full of bitterness.

This time.The entire team of [-] people has to hang up once, and there are a few unlucky people who stepped on the trap halfway, and they have already hung up twice.

However, the players here suffered heavy losses, and the two-headed demon wolf surrounded in the middle was not much better.The stone didn't have eyes, and this guy was surprisingly big. The flying stones hit the wolf's body like high-speed bullets, and the beast screamed endlessly. The sound of crashing blocks and the screams of players are intertwined, turning this canyon into a real hell!

Only Fang Yi's team moved to the side of the canyon due to the early start.Avoid the consequences of being directly hit by falling rocks.Except for a few unlucky ones who were smashed out of a few bags by flying rocks.There were no casualties.

"Don't stand still! Make up the buff quickly!"

Seeing that the team members around him were in a daze, Fang Yi immediately reminded loudly, "How many rocks are there on this mountain!? Get ready to go out to pick up the boss!"

When Fang Yi shouted, the people around him immediately came back to their senses.Everyone is a battle-tested elite.No matter how tragic the experience of destroying the group has been.The massive "stone rain" in front of them was not enough to dampen everyone's fighting spirit.

Just over ten seconds ago. More than 30 people hung up directly from the dungeon, and now there are only [-] people left in the dungeon.

With an elite team of a hundred people, there are only a dozen people left at the No. [-] boss... Although I know that this first kill is not so easy to get.But Cyan Liuying couldn't help feeling a little frustrated.

What else can a dozen people do?

"Don't be discouraged, the regiment hasn't been destroyed yet,"

Fang Yi took the time to put a bandage on himself, and while looking at the boss in the distance who was dodging the falling rocks in a hurry, he said to the somewhat discouraged blue Liuying beside him: "This guy must not have much blood."

"But...the King of Blades is already dead..." Qing Liuying stared at the smoky battlefield opposite and said, her tone obviously lacked confidence.

"That guy's movements are slow and his skills are poor. It's the same with him or without him~" Fang Yi sucked his teeth and said with disdain, but the content of the words made everyone present have black lines on their foreheads.

Just thinking about it, Cyan Liuying immediately thought that the human assassin in front of him was originally a warrior, and he seemed to have the right to comment on anyone...

"Everyone sit down and rest, and try to recover as much as possible. The magic wolf shouldn't be able to automatically restore life. When the boss sees this way, let's rush out again,"

Fang Yi conveyed his thoughts succinctly, and the confidence in his tone made everyone feel certain, "Let's do this... and do this again..."

Fang Yi took over the command of the team naturally, and most of the people present had no special reaction.

A few of them turned their attention to the blue Liuying with a lively mind, but seeing the female ranger listening carefully to Fang Yi's explanation of tactics with frowned eyes, they silently swallowed back the words that came to their lips.

Whether it is the real world or the virtual world, whenever it is critical, there will always be some people who stand up to act as temporary leaders. The natural self-confidence exuded by these people makes it easy for people to build trust in him.

In this regard, Cube is very similar to the president~ Cyan Liuying clenched the longbow in her hand, thinking so.


A dozen huge stones rolled down from the mountain made many big holes in the open space, and also turned the large open space that was originally flat into a gravel ground that was difficult to walk on.

The surviving players dispersed into teams of twos and threes, scattered among these large or small stones, and when they saw the opportunity, they would show their heads and throw spells or arrows at the boss, as long as they attracted the attention of the boss. Power, immediately activate skills, shoot scrolls and run away, fully displaying the essence of guerrilla warfare.

And from the beginning of the war to now, the lively boss has also shown signs of fatigue. The most surprising thing is that the speed of the boss of the wolf is not as sharp as it was when he rushed forward.

Boss is fast in a straight line, but he is clumsy and abnormal when turning around - this is the most useful conclusion Fang Yi has come to after working hard behind the magic wolf's butt for half an hour.

Fang Yi hadn't been able to figure it out before, the slow turn of the boss is indeed a weakness, but it is useless for this kind of open space battle?With two heads and a big broom-like tail, the wolf's attack range is super wide, which completely makes up for the shortcoming of slow turning.

It wasn't until the boulder fell from the sky that Fang Yi suddenly realized: this is what happened after a long time...

Fang Yi's tactic is very simple, that is to rely on these huge stones taller than a person to harass the boss to death

The average time it takes for the wolf to turn around is about 4 seconds. In the first two stages of the battle, due to the open terrain, even knowing that the boss turned slowly, he didn't dare to get too close.It's different now, cats put spells behind stones, warriors and thieves shoot arrows, and throwing knives can always...

Fang Yi himself, relying on his sufficient physical strength, continued to chase the boss's chrysanthemum, firmly occupying the first position in the output group, and throwing the second berserker who had already died farther and farther...


outside the copy.

After the player dies, because the teammates in the instance are still fighting, these players outside cannot re-enter the instance for the time being, and the system will not allow teammates inside and outside the [-]-player instance to communicate with each other, so everyone can only wait outside dryly.

Jian Ershisan had already rushed over from the resurrection point near the dungeon, and was standing at the entrance of the dungeon, frowning, staring at the towering and majestic dungeon entrance without saying a word.

Such a wasted opportunity...

Jian Er Shi Thirteen turned his head and glanced at the team members behind him, feeling regretful in his heart - the luck of opening up wasteland this time was actually very good, there were only a handful of players killed by mobs, and the number of people who died on the way to the boss's charge was also very limited.

The most important thing is that from the beginning to the end of the whole battle, the King of Blades was hit by the boss less than 10 times!Even with the bonus of the Beacon Shield, this number is already quite against the sky...

You know, when trying to open up wasteland in the past, there were not too many cases where the tank was shot twice by the boss in seconds...

That's why Jian Er Thirteen was extremely annoyed—because the success of land reclamation fell short this time, and also because he failed to pay attention to the suggestion of that cube earlier...

Fortunately, everyone was fortunate enough to see the skills of the third-stage boss, so it's not like nothing was gained.

Thinking of this, Sword Twenty Thirteen called out the team channel on the panel, ready to analyze the specific play style of the third stage for the players present, and see how to arrange it after the rain of rocks, so as to have the greatest confidence in knocking down the boss.

At such a moment, Jian Ershisan suddenly felt a silence in his ears, and a familiar yet unfamiliar sense of silence immediately overwhelmed all the surrounding voices.

The human sword master immediately raised his head, seeing the players around him were as surprised as he was, he immediately thought of a possibility, and his heart sank: Damn, this is the prelude to the system announcement, is there another guild that got the [-]-player copy? First kill?

And the system prompt that followed made Jian Ershisan, who was used to seeing big scenes, enter a crash state.

"System prompt: Congratulations, your team successfully killed the No. 1 boss, the two-headed wolf, in the [-]-player dungeon "Dwarf's Rune Bunker"."

"Congratulations on getting the world achievement 'World No. [-]: Killing the Two-Headed Demon Wolf!'

Congratulations, you have obtained the world achievement: 'I am a legend' (under the premise that no one in the team has experienced the third stage of the two-headed wolf, some team members survived the third stage and successfully killed the boss)

Congratulations, you have obtained the world achievement: 'Rabies Vaccine' (defeat the two-headed magic wolf when there are no more than 20 surviving players in the team)

Congratulations on getting the world achievement: 'Look at my god dodge! '(Defeat the two-headed magic wolf when there are no more than 3 heavy armor professions left in the team)"

"System prompt: Congratulations to the Chinese guild 'Cyan Paradise' for killing the No. 1 boss of the Rune Bunker for the gray dwarves: the two-headed magic wolf. This is the most difficult dungeon boss that players have defeated so far!

The name of Cyan Paradise will forever be engraved in the history of Faerun Continent! "

Almost at the same time, the system isolation in the team channel disappeared instantly, and the frantic shouts of the team members in the dungeon immediately came from the team channel!

"It's over!!"

"Grass mud horse! Finally passed!"

"Drop the orange and pretend! Whose elephant leg is this, don't get in my way!!... Oops!" (To be continued...)

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