Mithril Throne of Forgotten Realms

Chapter 481 Fang Heimian and Ben Hypocrisy

Now Fang Yi is on the weak side, and only by hiding in the dark can he maximize his advantages, so it is better not to alarm the other party, after all, the other party does not look like a rookie, it is not wise to fight hard...

Fang Yi bowed slightly, approached the entrance cautiously, and paused every step he took, seeing that the tall figure in front didn't respond, then raised his foot and continued to move forward.

The reduction surgery reduced Fang Yi's body size by 30% and his body weight by three-fifths at the same time.Apart from his looks, Fang Yi now is no different from a dwarf with a slightly taller head.

Contrary to the enlargement technique, the reduction technique is rarely used in combat, and is generally used to cross special terrain or assist in stealth operations.

Every time he goes out for an adventure, Fang Yi will try his best to prepare all the items that may be used. Now it seems that this kind of preparation is quite worthwhile.The current Fang Yi is petite, and his weight has also been greatly reduced. Most of his silent movement skills have also received a bonus, and his stealth action ability has been greatly improved compared to normal conditions.

Fang Yi tried his best to make his footsteps fall on the footprints left by those people before him, lifting and lowering gently, and he couldn't be more careful.

The ranger player who stayed behind looked left and right, very dedicated to his duty, but he didn't notice that not far behind him, a small and almost transparent figure was approaching the entrance of the cave.

Fang Yi held his breath and concentrated. After getting within four feet of the opponent, he was so nervous that he even subconsciously stopped breathing-this was different from the usual sneak attack, blindly seeking quickness could not solve the problem.

Fang Jue felt that the distance was almost the same, so Fang Yi supported the edge of the stone brick with his right hand.Taking advantage of the effect of the Feather Fall Technique on his body, he jumped directly to the black hole from three feet away!


The ranger player felt a very slight wind sound coming from behind his head, and subconsciously looked back - there was nothing but air behind him, and the snow on the ground looked smooth and unmarked.There is still a small amount of strange smoke lingering in the dark hole, and the situation below is still unclear.

Business as usual.

"Strange..." the ranger player scratched the back of his head and said to himself.

If the ranger player was more courageous and poked his head into the hole, he would immediately find that a player from the "dwarf" tribe was looking up at him nervously.

At this time, Fang Yi was already in a cold sweat...

Fang Yi's tumbling movements were perfectly completed, successfully crossing the snow in the middle and falling into the hole accurately... But who would have guessed that the fog at the entrance of the hole is poisonous!

Just entered the cave.Fang Yi came into close contact with the cloud of poisonous gas at the gap.With a series of "-1" damage emerging, the stealth effect also disappeared.Fang Yi just stood at the entrance of the cave and looked up, neither daring to drink medicine nor move around, for fear that the person above would notice something.

Just froze for a few seconds.Seeing the head on top of his head shrank back.Only then did Fang Yi subconsciously move his breath.Unexpectedly, the poisoning was deeper this time, and the series of "-1" above the head jumped more vigorously.

Fang Yi hurriedly took two steps towards the side on tiptoe, leaving the other party's sight range first.But the foot was lifted up and it didn't fall down.Fang Yi's eyes remained fixed again.

Just less than two feet away from Fang Yi's feet, a slightly crude trap was lying there silently, and Fang Yi's big foot stepped on it in just a few tenths of a second!

It's funny... These people are not professional tomb robbers, why are there still traps here?

Fang Yi wiped the cold sweat off his forehead, and slowly retracted his legs. The two of them stood on tiptoe step by step like light bulbs, and finally left the range of the poison. At this time, Fang Yi's HP was only a little over 40 points. up.


Leaning in the dark passage, Fang Yi let out a long sigh of relief.There are so many twists and turns just entering the door, what is hidden in this tomb...

Although he kept complaining in his heart, Fang Yi knew that the team he was following was not simple—it would be better to have one less person to participate in the battle, but also to reserve a special person to watch after the break; Forget, these people can calmly set traps in the passage.

All these made Fang Yi, a loner, feel pressured.

But Fang Yi's character is like this, the more difficult the challenge, the more excited he is, and the harder it is to restrain himself from trying.


There was no light at all in the passage, but it was not a problem for Fang Yi.The messy footprints on the ground, the large and small cracks on the walls, and the fat mice running around in the passageway, barking their teeth at Fang Yi from time to time, all could not escape Fang Yi's eyes.

However, Ji Feng is obviously very interested in these rats whose size is obviously larger than the normal size, so he wanted to pounce on them in a hurry. Fang Yi was so frightened that he quickly drank it, frowned, patted Ji Feng's head, and gave a stern look. .

"If you eat rats, you will never want to lick me for the rest of your life! You will be asked to brush your teeth ten times a day! No, twenty times!" Fang Yi said with a cold face, and lowered his voice to teach Ji Feng a few words.

Ji Feng looked at this ferocious master innocently, his black eyes were full of puzzlement - although he didn't know what brushing his teeth was, it sounded pretty scary, so let's give him some face for now~

Fang Yi and Ji Feng walked slowly because they were concerned about the trap left by the group in front of them.Even so, Fang Yi could still feel that the ground of the passage was slowly descending—it had been going down for ten minutes.

Nine out of ten people with some strength and fame in Faerun Continent are freaks. I hope the people buried here are not too perverted...

Fang Yi was puzzled, and while carefully guarding against possible traps, he carefully recalled the information he had collected during the internal test.

During the closed beta, the treasures of the mausoleum were revealed several times, and the monsters inside were all undead without exception. The most advanced monsters that appeared were vampires, and the more advanced ones were necromancers, liches, etc. Fang Yi has not heard of it so far.

Speaking of the game, the players are indeed no different from crazy tomb robbers.But all the tombs and mysterious places recorded in the history of Faerun.Unless you can't go at all, players have already stepped through the threshold. If those dead legends or nobles still have sanity, I don't know if they will feel scared~

Thinking back to some useful and useless clues in his mind, Fang Yi walked along the tunnel for a few more minutes. After turning a corner, what appeared in front of him finally was no longer the same dark passage, but replaced by someone who was one step taller than Fang Yi. Double the stone gate.

The appearance of a door means that there are variables ahead. It stands to reason that Fang Yi, who has been dead for a long time, should be happy.But looking at the three identical stone gates in front of him, the corners of Fang Yi's mouth almost drooped to his neck.

Alas... such an old trick... Fang Yi shook his head and took a few steps forward.Looking at the stone gates with different appearances in front of them.Can't help but think.

The three stone gates are all on the same semicircular wall, two of them are slightly open, and the middle one is tightly closed.The dust that was originally deposited on the stone wall and the ground has been swept away, and it can be seen vaguely.The walls of this small room are all gray and white marble.

The weird thing is.There are no decorations on these finely carved marbles.The surface is as smooth as ever, as if it is just playing the role of ordinary wall tiles.

But Fang Yi knew that was not the case.

Ancient tombs in reality, whether domestic or foreign.The meaning of the existence of the tomb is to preserve the body of the tomb owner and the information about the tomb owner. The rest of the spiritual sustenance and other invisible and intangible things are too illusory, and Fang Yi is not interested.

Well, the game is no exception.If this is indeed a mausoleum, there should be some traces—carvings, relics, or even written things are possible.

Just like Fang Yi encountered the ancient tomb of Little Tim near Shuofeng Town not long ago, there are statues and ancient characters all over every passageway—even though Fang Yi couldn't understand a single word...

But thinking about it now, from the time I entered the tomb to here, the long and terrifying corridor in the middle was completely bare, exactly the same as the marble-built room in front of me.

Could it be... this is an unmarked tomb?

Fang Yi touched his chin, frowned and thought about it, maybe the owner of the tomb had made too many enemies in his life, and he was afraid that the enemies would come to dig up the grave and flog the corpse, so there was no trace left outside?Reminiscent of the "entrance" of the tomb on the ground, this possibility is very high.

But doubts are doubts, there is still a practical problem in front of Fang Yi - which door to go.

I don't know how the group in front made their judgment, but they chose the door in the middle without much hesitation, because most of the footprints on the ground were concentrated in the middle, Ji Feng also twitched his nose a few times, nodded slightly, and agreed with his master's statement .

Fang Yi walked to the door of the middle room and tried to push it, but sure enough, it couldn't be opened.

It can be seen that the original intention of the design of these three stone gates is to limit the number of visitors.A door can only be passed through once in a period of time. Once passed, the door will be closed quickly, and it is estimated that it cannot be opened in a short time.

Fang Yi's brows knit together again.

"Sister, if these people can find this place, they probably know which road is the safest... What if they choose a dead end..."

Fang Yi looked at the closed stone door in the middle, looked left and right at the door with a gap opened on both sides, and said to himself with a bitter face: "Forget it, time is precious..."

"Male left and female right!"

Ji Feng sat obediently by the side, watching his master mumbling non-stop, although most of them couldn't understand, but Ji Feng could still tell the difference between male and female, left and right.

So looking at Fang Yi who was striding towards the stone gate on the right, Ji Feng tilted his head and looked at his master with puzzled eyes. Shaking his big head, he let out a soft whimper.

"I don't understand what I'm looking at," Fang Yi heard the voice, turned around and saw Ji Feng's eyes full of "joking", and was amused by this petite pet, and then said confidently: "These sayings are anti- Yes! It’s definitely right to go to the right!”

Fang Yi looked back at the heavy gate in front of him, and the crack in the stone that seemed to reveal endless darkness, and added worriedly, "Well, it must be true."


After 10 minutes, Fang Yi had to admit that his "reverse thinking" did not change the fact that he was a big black face.

The road on the right is not dangerous, but the originally spacious passage has collapsed long ago.Broken stones fell everywhere on the ground, and the originally neat walls built of marble also had holes in the east and west, exposing the damp soil layer behind the walls.

Originally, the waterproof measures in the tomb were well done, basically ensuring that the tomb as a whole was dry.But after this passage collapsed, all the groundwater in the surrounding strata seeped in through several gaps.

The most important thing is that it is impossible to walk normally in the collapsed corridor, Fang Yi can only crawl over with hands and feet, so after 10 minutes, Fang Yi finds that he has changed from a valiant assassin to a clay figurine.

"Fuck, no wonder those people don't go this way!"

Fang Yi wasted all his strength.With great difficulty, he crawled out from a gap in the ruins.Shaking off the muddy water on his hands, Fang Yi's terrible mood can no longer be described in words.

As for Monsoon, he ran back to the pet space as soon as he discovered the "harsh environment" here... Fang Yi could only wait for the muddy water on his body to be refreshed by the system, and then slowly entered the stealth state.

The current "road conditions" here are terrible.The actual space is much larger than before.Ten feet in width and height.Besides being more spacious.There is another difference from the previous passages here, that is, there are quite a lot of forks.

These forks are long and short, and the distribution is irregular.But without exception, all are dead ends.Fang Yi walked slowly in the dark, with only the "tick" of water droplets and his own breathing in his ears.


Just when Fang Yi began to think about whether he would get into the sea of ​​falling stars if he went on like this, a strange color suddenly appeared at the end of his vision of the black and white world!

Fang Yi rubbed his eyes subconsciously, and then he was sure that he was right.There is indeed a faint orange-red glow at the end of the passage.That kind of feeling is like seeing faintly visible lights in the distance in the night with only a little starlight, which is both blurry and clear, and Fang Yi's spirit is greatly lifted!

"Okay~ I don't have to climb the tunnel anymore~" Fang Yi raised his hand, shook off the muddy water on the glove, stretched out his hand to hold the scimitar at his waist, and murmured excitedly: "Come on, let Let me see what is hidden here!"


Somewhere in the mausoleum.

Dozens of torches were burning, illuminating every detail in the hall.The huge stone pillars with five people hugging each other stood tall and pierced into the darkness at the top of the hall.

And in the center of the field, a fierce battle was going on.

The two thick thighs of the giant skeleton stomped fiercely on the ground, and directly stepped on the half-foot-thick stone on the ground into two big pits. The nearly nine-foot-tall pale body seemed to ignore gravity, ruthlessly It hit the ground fiercely, and then rose up like a spring. The huge ax in his hand made a piercing scream, and swung it towards the motionless player in front of him with a "buzz!"

The momentum of the skeleton's attack perfectly explained what it means to be overwhelmed by Mount Tai, but the arcane knight in front of it is stronger and faster!


I was crazy and didn't evade, but raised my hand to add a brute force technique to myself, raised my foot and slammed on the ground and shouted, the two-handed sword in my hand raised a terrifying light from bottom to top!

"Dang! Bang!"

The two-handed sword of the Arcane Knight is less than half the size of the giant skeleton axe. As long as others take a look at it, they can immediately draw a conclusion: this arrogant knight will definitely be blown away by the giant skeleton axe, and then hang up. It is not impossible.

But in fact, it was the opposite. The huge ax in the skeleton's hand collided head-on with the knight's great sword, sparks jumped up and at the same time, as if it had been cast by some kind of magic, it sliced ​​to the side, almost slashing On the stone slab at the feet of the Arcane Knight.

The two loud noises were almost connected together, causing the ears of the players watching the battle to ring!The broken stone chips shot out in all directions, and many players who hit them screamed.

I kept moving crazily, and raising my hand was another acceleration technique. The two-palm-wide giant sword slashed on the skeleton's leg bone with a "bang!", sending a cloud of bone chips flying.

"Dangdang!" "Bang!" "Dangdang!"

All of a sudden, bones and swords rang out in the arena, and loud shouts came out from time to time, spurting the blood of the players watching the battle around them. They were both nervous and excited. They all clenched their teeth and clenched their fists, as if they were It's the same as being on the court.

A few minutes later, as my frenzied sword stabbed into the eye socket of the giant skeleton, the originally fierce undead monster finally couldn't support it. The undead magic that supported its actions was exhausted, and it lay powerlessly on the ground.

"it is good!!"

"The leader is invincible! Haha~"

"It's really cool, the leader is number one in the world!"

As the skeleton fell, the players who had been nervous for a long time finally breathed a sigh of relief, followed by cheers and cheers.The low-key king immediately ran forward, took out a bottle of wine from his bag, and handed it to the Arcane Knight.

"Boss, you are so amazing! This is a level 27 elite!" The low-key king smiled brightly, like a blooming chrysanthemum, "No one in "Miracle" can catch up with you now! "

I tilted my head up in a frenzy and drank a few gulps of wine, the corners of my mouth were slightly raised and there was nothing wrong with it, but the expression on my face was a little self-concealed.

Finding this skeleton monster in this mysterious mausoleum is also one of my stupid and crazy plans.I knew that there was such an elite monster here. What's even more commendable is that this monster has no magical ability, and is restricted in this hall and cannot walk around at will. Thicker, no other advantage.

"Has the demo been filmed?"

The arcane knight turned his head and asked the low-key king, and seeing the other party nodded with a smile, he smiled with satisfaction: "Put the demo on the forum later... By the way, it must be noted in the demo that I don't have any buffs on me." magic."

"Ah?" The low-key king raised his head in surprise, saw me staring at him insanely and meaningfully, froze for a moment, then hurriedly nodded, "Yes, yes, that's how it is~haha~" (To be completed continued..)

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