Tons of snow fell from the branches dozens of feet high, and slammed heavily on the snowy ground, making rumbling noises, and the ground trembled non-stop.

The snow on the surrounding trees was also affected by the shock, and more and higher snow blocks crazily fell towards the ground like a series of traps.For a moment, the dull crashing sound swayed back and forth among the trees in the forest, and one could feel a vibration coming from under one's feet from a long distance away.

The flying snow particles were carried up by the air flow to a height of more than ten feet, raging back and forth in the air like sand and dust in a strong wind, and it felt painful to hit the face.

The snow foam filled the space of about six or seven feet near the ground, and it was still spreading in all directions with the airflow caused by this small avalanche. From a distance, it looked like a thick fog suddenly came out of the big forest, covering everything on the ground. Everything is devoured!

The low-key king turned around and looked at the earth-shattering scene behind him. He was so shocked that he couldn't speak for a long time. He just opened his mouth stupidly, and didn't even notice that the portraits of the four teammates on the team list turned gray. .

What the hell... what's going on?

Until now, the low-key king hasn't figured out what's going on. Could it be that the one just now was not a thief, but a mage?Or is it an npc?What happened to that scream just now?

The low-key king is a member of a well-known studio in the professional circle. The main purpose of coming to Gusmel Forest this time is to experience the latest regional war system in "Miracle". To put it bluntly, it is to try it in the wild Feel.

The northern slope of the Osram Mountains to the edge of this forest is the border between the Dragon Coast and the Tumis Empire.At the foot of this mountain that stretches for thousands of miles, there is a map of thousands of miles, which belongs to the demarcated area of ​​​​the regional warfare system. Starting from Xueshan City, you can reach there along the Shanmu River upstream.

After discovering the giant storm deer by accident on the road, the low-key king took the initiative to ask for orders and led a small team to follow him all the way here.I haven't heard of anyone hunting this rare monster before, and the low-key king has already felt that this monster is not easy to deal with before he actually fights it.

In the forest, the action is like the wind, leaving traces and very shallow.If it weren't for the low-key king himself being a guardian of the jungle.Probably lost it long ago.

As for the group of people who came out halfway, the low-key king didn't take it to heart at all - he didn't even know the monster's habits to start a war. He looked like a rookie at first glance, and was hit by the enhanced lightning whip of the storm giant deer, which was equivalent to half disabled!

Just hang up the crap that gets in the way.Wait patiently for half an hour.The items dropped by the storm giant deer naturally become ownerless.Anyone can take it.

Everything was developing according to the low-key king's plan until the scene just now happened.

"Grass... what's going on..." The low-key king and the few surviving teammates were all shocked by the shock, and they just kept subconsciously muttering to themselves.


2 minutes ago.

Fang Yi turned a deaf ear to the druid's shout not far away.He just cut off two antlers with all his strength, and also peeled off a large piece of the storm giant deer's skin.

In just a few seconds, Fang Yi only had time to make these few moves, and several hostile players turned out from behind the tree, and found Fang Yi who was squatting next to the corpse of the giant deer.

Without any hesitation, Fang Yi raised his left hand and swung it in the air. The scroll of the ghost sound technique was activated immediately, and the simulated "boom" sound immediately exploded in the air-the sound Fang Yi selected was the blasting sound when the fireball technique exploded.

At the same time, Fang Yi's other hand was not idle. First, he called Ji Feng, who was beside the cat, back to the pet space. Then he reached out and took out the Deep Earth Walker Amulet. He jumped into it and was melted by the blood of the deer. In the snow pit! ——The blood of the storm giant deer is full of heat, and it has already melted the snow that is more than two feet thick.

As for the unlucky ghosts around, Fang Yi can only pray for each other silently in his heart~

Everyone knows that when driving in the mountains in winter, especially when walking on high-altitude mountain roads, you must pay special attention not to make too much noise, because any small vibration will cause a devastating avalanche!

This experience is also applicable in the forests of Faerun.

Different from the real world, ancient plants that have grown for hundreds of thousands of years can be seen everywhere in the game. The giant sequoia, the largest plant in the real world, can only be regarded as a giant tree in front of these towering giant trees in the Gusmere Forest. A weak little brother.

Therefore, the snowflakes accumulated on these branches are measured in tons!No less than the snow on some small peaks.

The storm giant deer stepped here just now, and made a few noises at the top of its throat. The vibration caused was not small, and the snow on the trees had already been shaken loose.In addition, Fang Yi designated the activation location of the ghost sound scroll at a height of more than ten feet in the air...

As a result, the snow on the giant cedar branches could no longer maintain its original state, and a devastating avalanche began!

Just like the butterfly effect, the more snow falls, the greater the vibration, and more snow will fall on the surrounding trees. In this cycle, the "forest avalanche" lasted for more than 1 minute. After a while, it slowly stopped.

a long time……

The snow particles floating in the air fluttered and fell on the snow, slowly revealing the surrounding environment.

The towering trees all around shook off the ice edges that were hanging on their bodies, and threw off the snow clothes that were draped around their bodies.Instead, the snow on the ground was several times thicker.

Some of the smaller trees were overwhelmed by the sudden avalanche, and the low shrubs and the footprints left by the previous players could not even be seen.

In this dead and quiet environment, a certain flat snow surface trembled without warning, and then, a dagger flashing water-like magic ripples suddenly pierced out from under the snow, and then moved up, down, left, and right. After a while of stirring, the originally very flat snow layer was messed up.

At the same time, a small pit collapsed in the snow centered on the dagger, and then the small pit became bigger and bigger, and soon became a big hole that could accommodate one person.

Two paws with white fluff stick out first, followed by a big dog's head covered with white and green long hair, it is Ji Feng who is in a good mood.However, there was a lot of snow on the dog's nose, and Ji Feng's originally majestic figure looked a bit embarrassed.

At the same time, Fang Yi's voice came from the cave.

"Monsoon! I'll count to three! If you don't go up again, I'll bury you here!"



Ji Feng let out a disdainful cry, but he still had some scruples about his master's threat, he crawled out with his front paws scratching, without looking at Fang Yi who was still in the cave, he just ran to the side to play in the snow went.

Within a few seconds, a pair of hands with deerskin gloves came out of the hole, firmly grasped the edge of the snow hole, tried it out, and then turned up from the hole with both hands.

"Huh... ah bah bah!"

The first thing Fang Yi did when he climbed up was to take off his gloves, button out the snow dregs in his nostrils and ears, and then he gasped heavily.

"This shit... I was almost killed by myself..." Fang Yi lay on the ground sprawled on the ground, looking at the blue sky between the trees above his head, full of joy for the rest of his life after the catastrophe.

Originally, Fang Yi planned very well, just dig holes in the snow directly from the ground, but who knew that the snow layer was surprisingly hard, not as loose as it seemed on the surface.Fang Yi and Ji Feng dug up desperately, one person and one dog, and finally crawled out before being suffocated to death.

Next time, I will prepare scrolls for fireball, burning hand, etc... Fang Yi sat up from the snow, thinking with lingering fear.

Fang Yi didn't dare to stay where he was - who knows if those people are dead or not, and whether there are reinforcements?Taking the monsoon all the way south, Fang Yi found a hidden tree hole in a huge tree with a diameter of ten feet until he left the scope of the forest avalanche. After confirming that no one was following him, he used the Using the elf dagger as an auxiliary tool, he quickly climbed up the big tree and got into the tree hole.

Sitting down in the cave, Fang Yi felt sore all over his body. Looking at the stamina gauge, the remaining stamina was less than [-]%.

The level of this storm giant deer is definitely not lower than 25!Fang Yi recalled the situation of the previous battle, and thought of it with certainty.After being attacked by so many people, I had more than 3000 blood points when I cut off the opponent in the final stage. The level must not be lowered...

Thinking of this, Fang Yi immediately opened his backpack, took out a few things from the bag, and carefully placed them on the ground full of rough bark—a habit developed by playing virtual games. They are all used to laying things out in front of them by categories, and then look at them one by one in order.

Because Fang Yi felt that in this way, looking at the items in different shapes in front of him, the pleasure and satisfaction of getting the loot would be extra strong, and the desire for possessiveness would also be most satisfied~

Apart from the two particularly conspicuous antlers and a few pieces of hastily collected deerskin, the rest are the things dropped by the giant storm deer.

A light gray, speckled ball, maybe a pet egg, but the circle is too regular to be like;

A black shiny wooden stick, covered with large and small knots, looks like a staff, maybe a magic wand, because it is not long enough;

The last one is a scroll! ——This is the second scroll of unknown purpose that Fang Yi has seen in the past few days!

Haha~ Is it possible that my time is turning around?Fang Yi immediately reached out and put the scroll in his hand, and raised his hand to shoot the identification technique.But at this moment, the message manager beeped.

Fang Yi curled his mouth wide and said to himself, who is disturbing Lao Tzu's happy time?

"Team Channel: Cube, have you got the antlers! Collect them quickly, there are medicinal materials on the antlers! If you don't pick them within half an hour, they will be invalid! ——Xiao Ming" (to be continued...)

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