Mithril Throne of Forgotten Realms

Chapter 475 Spotted Deer

After confirming Fang Yi's identity, the tense atmosphere between the two sides disappeared immediately.

Of course, it wasn't because of Fang Yi's domineering arrogance that he was shocked and surrendered, but because the leader of the adventure team in front of him, the human ranger "One Arrow Piercing the Cloud", was a good friend of the elf blacksmith Xiao Ming in reality.

Meeting Fang Yi in Xingmu City and completing the scabbard was an important turning point in Xiao Ming's blacksmith career.After that time, Xiao Ming's blacksmithing skills were like passing a pass, and the exquisite and even purple strange objects made by him emerged in endlessly, and he became a well-known blacksmith player in Star Twilight City.

But now, everyone's hot topic of discussion is not on Xiao Ming.

On this uninhabited wild map, seeing such a legendary character, many players in the team have immediately turned into super fans, and surrounded Fang Yi who was sitting next to the bonfire.

You know, the overall base of professional players is not small, but those who really make a lot of money from games like Fang Yi are rare after all.So instead of saying that everyone is interested in masters, it is better to be attracted by the halo of "millionaire" shrouded in masters.

Of course, most people don't know that Fang Yi has made far more money in his career than what everyone sees now...

"I heard that your dagger that can be upgraded was picked up at level 5... isn't it... just got it?"

"Go, go, don't talk nonsense! Master, I heard that you killed all directions when you were in Xingmu City, and you killed both the previous and the previous Xingmu City, right?"

"Fang Fang Fang Fang, I saw your pk video on the forum. Why do you seem to be able to know the opponent's moves in advance? Have you really been playing virtual games since you were eight years old?"


Surrounded by chattering players, Fang Yi felt a strong sense of unreality—it was still a deserted jungle with only darkness and moonlight before, but in the blink of an eye, the burning bonfire was enlarged several times. The number of people has also increased several times.

At least it's much better than camping alone in the wilderness, isn't it?

After chatting with Xiao Ming and a cloud piercing arrow for a while, Fang Yi finally understood why he saw an old acquaintance here.

Unlike Snow Cedar City, Star Twilight City hasn't snowed yet.Xiao Ming's girlfriend is also a player in life, learning alchemy.Right now, a precious medicinal material is needed to hit the bottleneck of skill proficiency.And this kind of medicinal material has a chance to be found only after the heavy snow.

And One Arrow Piercing Cloud happened to organize a fixed team, ready to take the team on the first adventure, the two hit it off immediately, and chose the Gusmel Forest, which had already snowed heavily for several times.

"Master. What are you doing here? I read the news on the forum. Aren't you working on a dungeon with the people from Cyan Paradise?" Xiao Ming asked excitedly, and he was obviously very excited to meet old acquaintances here.

"Oh, I have a mission. I have to follow the clues into the depths of the forest,"

Fang Yi just skimmed over his itinerary without elaborating.Talking lightly and talking deeply is a big taboo in taking risks in the game. Fang Yi has never suffered this kind of loss before, "Are you going to go deeper?"

"Well, we still have to go up along the Shanmu River." Yijianyunyun came over at this time, nodded and said: "We were chasing a winter leopard just now, and its fur is a good material for making leather armor. If we hadn't seen it we should have started long ago."

Since it was on the way, Fang Yi didn't mind walking with the team in front of him - the key is that these people are all good players, and they don't have any worries about holding back.

As for One Arrow Piercing Cloud, Fang Yi is naturally very welcome to join: A well-known professional player like Fang Yi, his professional ethics is not too bad, and he has no skills. Which team doesn't like it?And everyone is not here to fight the boss, so there is no need to worry too much about the distribution of loot~

After sitting around the bonfire for more than an hour, Fang Yi and everyone became acquainted.Although the sky didn't seem to brighten at all, everyone had already packed up their tents, extinguished the campfire, and were ready to go.

The main purpose of camping in the game is to eliminate fatigue. Once the character's physical strength returns to normal, they can start on their way. For the team of One Arrow Piercer, four elf players are enough to ensure that the team can move forward in the dark without too much trouble. Dangerous.

But when Fang Yi called back Ji Feng who had been cruising around, everyone couldn't help being amazed.

"Wow! What kind of pet is this? Is it a winter wolf? It doesn't look like..."

The only two female players in the team were immediately attracted by the majestic Monsoon, who was dressed in azure fur and running, and they started a heated discussion.Fang Yi could only spread his hands, indicating that he didn't know what breed this big dog was...


Regardless of the hardships of trekking in them, these untouched wildernesses are actually more beautiful than people think.

Under the heavy snow cover, there are still some special plants that are still green despite the severe cold; those animals, big or small, that have never been seen before are still full of vitality, and there are also raptors that fly across the sky from time to time, and they are bigger than people... These scenes are all different It has such a wild taste, which makes people so fascinated.Along the way, Yi Fang has recorded no less than ten demos, but he still finds it a bit unsatisfying.

About what herbs they came here to find, Yi Jian Yun and Xiao Ming didn't elaborate, and Fang Yi didn't ask the question ignorantly.It's just that everyone is taking the same route, and cooperation with each other is a matter of course.

The team walking through the forest was silent, only the "creaking and creaking" sound of the thick snow under the feet kept ringing among the towering giant trees.Fang Yi walked on the right wing of the team with Ji Feng, and accidentally stepped on a section of withered yellow branch, making a crisp "click".

Suddenly, a yellow figure jumped out from under the tree in front of Fang Yi, and ran to the depths of the forest like lightning.Fang Yi grinned, and just wanted Ji Feng to catch up, but when he heard the sound of the bowstring behind him, a white feathered arrow flew out like a shadow, and firmly nailed to the yellow shadow.

"Ha~ I have rabbit meat for dinner~"

Piercing the Clouds with one arrow ran out from the team, came to the prey in a few steps, took out a fat hare from the snow, shook Fang Yi, and said with a smile, "Master, how is your cooking skill?" ah?"

Fang Yi just curled his lips and shrugged his shoulders when he heard this, thinking that after such a long time, he has only learned one thing about grilling fish, and I will leave it to you to cook rabbits~

Fang Yi was about to make a joke with Yijian Chuanyun, when he suddenly felt a soft rustling sound coming from the depths of the forest, like the sound of something stepping on the snow, but it sounded abnormally fast, like a series of drumbeats Same.

"Cang Lang!"

Fang Yi's heart was so dusty that he simply pulled out the scimitar and waved to Yi Arrow Piercing Cloud who was still admiring the prey in his hand, "There is a situation, quickly hide!"

There are special scouts in the team, but these people's listening and reconnaissance skills are a level lower than Fang Yi's. After Fang Yi pulled out his scimitar and issued a warning, these scouts discovered the abnormality.Arrow Piercer also felt that something was wrong, he immediately stuffed the hare into the backpack, and pulled out the longbow.

"Crack, creak!" "Boom, boom, boom!"

The sound came very fast. It was originally a slight sound in the distance, but it came close in the blink of an eye.As soon as the rangers and mages in the team formed their formation, there was a sudden vibration from the depths of the jungle, and immediately after that, a giant figure rushed out from the gap in the trees!

This is a giant deer!

On Fang Yi's sturdy body, which is half taller than Fang Yi, is a deer head with a fierce face. The two ferocious antlers on the top of the head are shining with a cold light. It looks like it doesn't grow out, but looks like a deer. It was made of metal and then installed.Anyone who saw this pair of antlers would have no doubts about the serious consequences of being pushed on by this guy.

It's just... the body of this deer is covered with yellow and white stripes. If it weren't for the obvious antlers, Fang Yi would definitely think that this deer is the cousin of the zebra—the spotted deer.

"Storm Giant Deer!"

Fang Yi only had time to look at the intruder, but he was still remembering which breed it was.Unexpectedly, Yi Jian Yun Chuan Yun on the other side would be the first to shout out, and it sounded like the surprise in his tone far outweighed the surprise.

It was too late to say it, but the giant deer, which was similar to a tank, didn't seem to see the dozen or so adventurers in front of it at all, and ran straight towards the crowd without reducing its speed and direction.The huge hooves stepped on a deep hole in the snow, and the shaking ground made a "thud-thump", the momentum is amazing!

Seeing this momentum, Fang Yi yelled inwardly that it was not good.

Because it was an adventure in the jungle, the team of One Arrow Piercing Cloud only brought one strength fighter, and the rest were all auxiliary professions except Ranger and Mage.This giant deer started to charge from dozens of feet away, even if there were five or six fighters here, it would definitely be unstoppable, let alone this large group of crispy skins right now?

"Get out of the way!"

Fang Yi yelled, and at the same time gave orders to Ji Feng, one person and one dog immediately jumped to the two sides, trying to avoid the giant deer coming head-on.

But to Fang Yi's surprise, not only did the players behind him not dodge, but they all drew out their weapons. The mage cast a spell and the ranger drew a bow, trying to fight this monster!

"Don't hide!" Yijian Chuanyun, who was standing alone in the distance, ordered sharply, and then shouted at Fang Yi: "Fang Fang, that's our task monster, we can't let him run away!"

Before the words were finished, Yi Arrow Piercing Cloud had already shot an arrow. The magic arrow brought out a stream of light blue magic light, and it was accurately nailed to the giant deer's front legs, but the actual effect was lackluster. The giant deer only slightly After a pause, he continued to run wildly, without even looking at An Arrow Piercing Cloud.

I rely on!

Fang Yi cursed secretly, stopped his figure, and at the same time pulled out the assassin's crossbow from his bag, aimed at the giant deer that was about to pass by him, the green light shining on the tip of the arrow was very dazzling!

You don't look like a boss either, you'll be eating spotted venison tonight! (To be continued..)

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